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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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russian mig-29 and mig-31 prevented two strategic bombers from violating the state border. us air force b-52n. this was reported by the russian ministry of defense. they were discovered over the barints sea. as our fighters approached, the american planes were forced to turn around. there was no violation of the state border. the russian military destroyed trains with weapons of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense, more than fifty units of military equipment were hit by the iskander-m complex. this includes armor maxpro cars, production. usa, 10
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canadian armored vehicles, a senator, armored personnel carriers and trucks, combat reconnaissance vehicles, hundreds of ukrainian militants were also eliminated. the exact hit was recorded by our orland-10 drones. vladimir zelensky has once again changed his rhetoric and is now trying to make friends with donald trump. quite recently, if zelensky mentioned trump, he said that he didn’t understand anything here, that it would be better for him to think first and then speak out. he claimed that trump has no influence on anything. because kyiv doesn't i'm interested in any of his suggestions. and now zelensky, without waiting for the outcome of the us elections, is already calling trump president. a former american diplomat, quoted by cnn, suggests that this is how kiev reacted to the news from the united states. this week, trump announced that senator vance, known as an opponent of aid to ukraine, would become his vice president. cn writes that for ukraine there is now a very difficult situation at the front, in kiev. have no doubt
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that trump will soon return to the white house, so they want to demonstrate to him in advance their readiness to make a deal and negotiate peace. boris johnson said that he has no doubt about trump’s chances of winning and advised him to begin his reign with massive military support for ukraine. at the same time, johnson no longer believes that ukraine should return to the borders of 1991 . in his opinion, kiev should achieve at least some success and immediately make peace with moscow. after this, according to johnson, washington will be able to restore relations with moscow, and russia will return to the group eight will restore partnership with nato. today in russia they celebrate metallug day, this is a holiday of 700 thousand professionals who are truly distinguished by their steely will and iron character. the anniversary production of cast iron was launched at kusbas. the west siberian metallurgical plant celebrates its sixtieth anniversary this year. vriogu took part in the ceremony. special attention today to the achievements
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of donbass. a mural dedicated to metal appeared in the center of lugansk. in donetsk, the metallurgical plant is a city-forming enterprise, and is now expanding its production. another one of the oldest metallurgical enterprises in the region is the yanakievsky metallurgical plant. and there, after a major overhaul, blast furnace number 5 was put back into operation. mikhail mishustin is working these days in the far east. trip to the first region, magadan region. mishustin was already 4 years ago and has now appreciated how much the region has changed during this time. evgenia petrukhina will talk about what was shown to the prime minister. the special board lands in magadan. this is the first city on mikhail mishustin’s working trip to the far east and siberia. the program is dynamic. a few welcoming words immediately to the object. vysotsky international airport is changing its appearance. here it is, the new airport complex. created according to russian designs.
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magadan airport is one of 75 that are being modernized today on behalf of the president, the new terminal will accept the first passengers in december, in december 2024 it will be like in the picture, it is very important that these words were already recorded by media representatives in december of twenty-four, roads no back, and we plan within the framework new national project to reconstruct the runway, the new terminal will be able... to receive up to 800 passengers per hour, 15 million guests per year, will speed up the service process, including an updated baggage claim system, and a large number of parking lots will be prepared for motorists places in parallel, mentrans is reconstructing the airfield pylon to accommodate aircraft jet bridges; it should be comfortable and convenient. what is working here today, including public-private partnerships, is very important. thank you for naming the deadlines and taking responsibility for making sure the project is on point. the documentation
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did a good job, it’s a wonderful airport, it’s clear that it was done wisely, with an approach, the modernization of airports is only part of a comprehensive program, there are entire master plans for the development of far eastern cities. construction of a marine tourist center has begun in magadan, where, just like here, an entire cruise harbor will appear on the western coast of nagaev bay. for magadan, this is a maritime center that should do everything the region is attractive for tourists, and the largest housing projects are the far eastern quarter, rental housing and an urban improvement competition. we had a detailed conversation about the implementation of these programs at a meeting with the governor of the magadan region, sergei nosov. i know that in 4 years the growth of private investment here has increased by one and a half times, these are very good figures, i know that you are trying, doing everything possible to develop the region, of course, we, like everyone else, had difficulties, this is in the twenty-second
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year, these are sanctions on the gold mining industry, this includes gold prices, but i want to say that our industrialists are facing these difficulties, our for... for equipment suppliers, we expect an increase in gold production of 5.6 tons compared to the twenty-third year, investors trust us, investors are showing interest in fishing industry in the region, two specialized fishing vessels, fish catchers, made at the khabarovsk plant, were supplied. in addition, social infrastructure is being developed; this year the magadan polytechnic school, which was mothballed back in the nineties, will be completed. on the issue personnel training today receives special attention. for this purpose, a professional program is being developed, 18 laboratories for training students have been reconstructed and re-equipped, and today a personnel training center is being reconstructed in mogadan. at the implementation stage, the project costs 262 million rubles. this is a new center, or rather, we
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are modernizing it, reconstructing the advanced training center, and if possible, i ask you to support our work. the scope of the center’s activities is very large, several thousand children were trained there, and this is very cool, and of course i will instruct the ministry for the development of the far east together with the ministry of finance will work out all the issues, we support your request. planned modernization in the healthcare sector. a regional oncology center has been built in the region, and 50 new treatment methods are available. in magadan, the construction of a maternity hospital continues, which will become a real center of motherhood. childhood. as part of the modernization of primary care, we received resources worth one billion 350 million rubles. one of the big projects is the president's instructions. there were several instructions from the president - this is our maternity hospital the magadan region is systematically solving the problem of shortage of medical personnel.
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in 2023 alone, 62 doctors came to the region. new specialists will continue to be attracted through preferential programs. in addition, magadan will be allocated additional funding for improvement. good education, good qualified medical care, so that in the territories of the country people should receive it , it is clear where to turn, where they live, work, relax, everything should be comfortable, and of course, it is necessary to create all these conditions, and we will support your request, a list of such public spaces needs to be prepared and we will direct its development to the east. magadan is still waiting for the opening of a new school for 500 places, but the renovation is not only there, in komsomolsk-on-amur a new embankment will appear by the end of the year, in blagoveshchensk opposite the chinese heihe the tribuna hall cultural center will be opened this year, so a new terminal at the vysotsky international airport - this is only part of
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the far eastern changes. evgenia petrukhina, news. and just at these moments. the ministry of defense and the russian armed forces destroyed the hymers missile launcher and an ammunition warehouse of the ukrainian armed forces, where up to 400 tons of ammunition were stored. severe flood. in central china, 19 people died and more than 60 went missing as a result of the rampant disaster. heavy rains are occurring in several provinces. floods wash away houses, roads and bridges. more than 100 thousand people were evacuated from flooded areas. in the area of ​​the zoo in the city of bauudze
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, cages with animals were flooded. they cannot be resettled yet. and now our channel will continue broadcasting "parliamentary hour" program. the program parliamentary hour is on air. hello, we will tell you about the main events of the state duma this week. an official visit to latin america, so that countries work more closely and people benefit from this. nicaragua as a political trading partner. we defend principles together in international organizations,
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this is our strength. special report by alexander laktionov. the state duma is putting things in order on the roads. an attempt on such a crime, i think, deserves, well, either many hundreds of thousands of fines, and maybe confiscation of the car. responsibility for the hidden number, how to strike a balance when the weather is severe due to natural disasters.
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from the shores of another continent, a special report by alexander laktionov. vyacheslav volodin began his working trip to latin america with a visit to nicaragua. the plane from moscow landed at the capital airport of the republic late at night. at this late hour, the state duma speaker is met at the gangway by the president's special representative for cooperation with russia, lauriana fakunda. artega murillo. relations between the countries have acquired a systemic character, cooperation
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between the two states, vyacheslav volodin and laureana artega murilla were recently discussed in st. petersburg at the international economic forum, now a new meeting is already in monagoo. the chairman of the state duma is here, on behalf of the president of russia, representing our country at the ceremonial events on the occasion of the forty-fifth anniversary of the sandenist people's revolution. on the eve of the holiday , vyacheslav volodin held a number of working meetings with the leadership of the republic. relationships between countries. is now at its peak, the foundation has been laid by the national leaders of the state. the task , through legislative support of the solution, is to do everything to ensure that countries work more closely, people benefit from this, and of course, in this regard, a lot can be done through new forms of cooperation, which are inter-parliamentary interactions. nicaragua and russia are two fraternal peoples, two fraternal governments, the presidents of our countries are people who
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defend friendship, and we are especially proud that on these significant days for our country we are receiving such an important delegation. the agreements reached at the highest level must be implemented, including by parliamentarians of the two countries. in the national assembly of nicaragua, local deputies greet the russian delegation especially warmly. we were really looking forward to this meeting; we are working productively with our colleagues within the friendship group. it is extremely important for us that russia is next to us, we are allies on the world stage, we defend common values, and fight for a more just world order. in october last year the first a meeting of the commission on cooperation between the state duma of russia and the national assembly of nicaragua, that is, the parliamentary dialogue has been intensified and it is already proving its effectiveness, but it is important. to look for new formats, vyacheslav volodin emphasized, to build communications between specialized committees, this will increase the productivity
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of joint work. we have great opportunities to continue cooperation, and in a variety of areas, in matters of education, the humanitarian sphere, in the field of culture, and here i would like us to lead dialogue, representing the interests of our countries, deciding. our citizens, together we can do more, together we are stronger, we need to take care of the friendship that has been established for many decades. back so that these relationships are maintained and developed. nicaragua is not just a political ally of russia in central america, but also a promising trade and economic partner, deputies believe. trade turnover between the countries has already increased by 70% over the past few months. after all, politics is a continuation of economics, and of course we are pleased that they are quite, well
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share a deep understanding of the current situation, continue to offer us various kinds of projects.
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any external pressure, cope with challenges and threats, protect the sovereignty and independence of our states, viva russia, viva nicaragua, russia and nicaragua are strategic allies, long-time friends and partners, which of course the united states does not like. the us is always suspicious of everything russia does, but that's their business. and nicaragua is our friends, and no one will stop us from communicating with our friends, and not just communicating, but implementing big projects, for example, to train first-class personnel together; this is a unique training center, a branch of the siberian law institute of the ministry of internal affairs of russia in nicaragua. police officers from latin american countries are trained here to improve their skills.
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state duma deputies were shown the conditions under which course participants study. the training center is essentially an investment. russia in the fight against crime on the continent, the quality of education is high and the assessment is also high, since it acquires skills in investigating and solving crimes, of course, first turns out drug trafficking, cybercrime, and traffic accidents are also a big problem for central and south america. every year the center accepts about 400 people for training, in 7 years more than 2 guards have already improved their qualifications here, mainly from nicaragua, they plan to expand the geography, one of the essential problems today is the high cost of travel, getting here, say, as a cuban, is expensive , one of the solutions may be to subsidize travel for citizens of neighboring states of the central america, precisely for the purpose of undergoing
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training here. here he is, this is sandina, our national hero, distant in terms of geography, but close in spirit, the republic of nicaragua greatly values ​​relations with our country, for almost 10 years now there has even been a friendship day between russia and nicaragua in the local calendar, together with moscow, monagua also celebrates its main public holiday, the anniversary of the people's sandinista revolution, the triumph of freedom and independence. tens of thousands of people on this day in the central square of the city took part in the festive rally vyacheslav volodin. he conveyed words of congratulations from russian president vladimir putin to the people of nicaragua and national leader daniel artegui. our country has always supported nicaragua and supports it now. we are fighting together for a multipolar world, for the opportunity
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to build our future. we see leadership, we have always followed the leadership of russia, and we once again confirm the solidarity between our countries, we see a huge number of sanctions against russia, and with this introduction
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of sanctions they showed their true colors showed themselves to be bandits or gangsters, from monago airport, the board with the state duma delegation heads north, guests, or rather friends from russia, are met on the island of freedom in a couple of hours. the stay of the state duma delegation in havana was no less eventful. meetings of vyacheslav volodin with the leadership of the republic, the national assembly and people's power and the state council are planned, and work will begin immediately after arrival. we will tell you all the details of the official visit in the next report. alexander laktenov, maxim koval, nikita kharaskin, elena bogdan. duma tv. parliamentary hour. this week in the state duma is regional. deputies worked in their constituencies. we held personal receptions for citizens. within the framework of parliamentary control. visited important infrastructure facilities in their regions, met with representatives of local business authorities to discuss decisions made in a row. read more in yana dobrovolskaya's review.
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during the regional week, the head of the united russia faction, vladimir vasiliev, held meetings with residents of the kalininsky district of the tavira region. repair road surface, waste removal, provision. uninterrupted power supply is what worries people. representatives of snt came to vladimir vasiliev with an appeal regarding the state program for social gasification. vladimir vasiliev took control of the questions. the parliamentarian also appreciated the result of the improvement of the territory at the kalinin quarries, which was carried out on the initiative of vladimir vasiliev. three sanitary rooms with ramps and places for changing infants were also installed here. the kids are covered in sand, and i want to wash them after the sand. and after that already swaddled.
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state duma deputy from the a just russia for truth faction alexander aksyonenko takes part in sending two zil trucks and a kras truck crane to the northern military district zone. in addition, as part of the uaz project in the donbass , several poises left for the northern military district zone in june-july. alexander aksyonenko regularly provides assistance to this project. here, of course, many thanks to everyone who participates, we joined with our volunteers and our like-minded people to bring this equipment into complete order and replace outdated parts. committee members on agrarian issues, during the regional week we visited the skreblovsky rural settlement of the leningrad region, toured a rural cultural center with an auditorium for... 150 seats , a library, a gym, the facility was built as part of the state program for the integrated development of rural areas, and the deputies of the agrarians also visited the opening of a robotic
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livestock farm. this is hard, one might say, terrible hard work. and we see how they have made strides today in matters of transformation, milk production, farms have been robotized, they are striding today all of our russia. but the leningrad region certainly has all this, because it is, together with the moscow region, in matters of milk production, in general in the development of livestock farming, even the soviet period to the parents, there have always been high milk yields, they have always worked well in livestock production, so we are happy about this continuation. chairman of the state duma committee on labor, social policy and veterans affairs yaroslav nilov visited the branch of the social fund of russia in the chechen republic. regional experience in
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implementation in the client. social fund services of the maximum range of social services available in most regions only in the mfc, he discussed at a meeting with members of the regional committee on social policy, health and sports. they also talked about the introduction of a family tax cashback, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners and other decisions of the state duma. we have recently made a lot of amendments to the veteran's law, it is clear why here with the conduct of a special military operation, this is already more informal communication. will allow us to look at certain issues more intelligently, discuss them, i believe that these horizontal connections built in the future will allow us to work more closely, including in the legislative direction. yana dobrovolskaya, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, yulia borodina, duma tv parliamentary hour. we will return to the work of deputies in the regions in the second part of our program, now to other topics. i bought vitamins for general tone, but received unplanned hormonal
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therapy. this. real life story consumers of dietary supplements: the idea that dietary supplements are not medicines, but rather something from the field of traditional medicine, dulls vigilance; herbs cannot do much harm, but inside the magic pill there can be anything in any concentration. recent deaths in japan from red rice are proof of this. the state duma supported the initiative to strengthen control over the quality of dietary supplements. moreover, the bill, adopted in the first reading, will give doctors the right to...
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to improve the functioning of the body, eternal youth beauty. in order to figure it out, the girl even had to learn a new profession, nutritionist. i definitely, definitely took tests on everything, but without tests, even though dietary supplements are not a medicine, yes. without prescribing tests, well, this can also be fraught with consequences, so of course, i definitely had my body examined, had tests, yes, had an ultrasound, yes, based on this i selected for myself those dietary supplements that would specifically help in my personal history , not everyone is ready to become a nutritionist in order to buy the right jar of miracle pills in order to protect the health of citizens to make
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consumption of dietary supplements... the government’s powers to establish criteria for the quality of dietary supplements, raw materials for their production, depending on the degree of their impact on human health, will tighten control for the use of such additives, and since the uncontrolled use of biologically active additives can have a very negative impact on... the health of our fellow citizens. the document introduces a ban on use in the production of dietary supplements of raw materials with feed additives, animal growth stimulants, including hormonal drugs, certain types of drugs, pesticides, agrochemicals and other substances hazardous to human health. how will their quality be determined based on what parameters, which body will determine which baht is of high quality and which is not. a quality food product, and we are making changes to the law on
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food quality and safety. is a food product that is a safe, b compliant declared consumer properties and b does not violate the requirements for preserving the health of the living and future generations, that is, we have already defined this norm in the law, the government will be guided by it. one of the main changes is that doctors will be able to prescribe supplements if necessary in order to avoid their uncontrolled use, because this often affects... will all doctors be allowed to recommend or issue prescriptions for dietary supplements or will there be some restrictions. today , no one prohibits doctors from writing prescriptions. they prescribe them for dietary supplements, but from the twenty -fifth year the doctor will have to follow clinical recommendations or methodological recommendations; if he does something inappropriate, or does something that is not prescribed, he will be subject to criminal liability.


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