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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 18, 2024 10:00pm-10:28pm MSK

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1.0 rub. does not stop everyone, and this is not surprising if you look at photographs of the cars of such violators lamborghini, tesla and, as usual, mercedes. owners of premium cars apparently believe that the law is not written for them. parking on bicycle paths, inspectors remind, creates a potentially dangerous situation. i would like to tell drivers one thing: be more careful when choosing a parking place for your car, now there are a lot of bike paths in moscow, be careful.
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car and can’t find the money to pay parking, the question is open, while there is no answer to it, madi inspectors continue to patrol the streets. daniil sukhoruchko, dmitry kanovalov, emil musaev, conductor, duty unit. the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, ordered an investigation into information about the antics of an impudent major on the beach in mariupol. after we talked about the situation in the previous issue of our program. the impudent man parked his car in the middle of the beach a few meters from the sea and reacted aggressively to the shouts of local residents. now his behavior will give an assessment. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you. this is a big information evening. we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. they do their
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job brilliantly in the crossfire of the enemy. how the fighters took artyomovka shoulder to shoulder, first-person footage of the assault. news that brings despair. the british economist predicts a quick defeat of the russian army, because the reserves of soviet equipment are already running out, apparently, there is no other way to motivate taras to go to slaughter. does not work. the kiev regime, with the permission of their mentors, is poisoning our fighters with chemical weapons. what actions will help you not die? a rescue algorithm has appeared on the internet. lies from commanders, negligence and criminal orders. in the units of the armed forces of ukraine, losses are growing and riots are brewing, and the general staff is drowning in inspections. eurotour with a swastika. the azov terrorists went on tour, one of them. centuries has already
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been marked by t-shirts with a quote from hitler. european officials will do it again looks like they didn't notice. enemy mortar work and real assault. this is how the publication ridovka describes the published video, for which it is actually not at all easy to find the right words, because in terms of entertainment and at the same time, in terms of drama, it is probably among the top shots from the north military district zone. the shoot place. the settlement of artyomovka near the borders of the lugansk republic and the kharkov region, which is still in mid-june. came under the control of the russian armed forces, well , actually, here you can clearly see what it was worth it: the intensity of the fighting was without attraction, the highest, and it can be assessed from the first person, literally through the eyes of a russian soldier who took part in the attack on the fortified area of ​​the armed forces of ukraine in the middle of a very dense private building, where it came down to close-range shooting combat , virtually face to face with the enemy, that is, what was required of our military there was not easy.
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we see what is happening through his eyes, he gets up and continues through the ruins, through trees broken by explosions, he continues to carry out the combat mission, this is character, steel, the guys there received an attack, but he straight up stood up, a fighter, generally handsome, walked off, most likely he would discover that some small fragments had hit him, but he did not attach any importance to this, he walked forward, as if most likely he was in this group either a leader or a commander.
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kherson region, it turns out that among the militants who tried to capture this settlement at the end of last year and at the beginning of this year, over 700 people were officially declared missing, that is, translating from the language of enemy propaganda into russians died, although the real losses of the opponents of that suicidal operation were undoubtedly much higher, the details will be revealed by stanislav bernwalt, but not the population.
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it is separated from the main channel of the river by islands, this section of the dnieper bank is under the control of russia, despite this, ukraine has repeatedly tried to carry out landing operations in the krynki, declaring that this settlement could become the gateway and impetus for a campaign against crimea, in february the authorities of the kherson region announced the complete clearing of this territory from the ukrainian armed forces. it's about strategic there is no need to say the significance; for now this was, as they say, a purely tactical task to consolidate. on the left bank, then to expand the bridgehead, but as a result, they were simply squeezed there in a fire bag for a very long time ; on this bridgehead, on the territory of this bridgehead, the personnel who were crossing with the nearby island across
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the konka river were destroyed. before likhovoy’s cautious statement, the ukrainian authorities seemed to have filled their mouths with water, meanwhile... according to the ukrainian publication investigative information, 788 ukrainians went missing military personnel, and this number of missing people was recorded in just 9 months, from october 23 to the end of june twenty-four. it is reported that during the same time it was possible to remove 262 bodies of dead servicemen from the region; this is official statistics; in fact, there were many more dead. what it is? did a fragment arrive? yes, show me, it’s rotting, right? come on, show me, come on, pussy, they’re just eating, this poor fellow, devoured by worms, is one of the ukrainian marines, captured by attack aircraft of company v 328 airborne regiment on one of
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the dnieper islands opposite krynoki, says that most of the crews of the boats that tried to cross the dnieper were in an attempt to secure artillery and precision strikes by unmanned aircraft. he says he was lucky on one. he managed to hide from the islands, where our stormtroopers captured him, dropped him off, drowned him, defeated everyone, what, i think, is their plan, to the end of everything? how many people are left alive that you haven't seen? i can’t even imagine that i was kicking, everyone kicked me, then i switched off, and when i woke up, who the hell knows, the prisoners say, they are hastily listed as missing, the command is trying to get rid of the corpses, because there is no body, there is no case and there is no compensation for the relatives of the dead soldiers, despite the failure of the command, as the prisoners say, under threat of execution, they are still driving the marines to inevitable death, those who goes into denial. at best, he will face a tribunal, at worst, a bullet in the forehead. it is clear that the operation
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failed, well, it is not possible to expand the bridgehead, it is not possible to achieve any results, the ukrainian command has become a hostage to its own military propaganda. according to our military, there were four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces marine corps in the krynki, which were faced with the task of reaching the western coast of crimea. the enemy's losses here amounted to almost 3,500 people, and crimea never loomed on the horizon. stanislav bernwald, news. the ability to produce new equipment has fallen to a minimum, while soviet stocks with russian troops are experiencing a very serious slippage or even the inability to achieve the stated goals of the special operation, since the military-industrial complex is nowhere stagnates, it is supposedly possible to continue hostilities only due to the weapons accumulated during the times of the ussr, and again they will supposedly be exhausted next year. the forecast, of course, cannot help but be compared with the legendary ukrainian mantras. that russia has two or three more missiles left , but if propaganda is kiev’s municipal
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grain, we’ll sort it out with the help of vadim zavodchenkov. british journalists are blowing the dust off old training manuals. according to the economist magazine, russia is running out of military equipment, and its industry is allegedly unable to close the needs of the front. this is who they are trying to convince of this: kiev, themselves, or maybe us? in my opinion, why are they talking about this pussy now, so many media, they are trying to create some kind of atmosphere for future negotiations, and show that everyone is tired, no one wants to fight anymore, so there are no options other than to sit down at the negotiating table, they everyone understands perfectly well that they will not win this war; the british base their reasoning on the fact that russia in the northwestern military district zone is actively using soviet equipment from once preserved for... this is so that later it could be re-mothballed and used somewhere. fortunately, from the soviet union
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, which foresaw a war with nato on european territory, we inherited a rich inheritance. according to some estimates, about 17,000 tanks alone could have been stockpiled by the beginning of the northern military district. combat vehicles with powerful weapons are readily available. why shouldn't we use them? of course, taking into account the age of the equipment, t-50 tanks. again now they serve exclusively as self-propelled artillery, in our case we use weapons that were produced in soviet times the production of necessary ammunition and components has been established, so the equipment is shown in good condition, even if this equipment was produced quite a long time ago, but the fact that we have a rich soviet heritage does not mean that we rely on it, during the years of the russian northern military district, the second year, when the west finally managed... to drag us into a confrontation with their proxy army, the domestic military industry
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delivered 500 tanks to the troops, in 2023 already 1500. to date, the pace of deliveries of armored vehicles has increased by 3 and a half times, infantry fighting vehicles - nine times, self-propelled artillery ten times, a completely new, effective, at the moment, loitering ammunition lance has appeared, and this.
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the ukrainian army, placed in a world of illusions where victory is possible, you just need to continue to throw yourself, as if into a meat grinder, at a technologically superior enemy, this is where the nonsense in the ovens came from, but now the situation has changed, an informational marivo in which the ukrainian western citizen has been plunged. it’s already obvious to everyone that it’s not our army that has big problems, it’s not we are starved of shells, a catastrophic shortage of equipment and personnel, not moscow, but kiev. catches anyone on the streets who can hold a weapon in their hands. they began to voice this quite rarely, because it already looks funny and stupid, frankly speaking. in one thing, the british are right, we really have fewer soviet weapons, shells, stocks are simply being used up, the newest
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high-tech types of weapons are taking up space in the vacated storage bases, and for ukraine...
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meeting the vice-presidential candidate vence, the republican delegates did not yet understand that they might be welcoming the future president of the united states, because trump is also not young, and if something happens to him during his second term, vance will take over the reins of governing america, and then the presidency is just a stone’s throw away.
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the vice presidency, an application for the possible role of head of the white house, publicly called trump an idiot and now...
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an american hero, says the inscription on the poster, by the last day on which trump himself is expected to speak, security measures are already maximum, as it is reported that f-35 fighter jets will patrol the skies over milwaukee today. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from melwaukee, wisconsin. well, meanwhile, the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson, said that he does not consider joe biden fit for the role of an american leader, if you hear it that way. and from a republican is still in the order of things, then the former democratic speaker has already told the american president about this. according to media reports , she called biden and said that if he does not withdraw his candidacy, the democratic party... for sure loses, the current head of the white house himself went into self-isolation, he was diagnosed with coronavirus, although doctors say the symptoms are mild, and
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alexander khristenko will tell you how this fact can affect the election campaign. suddenly, what many fellow party members have openly dreamed of is coming true. biden is physically withdrawing from the race, for now, however, for a good reason. i was just talking. was on the phone with president biden, he said that he was very disappointed that he could not be with us now, he had just discovered covid. everything was discovered in las vegas, where biden managed to go to a mexican restaurant to meet with sponsors, but as soon as he learned about the diagnosis, he immediately got ready to go home, across the country to his native delaware. the tradition of filming every departure of the head of state gave everyone the opportunity to form their own impression.
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in the middle of the path, he waves to someone, those who want to go down the ramp, slows down for some reason , fewer and fewer people respond to the greeting.
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president biden has covid and is forced to suspend his personal participation in campaign events, and now biden is isolated physically and, frankly, politically at a time when he is trying to save his campaign, and a former speaker reportedly told biden that if he doesn't withdraw his candidacy. democrats will lose elections to the lower house of congress. the pressure is increasing. influential congressman adam schiff became the twenty-first democrat to call on biden to - quote: pass the baton. persuasion is still weak. if he doesn’t recuse himself, we’ll disconnect him from funding seems to have been decided by the democratic elites. in las vegas, biden managed to meet with jeffrey katzenberg, a hollywood business shark and intermediary in wealthy media circles. shrek ikunde's producer said at the meeting that
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his followers saw the following post: i'm sick of elon musk and his rich cronies trying to buy this election. musk responded with one phrase: i live in his head completely free of charge. in the comments , biden was immediately reminded that the decisive financial role in his victory in the twentieth year played by the owner of the largest.
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hints that one of the main pillars of his support has collapsed. ex-president barack obama, who is extremely influential in the democratic party , questions biden’s viability as a candidate. former president barack obama has told allies in recent days that president biden's chances of winning have diminished significantly and he believes the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy, according to multiple sources with knowledge of his position. and then the new york times newspaper citing sources, reported that. democrats delayed biden's nomination. online voting has been moved from next week to the first week of august. in a word, in intense private conversations with his
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