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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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your loved ones should feel comfortable and convenient. i want to say that when you are waiting for a delegation, and it’s not their level, even the fact that you probably want to show the city from the good side, you at least show the way. airport, when they leave, look through the eyes of a tourist, we’ve just arrived here, we just need to remove the old barrels and put things in order, especially since sergei konstantinovich and i in nogaevskaya bay started doing this with the general cleaning program, i think this is important, this is the element , sorry, when are you like you notice little things at a minimum, it is very important, it’s a wonderful airport, it’s clear that it was made wisely, with an approach, it’s very nice that they did its design. uh, russian specialists, well
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, the road, at least these half a kilometer, it seems to me, at a minimum, needs to be cleared of debris. state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin heads the russian delegation to cuba, and the heads of the relevant committees of the lower house of parliament arrived there. there are plans for a series of bilateral meetings to discuss the intensification of relations and joint projects in the field of tourism. russia today ranks second place in tourist flow to cuba. the state duma speaker has already met with the president. the israeli air force launched a series of attacks on the yemeni port of hadeida, and an oil storage facility and military facilities of the shiite movement came under fire. the blazing fire can be seen hundreds of meters away. it is reported that us and british aircraft took part in the bombing. the idf emphasize this as a response to yemen's attacks. in hadeida there were more than eighty wounded and at least three dead. have already promised retaliatory strikes,
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cia officers warned tel aviv that in their opinion it was the capital that would be targeted attack, but israel emphasizes that it will respond to any attempts anywhere in the world. the consequences of a global technical failure still cannot be completely eliminated, such as kilometer-long queues at airports, canceled flights and non-functioning atms. microsoft corporation reported that more than 8 and a half devices are based on. it was not the tents that affected the windows; the fault continues to affect britain's healthcare system. the media said that the mass release of equipment and construction was good luck for hackers and intruders. they tried gain access to user and company data. one airport in north carolina is still experiencing delays. a number of us government agencies cannot fully function. the massachusetts general hospital was even forced to cancel planned surgeries. doctors at the capital's morozov
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hospital saved a child with a rare disease, tausik bing's anomaly - a complex heart defect that doctors call critical, that is, threatening the child's life. how is the little patient feeling and what are the doctors’ prognoses? they'll talk about it olesya bulgakova. oleg is only 11 months old, and he has already undergone two difficult surgeries. surprisingly, he is not at all afraid of people in white coats. it seems the doctors are ready to give him everything. what was done here. where, how he was saved, it’s truly a miracle. oleg was brought to the morozov hospital immediately after birth; a team was already waiting for him, because even during his mother’s pregnancy, the doctors learned about a severe pathology of the fetal heart. if a child with a defect is born in an obstetric hospital. this child already has his route determined in advance before birth, which hospital he will go to will go, who will be the surgeon who will operate on him, the readiness of the host.
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that the heart works well, we do not see any sufficient problems there, if the congenital heart threshold is corrected on time, if it is corrected and there are no remaining problems, these children... are actually healthy, living a normal life. morozov hospital is a flagship in the field of pediatric cardiology, but its uniqueness lies in its versatility. new rare directions are constantly being discovered here, new techniques are being developed and experience is being shared. with colleagues. our connections, they are now so integrated, we are integrated into each other, there are no boundaries between our hospitals, in fact. what nature created with an error, doctors corrected. soon brother and sister. they will crawl together on the same carpet and grow up like all happy children. olesya bulgakova, dmitry nekrasov, andrey semenov, anastasia roif, news. remember what they told you when you
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today is a professional holiday for metallurgists in russia. experts note the high growth rates of the industry. enterprises are actively moving modern equipment and technologies. how does enakievsky work? is undergoing a second, in fact, development, very large investments are currently
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being made in the plant, this year a very large half-major overhaul will be continued next year. emz today is the largest representative of the industry in the entire republic, at whose facilities each month they produce more than 60,000 tons of finished products, but this is far from the limit. here it is, blast furnace number five, after a major overhaul, in the launch of which the head took part. states, another heart of the edz began to beat with renewed vigor; the launch of this unit will not only provide people with jobs, but will increase production volumes. specifically, in terms of cast iron alone, the number of products produced will increase by about 30%. accordingly, production volumes of converter steel, which serves as raw material for rolled products, will also increase. daily production was 2,200 tons, now we are systematically producing it. we are increasing and reaching 2,850 tons, respectively, we produced up to 2,500 tons of steel, the task is systematic
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increase, now we are reaching 2,500 to the level of 3,100-3,200 tons. however, none of this would be possible without our dedicated employees. over more than 125 years of existence, the company has seen more than one generation of factory workers. it is here that entire dynasties of metallurgists are born. one of the representatives of such families is denis nelepa. starting with my grandfather, my whole family worked at a metal plant, my grandfather, from the start of the workshop , held the position of head of the workshop, the first, so, then my father and brother came here, and so i continued, let’s just say, this is not an easy matter, choice, well, in fact, it’s as if there was no choice, it’s immediately clear that after school.
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and so that everything is wonderful for us, our children , too, to the best of their ability, i hope, will continue this direction, we will raise the plant, we will raise the country, vitaly starushchenko, nikita smirnov, lead donetsk, the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated, choose up to five every month tops supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even
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is a marketplace, financial services, a financial marketplace from the moscow exchange, one of my friends connected it. hurry up to connect megapower to unlimited before the end of summer, so that the internet does not end, it will be the number one megaphone in terms of speed coverage. honor of the russian lotto anniversary, more drawings, more draws, more prizes, more chances to win, buy tickets on the website in stoloto branded stores. loyalty program. thanks, updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. the court chose a preventive measure
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for the driver from... investigators believe that he deliberately hit a policeman with his car, we are talking about this road incident. last thursday , employees of the ministry of internal affairs of dagestan carried out an anti-drug raid in makhachkala; they blocked murtazaliev’s car, but instead in order to stop, he stepped on the gas, hit the police and rammed an official
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car. it was not possible to get far, the reckless driver was soon detained, it turned out that murtazaliev could have contacted the drug business. due to money problems, he is a co-owner of several cafes; allegedly, due to large debts, the tax authorities blocked the accounts of his establishments. the security forces raided the defendant’s house and interrogated him according to the court’s decision; murtazaliev will spend the next 2 months under arrest. in moscow on saturday they also chose the preventive measure lihochu, notorious blogger edward beale, he was riding around the center of moscow on an electric scooter in the guise of a fictional employee of the scooter patrol service. does this happen? and whether we managed to lead bill off the wrong path, we’ll tell you what else will be in our program. a retired colonel, serving with killers, in the details of a high-profile case of an odious gang of security forces, was it really a former employee of the ministry of internal affairs who supplied them with weapons and sent them on missions? the story of a beauty who became
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a victim of a monster, an interview with a victim of an acid maniac, how her mother lives loner... a hunter for girls was tormented last spring, which is why she fears his imminent return. the last tea party, what really happened in a five-star hotel in bangkok, why none of the six guests left the room and is there a threat to russian tourists in thailand? the mystery of the killer on a bicycle, a new twist in the case of the mysterious death of a ural schoolgirl. we visited the place where the girl died and talked with her father. met with the mother of the probable criminal. what strange things are these talking about? people? in the eagle. on saturday, the issue of arresting the mayor of bolkhov, vladimir ovelov, was decided. he became involved in a criminal case for abuse of power. the investigation began after the scandal with the construction of the bolkhovkin-luk park.
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almost 70 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget for the project. according to the documents, the money was spent, but in fact, instead of a recreation area, a swamp appeared. the investigation asked to send the mayor to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months, but the court extended avilov’s detention until monday. so where? the money went away, my colleague maria simak was looking for an answer to this question in the heart of the oryol region, her report from bolkhov. a small town with a big history, that’s what they say about bolkhov. it is located 50 km from orel, in the heart of the region. in the past it was a city of merchants and churches. it is here that the tallest bell tower in the region was erected. several centuries ago, bukhov was also considered the leather capital of russia. the events of recent days, according to the old-timers, are not a reason for pride. and so the question arises: why do all this? i don’t understand, local residents expected from their mayor vladimir avilov of a new recreation and improvement area, now people do not understand where the money went;
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almost 70 million rubles were allocated from moscow for the construction. they said that there would be a new attraction here, a park with the beautiful name bolkhovkin luk. but it turned out to be a swamp. this is how the name among the people changed, from bolkhovkin luk to bolkhovkina swamp. i won’t go any further, it’s dangerous. due to possible violations during construction, the work was rushed. streams from all over the area, along with sewage, began to flood the houses bolkhovtsev, the whole earth is creeping, leaving, our garden has already crawled away, the whole house is cracking on its side, lyubovkova complained personally to the mayor, she says, vladimir avilov came with an inspection to her site, i don’t want to say rude words, he spread his legs like that at me , where is your land, like where is my house, my foundation, he did not listen, in general he was rude, the mayor then left, the people remained. with their own problems and a swamp instead of a meadow, they soon learned that the park, with the light hand of the bolkhov mayor, had already been built and was welcoming vacationers, though only for paper, some work was still
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done here, the ground was painted with green paint. before delivery, they did everything to ensure that the project was accepted; they painted not only the grass, but also the bare ground. the project was then personally accepted by the mayor. ironically, this week vladimir ovilov was detained next to the same unfinished park. the mayor was on a morning jog, but it was interrupted by security forces. he clearly didn’t plan to meet sobra’s fighters. ovilov was put in a car and driven to work. searches were carried out in his office, after which the detained official taken for interrogation to oryol. so the mayor of a small town became involved in a serious criminal case for abuse of power. the head of the city of bolkhov was aware that the work at the site was not carried out in full and was made from materials of poor quality. at the same time, they were given illegal instructions to their subordinates. carry out illegal acceptance of the object and put it into operation. news about the detention of deputies of the oryol regional council, they were the first to raise
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the question: how did it happen that onions became swamp? this is the extent to which one can go without shame in order to bury state money in a swamp like this. why is this happening? and i believe that this is because of the impunity of people, he became famous throughout russia for... a nursing home, nothing happened, he abused the residents there, he got away with it, he got away with it, the first high-profile scandal involving vladimir avilov occurred in august 2019 years, then he was the director of a nursing home, a terrible video appeared on the internet, in the footage a helpless resident in a diaper was lying on the floor in the hallway and none of the staff rushes to his aid, and vilov then assured him that they had taken everything off wrong and understood it wrong, at that time they remade the bed, and at that time he slid down. from the stroller, the nurses missed this moment, this moment was filmed, this incident cost avilov his job, he resigned, after
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a while he appeared on the lists of deputies, and a couple of years later, as if nothing had happened, he sat down in morobolkhov's chair, built himself a house, first one, then a second, then a third, all on one plot, each higher than the previous one, as if an example of the growth of prosperity official, there is no swamp nearby, vladimir avilov lives here, not considered in detail.
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a criminal case was initiated on the grounds of a crime provided for in part four of article 159 of the criminal code of the russian federation - fraud. now both the contractor and the mayor will have to answer for unfulfilled promises. the main question is where the federal millions went. it is unlikely that they drowned in the swamp. maria simak, sergey dyakonov, dinara iusipova, andrey ivlev, lead the duty department. oryol region, city of bolkhov. this week new details of the high-profile cases, gangs of security forces-killers. in moscow, a court placed a retired interior ministry colonel under arrest. investigators believe he was part of a notorious group of hitmen that had long been considered elusive. report by andrey romanov. a resident of the moscow region village of trubocheevka leads us to the place where in 2004 killers blew up the mercedes of her neighbor, businessman sharapdin musaev.
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the woman asks not to... show her face, says that even after 20 years she fears the hired killers who buried a homemade bomb on the corner of her plot, that there was the earth was poured, so i say, people dug up the earth, the foundation, when they did it, and it looks fresh, it’s very convenient, there’s no need to dig anything, i buried it there, in short, they planted a bomb here, the blast wave went away, many houses were damaged, this was already the second an attempt on the life of businessman musaev, they tried unsuccessfully. in 2000 in makhachkala, 4 years later the killers’ attack also failed, a bomb exploded from the back of an armored mercedes, the car was seriously damaged, but the businessman himself and his guards were not injured. the businessman, who almost became a victim of killers, did not reach his house 200 meters away. then he lived in this two-story cottage, but immediately after the attack he moved, although according to local residents, a few years later he was still overtaken by the bullets
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of a hired killer. for a long time. the case of the attempt on musaev’s life remained unsolved, it is still unclear to whom the businessman crossed the road, but this week the probable organizer of the killer attack, retired colonel of the ministry of internal affairs vladimir novgorodov, was detained, and here he is in handcuffs in accompanied by a convoy, walks along the corridor of the basmanny court of moscow. investigators are confident that 20 years ago, then still an active police officer, together with his accomplices, tried to kill businessman musaev. it is possible that vladimir novgorodov may be involved in... other serious crimes, according to investigators, he was part of an odious group of killers, which for a long time was considered elusive, the gang was captured in almost its entirety last winter, it turned out that it consisted of active and retired law enforcement officers, according to which we are convicted under articles, faster than 162, then eight people were detained, among them were operational officers of law enforcement agencies,
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special forces soldiers and military personnel, in a word... those who were supposed to fight it joined organized crime, for example, in a cage with the rest of the bars, former chief of staff of sobra lynx alexey alpatov, and this is the detective officer of the main department of police special forces, sergei volostnykh. according to the investigation, the security forces united into a gang in 1998 and were engaged in robberies, extortion, and took orders for murder. this made it possible to live in grand style. potential bandits bought luxury real estate, drove around in premium foreign cars and squandered their money. at the time of arrest, the probable members of the organized crime group were armed. it seems that the group was in combat-ready condition until the very end. investigators of the attempted murder of a consultant to the state duma apparatus, the murder of the deputy head of the moscow railway sergei paristov, also director krasnogvardeisky market of hafiz makhmudov and his partner. it also follows from the materials of the criminal case that at the beginning of the 2000s, killers dealt with
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several criminal leaders. the world, perhaps, divided spheres of influence, this is how the accused intelligently communicated during interrogations with former colleagues. what are you suspected of, let’s say, i don’t know what at all, i didn’t even understand some kind of mischief, i never killed anyone. investigators consider former serviceman pavel khristev to be the probable leader of the criminal group, according to experts, so to remain free for a long time, the bandits were helped by their extensive operational experience. members of such gangs are well aware of the tactics and methods of solving crimes. they know the rules of conducting undercover work, so it is extremely difficult to infiltrate such gangs in order to uncover them; they fully or partially understand how the investigation is being conducted against them, which gives them the opportunity to both destroy evidence and, unfortunately, sometimes eliminate witnesses to the crime. retired interior ministry colonel vladimir novgorodov, detained this week.


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