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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 10:30am-10:59am MSK

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under the stairs, but her situation is hopeless. alexander karpov, alexander chukanov, seolachev, ilona agasieva, a week in the city. so, the moscow metro builders, to the incredible pace and scale of work, to which everyone seemed to have become accustomed, again managed to present a surprise. the new station will appear where everything seems to have been built a long time ago, and there is simply no room for any construction sites on the dostoevskaya platform on the ring line, which was conceived in the middle of the last century. began to build between
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novoslobodskaya and mira avenue with a transfer a light green branch, but how will they work there ? there’s really no room to talk about solving a complex engineering problem right now. the technology here should have started making noise back in the fifties of the last century, even then the commune square station was designed on this section of the ring line, but everything turned out to be too complicated, the project was canceled. in the early nineties. the area above the non-existent station was renamed suvorovskaya, they decided to start construction again, again the work did not proceed, now the station will be dostoevskaya, associated with the one of the same name stopping on a radial line. the connection is extremely important, it is necessary for passengers, but the implementation of this project is extremely, extremely difficult. it is necessary to lay spare tunnels through which trains will pass along the ring road, build a station on the ring road and connect it. from the lyublinsko-dmitrovskaya branch,
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that is, during construction, trains will go around this section through new tunnels, they are now being laid, and you cannot either blast the soil or launch a tunneling shield, only manual work. and this is the west of the capital, on one side there are leisurely waters moscow rivers and high-rise residential areas, on the other - typical landscapes of the middle zone, against the backdrop of which large construction took place. this is how it starts. the new capital district, rublevo-arkhangelsky, dilovito, in working order, amid the noise of trucks, backhoe loaders, and sparks from electric welding. the outlines of some buildings are already being guessed, for others the foundations are just being poured, residential areas and offices of the future, which are being built right before our eyes. a new area also means a new transport infrastructure, including beautiful bridges. this is where an additional highway will be built. the next
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seventeenth line of the moscow metro , rublyovo-arkhangelskaya, is already under construction; it will run from shelepikha in the area of ​​the moscow city business center and further north-west to the mkad beyond it, and the first section of another new line, troitskaya, will open in september. there is still a lot left until the new school year. many teachers throughout moscow are already preparing to welcome their pupils, and thousands of very young muscovites will go to new schools and kindergartens on september 1, their construction has already been completed, furniture, equipment, and educational materials are now being brought into the building, all of which, of course, meet the most modern standards of the capital. we looked at what a school of 2024 is like and recognized that this did not exist in our time. the last weeks of silence, then
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the bells will begin, breaks, lessons, the joy of disappointment, such a hectic school life, the new building 338 of the school in the commune in september will accept more than a thousand students, they and their parents go here now to anticipation, for us, for parents, the most important thing is that the school is nearby, you don’t have to be far away, because my son rode the lazurno, even though he was on the school bus, but there are still traffic jams in the morning and somehow you still worry.
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garden, a little further there is a reconstructed clinic operating according to the new moscow standard. by the end of the year the troitskaya metro line will arrive here. confrontation of reckless drivers. scooters with pedestrians is reaching a new level. in moscow, for the first time, a court confiscated an electric personal mobility device, on which the rider, being drunk, hit an elderly woman on the sidewalk. at the same time , additional zones appeared in the city where the speed of rental scooters is automatically slowed down. how will this attack on the increasingly popular electric transport end and will law-abiding drivers suffer? anastasia makhina experienced the effectiveness of the restriction. these shots show how natalya’s usual walk along tverskaya-emskaya ended. here is a girl walking along the sidewalk and a scooter crashes into her. not at low speed yet. i have a wrist bruise, a abdominal cavity bruise. such incidents on crowded streets in the area between the third transport ring and the moscow ring road are not uncommon. according to statistics, it is
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in this area that most accidents involving sim occur. 70% of the total. we launched an experiment: until august 15, there is a speed limit for rental cars between the third transport and the moscow ring road. 20 km/h. so i accelerated to a maximum speed of 25 km/h. this is where the yellow zone will begin. by the way, the scooter beeps and automatically reduces the speed to twenty. sharing scooters will not allow acceleration, but fines began to arrive en masse for other violations. for example, valery paid 1.0 rub. for not dismounting. i didn’t receive the fine in the standard way, the way motorists receive it through government services and received a fine from the guys who rent it out. scooters, by the way, they don’t give discounts, like they do for motorists. changes have not yet been made to the coap, so photographs of violations from recording cameras from the data center are redirected to kick-sharing companies, and they issue a fine under the lease agreement. and recently they began to notice on the streets of the capital special scouts, they track traffic violators
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on scooters and issue fines. but all this only works with rented scooters, because each of them is tied to the user. but what to do with private ones, because they don’t have numbers, huh. this means that the fine can only be issued in person. the senate proposed to oblige private sims to register and issue a license plate and radio beacon on them; the state duma has already adopted in the first reading a package of amendments to tighten liability for sim users. the largest fine is 30,000 rubles, they propose to introduce driving into drunk. i was driving along the sidewalk, under the influence of alcohol, and failed to pass an elderly woman; we collided with her. and he lost his scooter, and also the ability to drive a vehicle for... 18 months, this is the first case in moscow of sim being confiscated by a court decision. the bailiff drew up an act of seizure and transferred the property for conversion into state ownership. while the regulation of sims in the capital is moving along the path of tightening, the main thing is not to overdo it, because many deliberately leave the car and change
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to sims, and this, by the way, relieves congestion on the roads from traffic jams and if the speed continues to decrease, then soon the meaning of scooters may disappear altogether. the expediency of these scooters will be... well , it won’t be needed at all. these scooters won’t be needed, that is, there will be no point in it. for many, a scooter is not a toy, but a means of transportation; it is especially relevant in areas where getting to trains or the moscow central diameter can be problematic due to long distances. ilya lives in khimki and works here, rides a scooter every day. i don’t have a direct bus from here to work, that is, it’s necessary go half the way only there and wait another half hour for him. the scooter has it all right at your fingertips. much simpler, but where there is always a carrot there is a stick, the network of bicycle paths on which scooters can also ride is constantly expanding, more than 400 km have already been laid, the process of regulating this transport continues, along with it the driving culture of sims is being formed. anastasia makhina, andrey yurchuk, anton dubnov,
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mark kazakov and maria rudakova. a week in the city. this is a week in the city and the most interesting stories, as always, are ahead. we have very short advertisement, but pour tea or coffee in time. pain can be different: the mechanism of pain development is the same. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pentalgin - a universal remedy against different types of pain. thanks to the combined composition, pentalgen acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence. pentalgin, we can do without pain. you don't decide exactly how you will meet your first love, you don't decide where you will find friends for life. you don't decide which option you get, but only you decide what it will be
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kotelniki, schools for 1,500 students will open in leninsky and balashikha, the educational and educational complex polet in krasnogorsk is also being completed, 1,500 schoolchildren will also be able to study there at once. this year we are implementing a large program, it is the largest in the entire history of life in the moscow region, we will hand over a budget, a non-budget for the school. order forty, yes, so it is important for us that the builders complete everything on time, both the construction and equipping of schools. in addition to 40 schools , almost three dozen new kindergartens will open on september 1 throughout the moscow region . these days, the capital's restorers, who can restore anything to its original form, are working in extremely difficult and even dangerous conditions at enormous heights. they will have to restore the appearance of the sculpture. to
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restore some elements we have to carefully watch soviet films , our marina rose to a bird's eye view gromova. restoration is a delicate matter and even though no one except specialists will see every detail up close, they are painstakingly working on the result of the work. a dental instrument is a masth. it comes in handy at work, as the best thing you can come up with. a cascade of scaffolding rises on smolenskaya embankment at a height of 11 floors. the restorers step straight from the roof onto the wooden flooring, otherwise they won’t be able to get close to the four figures. well, all city guests and townspeople see this. the sculptural composition, it is observed, here if you look from any point of this huge space, this is the decoration of this place. the sculptural composition of science and labor already crowns the house of geologists. years, there are many losses, the figures exposed to all the winds survived rains and frosts, these are lands,
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the sculptures seem relatively small, but their real scale is visible here, close up , for example, a bunch of grapes, one grape the size of a cheekbone, by the way, this young man is missing hands, it will definitely be returned to its place. residential building for ministry employees geology of the ussr was built in '56, and since then the sculptures have not been restored. the architect of this house was andrey rostkovsky, the customer. start the money, in fact, this house was built by the ministry of geology, so naturally they built it for their employees, and famous geologists and employees of the ministry of geology lived here, so this house is rightfully called the house of geologists in every sense. ildar rezanov settled dima semitsvetov at 2a sadovaya embankment. it was here that yuri detochkin noticed that same volga gas-21.
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under the supervision of the department of cultural heritage. before starting the restoration work, we strengthened the cartouches, then we washed them and applied a compress to remove the dirt. now i use a wash to remove the old paint material. restorers are painstakingly restoring the sculptures from the eyes of garage residents; they are now hidden by building fabric, which saves specialists from the sun and
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wind. here it is, the star crowning the potatoes. we are at the very top, the work is top notch. 54 m, of course, entails certain inconveniences, but with what you definitely can’t argue with is the beauty of the views that open to the restorers. they will have to admire the panoramas of moscow until the end of the year; the work is planned to be completed by december. marina gromova, timofeev filieev, darila solovyova and pavel letnikov, a week in the city. moscow dog lovers are sounding the alarm; purchasing a purebred pet is becoming an extremely risky undertaking. you can give a round sum and get it fatally. sick puppy, the sale of infected animals was put on stream in one of the nurseries, clients for whom the deal turned into a big drama, dozens of dogs are already dying one after another, what kind of epidemic is this, who will be responsible, alexey knor saw the darkest side of dog breeding, as our doctor said, my love cured the dog, the fact that now the worlds are running around with
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pullers and frolicking with his relatives, a real medical miracle, veterinarians literally snatched the puppy from the clutches of death. the dog felt bad the same day she was taken from the kennel, she lies there, she feels bad, somehow she doesn’t play anything, she vomited, i wrote breeder, she answered me that the dog was probably stressed, the dog was getting worse, the world was brought to the veterinary clinic in serious condition, a couple of viral enteritis, coronavirus enteritis, the dog could barely dig itself out to this day, my dog ​​is forced to eat only gastro food, never i was never ready for this in my life, these pictures show the last minutes of my life. sleepless nights, but eva didn’t survive, her death cost tens of thousands of rubles for treatment and four spouses blame the breeder, it was i who just took eva, this is what i did to her interit. eva and mira were bought from the same
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nursery from breeders tatyana and alexander romanov. i suspect she knew the dog was infected. she could have warned us so we had a chance to save him, but she didn't. natalya romanova continues to sell puppy dogs, maintains a video blog, actively advertises the product, and boasts about her four-legged graduates. i don’t just do it, i want to, i do it professionally. i have a 6 year old, the nursery is officially registered. now she claims that she is away, but she agreed communicate via video call, does not deny the outbreak of interitis in the nursery. in june, when a man bought a poodle from me, he became a poodle. bad, i took the puppy back along with this puppy, i brought the interic home, all the puppies that got into that epidemic, all the puppies died, but the treatment was carried out, as proof, the nursery workers with us give their puppies a rapid test, the result is like strangely enough, negative, but veterinarians doubt that the parvo virus can be so easily gotten rid of, even with external well-being, he himself is no longer sick,
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but the fecal matter may still contain a virus that can be contagious and dangerous. there were at least fifty victims throughout the country, andrei rybakov bought a puppy from the romanovs a year ago, then, according to the breeder, there was no epidemic yet, four diseases, including parovirus enteritis, coronavirus and some other intestinal disease, as they explained to us, incubation period from 3 to 5 days, we get it on the second day, something incomprehensible began to happen to him. besides, the victims are sure that breeders vaccinate puppies with expired vaccines, invent pedigrees and falsify metrics. the dog has it. there is a mark on the belly, but the mark does not apply at all to our dog, to this breed. today , anyone can engage in breeding; the law does not prohibit it. it is impossible to control all private kennels; they are not registered with official cynological organizations, hence the spread of infection, genetic diseases, and deterioration of breed qualities. the man privately decided made a decision that he will breed dogs and
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thus sell them, without having a license, or education, or bearing responsibility for. the romanovs offered all the victims to return the money for the dead puppies, but they are not ready to pay the costs of treatment, and the former clients also do not intend to give up and are going to go to court. alexey knor, konstantin veselov, yaroslav, anastasia roev, a week in the city. as you know, the west is introducing not only economic sanctions against russia, but also any other possible sporting sanctions. scientific, cultural, but they also break through this blockade, and from the other side. these days it is taking place in moscow. usa, germany, australia, what did they risk by coming to moscow, why didn’t they just...
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what turned out to be in reality, what can you say about moscow? the beauty of your city was a real surprise for us, it’s a very, very clean city and there is no
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crime, like in other big cities, for example, in paris or berlin. a married couple of artists, after their performance in the circus arena, decided to stay in moscow, to get to know russia as best as possible. well, videos will help them, because the artists master them masterfully. the competition program takes place in several stages, more than 200 artists from 17 countries of the world take part in the festival, and this despite the fact that in order to participate in the russian international competition they had to overcome obstacles unexpected for circus artists. they are under very serious political pressure; many have already been introduced with some kind of cultural sanctions; someone there doesn’t want to work with them anymore, but they knew we were looking forward to it and came to us anyway. therefore, some room announcements. and also australia, germany, china, portugal, poland in the arena of the largest circus in
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europe, the moscow circus on vernatsky avenue. the idol festival was first held in 2013, but has not been held for the last 4 years; its return is called triumphant in the world of circus art. the festival is important for all artists, because even if you just invite people here, it’s already big. knowledge of talent. the participants of this bright, breathtaking brilliance and the mind-blowing stunts of the festival will be appreciated not only by professionals in the circus industry. journalists and spectators will vote separately; if one act receives votes from all three categories of the jury, then such act will receive the grand prix. it is not easy to win the recognition of the moscow audience; they are sophisticated. the russian circus was and remains one of the best in the world. i liked the clowns. i threw these huge sols with my head, they are heavy, and it’s also so difficult, i can’t. circus is sport, theater, risk, brilliance and laughter. circus is
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that very moment when, after a bated breath of drumsticks, the audience explodes with applause. for their sake, artists overcome distances and political obstacles. all these people who find themselves within this thirteen-meter arena are actually a family. everyone is united by art, everyone is united by work, everyone is united by circus. and as a house, today is the last day of the festival, the award ceremony and gallo show of the best circus artists in the world, hurry up, as they say, to see. irina baranova, gennady talochkin, andrey yurchuk, ilona agasieva, olga gribina, a week in the city. this is the case when the most important art for us is not cinema, but circus. it's been a week in the city, we'll be back in exactly 7 days to tell the stories that happened near us. see you.
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who are you? i, a traveler, an aeronaut, zhann ivan, and so it turns out that we are so sad! a fairy tale without ivan. uh, uh, what started? without deception and without flint. i was imprisoned in the flints. pen, homemade magic ink, you can get it. the main thing is van, hurry up. so give me the horse. mechanical. oh, hit yourself over the head, do you have a cage? where should i go? that’s what they call me, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, but where you need to go, i can’t live without traveling. flint,
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he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we didn't have bread? bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. something that every family has. bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution and technological revolution. this and future humanity and human history. this is a universal language. over the past 2.0 years. bread has shaped our attitude to life, it is the power of our country, the strength of its imot. every day i take a piece of black bread and i always rejoice in life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too.
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the russian military destroyed trains with weapons of the armed forces of ukraine, as reported by the ministry of defense, more than fifty were hit by the iskander-m complex. military equipment, including maxpro armored vehicles, made in the usa, 10 canadian senator armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, trucks, combat reconnaissance and evacuation vehicles, hundreds of ukrainian militants were also eliminated, the exact hit was recorded by our arlan drones.


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