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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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how the story of the federal project to improve the volga plays into the hands of russia’s enemies, and nikita mikhalkov raises these and many other questions in the new issue. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets gas stations.
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dear friends, i welcome you to our next episode, our author’s program besagon tv, well... first of all, as expected, as usual, i want to report , that our previous program on channel russia 1, on channel russia 24, on social networks, vkontakte, on telegram, on odnoklassniki, on zen, on rutube and so on, was watched by more than eleven, almost 12 million people, and this is very important to us, well, as you yourself understand, great joy, our program will be called extravagant. how you understand, it will be called with light steam, or who saw bastrykin in the bathhouse. i think you will understand quite quickly why we named our program that way, but apparently, i must disappoint in advance those who, with certain
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hopes and wet palms, sit down to watch our program, expecting what they want, they... will not get it, but this is what they will get: the fact is that, apparently, the journalist of the tv channel dozhd, yulia taratuta, saw alexander ivanovich bastrykin in the bathhouse. look. it's hard to say it's a coincidence - it's or a natural development of events, but birkovich and petriychuk call nikita mikhalkova the locomotive of the case. i already told you. several of my interlocutors claim that... it was mikhalkov who brought to the top the most effective complaint against berkovich. in the old days, putin attended besogon’s name day. he had the opportunity to personally convey a petition for friends, to ask for himself personally. but now putin has curtailed personal meetings, so mikhalkov reported the bad director to the head
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of the investigative committee, bastrykin. it was in the bathhouse, where mikhalkov often meets with bastrykin, to discuss the fate of russia. as one of my interlocutors says, mikhalkov’s denunciation was intricate. tailored, he complained not about the play finist yasny falcon, but about berkovich’s anti-war poems. they turned out to be the most resonant civil manifesto of the first year of the war. look, what you just saw was watched by several hundred thousand people, so i want to address them specifically, and because it seems to me that this is an interesting observation, i will not dwell on the fact that... i have never i steamed in the bathhouse with alexander ivanovich bastrekin, although i love the bathhouse, i enjoyed steaming with him, i have never seen mrs. berkovich in the eyes in my life, i haven’t watched her play, to my shame, probably, i haven’t
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read her poetry, but that’s not the point , the point is completely different, the point is this, that’s what i wanted to say, business in cleanliness, business in... someone is writing to someone, to someone who is committing secret, illegal actions, right, what denunciation, when berkovich's play has been on since '20, her poems
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are read, printed, what kind of denunciation, against someone, then, everyone could see what she was doing and was doing, but no, mikhalkov reported it to the berk. lies are annoying, irritating, it all looks stupidly incompetent, absolutely, at the heart of all this is contempt, and strangely enough, in addition to contempt for those to whom you are talking, in addition to contempt for those about whom you are talking, you also despise your profession, you don’t know it and therefore despise it, but on the other hand... it’s precisely this attention to me, to our program, and therefore to you, my dear viewers, this attention means that what we say, what worries us, the way we think irritates these people, irritates them,
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and i am very glad that this irritates them, which means we are going the right way. this is a significant trend. here i will give you another example, so to speak, of some attention to my person. listen to a short text. i watched it on cable five evenings the night before. the visor in the soviet film of 1978,
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made by mikhalkov, who was extremely loyal to putin, it is clear that this decision was made just in case, no matter what happens, but how says a lot about the time and the country, this detail, the war for these people must continue, oh you bastard, but i can’t think of another word, this was written by... former director, russian producer, manager, and now a foreign agent, alexander rodnyansky. i became interested, and we checked, yes, indeed, that day my film was shown on television for five evenings, it was shown on the mosfilm golden collection cable channel, and this film was shown in full, here is the fragment that rodnyansky writes about, tomorrow is sunday go. sorry igor, he's very handsome there. it’s true,
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i haven’t been there yet, but they say it’s very beautiful in arkhangelskoye, i haven’t been there yet in the yard either, but sashenko, if only there wasn’t a war, if only there wasn’t a war. one more question: any cable television has a name, where is it? you are deliberately lying, or those countries that showed the film on some mysterious cable tv violated copyright and cut off the ending. and why? maybe precisely because they want to prove to the world that only we want war, not them, but we, we, who are more everyone. or suffered from this horror of our own world war ii, that’s
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interesting, let’s follow this biographical chain: alexander radnyansky, who has worked on russian television since 2002, who has produced a lot of films as a producer about our lives. you probably know these films, but that’s not what we’re talking about now, he left russia in 2022, only later, when he had already left. we suddenly found out that he never had russian citizenship, that the producer published his book, which was published a long time ago until 2022, he calmly told how his channel in ukraine, which he managed or owned, i don’t know now, i don’t remember, 1+1, created in 1995, shaped the views of ukrainians, quotes from the book: the new country had to speak its own language , on
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our channel, the presenters deliberately spoke with a slight english accent, emphasizing their europeanness; it was our viewers who made up the majority of those who later went to the maidan in kiev and onto the streets throughout ukraine. and so on, it is quite natural that after after mr. rodnyansky left, he became a foreign agent for us, but the rest of the time he was no different, that’s the mood in which he lived and worked in russia, a most popular person, an influential person, a person who received a lot of foreign prizes, a golden globe in the united states, well, just as a quick illustration,
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i tried to do this, this man worked very successfully for many, many years making money in our country, hating it, he practically did the same thing that the yeltsin center does, poisoning people, especially children, in their cartoon about our country, dirty, bloody, terrible, mediocre, slave, in all the films... which was produced by rodnyansky, which were called high artauos, this is contempt, i repeat once again, this is the word, it is key, this is contempt for those people, oh whom he says, yes, he will tell me what is better, this soviet landrin, this whole social propaganda, yes, no, no, no,
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i am against lies, against falsehood, against locking, i am against all of this. it is very important for me, as a viewer, how the one who makes the picture or performance treats no matter, or writes a book, to his compatriots, about whom he speaks, he sympathizes with them, he feels them, in russian orthodoxy one of the most important words is not fun, joy, joy from communication, from the feeling of nature, from children, and from parents, joy, where is it, this joy, how can you experience joy where you hate everything around you except yourself, okay, the film, the viewer, the screen, the creators, the actors, the plot, here’s an hour and a half or two, it doesn’t matter, we spent ,
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we looked, it’s over, what are you coming out with, i , as a viewer, must understand what you love, you, artist, what do you love, understanding that you love, i will understand that you should not love, i repeated this phrase many times, one old man said amazingly, the cruel truth without love is a lie, i said exactly this phrase a very long time ago at the oscars in los angeles, and maybe i want to say the truth, cruel truth. soviet cinema was different, there were opportunistic films, and false films, that ’s all true, but there were masterpieces, and so, probably, based on the attitude towards masterpieces, towards the best films of the soviet union, the ministry
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enlightenment proposed to make remakes of famous... soviet paintings, these are alexander nevsky, and dirk, the fate of a person, hot snow, cranes flying and other wonderful paintings. quote: to preserve historical memory and form patriotism. of course, there was an uproar among simply sensible people, and the ministry of education hastened to retract its words. but listen, here is the text of the letter received by the ministry of culture. proposal for film adaptation of historical ones. works on historical topics for children and teenagers who contribute to the preservation of historical memory and the formation of patriotism, then there is a list of films, attention, for creating remakes, today the ministry of education denies this, but guys, well, this is again, this is like rain, this is again disrespect for the word, for
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the understanding of the word, to understand the meaning of the word; in translation, remake means alteration. this is in translation, this is the meaning of the word remake, that is , classical works are taken and remade in a modern way, that’s right, well, there’s no other way to read it, i absolutely i have no interest or desire to interfere in the relationship between the ministry of education, the ministry of culture, this is theirs, their business, i’m not talking about that, these are the people who come up with this idea, they understand the significance of what they are proposing, what is outraged? people, well, who can replace bandarchuk in the final scene or in the scene where he drinks vodka at the first drink in the film, the fate of a person, or who can on the level.
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prometchev is spoken by the famous, very famous producer and general director of the first television channel konstantin lvovich erens, listen, hollywood has been producing such a quantity of crap for the last 15 years that, in general, it can compete with gorky’s studio in 1972, and for all that , technologically everything is good, i mean the internal quality of the content, because an amendment has been made to... success at the box office, there were girlfriends at the box office, and cinema became a teenager movie, so all the serious people went into tv series production. that is,
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konstantin lvovich’s assessment of american hollywood cinema, its semantic load, its semantic meaning, really intended for teenagers, is true, i agree with this, but forgive me, let's see what was filmed in 1972 at this very studio. children's and youth films named after maxim gorgov, look, this is passing through moscow, ivanov's boat, a marble house, stove-benches, shukshin's painting, loving a person, and also the cult film mazori is quiet here, in 1971, a picture that broke all records in country, and still generally enjoy great success, these are officers in 1973
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which we put in the title: captive of the caucasus, and gentlemen of fortune. how can they reach the masterpieces that were made then? but it is interesting that in terms of quality, in terms of skill, all these remakes do not hold a candle to the quality and skill with which the films that rodnyansky produced were made. but what do they mean? and exactly the same. just as mr. radnyansky cultivated this monster in ukraine, who went to the maidan and did what he did, he also cultivated here in the same way.
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our other brain, existing inside and convinced that everything that exists in russia today is abomination, dirt, desolation, despondency, time passes, the young have grown up. grow up, move up the career ladder, gain power, but we know what people who have power in the country and hatred for this country can do, when all this is combined in one person who does not feel this country as his homeland, who understands, does not know or does not want to know understand that if we talk about ideology, this is just when... national the interests of your country are placed above any other interests of any other country, just remember this
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one example, there was such a minister of foreign affairs, andrei kozyrev, this was in the nineties, he was a minister from 1990 to 96, this is such a vivid example collapse, i know from personal example, we flew together to america, somewhere in the nineties. he was reading a collection of odessa jokes all the way, but that’s okay, when we arrived there, they took us somewhere, and we arrived at some factory, and there it was... a huge pile of robes, work clothes from this factory with a label and so on, it was like a gift, you could choose your own size, motherfucker, so... when i saw
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how the minister of foreign affairs of the russian federation, throwing his a jacket that contained a diplomatic passport, maybe some serious documents, i don’t know what else, he frantically chose these clothes, tried them on, discarded them, then tried them on again, he was looking for his size, and then not only for himself, and that was so monstrous, it was so embarrassing, well, okay, but there are important things, after kozyrev, as you know, the minister of foreign affairs was evgeniy maksimovich pryamakov, i knew him very well, he was a friend, the husband of my sister, the writer yulian semyonov, they were friends, here is the story he told, he learned this from the words of the former president of the united states richard nixon, who asked kozyrev, who was the minister of foreign affairs at the time, he asked him what the interests of the new russia
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were in... and kozyreev replied: one of the problems of the soviet union was that we were stuck on national interests. now we think more about universal human values, as we know, universal human values, multiculturalism, tolerance, yes, but if you can say the russian foreign minister, the former president of the united states, but if... you can tell us how to define national interests, then i will be very grateful to you. of course, nixon, to put it mildly, was dumbfounded by this answer and as a result formulated his attitude towards kuzrev in one word, slug. by the way, once again, the importance of personality in history is such a person as kozarev, when
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they sat on two floors in a white house. american advisers wrote us laws and wrote us a constitution, by the way, when we lost our sovereignty, with his direct participation of this little man the soviet union of bialowie poland fell apart, thanks to him the russian-speaking residents of the republics of the soviet union immediately became non-citizens in an instant, when we for a modest the charm of the bourgeoisie for porcelain smiles, pats on the shoulder with...
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kozarev is an example, there were many like them, such there were a lot, they did what they had to do as a traitor and received asylum abroad in the west, for example, kozyreev lives today in miami, now they will tell me conspiracy theories, what kind of conspiracy theories, facts, only facts, for example, what kind of conspiracy theories can we talk about, when we learn that this year the parliament of the new free russia is meeting in warsaw from june 22 to 25, in which , attention, 60 former russian deputies are participating, not three, not five, not 10, 60 people who passed laws in our country, spoke from the podium, talked about patriotism, so these people after this forum issue a resolution, read by the shift.
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regime can only be achieved by force. the west is simply obliged to encourage revolutionary actions within russia; the use of force against putin’s murderers, their financiers and propagandists is morally justified and necessary for victory. that is, with the help of terror, this is proposed by people who had everything from this government. being at her feeding trough, and in parallel with the forum on june 24, austrian politician günther fellinger addresses the world with call: look, we won the cold war by arming the taliban in afghanistan so they could defeat the soviet union, we must do the same today by arming the russian interior.


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