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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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which gives them the opportunity to both destroy evidence and, unfortunately, sometimes eliminate witnesses to a crime. retired mvd colonel vladimir novgorodov, detained this week, remained free the longest; he was registered in this five-story building in the southwest of the capital, but it seems that his lifestyle, neighbors could not remember the former law enforcement officer, he hid his dark secrets far from the capital in the village of staraya melkova, tver region, in this two-story house, investigators found caches of weapons, ammunition and explosives, all this is probable was in service with an organized crime group, which supposedly included novgorodov, the former employee of the ministry of internal affairs knew a lot about conspiracy, the residents of the nearest houses did not even suspect who was in the neighborhood, they had seen it for a long time, no, no, we didn’t...
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he’s not there, yes, yes, but in general you know him, no, now you definitely won’t be able to meet him, by court decision vladimir novgorodov went to a pre-trial detention center, the investigators have a lot of work ahead, to prove the involvement of the retired colonel in a series of serious crimes, it is possible that new names will be named soon members of the group who still remain at large. andrey romanov, galina khungureeva, dinara yusipova, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko, ekaterina romanova, conductor, duty department. a poacher was detained in kalmyk. which was seized from fish listed in the red book, residents of areas located on the banks of the volga and caspian sea often engage in illegal fishing, my colleague alexandra mostovay was convinced of this, she visited kalmykia and saw how local police officers fight illegal miners of biological resources. on the federal highway leading trade is in full swing from the astrakhan region to kalmykia, tents stand a few meters from the dusty road, and in the forty-degree heat they sell blown engines here. buza, vegetables and
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even dried fish in dirty refrigerators , batches of roach, bream and pike perch, some kind of dried fish, but what is that, that’s how much? 1.34 kg. the sellers do not hide the fact that they themselves catch fish from the volga, not far away. for many residents of kalmykia, this is a business that brings in substantial, but not always legal, income. we bought fish, but they didn’t give us a receipt. no documents for this fish, where does it even come from, we do not know. it is possible that the bourikoniere catch is traded on the route. kalmykia is located on the western coast of the caspian sea, near the volga. one of the sea cities of the republic of lagan is located just 9 km from the coast. lagan is connected to the caspian sea by a ten-kilometer shipping canal. poachers operate in this area. with their gear they block the so-called fishing roads along which sturgeon go from the volga to... sleep.
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the police regularly stop poachers. in these frames one of the last arrests carried out by kalmyt police. poachers almost took away valuable goods to a neighboring region. the carcasses of sturgeon, beluga, and stellate sturgeon are hidden in the trunk of their car. these fish are listed in the red book. employees of the ministry of internal affairs confiscate the crime weapon from illegal informers. here, for example, is the equipment of illegal fishermen.
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the criminals were going to resell, but the deal fell through; motor boats, fishing line nets, and more than 60 copies were found confiscated from local residents of the village of tsaganaman at their place of residence. fish-sturgeon breeds. the fight against poaching is especially active in the lagansky fishing region of kalmykia; hereditary fishermen live here; entrepreneur tatyana nikrasova works according to the law and continues her mother’s work. our material is carp, our marine one. the carp is very tasty, but it turns out that we make dumplings, we make cutlets, tyvteli, zrazy, but the hereditary fisherman valery chose to work outside the law and now asks not to show his face, a former poacher who served almost a year in a colony, for a long time operated in the lagansky region, you need to eat, and how many times were you brought to justice, five times, it was worth it, of course it wasn’t worth it, in recent years the number of brokering attacks has noticeably decreased.
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they go far into the sea, so here we are trying to block the main routes of entry to us. now going to sea is officially prohibited; poachers seem to have gone to the bottom. the most valuable catch for broganers, i think, is probably beluga. local residents very quickly learned about the appearance of journalists in the lagansky district and the surrounding area, as if warned those who go to sea illegally. during the work of our film crew. not a single fish was harmed, what work is being done by local authorities to combat poachers? well, this work was constantly carried out for us in those days when poaching was really developed, now it is practically non-existent, local residents repeated the same words like a spell:
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we have fishermen and this is the same thing, but there are no poachers, we discovered a different picture, near one of the houses we see three... boats, on which all over chances are they go out into the water area, most likely they go out to fish; fish of acetra species were included in the red book precisely because of poachers. in the nineties, the scale of illegal fishing grew so much that almost the entire population was on the verge of extinction. in russia, commercial fishing of sturgeon has been prohibited since 2007. criminal liability has been tightened. fines for illegal mining have increased, but this does not stop seasoned poachers. should operate in the caspian sea, the fish from aster rocks are at great risk disappear. in kalmykia, police continue to identify poachers plundering russia's mineral resources. there is still calm in the caspian sea, but for how long? alexander mostyva, alexey gorshkov, alexander zarubov, dmitry stepanov and andrey netreba. vesti, duty unit from
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the republic of kalmykia. poisoned tea. who would have thought that a ritual that is familiar and beloved by many would claim lives? six people, a tea cup like this, now the main evidence in a high-profile criminal case about the death of foreign tourists in a five-star hotel bangkok, grand hyatt yarawan. it all happened in one of the luxury rooms. the maid found three men and three women dead, no marks, injuries or struggle. all the victims were vietnamese citizens, two of whom also had american passports. foreign media publish alleged photos of the dead. on the recording from the cctv camera, the moment when tourists with suitcases enter the room, they never came back out. according to preliminary results of the investigation, everyone was poisoned . cyanite, found in the cups of six victims in a bangkok hotel. zionists or
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simply cyonite is a deadly poison. in the thai media , its potency was compared to cobra venom, and not by chance. kali is finely crystalline. it is similar to sugar in practical size and color, also 200-300 mg, swelling of the palate already occurs, foam comes out of the mouth, the screams are very scary, heartbreaking. now the police are figuring out how the cyonite got into the hotel, whether it was smuggled into the country or purchased locally, and the fbi has become involved in the case. the news of the mysterious death of tourists at the height of the season shocked everyone, this is what has already been established. a native of vietnam with citizenship. she allegedly prepared tea for five vietnamese citizens in her room, with poison, according to the police, there were her
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business partners at the table, earlier the lady invited them to invest in a project to build an elite clinic in japan, she received money of approximately 280 thousand dollars, but... tourists, as we managed to find out, the hotel where the guests were poisoned is not particularly popular among vacationers from russia, but there is a risk. an interesting fact: in august 2013, a similar incident occurred in a scottish hotel, then two russian tourists died from cyanide poisoning; their bodies were found in their room;
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police later said it was a suicide. as for the story at the vankok hotel, the thai police will conduct another test to determine the amount of cyanide in the cups, that is. version of premeditated murder, inconclusive, there are still many questions in the case, well, now about the story of the beauty who suffered at the hands of a monster this week . the group met with the victim of an acid maniac, this is what anastasia labada looked like before it was doused with sulfuric acid, this is what it looks like now. it’s a paradox, but the person who caused her so much pain will probably not only avoid prison, but will not even pay compensation, why - vladimir bazov found out. anastasia loboda from the moscow region is forced to wear sunglasses even at home, otherwise she cannot see. a young woman is a victim of an acid maniac. until recently, she captivated men with her beauty. now she is forced to hide her face, only now , after 3 months, anastasia decided
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to show her appearance, now you can wear glasses take it off, well, if for a minute, for a second, then i can, but not for the whole time, i won’t sit there with you for 10, 20, 40 minutes, our light hits you very hard in the eyes, despite the fact that any light is very strong for me it hits the eyes, the beautiful, smiling barunette replaced her cosmetics with tubes of medicinal ointments, her life turned into a series of daily trials. absolutely every action you take every day is yours, either i can’t do it, or it has some kind of restrictions, i can’t comb my hair that easily, because i still have a lot in my hair here, everything is peeling off, if you look, i still have such a wound here, it’s like wet, it’s not healing, my hair sticks here, it’s not smeared with anything here, this is his normal state, anastasia’s life plunged into darkness after meeting andrey suleimanov, this... kind, modest engineer. that april evening , anastasia was returning from the hospital to visit her son.
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a random passer-by caught up with her near the house. surveillance camera footage shows him abruptly pouring a whole bottle on the woman. sulfuric acid. oh, i screamed so loud, they probably heard it in the neighboring yards. well, i weighed the situation, yes, but i understood that everything was burning, it was burning, the pain was growing, and accordingly, if i ran after him now, it was unclear what would happen there, say, in two or three minutes, so i chose everything - still run home. here. what anastasia’s face looked like shortly after the acid attack: blisters, blackened skin, eyelids were so burned that they wouldn’t close, i had to sleep with my eyes open, anastasia’s little son didn’t recognize his mother at first, i at first i didn’t even believe that my mother, she was all here in bows, in bandages, half of it was all black, there was also a bandage on her arm, as it were, but then by her voice, by her habits, by some characteristic features, i i realized that this was my mother. the alleged acid maniac andrei suleymanov was soon detained. it turned out that that evening he poured acid
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on another girl, a sixteen-year-old schoolgirl. her clothes saved her from serious wounds. suleymanov admitted that he does not remember what happened, allegedly shortly before the attack a colleague slipped something into his coffee and he lost his mind. now your detention is being carried out in accordance with articles ninety-one and ninety-two of the code of criminal procedure. suleymanov was accused of hooliganism and intentional infliction of bodily harm. the man was placed under arrest, but it turned out that he could... escape the colony; a psychological and psychiatric examination was carried out, according to which the man was declared insane and in need of compulsory medical measures. most likely the court will send suleymanov to compulsory treatment, experts believe that the man has paranoid schizophrenia, it is impossible to completely recover from it. when we talk about places where patients undergo compulsory treatment, we understand that they are especially dangerous due to their painful condition, here... security protection measures, specially trained employees, doctors,
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bars on the windows, a high fence, a fire protection system escape, many differences from prison, you will not find in this system. it is not yet known whether suleymanov was registered with a psychiatrist. surprisingly, despite the diagnosis, he worked as an engineer at a factory and lectured to students. this is the royal college of space technology and engineering, this is where he taught. perhaps he obtained the reagents for sulfuric acid in one of the educational laboratories. by the way, students say about the former teacher that he did not hate girls, and even inflated the grades of some of them. a person working with children and adolescents is required to undergo an annual examination by a psychiatrist. either the specialist did not notice the oddities in suleymanov’s behavior, or he simply did not show up doctor. there is one more point: if the court finds the acid maniac insane, his victim anastasia loboda will not be able to count on compensation.
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this test. anastasia has five expensive operations behind her, with at least three more ahead, plus ongoing costs for treatment and rehabilitation. i go out and do a lot of circles around the yard just like that. i come out here, here is one of the places where i check my eyesight every day at the end of the house, there i stand at a specific mark, every day i look with both eyes, eyes in turn, do i see the letters, do i see the numbers on the house, anastasia is worried that sooner or later she will see her offender again, andrei suleymanov lived with her in the same area, it is unknown how long he will stay in
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compulsory treatment, maybe several years, or maybe just a few months. vladimir bazov, dmitry frolov, kirill kryuchko. to conduct the duty department, the flamboyant blogger edward bill , who appeared in the guise of a policeman, found himself behind bars again. the mishchansky court of moscow sent him under arrest for 13 days. it's all about the scandalous video. here is eduard biel real name prankster rides with a friend on a two-seater scooter with a trailer. apparently this is some kind of technical know-how. the bloggers wear caps and uniforms very similar to those worn by inspectors. the heroes of the video called themselves employees of the scooter service. judging by the footage, the patrol impostors only interfered with traffic and created emergency situations on the road. real police officers regarded such rides as petty hooliganism, and this may not be the only violation. also by police officers in relation to detainees an administrative investigation will be carried out for the illegal wearing of uniforms with insignia, symbols of state paramilitary organizations,
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law enforcement and regulatory authorities. it is noteworthy that eduard biel came to court with a pack. in which his personal belongings were located, apparently he was ready to go to the isolation ward, the blogger is well acquainted with life behind barbed wire, a year ago we were released from a colony, where he was serving a sentence for a massive accident on the garden ring of moscow. the accident, which occurred in april 2021, injured several people, the most severe injuries were received by a state duma employee, maria artyomova. and now a new traffic incident and new punishment, eduard bill was taken away from the court in a special car, so that there would certainly be no harm. a high-profile trial of the mysterious murder of a schoolgirl has begun in yekaterinburg. last summer , the body of a sixteen-year-old girl was found in a city park. at first they decided that it was suicide, but the father of the deceased was able to prove that his daughter was killed and even found a person who could have done it. about the mystery of the murderer on a bicycle, alina skachkova. on
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crime scenes. not only the killers are returning, alexander ilyenykh, the father of the deceased schoolgirl from kamensko-uralsky, once again follows his daughter’s last route. a long road, a highway on the right, a forest belt on the left, it was in it that the body of sixteen-year-old dana ilyenykh was found. the girl’s death has been surrounded by mysteries for almost a year: it was suicide, poisoning, murder, and finally, the official investigation has been completed. the accused slinger eduard golikov appeared in court, the events of the fateful night became clearer. a struggle ensued along the way. which he went behind her, grabbed her by the waist, covered her mouth and dragged her into the forest, it was midnight, it was midnight, yes, dragging her, he didn’t see the overview, it was dark, they just fell into this hole, because uh, on her there is damage to the body, even a puncture on the right side, apparently from some kind of twig, twig, yeah, the left
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side is hematomas, the high-profile case was solved thanks to my father. deceased, it was he who found video from surveillance cameras and collected evidence that the daughter was not a suicide and not a drug addict, as was stated immediately after the body was discovered in july last year, dana ilnykh was returning home from the last train, went to apply for college, in pitch darkness, a suspicious cyclist was following her, as it later turned out, local resident eduard golikov, here is the last video that the schoolgirl recorded, now my death has come, me the dog eats me in the forest, the dog don’t eat me, she didn’t reach the house a kilo... she disappeared on the street, where, as luck would have it, not a single lamp was on. her mother asked for help in finding her daughter; in order to search for a minor, the personnel of the territorial department of internal affairs were raised at the gathering signal. a day later, the dog-box led the police to a shallow ravine, there lay the body of a girl with abrasions, her jacket was pulled up, then strange things began, a large dose of caffeine was found in dan’s blood. experts said
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it was an accident, they say the schoolgirl felt bad, she turned into the forest, fell and was scratched. investigator for particularly important cases sergei kibardin, who was leading the case, could not wrap his head around these events. based on the results of the first forensic examination, uh, the cause of the girl’s death was determined to be acute heart failure, which is extremely contradictory to all the materials collected, in connection with this, a decision was made to carry out an exhumation followed by a particularly complex one. commission, judicial, complex examination. the body was examined again, this time experts found signs of suffocation and even sweat marks. the data matched the dna of that same cyclist golikov. after this probable soul. after which i took her hand, dragged her into the forest, and started something
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scream, resist, i say, don’t scream, girl, my hands were already on her neck, eduard golikov’s acquaintances refuse to believe that he could be a rapist-murderer, 35 years old hollost works with a trail worker at a pipe factory, still a teenager we have a suspended sentence for theft, but this is not a reason to write him down as a maniac, “i was shocked by my parents, why the little girl was driving late, she didn’t have any money on her card, nothing, she went on foot, that her parents were to blame, golikov’s main defender, his mother, the woman had to change jobs and address, she is afraid to show her face, she says because of her son they are now threatening her with violence, he was driving after her, he always went there, here is alina, imagine, this is his road, little red riding hood went into the forest at night, damn it, edward realized this, why? i think i’m under more pressure than the other, or he was intimidated, as six months later his
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epithelium was discovered on this blouse. the woman is perplexed how the results of the two examinations can be so strikingly different. according to her version, the son noticed that the girl felt bad, went after her, wanted help, when he saw the lifeless body, he ran away, confused. a mysterious story has been disturbing the small town of kamensk-uralsky for a year now, its population is falling with each passing day. a schoolgirl, but she fought back at the cost of her life. the accused, fearing to be brought to criminal liability in the future, decided to commit the murder of a minor; he dealt with her by strangulation.
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the alleged killer took the schoolgirl's phone for some reason, buried it a few kilometers from the crime scene, wanted to steal it, but changed his mind, confused his tracks. at my father's they have their own version, they say that the daughter managed to take a photograph of golikov before the attack, perhaps this decided the girl’s fate. is it true that he allegedly wrote to her after his death? the creepy sms that golikov sent to the buried phone, another mystery, did he really want to acquire an alibi, but it seems he only left evidence. every evening on kadochnikov street, where this mysterious murder took place, the lights come on; they were repaired only 3 months after dana’s death, now at midnight, it’s as bright as day. eduard golikov is now in pre-trial detention, waiting the next court hearing and writes letters to his mother after a sincere confession. in murder, he's doing well. alena skachkova, dinara yusipova and denis urasbakhtin. news, duty department. soon, after us, watch the investigation of eduard petrov, the film game of
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checkers, talks about the dangers of the modern world of cabbies. increasingly, taxi trips end in accidents and scandals. cars may be registered to unknown companies, and random people who have rented a car may be sitting in the driver’s seat. why does this happen and how to protect yourself? about this will happen in a couple of minutes. our release is now complete. follow legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhurnoy part and honest detective. all our releases and best investigations are on the platform. watch. go to the channel honest detective and see you.
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here, guys, the war
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is real.
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the first state radio in russia, more than 100 programs for 130 million listeners, on the air around the clock. moscow listens to radio russia, now on 101.5 fm. russian mig-29 and mig-31 prevented two us air force b-52n strategic bombers from violating the state border. this was reported by the russian ministry of defense. they were discovered over the barintse sea as
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they approached. our fighters, american planes were forced to turn around. there was no violation of the state border . the russian military destroyed trains with weapons of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, more than fifty units of military equipment were hit by the iskander complex. this includes armored vehicles us-made maxpro, 10 canadian senator armored vehicles, armored personnel carriers, trucks, combat reconnaissance and recovery vehicles. also liquidated. hundreds of ukrainian militants. the exact hit was recorded by our orland-10 drones. yemen's houthis struck back. this morning, their formations launched a drone strike with ballistic missiles on the israeli port of eilat. the authorities hastened to declare that the attack had been repulsed; however, according to local media, the port was forced to suspend operations. the houthis also claim that they managed to hit american cargo ship pumbaa in the red
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sea. i'll remind you this afternoon. 12 israeli fighters attacked the yemeni port of hadeida, including an oil storage facility that came under fire. the blazing fire was visible for kilometers. the houthis themselves report that us and british aircraft also took part in the bombing. as a result of the attack, three people were killed and more than 80 people were injured. the idf said the strike was a response to yemen's attacks. trump had full stands in michigan. this is the first rally. trump immediately said that after the assassination attempts he received a message from everyone whom the biden white house considers enemies and promised that if he wins the election, he will radically change us policy. boris johnson said that he has no doubt about trump’s chances of winning
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, advised him to begin his reign from... when he should reach the borders of the ninety-first , johnson no longer believes that ukraine is the year. in his opinion, kiev should achieve at least some success and immediately conclude peace with moscow. after this, according to johnson, washington will be able to restore relations with moscow, and russia will return to the group eight will restore partnership with nato. now there is a short advertisement, and after that our broadcast will continue eduard petrov’s investigation into what dangers there are. it could turn out to be a banal taxi ride. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sber business. a real hunt.


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