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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 20, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, the program correspondents on duty and i, maxim movchan, will tell you about the main legal events of the day. in saratov , 12 people were injured as a result of a massive accident and a truck collided with a trolleybus and a car. the strong impact literally caused the car's cabin to spin around. the central part of the trolleybus, where there were the most people, was also seriously affected. now. down the career
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ladder of davich, the former mayor of the shatura urban district in a matter of days went from an unemployed mayor, and now a prisoner. the fact is that he is suspected of embezzling more than 200 million rubles during the construction of treatment facilities. details from fyodor eliseev. in court, the former mayor of a shatura near moscow, alexey artyukhin, behaved calmly and confidently. didn’t hide, because after a series of scandals he came into their field of view more than once, so he understood the new, important stage of his life would not go unnoticed in any case, yet he, of course, was nervous, listening to the judge, tense twisted a pen in his hands, a serious crime of which the now former mayor is accused; according to investigators, he embezzled money that was supposed to be used to provide the district with clean water. according to the investigation, the official embezzled budget funds in the amount of more than 200.
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employees of the moscow region main directorate-investigative committee, fsb operatives and specialists from the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the moscow region took part in these actions. amon's fighters surrounded the car of the former mayor without unnecessary noise. it was useless to argue with them anyway. hands please, car. artyukhin has headed the shatura city district since the spring of 2020, but a little over a week ago he suddenly wrote a letter of resignation of his own free will. several schools, and also
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numerous complaints about the work of public utilities, the rapid path down the career ladder really took place, now it’s even symbolic that the former mayor was brought to light by the scandal with public buildings, the court chose the measure suppression in the form of detention, alexey artyukhin will spend the next 2 months in a pre-trial detention center, it is possible that new defendants will appear in the case of major theft. fyodor eliseev, sergey soldatov, artyom ryzhikov, lead the duty unit. details of the arrest of the former deputy have become known. state duma of russia sergei beltsev, as it turned out, according to the investigation, the ex-parliamentarian became a position dealer; he began to convince businessmen he knew that for generous remuneration their assistants would be employed by various deputies the state duma, so to speak, are using their previous connections, while the security forces believe that obeltsev was simply planning to embezzle other people’s
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money; it is reported that there are now two episodes in the case of fraud on an especially large scale. the main sverdlovsk anti- corruption fighter, andrei dyakov, was fired from the police. let me remind you that at the end of may the now former boss. moreover, he lived separately in a spacious apartment. it was possible to catch the toxic offspring with the help of hidden cameras, so why did he decide to outlive his parents, ekaterina likhomanova figured out. baloshikha city court they brought in twenty-five-year-old artyom missyur, despite his still young age, he is already suspected of attempted murder of his
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parents. on the operational recording, the probable poisoner has a bag of white powder with him, so he mixes the chemical into a jar of salt. for more than six months, missur’s parents ate and drank poison, felt worse and worse, and doctors could not diagnose them. according to the examination , chemical elements and compounds were found in the products provided for the study, seized from the victims’ apartment, after consumption of which death occurred. as a result , the security forces were able to make a diagnosis. they installed an inconspicuous surveillance camera in the family's kitchen. when it became clear that... a married couple was being poisoned by their own son, law enforcement officers came to investigate. the police were there, they showed documents, a photograph, a person with a history of alcoholism. after the arrest , misyura did not deny it, and what’s the point with such and such evidence, he admitted to trying to poison his parents during the investigative experiment, he showed in detail,
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exactly how he mixed various poisons. what was the purpose of the purchase, use, did you want to add it, where to add it? the operational footage shows several packages of white powder and a five-liter canister of a caustic substance. we showed these frames to the doctors, they immediately came to the conclusion: misyur was using a special type of stain cleaner. this is a chloroorganic compound, which is a volatile liquid with a specific aromatic odor, highly soluble in alcohols and fats, and is often used for industrial purposes as chemical cleaning of clothes, poisonings are of a domestic nature, for the purpose of foaming, and sometimes suicidal attempts occur. judging by photographs and social networks, artyom misyura lived in abundance, for example, he is after shopping in the capital tsum, and here next to an expensive foreign car and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
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it is possible that the golden child’s entertainment was sponsored by his parents, so why did he want to kill them, poison them, in order to take possession of the property? the motive is questionable. we managed to find out that he... shot her on the threshold of the house and shot her in the temple from a pistol. according to eyewitnesses, the killer appeared to be about 25 years old, wore gloves, and used a weapon without a silencer. now doctors are fighting for farion’s life; she is in serious condition. with a rush to develop equestrian sports after the introduction of sanctions on the transport of foreign horses, more and more domestic
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horse breeders are starting to work at full capacity. and now our horses not only become companions and, as part of hypotherapy , help treat serious illnesses and recover from injuries, but also give foreign horses a head start. horsemanship. what is beauty, lightness, and play for the audience, is serious work for the rider and his pet. in order to perform all the elements cleanly, both must understand each other not even half a word, half a movement. the rider uses his muscles, arms, legs and body to control a horse weighing about half a ton. and how well they work together was demonstrated by the participants at the all-russian equestrian dressage competition pride of russia in the moscow region. not only physical work, which is not even visible, as if from the outside, but also a lot of mental
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work, before performing each element, you think about how the horse is walking now, how i need to correct it, how best to do the element, where to raise your arm, lower your leg, you watch your whole body over the body of the horse, dressage competitions, the rider demonstrates the art of controlling a horse at various gaits, that is, walking, trotting or galloping, this sport is included in the program... of games and belongs to the classic types of equestrian sports. the letter designation on the playpen is a kind of marking; athletes are guided by them when performing various elements. for example, from the letter m to the letter k, the rider, together with his fighting partner, must ride diagonally at a collected trot. performs up to 30 elements in approximately 5 minutes. this means that they replace each other very quickly, only the experience and observation of the judges allows them to catch the slightest blot. we must rate from zero to ten.
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their horses, but it is very noble, it is necessary, it is already widely used in practice. the pride of russia tournament has been taking place in the moscow region since 2013 and is one of the key tournaments of the season. top athletes compete in all age categories . all-russian major start, it makes it possible, firstly, to obtain licenses for russian championships, for various starts. secondly, as i said, this is a push. for the russian horse breeding, that here
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they celebrate horses that are russian bred by our horse breeders with special prizes. the summer cup brought together 140 participants from all over russia. athletes from yaroslavl, nizhny novgorod, samara, cherepovets, and chelyabinsk came to compete for prizes. the competition will take place over four days, and the best will be determined in the final. galina hungureeva, viktor barmin, nikolai purtov, lead the duty unit. this weekend on the russia 24 tv channel, watch. investigation by eduard petrov, a game of checkers: take a taxi and not die, any challenge is like roulette, i look up and understand that we are driving across two lanes, i want my face the way it was, and people look at me like i to find myself in a car with a dangerous driver, i was not driving. the identity of the driver raises big questions. 5.00 drivers, we didn’t understand what kind of
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driver’s license it was. the car is registered to one legal entity, the insurance is to another. who is responsible for the lives of passengers? a loud scandal in the oryol region, the head of the city of bolkhov, vladimir avilov, was detained there. he is suspected of exceeding his official powers. the mayor ordered the commissioning of the bolkhovkin luk city park, moreover. that the planned landscaping work there was done well, if half, part of the park is a swamp, and what they managed to build was not completed according to the project, but from the cheapest materials. as a result of the actions of the official, the budget of the city of bolkhov was damaged in the amount of at least 66 million rubles. currently, the suspect has been detained and a set of investigative and other procedural actions are being carried out against him. in the near future , a preventive measure will be elected to the head of the city. investigators intend to petition for avilov's detention
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. they believe that by remaining at large, the mayor may influence witnesses to escape. today at 18:15. don't miss the final release of our program. he will be introduced by my colleague andrey ivlev. the most discussed legal topics of the week, as well as unique journalistic investigations only with us. secret killers. on a bicycle, a new twist in the case of the mysterious death of a ural schoolgirl, we visited the place of the girl’s death, reconstructed her last route , talked with the child’s father, for which he had to exhume the body. they explained to my own daughter that she was in a drug-induced delirium, was running around in the forest, fell into a hole, was hit there, what message did the killer send to his to the victim shortly before his arrest, why the defendant’s mother does not believe in his guilt, what kind of evidence we found on the main material evidence of the bicycle on which the alleged murderer escaped, previously unknown details of the high-profile case, alina
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skachkova’s report from the sverdlovsk region, the last tea party, what really happened in... a native of vietnam with american citizenship invited five people to her room for tea, why none of the six guests left the hotel, as reported by the maid who discovered their bodies, and where in the 200-300 mg zionistol tea comes swelling of the palate, the screams are very scary, heartbreaking, what connected the dead, who prepared the killer drink and is there a threat to russian tourists. in thailand, we found out all the details. the story of a beauty who became a victim of a monster. an interview with a victim of an acid maniac from the moscow region, how a single mother lives, who was brutalized by a girl hunter last spring. i still have a wound here, you see, it’s like wet. she is forced to sleep with her eyes open wear dark glasses all the time, and he can avoid going to prison and paying compensation for
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lost health and beauty. you threw suspected acid on two girls, great. how? the quiet teacher turned into an evil avenger, what motivated him is why the injured beauty is afraid of his return home. details in the material by vladimir bazov. these and other topics are already on saturday at 18:15 on russia 24. the passion for furs and diamonds brought under the article in krasnoyarsk, the former chief accountant of a private orphanage was sent to a colony for 5.5 years. the lady got caught by the way, this wasn’t enough for her; ogurtsova borrowed several more million from her friends, but never returned it, although, as it was established, the swindler did not need anything.
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the defendant used the stolen money for a year and a half to spend her cash needs and acquire jewelry. more than seventy children live in the orphanage. tops and roots, the more adherents of pseudoscience who try to feed children with plants and some kind of solar energy, the more tragic the consequences. raw foodists are essentially starving babies who slowly fade away instead of growing strong and healthy. the topic will be continued by daniil sukhruchko. eternal smiles,
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carefree faces and hypnotizing intonations. this is how raw foodists, adherents of strict diets and... sworn enemies of the kitchen, food gurus from all screens present themselves in the media, as if they are luring new victims to their enlightened side, convincing them to eat only what grows in the garden and is strictly raw, limiting eating even their children. our baby is 2 years old, she is an absolute raw foodist. how do these end? experiments on children's stomachs are shown in crime chronicles every now and then. here is a video of the zhitelev family, a husband and wife scattering the ashes of their deceased daughter throughout the forest. the residents were raw foodists and, worse, they forced them.
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he killed his child and received 8 years in prison for this, but the legion of raw foodists does not seem to notice the regular losses, people are dying, the propaganda of giving up food continues, we decided to talk with one of their leaders personally, nikolai mavrichev, a raw foodist naturalist, he immediately starts sermon about the benefits of a raw food diet, telling stories about magic healing, a huge number of people even got rid of serious illnesses, got rid of stage 4 oncology, this one - from asthma, i have a friend who got rid of it. yes, i just switched to this diet. such naturapaths charge substantial money for hosting gullible guests. mavrichev, for example, for a couple of hours of conversation and cans back 20,000 rubles. but as soon as we ask about proof of miracles.
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speaks. the opinion of scientists is clear: a person cannot live fully, exclusively on raw and plant foods. products we need animals of animal origin, this is how it happened evolutionarily. the ability to thermally
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process foods, primarily meat, appeared among our ancestors about 2 million years ago. the transition to such food allowed a significant increase in brain volume, which ultimately led to the formation of homo sapiens and raised our species to the top of the food chain. fortunately, in those days no one knew anything about veganism and raw foods. so. bon appetit. as for the resident family, although they were found guilty of the death of their own daughter, parental rights were not deprived, so two more daughters from a syrian family will live with their mother, like thousands of other children, by the will of fate , born into raw foodist families; there will only be more of them while smiling gurus openly preach this dangerous food movement. daniil sukharuchko, vladimir shabalin, dmitry manyshev, danilo klishchevsky, lead. duty department.
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shaarma appreciate swiss teeth moscow region, the former general director of a chain of premium fitness clubs was seriously beaten. because of the coveted chicken scroll. big businessman i was outraged by the long wait for the dish, but my opponents were not very customer-oriented. olga mazurak, more details. torn t-shirt, face covered in blood. this is how the family snack ended for businessman dmitry babanov. the owner of a chain of elite fitness clubs was brutally beaten after a dispute over shawarma. they broke my teeth, they broke everything for me, they beat me here, they beat me here, 10 people beat me. with this one from the car service, with this one, look, all hands, my t-shirt, that’s how furiously the businessman and other clients of the eateries in the parking lot shared the shawarma. dmitriy
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he assures that in the cafe someone was served out of line. he was indignant, and they allegedly beat him right away, ten of them. as a result, the lip was cut with a swiss veneer costing $65,000, knocked out, and the businessman had to be treated by doctors. according to another version , the conflict arose differently, a simple misunderstanding. allegedly, the company ordered food earlier and went outside to wait; when the time came, they took their order. dmitry babanov, apparently, thought that they were jumping in line and made a remark, then, word for word, a fight and a statement to the police. third version conflict, conspiracy theories, the tas news agency mentions, saying the attackers may turn out to be cunning extortionists; according to babanov’s lawyer, someone has already demanded a million rubles from the businessman for some moral damage, but he refused to pay. unknown people approached... and made a claim that he allegedly cut one of them off at a gas station, provoked a conflict with my client, what actually happened , now it’s up to the police to figure it out, they have already
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started studying all the versions. currently, police are conducting measures aimed at clarifying all the circumstances of the incident, those involved in the commission of the unlawful act are identified, an inspection is carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made in accordance with the law, what? there was a fight, and we weren’t even aware at all, although we are basically located nearby, everything happened so quickly that no one understood anything, if the reasons for the fight have yet to be clarified, the result is already known, after the battle for shawarma, the businessman will need help doctors possible replacement of veneers. olga muzurak, yuri zhiksembaev, dmitry stepanov, conductor, duty department. they came to handcuff ladies of easy virtue, but they don’t mind. in yekaterinburg, police officers burst into the influx. for lovers of intense erotic sensations , they put an end to debauchery, however , the staff were not surprised with bracelets and batons; the ladies here were not so constrained, especially in one of the rooms with an unambiguous red backlight,
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a swing. racks, whips, a real amusement park for the humiliating humiliated. in that since the ladies were punished only with fines, much worse than the administrator, it’s time for her to look for a team of lawyers. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels from the duty department and an honest detective. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you.
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let's translate it from clerical to understandable, it's not
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so scary.
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our broadcast will continue the investigation of eduard petrov, today we are talking about the situation in the taxi industry. where any random person can be in the driver’s seat, and the cars are rented or registered to a third party.
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take a taxi. somehow, there wasn’t even a call to the hospital like are you still alive there, my friend? in general , the main question is: who is responsible for the lives of the passengers, first of all the driver, and if the driver doesn’t have anything, the identity of the driver raises big questions, and where did you come from, too? in tajikistan, you like it, well, it’s fine, you can work, the money that i, for example, have to earn, i seem to hold in my hands, because it seems to be there, after all, and then...


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