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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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no. a high-quality food product, and we are making changes to the law on food quality and safety, and this is a food product that is a - safe, b, meets the consumer's declared properties and c - does not violate the requirements for preserving the health of the living and future generations. that is, this norm has already been defined in our law; the government will be guided by it. one of the main changes doctors will be able to make as needed. prescribe supplements to avoid their uncontrolled use, because this often affects health. will all doctors be allowed to recommend or issue prescriptions for dietary supplements, or will there be any restrictions? today, no one forbids doctors from writing prescriptions for dietary supplements, they write them out, but from the twenty-fifth year, the doctor will have to follow clinical recommendations or methodological recommendations if he does something in... or something that is not
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prescribed, for criminal liability arises. doctors support the bill on the side of the deputies, and stritaviyan, a cosmetologist with twelve years of experience, says that in her practice, patients who prescribed dietary supplements themselves still end up seeing a doctor, but in order to cure the side effects from these supplements. when taking dietary supplements for intestinal immunity, to remove all unnecessary bacteria, to restore the microflora, as promised.
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in fact - a modified medicine in order to get a more commercial profit, it works, you see how effective it is for me, everything has become easier, but there is simply a hormone, a steroid, which puts a person in such a positive mood, and this is clearly not the case fortunately for the patient, most often dietary supplements with prescription or prohibited components are identified for online sale. fighting them is difficult, requiring litigation on each website, while unscrupulous sellers cost nothing to create. the exact same page, but with a different web address, continues to work even after a direct injunction. therefore, legislative changes will also affect online retail, and it will be possible to quickly pre-trial block websites where potential goods are sold. unsafe product. rospotrebnadzor will monitor such sites. if certain dietary supplements, let’s say, raise doubts among the consumer, you can always contact them and check whether that resource is available. from the electronic one through which this baht
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is offered for purchase, yes, legal, registered, if it turns out that this is actually smuggling, well, such online platforms should be closed, like any others that sell low-quality goods or products. the government has a lot of work ahead to clarify in detail criteria for the sale, purpose and use of dietary supplements. where will there be an indication of the possibility and necessity of using one or another biological additive. ready and all the answers will be there. deputies note that this initiative is only the first step towards regulating the trade in dietary supplements. if the law is adopted, the document , all by-laws must be in the projects , will come into force on september 1 of this year. some of its points are from march 1 next. maria burkova, andrey tarasov, yulia borodina.
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elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. watch the second part of our program. punishment for trying to hide a license plate number. what will be added to the second reading? paradoxes of russian demography and prospects for supporting families with children. and also questions for the minister of science and higher education on the eve of the government hour in the state duma. we are in the position of one of the most unusual units.
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here's the story, everything is going to the front, everything is going to the front , about a million people are sent to the front , we are constantly looking death in the eye, because we are storming. expensive friends, i am pleased to invite you to our new release of the author’s program besagon tv with an intriguing title with easy steam or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. you will see the details on the screen. i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia 24. you are watching the parliamentary hour, we continue. the state duma is working to improve the biological safety of russians. necessary analyze how effective the current measures to control the import and export of biomaterials, toxins and pathogens are, both across the state border and within the country,” said irina yarovaya. this directly, of course, affects the provision of security measures for russian citizens. today we must be with you. analyze how the protection of scientific developments in matters of biosafety is ensured, how grant work is carried out, the exchange of information, the participation of foreign specialists in conducting these studies on the territory of the russian federation federation and gaining access to information about bio and genetic materials. at a meeting
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of the inter-factional working group on biosafety issues, irina yarovaya also recalled the work of the parliamentary commission to investigate the activities of american biological laboratories in ukraine. the conclusions and... conclusions of the final report formed the basis for a number of decisions: a law was adopted on the creation of a national database of genetic information, the operator of which is the kurchatov institute. the government received the authority to establish the procedure for introducing the register products required for biosafety. the state duma is considering a bill on bioresource centers and biocollections, but there are still risks for our country,” said the vice speaker. we confirm the fact that ukraine not only continues to pose high risks. threats to biosecurity, they are intensifying because the national strategic documents of the united states fully confirm their active participation in developments of the highest level of danger of a non-humanitarian nature, sold in ukraine in other countries of the world.
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to support the honest, to bring the cunning to reason, they propose to introduce up to one and a half years of deprivation of a driver's license for fraud with license plates, initiative. passed the first reading, and deputies also supported the idea of ​​increasing the amount of insurance payment under the european protocol. alexander shavrin found out what changes may appear before the second reading of the bills? there was no waiting for documents to be collected for insurance companies; we filled out one form and left. everything seems to be convenient, but the limits of insurance payments for european protocols in case of disagreements between drivers have not changed since 2018. and therefore, despite all the advantages, their popularity is falling, and the load on the traffic police, on the contrary, is growing. muscovite renat osmanov remembered last february for a long time. skolskaya road, traffic jams, an unexpected blow to the bumper at the entrance to the ring. the damage is not too serious and everything could have been quickly processed according to the european protocol, if not for the upper limit of 100,000 rubles. and the service called and said how much it would cost?
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accordingly, they said, well, rinat is 120-130k somewhere. that is, 120-130,000 rubles. well, there may also be internal damage. guy's staff had to wait. due to the fact that it was during the day, well, traffic, february, slippery, respectively, we waited for four hours, and there are thousands of similar situations across the country, state duma deputies proposed doubling the maximum insurance payment under the european protocol in the event of disagreements among drivers, we collectively looked at the growth of inflation and - the growth of the actual components was laid down, that is, such a small threshold for the future so that we understand that inflation will...still rise and so as not to be monitored every year, based on this they set an increase of up to 2000. the initiative was adopted in the first reading, by the second the document will be finalized to protect insurance companies from scammers. of course, it is also necessary to work out mechanisms aimed against fraudulent actions,
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to allow insurance companies to consider primary documents, that is, viewing video cameras in the form of recorders, but there are other situations when... rists specifically create conditions for road accidents and offer the unwitting participant to issue documents through the europrotocol, said transport safety expert yulia man. there are scammers.
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if you use a device that helps falsify a number, an attempt to commit such a crime, i think, deserves, well , or fines of many hundreds of thousands. and maybe confiscation of the car, it was decided that by the second reading the deputies will finalize the bill, revising the penalties for those who drive a car without license plates at all, according to parliamentarians, it is necessary to balance the punishment and prevent situations in which renting a room for the offender turns out to be profitable. alexander shavirin, anna melikyan, sergey gordeev, sergey vergunov, duma tv. parliamentary hour. and let’s get back to the work of deputies during the regional week.
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the chairman of the committee for the development of civil society on the issues of public and religious associations olga timofeeva worked in stavropol. the parliamentarian met with teachers from the lpr who are undergoing advanced training here. revision of pensions, assistance in receiving payments to svo participants in the search for relatives. medical care is about questions that help. it’s up to the teachers to decide olga timofeeva, while there are no deputies in the state duma who are elected to represent the interests of the new territories. our task, you know, firstly, is to teach our current joint standards that exist in russia, and to get to know each other, to become that powerful team of teachers, educators who are there today, and secondly, we suggest how best, we show, sharing the experience of stavropol, how to do it more correctly, and you know, we have not separated ourselves from the stavropol territory for a long time, the people who come to us are our... partners are our friends, whom we are obliged to protect. in ufa, chairman of
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the financial market committee anatoly aksakov, together with the head of the republic, held a round table on the formation of the financial culture of citizens. speaking about the prospects, the parliamentarian spoke about what the state duma has done to increase the financial protection of russians. for example, there is a long-term savings program that provides for every ruble that citizen contributes. to special accounts in non-state pension funds, the state pays extra, there is also a so-called tax deduction in accordance with the law, if you invest up to 400 thousand rubles through this program, then accordingly, a so -called tax deduction applies for this amount. a health committee also worked in the same region.
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parliamentarians held a visiting meeting in ufa dedicated to the implementation of the national project: a long and active life of the experience of bashkartastan in implementation of the federal project senior generation. it was about active longevity and health saving technologies. in bashkiria , the average life expectancy exceeded 73 years, a record figure in the entire history of the republic. traditionally in russia. we are moving towards this, bashkiria is moving at an accelerated pace, and here in bashkiria, as always , they realized that we need to move forward, they created gerenatology departments, not only in hospitals, but in clinics. the offsite meeting of the health protection committee coincided with the opening of the institute of fundamental health medicine of the bashkir state medical university. it is planned to conduct fundamental scientific
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research in the field of biology, medicine and bioengineering with the involvement of students at bsmu. the employees of the institute are primarily on behalf of the faction leader leonid slutsky , several tons of humanitarian aid were sent to military personnel in the northern military district zone. two trucks departed from nizhny novgorod, one from moscow. the fighters will receive clothing products, as well as motorcycles, kits, rubber, fans, washing machines and others the right things. i have modern technology behind me, the one that is in demand. at the request of our fighters, these are motorcycles, this and other equipment, in addition, we not only make sure that they are at the forefront, with the best modern technology, we also want them to have a good rest, recuperate, that’s why we are handing over air conditioners today, the summer is hot, it’s hot for you and me, and the guys need a normal, good
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climate, the deputy chairman of the government committee paid a working visit construction legislation by sordan avksentiev. residents wrote letters to the deputy asking for help in the fight against infill development. the parliamentarian notes that before going anywhere, he always tries to study everything on the spot. we found ourselves here at the call of the residents, who have been fighting for many years with the developer, who carries out precise construction within already built, very dense residential neighborhoods, and we have arrived. they looked really terrible, so we agreed with the residents on how we would proceed together and developed a plan definite, joint, now we will try to help people. state duma deputy bissultan khamzaev
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visited the gumbetovsky district of dagestan during his regional week. in the village of argvan, he inspected the newly built school and met with activists from different villages. residents drew the parliamentarian's attention to current pain points, the possible reduction of doctors in the district hospital, water supply and staff shortages in the region. khamzaev undertook to take control of all raised questions from residents. in addition, he noted the high level of development of landscaping districts of the republic. our roads are being made; we have a lot of roads being done in the region. i've seen other regions in russia, i know what i 'm comparing with. we have especially mountainous territory. it is developing well along the roads, so every question must be put to task and achieved, i think we will work together here on this part, at least i don’t see any difficulty. yana dobrovolskaya, sergei vergunov, anna melikyan, yulia borodina, duma tv parliamentary hour. most men and women in russia would like to have two or more children, but
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reality of declining birth rates. the deputy drew attention to the paradox of domestic demography. issues of paternity, maternity and childhood. the number of families where a third child is born is growing, but to stop the population custom, it is necessary for there to be five times more families with many children than there are now. it’s time for action, but in order to understand what needs to be done, you need to figure out what was wrong. now in our country there are 70% men and 72% women, though. have two or more children, more than 25% of the population want to have many children families. the state must certainly not only take this into account, but also take on this task to help overcome the problems that families face when deciding to have their next child. in order for people to be confident in stability, it is necessary
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to build a support system for several generations ahead in three directions, said the vice speaker. this is the well-being of families. including assistance to young student families, for example, in the ivanovo and kaliningrad regions they are already paying student maternity capital. this is the development of family infrastructure, in particular receiving assistance in a one-stop shop. and by the end of the year, family imf will be operational in 65 regions. and finally, the third area of ​​work is the protection of family values ​​and the formation of a pro-family environment. the chairman of the relevant committee, nina astanina, said that the deputies, in turn, are already working on additional assistance measures. for example, without. fixed-term maternity capital with an increase in its size for each subsequent child, an increase in the amount of payments to pay off the mortgage, a decrease in the exit age for retirement for parents with many children. these and other initiatives. will be discussed in the state duma in the fall at large parliamentary hearings on demographic policy. any material world, it must be durable, long-term and long-lasting.
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there is no such thing yet, you see, it reminds us of a short-distance race. and it’s time for us to move away from this political, socio-legal sprint, we need to become elders. only then, when in addition to measures of material support there is also confidence and trust, well, it seems to me that this is it. will already be the key to success. protect the child’s rights to life in normal conditions. the state duma is considering a bill on the mandatory assessment of the suitability of housing before purchasing it at the expense of matkapital. what was the reason for such an initiative and what verification mechanism is proposed, my colleague maria burkova learned from the deputy chairman of the committee on construction and housing and communal services , svetlana razvorotneva. svetlana viktorovna, you became one of the authors of the suitability assessment initiative. home before buying it at the expense of maternity capital, as i understand it, before you started working on this initiative, you received a lot of
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data about offenses in this area, is that true? a lot of such appeals came, including from ombudsmen for children’s rights through other channels, when indeed, including under the influence of, for example, unscrupulous realtors, the family purchased housing with money from maternal capital, which... which then turned out to be, well, impossible live, but unfortunately, there are also many cases, and this is also constantly discussed say the regions, and many of our colleagues in the state duma, well, they tried to somehow solve this problem, these are still fraudulent schemes, this is a scheme for laundering this money, actually cashing out maternity capital, which is now forbidden to do when really under the guise of well purchasing housing there is purchased for pennies; it’s some kind of wreck, yes. well, part of the money is received by the intermediary, part is returned to the family that decided to carry out such an operation, and this, unfortunately, is also not a rare case. how the mechanism itself will work in practice
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law? the bill is very simple, it says that permission to issue maternal capital can be given if information about the suitability of this housing is provided, so who will check the quality of this housing? this is where there was a lot of controversy and in fact. this procedure will be established by the government, it will be established no later than 2 months after the adoption of the law, but the procedure is quite simple: these will be interdepartmental commissions, either municipal or regional, as they will establish a region that will specifically evaluate the quality of housing, another thing, we will now see whether the government will make a decision on the need to conduct an examination, maybe some regions, so to speak, will lay down this examination.
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next year. the state duma began preparations for the government hour with the minister of science and higher education, valery falkov. this week he met with deputies of the new people faction. parliamentarians proposed more actively introducing a practice-oriented approach to training specialists in universities, as well as teaching them how to work with artificial intelligence in a professional environment. faction leader alexey nechaev noted that education today is not only a social part. but in the economic sphere. we have 13 priority strategic sectors that the government has identified, and of course, when we think about personnel and education, we
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first of all need highly qualified specialists in these sectors. it is important for us, with limited resources, to make russia a real technological leader in the world. valery folkov answered questions from deputies and spoke about ongoing projects in higher education. minister. in particular, he focused on the mechanism for supporting technological entrepreneurship in universities. 2,500 students received one million rubles each to implement their startups this year. today we have created the infrastructure; in almost 400 universities you can try yourself beyond your specialty or direction, try yourself as a technology entrepreneur. and there is a lot behind this, including diagnostics your abilities then the opportunity to work with the idea financially. and that’s all for me, you watched. parliamentary hour program, see you in a week.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the russian military liberated two more settlements within 24 hours: the villages of rozovka in the lpr and peschanoye nizhnee in the kharkov region, according to the ministry of defense. in the zone of responsibility of the western group of our troops, the enemy lost more than 500 military personnel, the destructive haymer launcher from the workshop of one of military enterprises have five warehouses, one of which stored up to 400 tons of ammunition. the russian military destroyed trains with weapons of the ukrainian armed forces. according to the ministry of defense,
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a strike from a complex...


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