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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 21, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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yes, that’s all, 738 meters, maximum height of supports 21 m, navigable clearance 140, beautiful , yes, very beautiful, not just beautiful, but super technologically advanced, 6,000 tons of metal structures, four times more than concrete, the bridge can carry 10 thousand cars on each lane per day, a special fairing is installed outside, reducing the wind load. a second, smaller crossing was built across the tvertsa river; it is made of a special alloy that doesn’t even need to be painted. well, yes, along the axis, yes, a monolithic fence like new jersey, the lighting is also just right, yes, completely outdoor lighting throughout the entire 64 km, there are about 2.0 poles. the president was pleased with our work. uh, he noted the evenness
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of our hard asphalt-concrete surface, everything was great, we’ll check the quality of the road surface in the old-fashioned 100% way, using a glass of water, if we drive, it won’t splash, that means the road surface is good, we accelerate to a hundred, let’s see, what are you doing? you can see everything for yourself, the water is there, which means everything is in order with the asphalt, they promise that from... the asphalt itself is made in a new way, today the layer wear and tear that we will change there is 5-7 years away, before, you know, 2-3 years and we had to spend money to do it, now we are moving out, we will stop for a little rest, such recreation areas are the highway was equipped every 20 km, with gas stations every 60, it’s very convenient that there are toilets and this...
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it’s the cleanest, and there’s a place to stop, eat, what it’s like, what does it feel like, you’re driving well, a big difference, well what, how much, half an hour, an hour, no, not half an hour, well somewhere there's definitely an hour, saving money. this is not the first time vladimir putin has tested the road; in 2010, he drove more than 2,000 km along the chita-khabarovsk highway, which was still under construction, driving a horse-colored lada kalina. just yesterday evening it...
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it was stretched by 25 cm and all these 25 cm are right here in the legs, well, here you can lie down, it’s very comfortable to travel a much longer distance here, you can drive from moscow to st. petersburg and back, mass production the aur will begin in september; by the end of the year , avtovas plans to produce 3.00 cars, and then release at least two cars every hour, and of course, not only for officials, good luck, let's go. and via video link, vladimir putin launched traffic along another strategically important section bypassing talyati, almost 100 km of the route will allow drivers to bypass eternal traffic jams. this route will make car traffic in the region more comfortable and safe, and will relieve traffic congestion on the road at the platinevskaya gas station. in general, it will help to fully reveal the export, industrial, and tourism
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potential of the volga region. thank you for your great work our specialists, designers, builders, bridge workers, managers. your work is very important. reliable roads are one of the key conditions for the dynamic growth of the entire russian economy. they want to extend the m-12 highway, which reached kazan, to yekaterinburg this year, and to tyumen next year. by the end of the year, what we still expect is to get from krasnodar to the crimean bridge, then when we build this road, then accordingly we can get 2,600 km from st. petersburg to sevastopol without a single traffic light, but for now we also don't having encountered not a single traffic light, we explored niva and returned back. well, it’s convenient, comfortable, the coverage is perfect, the markings are bright and clear, and most importantly, we got there an hour or 20 faster than it would have...
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profitable, alpha profitable. and we return again to the main news of this evening, us president joe biden announced that he is dropping out of the election race, but will continue to fulfill his duties, that is, he will work until the inauguration, which is scheduled for january 20 next year. more details anton dadykin. there is a replacement on the democratic team. incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the election race and named who he decided to pass the baton to. my fellow democrats, i have decided... to put all my efforts into running for office to serve as president until the end of my term. my very first decision as a party candidate in 2020 was to choose kamala haris as vice president and it was the best decision i ever made. today i want
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to declare my full support for kamalo to be our party's candidate this year. democrats, democrats, it's time to unite to defeat trump. let's do that. notes: the withdrawal of the current president from the election race occurs for the first time since 1968, then lyndon johnson, by the way, also a representative of the democratic party, refused to participate in the elections. his popularity declined due to his decision to invade vietnam. johnson's replacement lost the election to republican richard nixon. the american media named several candidates to replace biden, but the democrats seem to have decided on a replacement. this became clear after the statement of chita clinton, extremely.
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zorom, as for haris, her republican intends to win. according to the latest sociological survey, carried out after the assassination attempt on donald trump, but even before biden left the presidential race, according to popular opinion.
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promised to announce in the near future what procedure will be used to nominate a new candidate for the democratic national committee. a few days ago, a major us bookmaker launched an online broadcast on the internet and began accepting bets on what would happen first: the president would drop out of the race or the lettuce would spoil. just like in a similar confrontation with the prime minister uk leaf, the winner was a vegetable. the news of american political life
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is commented on by the press secretary of president vladimir putin, this is what dmitry peskov says: there are still 4 months before the elections in the united states and this is a long time, during which a lot can change. you need to pay attention to see what happens next. our priority is achieving the goals of the ied, and not the results of the elections in the united states, peskov said.
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even the current leader of the country. haris is the youngest of the proposed candidates, she is 59 years old, she was a senator from california, before that she worked in the same state as attorney general. in addition, there is active discussion on social networks that michelle obama, who has been the country’s first lady for a long time, could be a good replacement for biden. her nomination would be a serious danger for republicans, as it could unite democrats and mobilize a key part of the electorate - african americans. the former first lady can count. to more support than any other alternative figures. the last candidate, as
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the american press writes, may be the governor california gavin newsom. he is 56 years old. newsom is one of the most popular and charismatic governors among democrats. by the way, he himself did not rule out the possibility of nominating his candidacy for the presidency, although he said that he was going to try his luck no earlier than 2028. are they attacking credit card debts? i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts into one loan and conveniently repay them within 24 months. and don’t forget about purchases in installments. kholva - simple installment plans. a fairy tale chicken is needed for sweet dreams. rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers. tender chicken for burgers in a tasty point new sauce carry in chicken premier and chicken hit carry try
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we open the way to business, sberbusiness. latest news from the russian ministry of defense: iskander m missiles carried out a group strike on two military echelons of the 41st brigade of the armed forces of ukraine in the borvenkov area in the dpr. as a result of the strikes, more than 60 units were destroyed equipment, including 14 max pro armored vehicles. objective control footage was also captured by the orland 10 reconnaissance drone on your screens. representative of the ukrainian military. reconnaissance confirmed the loss of the village and progress in the pokrovsk direction. the fighting for the settlement continued from the end of april. a railway station, critical for supplying the enemy, came under the control of our army. and the day before, the russian army immediately advanced 5 km in the ugledar direction. the breakthrough came as a complete surprise to the ukrainian armed forces. combat intensity
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actions remains extremely high. division of the northern group. together with the paratroopers, he made a forced march since 2014, in march 2022 his group was the first to the gostomel airfield, we are watching a new report. this looks like normal routine artillery combat work. but the fighters of this division and in the infantry and special forces are called snipers here. with ordinary shells they hit as if there were precision-guided ammunition in the barrel. this is how our artillerymen hit
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the enemy in leptsy. this is one of the two most difficult sections of kharkovskaya. direction, timely, most importantly accurate fire defeat, one of the main factors in the successful actions of the northern group of troops, here in slobozhanshchina, and now the time from the moment of detection of the target to the moment of its defeat has decreased to several minutes, that is, the enemy actually has no chance, while the moment when the formations of the kiev regime were discovered by our intelligence officers, now ...
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now our fighters are forced to pull up artillery directly to the front edge in order to hit deeper, in order to lead counter-battery warfare, the enemy takes advantage of this, now, in fact, the main threat to our firing positions is fpv drones, large unmanned aerial vehicles. who are hunting for our artillery, now it’s always like this here, the latest military developments are next to the methods that were used during
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the great patriotic war, we put the same boxes around the wheels, so we throw earth in there, and we also make a fence from ravitz, we make pillars, we make a fence tiles, but it helps effectively, the wheels are the most important thing intact in the kharkov direction. heavy fighting, the front has practically frozen, but the fierce confrontation continues, the enemy, at the cost of serious and sensitive losses, does not abandon attempts to maintain stability in defense. hundreds of killed and wounded every day, the loss of western equipment, and it is here, during the successful actions of units of the russian army, that the enemy loses the most trained personnel and the most modern western equipment. at night, the nature of the threats, the nature in general. their actions change a lot, fpv becomes less drones, more attack drones that drop shells, this is the base of our intelligence officers, from here experts monitor
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the movements of enemy personnel, rotations, transfer of equipment at night, naturally, from here they give coordinates to the calculations of fire weapons for striking, and from here they observe behind the radio-electronic background, this layer of dispersion. information now, well, probably the most informative, allows you to act proactively. this is what a closed reconnaissance and strike contour and communication channels look like with units that are dispersed along the entire front, electronic reconnaissance equipment and drones, and most importantly, of course, specialists. fuse. the officer, call sign koluga, came to the northern military district during mobilization, now it’s as if he’d been a scout all his life. as they say, everyone wakes up only at night, now it’s hot everywhere, they wake up only at night, that’s what allows, doesn’t allow, rap, they turn on, of course, everything disappears, well
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, completely, well, we get out of the situation, come back, or go to side, we are trying to look for loopholes and get closer to them, now there is another war, everyone says, now there is a war of planes, drones, pv agrees, yes, i agree with this 100%. the latest technologies of combat command and control, reconnaissance, are undergoing the main tests here in real combat conditions, in these conditions, useless, worthless, does not take root, what is the point in the forest of the night to collect electronic reconnaissance, collect optical reconnaissance and be in contact with we simply took the classic layout of reconnaissance- fire circuit, put it with...
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actually this speeds up the reaction time from reconnaissance before defeat, in this particular case, our primary means of reconnaissance is the pr complex, that is, electronic reconnaissance, it detects control points, control points of fpv drones, from relay points, that is, what emits, then the operator of this complex sends immediately same decision support system coordinates, guns are already automatically aimed there, this... the coordinate flies to another subscriber, the bird flies to the uav operator for additional reconnaissance. the enemy near kharkov continues stubborn resistance, actively is trying to impose oncoming battles on our units,
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retaining the ability to introduce. to the front line, the reserves continue terrorist attacks on front-line cities and towns that are located in close proximity to the front line, the more failures on the battlefield, the more the formations of the kiev regime hit the elderly quarter. evgeny poddobny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky, lead: kharkov direction. right now , russian units are fighting for 50 settlements, all of them regardless. size are of key importance for the advancement of the main group of troops. our artillerymen do a lot of work in this regard. artillery is traditionally called the god of war, now also the queen of war. important ratio. in just one day, the russian army fires up to 10,000 shells, from the other side - 2,000. and this advantage brings strategic prospects. report by our military correspondent mikhail
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andronik. gun, long-range gun geotsin paratroopers of the dnepr group of troops strikes deep into the defense of ukrainian militants on the right shore, they don’t spare shells, ammunition is being transported to the kherson direction in a continuous stream, a shot is fired, the crew is waiting for an adjustment, at this time enemy birds are carefully monitoring the air in the sky, you don’t have to wait long, the drone detector detects an enemy reconnaissance quadcopter, the gun is fast! after a short pause, the artillerymen fire another shot, this time hitting the target with a direct hit on the car of the ukrainian militants. mortar crew, high-explosive fragmentation, fragmentation fuse. at the artillery battalion control point work is in full swing on the screens, pictures from our unmanned aerial vehicles circling over the enemy. they identify targets and subsequently transmit coordinates to the control point.
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after which we receive a task. we calculate it, look at which guns directly reach them and set the task to the commander, after which we carry out it, ready, fire, shot, special attention is paid to artillery camouflage, towing a gun, the gun is not small, it won’t be possible to quickly deploy it to assemble it at a firing position, it’s a long-range gun literally buried under the ground, and an interesting detail, the wheels were removed from it so that in the event of a response... they would not be cut by fragments, and if it is necessary to roll or move, then the wheels are quickly mounted and the guns are pulled out of the pits. shot! many of those who work on the gun came to this unit already during a special military operation, the crew number with the call sign is czech, was a worker in cuba, then came to russia with friends, received citizenship, and is now protecting the left bank of the dnieper from the militants of the kiev regime. it was not difficult for me to learn my trade, artillery
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very important. in the sand , the carnation does not experience any problems when moving around, during the day the combat vehicle, as a rule, stands digging, at night the crew installs a removable anti-drone visor and you... now the enemy is taking active action on the islands in the dnieper boost, everyone is trying to capture, push back, displace us from the islands in order to get closer to the shore to create a plazdar, target 318 roll, roll, firing position, the stud crew choose a new one each time so that the enemy cannot point the gun at the artillery installation,
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for which in turn... there is also a real hunt, a product that makes the enemy tremble, one of the varieties of lancet, perhaps the best method of counter-battery warfare, here on the dnieper there are enough of them to destroy the enemy’s artillery, in full, enough to destroy all enemy equipment. exactly 2 years ago it became known about the first use of lancet loitering ammunition in the friendly zone, since then more than 1,500 pieces of enemy equipment worth billions of dollars have been destroyed and damaged, and as if for... western curators the kiev regime did not try to mislead the lancet operators using high-quality mock-ups, the expensive equipment continues to burn. in principle, they are trying to somehow make the enemy look like garbage, to look away, to completely convince that this is a living target, but still, probably, even the soul tells you that this is a living target that works. lancets have become one of the most effective tools used by the russian armed forces.


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