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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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no, but notice immediately trump, and no, well, then the question simply arises, the decisions that were made over the past months, we can consider as a decision that the president made or not, okay, but what is the legitimacy of that, you remember, the legal purity of accepting this, for how many years we have been told that all these lies are about the state of health, the mental state. convinced biden
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that he is incompetent, yes, russian propaganda also convinced him, in fact, we can already see that this is what is being built now the companies of trump and wentz, when they say, biden should now resign from the presidency, because if he cannot even nominate candidates, what kind of president is he, who is there now, well, this is a question of justice.
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zelensky attended a meeting of the uk cabinet of ministers, right? and that’s it, all the meetings boiled down to one thing: what to do if trump comes? yes, how, how, yes, to create this very safety cushion in case of trump's reign? now he doesn’t even say if, yes, now when and when should we now they say there, blinken, for example, says that nothing, well , an agreement has been signed with ukraine, there are 20 extra states, the united states is only one. of these states that signed these agreements with ukraine, but we saw, yes, last year, at the beginning of this year, what a few months, europe, nato, everyone did not puff up, did not try to support ukraine, what is it, they are without the help of the united states of america, well, they don’t have such funds, they don’t have that kind of money, now it’s really ukraine it’s worth straining, and it’s not even about vence’s statements, which we understand perfectly well, they will divide by 100 when they come to power, the point is that it really is.
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the worst option, just as it should have been, old biden should have appeared, a smiling but not roaring kamala haris should have approached him, he should have, as he loves, smelled her hair, kissed her somewhere, and jilla should have take him away, he turned around, waved his hand, it would have been a historical photograph, like this, well, in principle, the two of them should have appeared together, look, not only he, but also she, kamala, does not appear, there are some statements about why this is happening, i’m generally for biden.
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the soviet union, when the entire struggle in the final was between gorbachev and yeltsin, that is , the system, being in crisis, put forward.
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would have a chance, we must not forget that the never trump movement is never trump, it consolidates, it would have appeared attention, without the whole history of mistakes of kamal and harris in this white trail, sorry for such a mm pun in the white trail of obama's successful presidency, like the democrats represent him, she wouldn't having the history of biden and harry’s mistakes, i would say, i’m saving the nation, this could consolidate a lot of people, but it’s unlikely...
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what was said here, don’t sit down, that is, don’t just go through these elections and think about what the congress will be like, this important, of course, but not for them, not for biden’s entourage, their task is not to come under criminal prosecution, how can this be done and the families, by the way, biden, unforgettable his sons, how to do it, make a deal with trump, is it clear? embittered trump will not agree this is not a fact, not a fact, and i would still. we talked about historical analogies, once again i’ll tell you about the compromise of 1877, let me remind you that then everyone thought that the civil war would happen again, however, after the elections, in the conditions when troops were brought into washington, democrats, republicans agreed, and
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a compromise was worked out, which actually lasted in the usa until the sixties, when the southern states began to fight against segregation, that is, the american system, it still preserves the opportunity for this... won’t last, either he will be imprisoned, or something else will happen, but he definitely won’t get out, but he got out, they have nothing against him, and one more thing, the fight is for trump, this is the last one article meeting with boris johnson, and what he wrote in the daily mail, which is important, they suggest a new
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ideology to him, this is not trump the isolationist, i will leave europe, concentrate on china, and johnson is slipped to him and they say, look, there is right, right,
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us president joe biden announced that is dropping out of the presidential race, but will continue to perform his duties, that is, work until the inauguration, which is scheduled for january 20 next year. anton dadykin will tell you more. the process has begun within the democratic team. replacement, incumbent president joe biden announced his withdrawal from the race, although i intended to seek
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re-election, i believe, for the sake of the interests of my party and my country, the best option would be to abandon this and focus on the duties of the president for the remainder of my term. biden did not name his replacement or replacement, promising to later address citizens with a video message. the most likely candidate is current vice president kamala haris. according to the latest sociological survey conducted already. after the assassination attempt on donald trump, she was inferior in popularity to the republican, but ahead of her boss. therefore, as the new york times writes , the trump campaign had a plan for an information attack against kamala, and the first campaign hall sounded like trump rallies. i call her laughing kamala, have you seen? ever how she laughs? yes, she doesn’t have everything at home. you know, you can tell a lot about a person by his laughter, she’s definitely crazy, completely sick. supporters.
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you need to go out and be able to go where you need to go. the importance of the passage of time, clearly, the importance of the passage of time. when you think about it, flow is very important. as the agency noted, trump at the rally again returned to traditional election tactics, throwing mud at his opponents, only now the leader of the democratic party gets more parties. we saw how nancy pelosi is now selling biden with fucks, she attacked him like a dog, i don’t even know where this came from, suddenly it turned out that she is not sure of him, this means she is finished with him, she is a crazy bug. as the american publication wrote about the politician even before the statement. while
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the president is in self-isolation and his deputy kamala haris is busy with so -called fundraising, the key topic of the meeting with donors in massachusetts was the protection of lgbt rights. as a result, the election fund was replenished by $2 million. the question is which democratic candidate will now use them. anton dadykin, matvey popov, news! and here is a comment from vladimir putin’s press secretary, this is what dmitry peskov says: there are still 4 months before the us elections, and we need to pay attention to what will happen next, and another statement, for russia the priority is achieving the goals of the north caucasus, not the results of the us elections . well, republican presidential candidate donald trump has already commented on the decision of his former democratic rival, the current president. joe biden to drop out of the race again called him the worst president in the history
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of the country. trump reiterated his assertions that haris would be much easier for him to defeat than trump than biden, sorry, and also said that he could quickly repair the damage done to the country during his rival’s presidency. it is necessary to investigate the actions of us politicians and their collusion with the media, which hid the truth about the mental state. the current president of the united states, this was already stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova, and according to the speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin, biden must be held accountable for the unleashed war in ukraine, the sanctions policy against russia and other countries, as well as for the destruction of the economies of european countries. the us president has created problems all over the world and is now running away, realizing his impending defeat in the presidential election. after biden's withdrawal from the presidential race, the chances are. trump may become an advantage, noted vice speaker of the federation council konstantin kosachev.
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us president biden's statement about his refusal to participate in the elections for a new term has become a dark day for kyiv and europe. they don't like donald trump. this has already been stated by the first deputy head of the international committee of the federation council, vladimir jabbarov. we are dealing with under persons. thinkers call ukravoyak an army of cowards and child killers, and he’s right, our fighters simply can’t wrap their heads around how it can be done so completely consciously and so ruthlessly. i went to the border of the belgorod and kharkov regions and talked with the commander of the battalion 116 of the separate special -purpose brigade of the russian guard, she is now working for volchansky direction. lieutenant colonel pavel
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nagorny told and showed how we respond to bandera. let's watch the movie, then go back to the studio. one shell to load, one shell to load, shells, shell less. loaded, ready, gun, shot, our task was after the ministry of defense knocked out
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the enemy, here is the settlement itself, yeah, that means we are consolidating in the south. this is volchansk, well, the enemy is mainly engaged in rotation, the offensive potential has been exhausted, but his back is pressed to the river, yes, he is pressed to the river, that’s right, and along the river in general, well , a quiet country is trying, which means carrying out counterattacks too, the task of the national guard regiment, we are holding this settlement, it turns out that we are in the first line.
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drones, we use everything to the maximum, who on the contrary, on the contrary, the thirty-sixth, thirty -sixth, naval, marines, this is the mariupol, fifty-seventh brigade, which means here, now they have appeared, it turns out the thirty-third detachment of the 1004th brigade, the general staff, the last reserves, here is the presidential reserve they release it, that’s for sure, that is, here. at the same time, no one has yet canceled the function
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of the national guard, i am also fulfilling the function of the national guard, i set up a checkpoint, closed the passages. so that they don’t go to the rg under the guise of our armed forces, they are trying, there were cases, they detained one here, already in civilian life he tried to go back, well, i didn’t know that the posts were posted for him, so we detained him, we conveyed the request to the employee , guys all they’re burning, let’s go ahead, they’re great guys, they don’t want to leave, just go home and hug your wife, how long has it been? russian guard since twenty, since the end of twenty the second year, before that a private military company, before the company, the first donetsk corps, from donetsk myself, well, that is, there were no options, there were no options, yes, yes, yes, but before the war what
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did i do, until the fourteenth i worked in a mine, miner, miner , yes, a tunneler. we once stopped in lesechansk, uh-huh, well, there’s a refinery there, and the guys are standing there, i ask who’s doing what, but that miner, uh-huh, i say, well, where after the war, he says, no, we’d better stay on time, in in the mine, something is scary, well, you know, somehow in the mine it’s not so scary, well , you get used to everything, first of all, the miners - these are the guys who go every day, risking their lives, uh, by and large , it’s just like... here they can fly in at any moment, well, it’s normal, people work, it’s dangerous in principle everywhere, well, these are the guys. they’re okay with this, the guys are prepared, everyone ’s in the mood, when we got this task, everyone really perked up, the war
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has changed a little, even compared to the year 22, uh, now there’s a war of artillery and tupi-vedons, there’s practically no enemy you see the eyes, well, storms, of course, yes, storms they protect their work... is much more dangerous than ours, my soldiers are also all kind of proud that they serve here in this brigade, that our commander is like that, he will always ask how are you doing, how are the guys, and work hard, yes , yes, it turns out that we are solving several problems at once, that is, the task of the national guard has not been canceled by anyone either, that’s right, by the way, i have a unit, not everyone is there... yes, one company is on duty, specifically helping the military police, police, well, we are working together, that
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is, against the drg, that’s right, that is, also smerzh, a little, tanker, yes, indigenous, so to speak, i’m done. tashkin tank school named after twice hero of the soviet union, marshal armored tank tail of pavel semenovich fishing. well, this is a school, it’s like the oldest one, if you know, during the war there were many graduations, many heroes, ministers, so you are of our state, so did you decide to become a hero or? in order to maintain the tradition, well, you know, right, they say, what soldier doesn’t dream of being a general, right, yes,
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the marshal’s baton should be in the soldier’s backpack, i got caught as a company commander, a russian guard, tanks that were just fighting last year, a tank unit, so it’s hard to be the first to start, but it’s interesting, well, it’s interesting, yes, but how much? they were only three tank crews who served specifically as tank crews, so we had
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to develop, develop, train all this again, but here you mainly work with the zopa, yes, i work here with the zopa, we don’t go directly to the boat yet, well, there are enough closed targets, we have our own direction, and sometimes we also work in collaboration with minka, we help them. this is the direction of volchansk, wish you well, what do you have hidden here, everything is as usual, everything is like in ordinary tanks, well, i ’m looking at you, young crewman, young, you’ve been fighting for a long time, well, a year, one might say, right away with the russian guard, no, i’m the one harrow served as an urgent service for tank crews and came to the russian guard to serve under a contract for tank crews, that is, you served and yes, yes, yes, and signed the russian guard, why the russian guard, i don’t know. it happened, it happened, well, you have the hottest ones, when you had a couple, how many times did you go out, 3-4 days you went out consistently, how many
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worked 10, 10 rolled back at targets, well , yes, so that there is time to get away quickly, the time is basically we shoot five by six depending on the nature of the target, but no, well, here it’s better to roll over again. i agree, but the shooting accuracy itself after the second shot we already get the target, and then we just do control tests, we correct from the birdie or we correct, we raise the birdie with the spotters directly , the crew is working, i see that your guys are young, yes, yes, young people, all young people , and how is she, listen, well, i’m generally wonderful people, i’ll tell you this, hello, hello, hello, you already know someone, again, hello, again, hello, but what
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have you accomplished without me? we hit the targets, we hit, that’s right, awards, we’re waiting, we’re waiting for the procession. masha, aim at the control point, i accept it, i have arrived at the position, i am getting ready to work.
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what's going well with fpv that you're pushing against grg? basically, we work, well , i won’t name the systems, but to protect military personnel.
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we have stations, mobile, portable, how effective, you know, here is the last station rap, was transferred from moscow to comrades, cast from a 3d machine, i don’t know the inside, what works as a dome on the machine, quite, quite effectively. who are you? i, traveler, balloonist, jean. ivan! oh, so we go out and tease! what a fairy tale without ivan. what started? without deception and without flint. i sharpened it, the pen is self-written
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, it’s magic ink, you’ll get it, you’re the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, but beat yourself on the head, you have a nickname that goes where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m taking it to the wrong place, where do you fool want to go i have to, i can’t live without travel, flint, that... bread created our civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution, it is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity, it is a universal language that
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has shaped our relationships over the past 200 years. life, this is the power of our country, its strength and fashion, every day, i take a piece of black bread, i always enjoy life. when confronted with bread, a person is literally transformed. this is what our distant ancestors thought, and we really hope that you think so too. and on sunday we put it on monday she had already brought benefits, that is, she was going to...


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