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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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actions of the west group of troops, the ministry of defense reported. in addition, the units, according to the department, attacked five ukrainian brigades. also, our air defense forces shot down a mi-8 helicopter of the ukrainian air force and 40 drones in one day. a warehouse containing 400 tons of ammunition was destroyed. the enemy lost about 1,700 militants per day in all areas of the special operation. russian mig-29 and mig-31 prevented the two from violating the state border. strategic bombers b-52 of the us air force, the russian ministry of defense reported. bombers spotted over the barinsky sea. as our fighters approached, the american planes were forced to turn around. the western press draws attention to the change in rhetoric of the kiev regime. they don’t say that they intend to continue their participation in the conflict until victory. the tone of the statements became noticeably softer. but some publications believe that zelensky simply wants to blame. moscow, in failure
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of the settlement, will then begin a new round of escalation; others think that kiev already has too few resources to continue the fighting actions. natalya goncharova will continue: western weapons are coming to ukraine slowly, the ukrainian armed forces are unable to stop the russian offensive. kiev is trying to gain time before new supplies, american media note. the editor-in-chief of the french publication, amerta, is confident that the west is not in a position to dictate any conditions to moscow. there is no reason for russia to comply or even simply take part in the peace process. the conflict is costing moscow dearly, but some commentators say it will lose in one or 2 years, does not correspond to reality. thanks to the war economy, the kremlin can continue fighting for another 10 years, while kiev does not have such an opportunity. former british prime minister boris johnson, who once caused peace negotiations in istanbul to fail, has now changed.
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the former prime minister no longer believes that ukraine must necessarily reach the 1991 borders . in his opinion, kiev should achieve at least some success and immediately conclude peace with moscow. after this, according to johnson, washington will be able to restore relations with moscow, and russia will return to the group of eight and restore its partnership with nato. the war has gone on for too long and the cost is enormous, human lives, economic hardship, instability. i believe trump.
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since the course of the us elections, he has already called trump president, which looks like undisguised rudeness towards the current head of the american state, joe biden. the french press admits that zelensky is only pretending that he is committed to dialogue with moscow, but in fact, at the first opportunity he is going to blame russia for the disruption negotiation process. he intends, if not to open the door to negotiations, then at least to show that it is not closed. first of all , we are talking about holding russia accountable. since in the event of a breakdown in negotiations , the position of moscow, and not kiev, will be recognized as unconstructive. zelensky inevitably comes to the understanding that it is time to change his position, since the situation is not going well for him. cnn, however, believes that zelensky has long had no time for intrigue. the situation at the front has become so difficult for ukraine, that kiev literally has to change its shoes. now he said that he would like to see moscow at the peace summit, although the previous one was held without participation. russia through the fault of kyiv.
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kiev now faces a double whammy, a complex frontline situation and political uncertainty about the level of future support from ukraine's closest allies. questions are being raised about the willingness of kiev's closest most important allies, particularly the united states and germany, to continue pouring resources into conflict. now everything is heading towards the fact that zelensky will have to organize a general referendum. on the issue.
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an expression of the spiritual power of those who live all the holy grama. in buryatia, traffic has stopped on the federal highway a-333, which leads to the border with mongolia. the reason for the collapse of part of the bridge over the bolshoi zangissan river. there are heavy rains in the region and, as the local ministry of transport explains, the roadbed has been washed away by water. according to preliminary data , no one was injured as a result of the emergency, repairs are already underway, but there are no options to bypass this area. for drivers, who had to be delayed on the way, a temporary accommodation center was opened at a school in the village of turan. a powerful cyclone is approaching the coastal region from china; the weather next week will be changeable. a strong wind is already raging in usuriysk, windows are being broken in some houses, in some places the downpour has flooded sections of highways,
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and visibility on the roads has deteriorated. telegram channels report that the wind literally uprooted the bus stop. those who were caught outside by the rain had to hide in nearby shops and shopping centers. tomorrow weather forecasters again promise in primorye rains and thunderstorms, only by wednesday the cyclone will move east. meanwhile , there is severe flooding in central china. 19 people died, more than sixty more went missing as a result of the wildfires. heavy rains are falling in several provinces, with torrents washing away houses, roads and bridges. more than 100,000 people were evacuated from flooded areas. at the zoo in the city of bauudzy , cages with animals were flooded; they cannot yet be relocated. next is a short advertisement, then watch a special report by alexander lukyanov. he met with prisoners of war, former servicemen of the national battalions, as well as residents of the liberated regions, to find out how denazification is carried out there.
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the museum in memory of the youth underground organization of the city of krasnodon during the great patriotic war has unusual visitors. they are handcuffed and guarded by guards. these are prisoners of war, former servicemen of the ukrainian nationalist unit, the azov organization banned in russia. july 20, 1942. krasnodonon was occupied by the nazis. they we rode these dkv motorcycles from 1939-1940. police detachments, spies, and fascists are immediately formed in krasnodon. the fascists issue order after order. failure to appear for registration will result in execution. listening to a radio also means execution. listen to what they posted near the water pump. water is only for germans. soldiers, russians taking water from here will be shot, this is how the germans immediately
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determined who was the boss in the city? alexander gornaga, 27, was born in the town of shchastya near lugansk, since the beginning of the military conflict in donbass joined the armed formation of the kiev regime, until that day i knew nothing about the exploits of the young guard, let’s just say i saw one thing absolutely, but i saw it too... with my father and mother, well, everything is as it should be, that’s it,
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but i was brought up, you can to say, in the spirit of patriotism, well, yeah, since my mother and father, in principle, they were for what happened in well, in the ninety-first year, that’s exactly it, well, they brought me up in this, well, well, in a national patriotic style, if you can cut it out correctly. in the environment in which he grew up can be judged from this one passage: excursions to a museum in western ukraine. during the second world war , very fierce battles took place in boryspoli and the city was captured in 1941. it was captured by soviet troops. and only 2 years later, in 1943, our city was returned to ukrainian forces, freeing your ancestors from occupation. director of the young guard museum. says that teenagers from the liberated territories of the lugansk region have to re-tell the history of their native land, since
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2014-15, here is the northern one, and more there the northern part of lugansk, now the lugansk people's republic, was occupied by ukrainian fascists and so the child went to school, how old he was there , yes, he began to study history for about 10 years, and 8 years of this occupation, now he leaves school, graduates from school, receives this... maturity with what knowledge in his head about the history of the great patriotic war, none, here they are, when the territory of the lugansk people's republic was liberated, a lot of children were brought here from schools, to the village of lugansk, for example.
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they open workshops, where miners are forcibly driven, who for one reason or another remain in krasnodon, but people refuse to work in the workshops, therefore, on the night of september 28-29, forty-two, the police force expel all the artisans from the workshops, line them up in a column of four, they wrap people in three rows with barbed wire, lead them to
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the park, which is located behind the museum, and there they bury them alive, precisely... this event served as the impetus for the creation of an underground in krasnodon. danilo kuvertka is also from the third separate assault brigade azov. he was captured in august 1923 and says that he saw tattoos with swastikas on his colleagues. his explanation for this is simple. in the armed forces of ukraine. they paint german crosses on tanks and even paint them on soviet tanks.
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it’s not that it was german or anything else, ukraine directly takes advantage of this to dragon it, so to speak, we’re just joking, these are good jokes, but they’ve had them for jokes for a long time, almost since 1914 , they have dill they are this chevron, there is a slave owner chevron; that hitler promised to distribute from 40 to 100 hectares here to those who take stalingrad and... from 100 slaves and above, so they came here, in 1914 in all seriousness, that there are such filthy huts here, where is the street with good houses , otherwise i promised my family that i would get a house here, so i go and look after it, in all seriousness, people in these liberated territories can tell you that the village of luganskaya,
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starobilsk, svatovo and others. well, the fascists write out order after order, the last one, which stated that after 18:00 a curfew is announced, and there is nowhere for the boys to work, so the boys go to the german commandant of the city of krasnodon , ottashen, and say: let’s open at least one club, it will be good for you, we will give concerts, and we will be like young people... i’ll show you around, we’re standing at the layout of the club, in particular the stage where our young guard guys often performed, on the stage you’ll see the original musical instruments they played, i’d also like to draw your attention to the girls’ authentic stage costumes, who performed on stage, you see how small and fragile they were, our
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young guard members were from 14 to 18 years old, but small. the lugansk academic musical drama theater is rehearsing a production about the heroes of the young guard. that's it, then let's get ready, natasha, are you ready? we begin with your monologue, from this point. the role is also played by defenders who were mobilized first
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for the operation and then returned to serve back in the theater. stood in positions in front of the city of popasnoe and the enemy began to storm. well, they beat it off, it was scary, they gave us a nightmare, from 5 pm to 6 am, here we have 12 hours, every 2-3 hours we had a collision with them, well, after the more experienced guys stopped by they started asking us what we say yes so-and-so, but she says how many rounds were fired, well, we say there are about 500 with pkm and zinc with... and they are like that, she doesn’t say, you are terrible people, we didn’t go after you either, you say the enemy, who is your enemy? well, i won’t say that these are the people of ukraine, because there are both good and bad, in
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basically these are people who have been brainwashed, they are very brainwashed there, i started studying there right from the age of fourteen, and at that moment i began to notice that i was starting to have a different attitude, well , that is, all the television there is. , the media...
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it was horror, that is, they just started grabbing people there, that is, well, as they called it , urgent service, once it is defeated, victory
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will be ours, the last times we played, i’m leaving, i’m with me, i on the contrary , i try not to think anything about this behind the scenes, i just go out and get over it through effort, then i’ll say something, you’re here from your own experience, just from your own, right here, well, that’s how it is, we’re crucified in the play...
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and he’s a hero, and he, as a person, as a component of a huge society country, love for the homeland, love for that closest thing that is important to him, he makes a decision to defend these values ​​that worry us, we gave this performance in murmansk, in alenegorsk, in st. petersburg, in moscow, in different and yozhkorole, absolutely the same perceive, perceive as their personal history, because well, it’s not here... where the guys were kept,
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yura vyatsenovsky, ulyana gromova, gena lukashov, klava kovaleva, anatoly popov, vladimir zhana, viktor petrov and many, many other guys were sitting there, it was there that they were put on hot stoves, five-pointed marks were cut out stars, on the chest, on the cheeks, on the forehead, on the back, the guys were staged an execution by hanging, they were hanged, they were suffocated, the rope was cut off, the first breath, the torture began again. those tongs that stand below were pricked on fire, human flesh was torn out until red. all this was done by the same friends, policemen. this is a note from klava kovaleva, in which she says it’s hard for a tour guide to talk about torture and the deaths of their fellow countrymen to those who have shot, tortured and killed residents of the lugansk region over the past 10 years. dear mom,
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if dad is alive... then let him take revenge on parish novel and parish novel and bukhanov’s perfume according to the slogan blood for blood life for life i won’t return home hide the diary with greetings hello klava these are the policemen who knew both klava and her well show the family where they were kept. this is a sausage shop, here they are, here they kept these cells, now they are not a little outdated, but here there were iron doors, 2 square meters for three people, you can sit or stand on the bare floor. how cramped everything is here,
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there are bars at the top, bars at the top, yes, they smoked sausage here, it was very dirty here, they threw water in there, they threw cigarette butts at them there, on the sooty wall of the cell you can still see the inscriptions of prisoners of the illegal prison of the ukrainian national battalion aidar, mom, me i love you and lord,
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they beat them in the hope that they would love ukraine for this, they so hoped that they would be able to intimidate us, but why are we there in lugansk, lugansk, there are few people, there are few people, through massacre, through torture, they tried all this make us love our homeland, but we have one homeland, the soviet union, so what i
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don’t refuse. military base, towers were placed along the perimeter, which made it look like a concentration camp, the smokehouse was used to hold militias from lugansk and those who sympathized with them. the guards watched their victims through these bars, doused them with cold water and starved them, but you don’t have the right to life, they even tried to shoot me twice, they brought me into the car and they said,


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