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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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this russia 24 starts with the main news of this evening: us president joe biden announced that he is dropping out of the presidential race, but will continue to fulfill his duties, that is, work until the inauguration, which is scheduled for january 20 next year. anton dadykin will tell you more. the process of replacement has begun in the democratic team. i believe,
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for the sake of the interests of my party and my country, the best option is to abandon this and focus on serving as president for the remainder of my term. biden doesn't named the name of his replacement or replacement, promising to later address citizens with a video message. the most likely candidate is current vice president kamala haris. according to the latest sociological survey conducted after the assassination attempt on donald trump. she was inferior in popularity to the republican, but ahead of her boss. therefore, as the new york times writes, the trump campaign had a plan for an information attack against kamala, and the first propaganda salvo apparently sounded at a trump rally. i i call her laughing kamala, have you ever seen how she laughs? yes, she doesn’t have everything at home. you know, you can tell a lot about a person by his laughter, she’s definitely crazy, completely sick . supporters... circulated a series
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of archival video footage dedicated to kharis. you need to go out and be able to go where you need to go. the importance of the passage of time, okay? the importance of the passage of time. when you think about it, the passage of time is very important. as the agency noted. trump returned to the rally again the traditional election tactics of throwing mud at opponents, only now the leader of the democratic party is getting more of it. we saw how nancy pelosi is now selling biden wholeheartedly, she attacked him like a dog. i don’t even know where it came from, suddenly it turned out that she wasn’t sure about him. this means he's finished. she's a crazy bug. as an american political publication wrote even before biden’s announcement of withdrawal from the election race. his deputy
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kamala haris is busy with so-called fundraising. the key topic of the meeting with donors in massachusetts were for lgbt rights. as a result, the election fund was replenished by $2 million. the question is which democratic candidate will now use them. anton dadykin, matvey popov, lead. and and here are the comments of vladimir putin’s press secretary, this is what dmitry peskov says: there are still 4 months before the elections in the united states, and we need to pay attention to what will happen next. and one more statement: for russia , the priority is achieving the goals of the central military district, and not the results of the elections in the united states. well, republican presidential candidate donald trump has already commented on the decision of his former democratic rival, current us president joe biden, to withdraw. from the race
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again called him the worst president in the history of the country. trump again repeated his assertion that it would be much easier for him to defeat haris than trump, than biden, sorry, and also stated that he would be able to quickly repair the damage caused to the country during his opponent’s presidency. it is necessary to investigate the actions of politicians in the united states and their collusion with the media, which hid the truth about the mental state of the current president usa. this was already stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, and according to state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin, biden must be held accountable for the unleashed war in ukraine, the sanctions policy against russia and other countries, as well as for the destruction of the economies of european countries. the us president has created problems all over the world and is now running away, realizing his impending defeat in the presidential election. after biden withdraws from the presidential race, donald trump's chances may improve. love donald trump, about this
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vladimir jabbarov, the first deputy head of the international committee of the federation council, has already stated. for now, on to other topics of the day: the kiev regime does not stop attacks on the civilian population against the backdrop of the advance of our troops, the russian military took control of two more settlements, in the lpr they liberated rosa in kuakh in the kharkov region, the village of sandy nizhnye. also, our forces shot down a mi-8 helicopter in the ssu within 24 hours and
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wore, risked, bulletproof vests on their shoulders, took off, wore them, the fighters of the southern group of troops are moving forward, liberating the lands donetsk people's republic, within 24 hours the enemy suffered 510 casualties,
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a deadly blow is delivered by a gun crew from the north group of forces, reconnaissance has discovered a concentration of the enemy, 130-mm shells are being sent to the position. kharkov region, uav operators discovered a temporary deployment point in the ukrainian armed forces. it is attacked by a drone kamikaze ghoul. lancet destroys an american m37 howitzer. a unit of the north group of troops was defeated in one day by the manpower and equipment of the ukrainian armed forces of volchansk, cossack lopani, leptsov, staritsy repelled four enemy counterattacks. the multiple launch rocket system sends a hail of unusual projectiles at the enemy. propaganda. the leaflets were delivered to the orekhovsky direction in the zaporozhye region, the drone recorded that the enemy made the right decision to save his life. a subdivision of the dnepr group of troops, the ukrainian military surrenders every day, almost all of them recently, poorly trained, often poorly suited for combat, in ukraine the tsk
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continues to row everyone through the streets. guys, cheer up, we're working hard now together with the central central committee. people, shoot, shoot! our fighters are ironing out the ukrainian military already on the approaches to the front line. for example, the d-30 howitzer, one of the formations of the western group of forces, works with the accuracy of a sniper rifle. the d-30 howitzer, we call it dunyasha, was able to cope with
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the enemy forces and the mortar crew was good. in just one day, fighters from the west group of troops destroyed and disabled over 500 militants. the ukrainian armed forces liberated the settlements of rozovka, lugansk people's republic and peschanoye nizhnyaya, kharkov region. losses the enemy in the zone of responsibility of the group of troops - the center - up to 330 military personnel, and the east - up to 115. egor grigoriev, andrey sapigin, alexander parkhunov. news. and again we return to the main news of this evening: us president joe biden is withdrawing his candidacy and dropping out of the presidential race. he published a statement on a social network and noted that... despite this, he will remain the leader of the country until the end of his term. biden, after his announced decision to withdraw from the presidential race, said that he fully supported the candidacy of the vice president. kamala haris and called on fellow democrats to defeat the republican and former president donald trump. biden
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also emphasized that choosing haris as vice president in 2020 was his best decision. the owner of the white house also called for those interested. candidate, it was joe biden who supported her. for all 4 years she was vice president in his administration. it is believed that she will be the fastest to organize an election campaign. in addition, according to recent polls, it has even surpassed in popularity. she is 59 years old, a senator from california,
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the youngest of the proposed candidates, and previously served as attorney general in the same state. in addition, there is active discussion on social networks that michelle obama, who has been the country’s first lady for a long time, could be a good replacement for biden. her nomination would pose a serious threat to republicans because it could unite democrats and mobilize a key part of the electorate, african americans. the former first lady can expect more. support than any other alternative figures. according to hill's publication , former secretary of state hillary clinton, who already once fought with trump for the presidency, is also ready to join the election race. according to polls , she is still popular among democrats. previously, she had received support mainly from middle-aged, older voters, latinos and african americans. the support of the female half of the country played a big role. in 2016 , clinton beat the republican candidate. donald trump's party is almost by 3 million popular votes, but received fewer electoral votes, as
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a result of which she was unable to achieve election to the presidency. the last candidate, as the american press writes, may be california governor gavin newson. he is 56 years old. newsom is one of the most popular and charismatic governors among democrats. by the way, he himself did not rule out the possibility of nominating himself for the presidency, although he said that he was going to try his luck. message, speaker representative of the us congress, michael johnson, republican from louisiana, called on democratic president joe biden to leave the country's highest office after he announced his withdrawal from the election. if joe biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president, he should step down immediately. bet - johnson wrote on his page on the social network x. and to other
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news. the western press draws attention to the change in rhetoric of the kiev regime. they no longer say that they intend to continue their participation in the conflict until victory. tone statements became softer. some publications believe that zelensky simply wants to blame moscow for the failure of the settlement and begin a new round of escalation. others think that kiev already has too few resources to continue the fighting.
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kyiv does not have such an opportunity. former british prime minister boris johnson, who once caused peace negotiations in istanbul to fail, has now changed his mind. the former prime minister no longer believes that ukraine must necessarily reach the 1995 borders. in his opinion , kiev should achieve at least some success immediately make peace with moscow. after this, according to johnson, washington will be able to restore relations with moscow, and russia will return to the group of eight and restore its partnership with nato. the war has gone on for too long and the cost is enormous, human lives, economic hardship, instability. i believe trump can end this on the right terms for ukraine and the west. over the past 2 years we have been constantly... wished the ukrainians victory, not wanting to give them funds, we chronically hesitated in providing them with what they needed
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equipment. more recently, if zelensky mentioned donald trump, he said that he did not understand anything, that it would be better for him to think first and only then speak out. he claimed that trump does not influence anything, therefore kiev is not interested in any of his proposals. and now zelensky, without waiting for the outcome of the us elections , is already calling trump president, which looks like open rudeness towards... russia in disrupting the negotiation process. he intends, if not to open the door to negotiations, then at least to show that it was not closed before all we are talking about is to hold russia accountable, since in the event of a breakdown in negotiations , the position of moscow, and not kiev, will be recognized as unconstructive. zelensky inevitably comes to the understanding that it is time to change his position, since the situation is not going well for him.
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cnn, however, believes that zelensky has long had no time for intrigue. situation at the front. things have become so difficult for ukraine that kiev literally has to change its shoes. now he said that he would like to see moscow at the peace summit, although the previous passed without russian participation due to the fault of kyiv. kiev now faces a double whammy, a difficult front-line situation and political uncertainty about the level of future support from ukraine's closest allies. questions arise about the readiness of kiev's closest and most important allies. in particular the united states and germany, continue to pour resources into the conflict. now everything is heading towards the fact that zelensky will have to organize a general referendum on the issue of starting peace negotiations with russia. this opinion was expressed by mayor of kiev vitaly klyachko to the italian edition of the courier of affairs. the material emphasizes that the coming months will be difficult for the kiev
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regime. he will either have to come to terms with the loss of territory, and then somehow explain this to the population, or agree to... he didn’t, he faces political suicide. natalya goncharova, lead. vladimir putin congratulated syrian president bashur al-assad on the eightieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the countries, and assured that russia will continue to support the efforts of the syrian government to protect state, sovereignty. and the territorial integrity of the republic, the russian president noted that moscow and damascus have achieved significant success in the fight against international terrorism in syria. the further development of russian-syrian ties meets the interests of our peoples and helps strengthen peace and stability in the region and in the world. putin wished well-being and prosperity to the syrian people. patriarch
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kirill illuminated today. saved the transfiguration cathedral in tver. the temple on this site was founded back in the 12th century, then it became the first in russia the white stone cathedral after the mongol-tatar invasion. then, for centuries it was the main cathedral of the city and the spiritual symbol of the tver land. in 1934 , they saved and decided to destroy the transfiguration cathedral. restoration began 10 years ago. thousands of local residents took part in the work. has not truly lost its significance, although there have been times of its weakening, and has not lost and cannot lose its significance, not only because it is perfectly located geographically, but because people live here a wonderful people, a hardworking, talented people, courageous, who knew how to defend their native land, who knew how
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to preserve orthodoxy, despite the terrible threats that... restored the shrines, this wonderful cathedral, isn’t it a kind of symbol, an expression of the spiritual strength of those who lives for all the holy grama. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. penoplex slabs provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. what is this square? let's
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putin on this matter, this is what dmitry peskov said: there are still four months before the elections in the united states, this is a long period of time, during which a lot can change, we need to pay attention to what will happen next, the priority for us is achieving the goals of the central military district, not the election results in the united states, a kremlin spokesman said. well, now look at the report on the government’s work for the past week, and then tucker carlo interview.
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on instructions from the president, the government has softened the conditions for receiving compensation for health workers within the framework of existing programs: zemsky doctor and zemsky felcher. now , during the validity of the agreement on the provision of a one-time compensation payment , health workers can change their place of work once, move to another health care organization in the same region. also on the initiative of the head. the state has doubled the amount of payments for participants in these programs in new regions, for doctors to 2 million rubles. for paramedics, midwives and nurses up to 1 million rubles. we hope that these decisions will be a good incentive for our doctors to stay in small settlements, as well as for graduates of medical colleges and universities to return home and work there, provide qualified care and
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consultations to local residents. of course, this is extremely important; not all of them, for various reasons, have the opportunity to travel, get treatment, even to a regional medical facility. mikhail mishustin made a working trip to grozny, where he held a meeting with members government commission on social and economic development of the north caucasus federal district. it took place on the sidelines of the caucasus investment forum, where the regions reported on the implementation of breakthrough projects. in priority sectors launched 3 years ago. together with the heads of regions and federal ministries , the meeting included elaborate solutions to improve the quality of life in the macroregion, develop its economy and social sphere. the head of government noted the results that were achieved in the manufacturing sector industry and agriculture. this was the result of coordinated actions of federal and regional authorities and development institutions. the tourism industry
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is opening up. additional opportunities for the north caucasus. a lot is being done to develop the north caucasus federal district, and we are paying great attention to this task at all levels of both federal and regional authorities. the priority is to improve the quality of life of people in the macroregion, improve the investment climate, support business, industry support. mikhail mishustin also held a meeting with the head of the chechen republic. in grozny , the prime minister, together with the prime minister of the republic of uzbekistan abdula aripov, who was invited to the caucasus investment forum, toured an exhibition of regional achievements. mikhail mishustin held a strategic session on the national projects youth , children and family. build a holistic
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support system, paying special attention to families with many children. the matkapital program will continue, and existing social measures will remain in place. from 2026 there will be an annual payment to working parents with two or more children. the national project’s activities also include the development of a system of long-term care for older people. the new national project youth and children is aimed at creating opportunities for self-realization and developing the talents of young people. its events will take into account the specifics of each age. our young people are the future of our country, and of course, we simply need to do
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everything possible so that they can show themselves. themselves and their talents, set goals, achieved success. there are a lot of things that can be confused, but you can’t go wrong with the choice of thermal insulation. pinoplex boards provide protection from heat and cold. penoplex is an effective thermal insulation. this loan is just a hit, only in a private bank. socombank is not just a loan.


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