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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 19, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm MSK

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that if we talk about ideology, it’s just when the national interests of your country are placed above any other interests of any other country, well , just remember this one example, there was such a minister of foreign affairs, andrei kozyrev, this was in the nineties , he was minister from 1990 to ninety-six, this is such a vivid example of decay. i know from personal experience, we flew together to america, somewhere in the nineties, chernomyrdin took me with him, we flew for many hours, how long does it take to fly to america, all this time russian foreign minister, read, you know, no, not tolstoy, not dickins, and not even a newspaper, he read a collection of odessa jokes, all the way, but that’s okay, when we arrived there, they took us... somewhere and we
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arrived at some factory, and there was a huge pile of robes folded there, a worker’s clothes from this factory with a label and so on, it was like a gift, you could choose your size, motherfucker, that’s when i saw how the minister foreign affairs of the russian federation, throwing off his jacket, in which there was a diplomatic passport, maybe some serious documents, i don’t know what else, he frantically chose these clothes, tried them on, discarded them, then tried them on again, he was looking for his size, and then not only for himself, and it was so monstrous, it was so embarrassing, well, okay, okay, but there are things more important, after kozyrev, as you know, the minister of foreign affairs was yevgeny maksimovich pryamakov, i knew him very well, he was a friend of my sister’s husband, the writer yulian semyonov, they were friends, here’s the story. .. which he
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told, he learned this from the words of his ex united states president richard nixon, who asked kozyrev, who at that time was the minister of foreign affairs, he asked him what the interests of the new russia were, to which kozyreev replied: one of the problems of the soviet union was that we were stuck on national interests , now we think more about universal human value. how familiar are universal human values, multiculturalism, tolerance, yes, but if you can, says the russian foreign minister, to the former president of the united states states, but if you can tell us how to define national interests, then i will be very grateful to you, of course, nixon, to put it mildly, was dumbfounded by this answer. as a result
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, he formulated his attitude towards kuzrev in one word: slug, that is, by the way, once again the importance of a person in history, such a person as kozyrev, when american advisers sat in a white house on two floors, wrote us laws and wrote us a constitution, between by the way, when we lost our sovereignty, with his direct participation this little man... our allies under the warsaw pact, when we withdrew troops from germany, from the baltic states, when without asking for anything in return, without even asking... to be rebuilt instead of the
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barracks that were in these countries, built here, no , an open field, when the baltics, the entire baltics created with the money of the russian taxpayer, today turned into a pack of angry balloons. kozarev is an example, there were many like him, there were many like him, they did what they had to do as a traitor and received asylum for border to the west. for example, kozyreev lives today in mayama, now they will tell me conspiracy theories, what kind of conspiracy theories, facts, just facts, for example, what kind of conspiracy theories can we talk about when we find out that this year the parliament of the new free russia is meeting in warsaw from june 22 to 25, in which , attention, 60 former russian deputies participate. issues
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a resolution, read that regime change can only be achieved by force. the west is simply obliged to encourage revolutionary actions within russia, the use of force against putin’s murderers, their financiers and propagandists is morally justified and necessary for victory, that is, through terror. this is proposed by people who had everything from this government, being at its feeding trough, and in parallel with the forum on june 24, austrian politician günter fellinger appeals to the world,
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listen, we won the cold war by arming the taliban in afghanistan so that they could defeat the soviet , we must do the same today by arming. russian internal armed opposition based on islam to destroy russia. see how the interests converge: on the one hand, to incite migrants, helping them to think that russians are stupid, stupid, illiterate, untalented, drink, and so on and so forth, on the other hand, to give the russians a reason. live under the slogan, beat the migrant, save russia, the game is done, the game is done, what do we get as a result, we get a constantly burning russian house, we need
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to throw firewood into this inferno all the time, which is what they do, but on the other hand, there is absolutely objective things, facts, the chairman of the investigation committee alexander ivanovich bastrykin says this... listen, at the same time, despite a slight decrease in the crime of migrants, there is an increase in especially serious crimes committed by migrants, plus 32%. the share of especially serious crimes increased to 26%. in the twenty-third year , the number of crimes against sexual integrity and sexual freedom of the individual increased noticeably. in the field of drug trafficking, plus 27%, we have irreplaceable specialists bringing tons of drugs into the territory of the russian federation, a crime extremist nature with plus 147%.
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another trend that is being observed today is that they are working less and less on construction sites. according to our data, 13% of those who move in. it’s like we should build something, just work, work on construction sites, let’s be honest, they don’t come here to work, but to receive the benefits of the russian federation, through residence, yes, through obtaining citizenship, citizenship can be obtained in 3 months, with on the other hand, our compatriots who, for various reasons , found themselves outside the russian federation, for years, being russian, for years.
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migrants are rioting, russians are resisting, the goal has been achieved, but in order to avoid this, what is needed is that it is necessary for the state, the authorities, the laws to deal with these issues seriously, not on paper, isn’t it, and the state duma works, it makes decisions about new offenses for which migrants are expelled from russia, another 20 articles of the code of administrative offenses were added there, and through the efforts of the president they began to streamline the rules by which relationships are being built with those coming to obtain russian citizenship, what have we seen? look, this is a message from the ministry of education and science
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of the russian federation. the average percentage of migrants who did not pass the russian language exam for the period from january to may increased from 3% immediately to 30, but it was not their knowledge of the language that worsened, no, it was their work that improved, it was increased control. that is, what happened was what was supposed to happen, and this error is 10 times, it existed until the moment they started doing this, they started doing it now, that means, until recently, in our country there lived a huge number of people who did not pass the test of loyalty to the country they came to, and the new law adopted will not affect them, because they are already citizens of the country.
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there is a ban on ideology, but there is no ban on purchasing weapons for those who have just received russian citizenship, there is not even a filter, not for a year, not two, not three, in order to understand how loyal a person is and how normal a person is and how healthy he is a person who has acquired citizenship and now wants to purchase weapons, this is what it leads to, look, this crowd of migrants who arrived at the drug dispensary for a certificate allowing them to purchase.
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ever heard of rubber flats? well, you've probably heard it. look, this woman, tatyana kotlyar, has registered in
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vobnensky, this is the kaluga region, since 2009 in two of her apartments, listen carefully, 10,593 foreign citizens, that is, about two people a day, normal, of course, her activities are not it's no secret that there are charges against her... but as many as seven criminal cases under article 322.2 of the ukrf, the punishment is only fines, which he is not going to pay, she will collect this money by announcing a collection, and i, of course, these 450 thousand that are required to pay a fine, they are neither in my pocket nor in my savings book lie, so i announce a collection of funds to pay the fine, she co-sponsors... because what she does is called human rights activity, as
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this mantra is familiar to us, this magical combination of words, as we know what sometimes hides behind it, no, there are people who really do this, they really defend human rights, but there are also those who hide behind this, look at the headlines of our russian newspapers, look at what a gift mrs. kotlyar is to the west, she is a heroine, just think about it, in 2005 she was nominated for the nobel peace prize, she ended up in among thousands of outstanding women on the planet. why the fictitious registration of migrants? so how? no, i understand, of course, there are refugees who need it, of course, yes, that’s true, but this is completely different and amazing, the argument of those who defend precisely these rubber apartments, they say that
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you understand, it is more convenient to track the activities and lives of people when they live.
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no, they were not taught that they could know, well , at least even about the main religion of the country in which they live, about orthodox christianity, if textbooks and histories, we talked about this, out of more than 300 pages four are dedicated to christianity, i am concerned about this even the president, listen to what he says, the head of this center told me today with regret, they spent ...
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now i want to remind you of the monologue of the mother from one of our previous issues, listen, guys, maybe i’m wrong, but today i ’m just seething with indignation all day long, the spitting was that at this international economic forum , whoever you think, nineteen-year-old tiktoker danya milokhin was invited as a speaker , this is a man with... the face of a degenerate, releasing bastard, i can’t say it any other way, videos dressing up in women’s underwear, a man, i don’t know, who has how many classes of education, and this man was not invited to eurovision, to international economic forum to teach people, entrepreneurs what, how to make money, but the worst thing is that
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sberg made him his youth face, as soon as i look into my eyes. what changed? listen to what the head of vtb andrey kostin says. here, let’s say, in our country there are only 30 to 40 titanium welders left throughout our country. listen, where can children learn respect for their country when their adult uncles and aunts don’t respect it? where,
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when the pride of the country is not confirmed by anything. in search of nature for 20 years. in order to always keep within yourself that image, not always personable, not always beautiful, not necessarily evoking a feeling of joy and pride, sometimes it...
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i address these words to myself absolutely equally as to others, only in 2018, when this the horror became more blatant,
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a project called the improvement of the wave was adopted, for which 127 billion rubles were allocated at the first stage in the same year, now through the efforts of an absolutely, in my opinion, heroic woman, state duma deputy ryabskaya. a check was introduced which established that 121 objects were checked, only six reached the target. in addition to the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on ecology and environmental protection, zhanna ryabtseva, the parliamentary control commission also included the popular front and representatives of two relevant ministries, construction and natural resources. what the inspectors saw with their own eyes is shocking, this is what the sewage treatment plants built according to... the federal project, which never started working, look like in the new nekouz of the yaroslavl region, next to it there is a pipe from which directly to a waterfall of sewage flows onto the ground, the smell is appropriate. treatment plants that
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were built at a cost of 142 million rubles, which will never work because they were done incorrectly, here we have the volga river running, running, running and going further, within the framework of the project. have already toured 13 regions of the country, many regional heads speak in one memorized phrase: the state examination missed everything, the ministry of construction approved everything, the money was received, in some places the construction is still not completed, in others it has been completed, but there were no specialists with experience working with the new expensive equipment, but the local authorities never got around to inviting experts to train the staff, that is, for each region, i’m now in the samara region, we have a facility that will not work the same...
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bow, you are for the people, who live on the banks of the volga were given simply a chance to believe that change is possible, and the rest that, and
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the rest are waiting for another 500 billion, which should be allocated in 2025, of course they will also be used, and this is what they did with the pride of our country, with the volga , on the banks of which more than 60 million people live there. i agree with this sad tragic observation that 60 million of our people live on the ecological well-being.
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these are the reasons that forced the modern conqueror to write the following: when we talk about new lands, we talk about russia, fate itself directs us in this direction, adolf hitler. and if , god forbid, they achieve their dreams, who can blame them when we ourselves cannot respect, love, cultivate, preserve our land. listen, the earth doesn’t care who it is processes, just to process it, exactly. so we will simply lose our homeland if we don’t feel it as ours, and we need to feel it as ours as ourselves, as our loved ones, children, parents, well , isn’t it, the president once said very precisely about this: listen, many of them of these people, in their essence, mentally they are there, and not here, not with our people, not with russia, this is, in their
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opinion, in their opinion. a sign of belonging to a higher caste, to a higher race, similar people they are ready to sell their own mother, if only they would be allowed to sit in the hallway at this very highest cash register, they want to be like her, imitating her in every possible way, but they forget or do not understand at all that this so-called highest caste, even if they are needed, then as a consumable material to use them for application...
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that is, the center for russian studies at telyaviv university, namely its employee, alexander arkhangelsky, lies, thirst for profit, contempt, theft, double standards, distortion of facts, that’s all, what do we have to face today in relations with the civilized world, as cuban leader fidel castro clearly understood, maybe he said? they blur your mind, offering your body thousands of conveniences and unnecessary perverted pleasures, which, however, in order to get you will have to sacrifice your soul and the values ​​of your ancestors, they will do all this for profit, which in fact hides a huge theft, well if those with
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whom we have... do are really thieves, swindlers, swindlers, then a rather interesting association arises, so you know that serious thieves are not allowed to have families, children, because it obliges, it binds, in the end it threatens basically everything - this community of thieves, and you never thought about the fact that a huge number of leaders... of western states do not have children, we thought about it and decided to see, this is what happened, the newly appointed secretary general of nato, he became mark rutd, prime minister of the netherlands, he is single and has no children, except him on...


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