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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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another crime in the ssu, shelling of donetsk in a residential area, the kiev regime is beating nato. there are dead and wounded with weapons, we are waiting for a report from the scene of the shelling. the battles near avdeevka , the most intense section of the front, disrupted the enemy rotation. our military is knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from their strongholds. let's talk about the situation in other directions. investments 800 billion rubles. this is for the next 4 years, and two more new hydroelectric power plants in the far east. report from the head of the rushydro company to the president, footage from the kremlin. construction of an international
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airport terminal in khabarovsk, loading of the amur bread factory, as well as a master plan for the development of komsomolsk-on-amur, mikhail mishustin’s working trip to the far east. she is running instead of biden. the us vice president is preparing for the election race. kamala haris' campaign has already collected $55 million in donations. will this help democrats win? and, of course, heavy rains in several regions of the country at once. let's discuss the weather. storm warning announced in sverdlovsk region and bashkiria, waterfalls on the streets of rostov, where the heat was replaced by prolonged downpours. what's the weather like in the capital? we will tell you about the main events in the country and the world by this time. right now we begin our release with news from the kremlin. new hydroelectric power plants
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electricity in the country, roshydra reported to the president. 16% of the results of its work is the largest supplier of the total electrical capacity in the country, which is big.
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both gas and coal. in 2023 , generation increased by almost 4%, resulting in more than 140 billion kw. revenue is growing. she exceeded rub 560 billion and in 2023 it increased by more than 20% compared to the twenty-second year. net profit also went up and reached 32.1 billion rubles. which is 66% more than the results of 2022. roshydra is among the largest taxpayers in the country.
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world in the field of consulting and design of hydraulic engineering, in mining, hydropower and other areas. rushydro is implementing large investment projects, as noted by general director viktor khmarin, including in difficult climatic conditions, we are talking about chakotka, where the line was put into operation power transmission 110 sq. the new line , 490 km long, connected the northernmost city in russia. pivek and the city of belibina are among the significant projects and the new block of vladivostok tets-2, as well as krasnogorskaya small gs1 in karachay -cherkessia. in 2023, investments in rushydra projects exceeded 220 billion rubles. there are plans to increase the figures significantly. if we talk about investment plans until the twenty-eighth year, this is more than 800 billion rubles, of which more than 70% will be.
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power lines in the future in the far east two new hydroelectric power stations will operate, today they are at the design stage, according to which the station will be located on the tributaries of the amur. vladimir putin signed a package of laws extending the spark account mechanism to the individual housing construction segment. the document was published on the website of the legal information portal. a russian when concluding a contract with a contractor for the construction of a house. will transfer the money to a special bank account, where it will be stored until the successful completion of all obligations under the agreement. a similar system for protecting the rights of shareholders previously operated during the construction of apartment buildings. the new rules will come into force on march 1 next year. in st. petersburg
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, a delivery channel for explosives and detonators to carry out a series of terrorist attacks was identified and stopped. the fsb reported this today. components for explosive devices were hidden in the cavities of auto parts and shipped.
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in which the explosive is packed. this is one of the cunning schemes for delivering explosives to russian territory, which the federal security service managed to stop. according to the department, funds terror from italy and germany were transported in stages. people or companies located in europe used mine, maybe other transport companies, in order to deliver goods to russia in the dark. i would like to inform other transport companies that you should be careful, the parcels you receive from europe may contain such unpleasant surprises. in order to identify the organizers and accomplices of the sabotage and terrorist acts being prepared, the russian security authorities were
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requests have been sent to the relevant european intelligence services, but so far no answers have been received, a criminal case has been opened under the article of smuggling of explosives, and that’s it. this is not the first case; a similar scheme for transporting ieds to the territory of our country from europe was discovered in april 2023 in crimea. all persons who were involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack were identified and detained. their activities, as we found out, were supervised by the deputy head of zelensky’s office, roman mashavets. he is wanted. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko, lead. well, now to the news from the special operation zone. russian troops have caused serious damage over the past 24 hours. division of the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy lost about 2.0 military personnel, as well as dozens of pieces of equipment and weapons. this includes a german leopard tank, three american m-113 armored personnel carriers, two polish krab self-propelled artillery systems, seven british and seven american howitzers.
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aviation and our air defense missile forces have also achieved notable successes. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aircraft, missile forces. and artillery groups of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation , the radar station for detecting and tracking air targets p-18, manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces in 113 regions were hit, three operational-tactical atak missiles made in the united states were shot down by air defense systems, and six multiple launch rocket system missiles hymer from us production and 163 unmanned aerial vehicles, including 80 in the territory. one person was killed and four were wounded during the shelling of donetsk. this was announced by the head of the dpr denis pushili. according to him, the ukrainian armed forces launched attacks with haymars missiles on the kiev and kalininsky districts, on residential areas, from the site of the shelling, vadim topalov. the wounded as a result of the attack
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by ukrainian neo-nazis on the capital of the donetsk people's republic were brought to the kalinin hospital. there were two female victims. as a result of the shelling of the ninety-sixth school in donetsk, at the moment of the strike they were literally caught in a rut, they were inside the educational institution, and the glass there... was taken out in fact, completely, they were, as a matter of fact, injured as a result of flying fragments, sawed glass units, it must be said that this educational institution was recently renovated, and where the ukrainian non-nazis saw some kind of military facility in this building, one can only guess , it must be said that about three multiple launch rocket systems were fired at the capital of the donetsk people's republic...
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and are being investigated by military investigators in our new and border regions. results of the work for the first 6 months of this year were summed up today in moscow at a meeting of the main military investigation department of the investigative committee. it was reported that over the past six months , over 46,000 appeals from citizens, primarily from members of the svo, as well as members of their families, have been accepted for consideration. more than ten drones of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by the national guard in a week. in a southerly direction. for example, in the kherson region , fighters seized control of a drone with a combat
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charge, landed it in an open space outside a populated area and destroyed it. small arms. and in the zaporozhye region , the national guard intercepted and destroyed several kamikaze drones. the targets of the ukrainian armed forces drones were civilian targets and positions of the national guard troops. joe biden's decision to withdraw from the us presidential election is not related to medical problems. about it. a senior white house official said in an interview with cnn. well, the head of state himself assured everyone that he would fulfill his duties until the end of his term. he also supported the candidacy vice president kamala haris. joe biden made the decision to withdraw from the presidential race against the backdrop of record low ratings. the head of the white house failed to fulfill all the promises made to voters. and his administration's foreign policy has drawn criticism even from allies. the most significant and resonant moments of joe biden's presidency. collected by artyom krosulin. joe biden was elected president in november 2020, receiving
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the support of 81 million voters, according to official data. supporters of donald trump did not recognize the results and on january 6 broke into capitol building. today is america's day, today is democracy's day. today we are not celebrating the triumph of a candidate, but the victory of the entire country. your voice has been heard. in 2021, completing the preliminaries. people to stay in their homeland, to make sure that they had no reason to leave, the plan
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worked, but the previous administration decided that it was not suitable. the main decision in foreign policy was the withdrawal of troops from afghanistan after two decades of military presence. most experts called biden's decision a failure both economically and militarily points of view. in january 2022 , the biden administration rejected a draft security guarantee treaty proposed by moscow. after the start of the special. no, we will put an end to it. as under donald trump, the biden administration continued to accuse china of economic aggression and non-compliance with the trade agreement, and failure to respect human rights. preparations for intervention in taiwan, expansion in the south china sea, disruption of strategic
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stability and hacker attacks. we made it clear last week that if china threaten our sovereignty, we will act to protect our country, and we have done so. over the past 2 years, democracy has become stronger, and autocracy, on the contrary, has weakened. name me a world leader who would switch places, name me at least one. despite loud statements, washington's foreign policy systematically lowered joe biden's rating. one of the most unpopular actions was the decision to support israel during the idf operation in the gaza strip. the united states vetoed several un security council resolutions on a ceasefire. i i want to say to terrorists around the world: the united states fully supports israel, and we will do everything necessary to ensure that the state can continue to protect its citizens. however, biden’s ratings had already broken all anti-records by that time. at the end of 2023, only 40%
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of americans approved of his actions, in april of this year the figure dropped to... family due to a series of reservations, blunders and overall strange behavior; on social networks the head of the white house began to be called almost a disgrace to the nation, everyone remembered him missteps, ranging from a dozen falls to behavior at official events, where the president looked more like characters from some low-budget computer game. the last straw was his disastrous performance at the debate with donald trump, during which biden showed his inability to conduct a discussion without the help of a teleprompter. despite all this, washington assured that the decision to withdraw from the presidential race had nothing to do with the health problems of
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the eighty-one-year-old american leader. artyom krosulin, news! well, now to the news that arrives on the feeds news agency marked urgently, vladimir putin instructed the cabinet of ministers to create a fund to support children's, youth and mass sports. the document was published on the website of the legal portal information publications; vladimir putin also instructed the cabinet of ministers to adjust the federal standards of sports training in 2025, as well as create a fund to support sports through targeted deductions from gambling. games, here’s another message: lightning, vladimir putin instructed to make changes to the legislation by november 1 for additional protection of rights athletes when moving to other physical education and sports organizations. well , now on to other news, european sanctions against russia have been extended for another six months until the end of january. this follows from the joint
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statement of the council. well, all this is happening against the backdrop of joe biden’s refusal to participate in the presidential race. further. the prospects for support for the kiev regime by western countries are still vague and european officials are now actively trying to prepare for any scenario. our own will tell you what they are saying in europe. correspondent in the region, regin sevastyanova. regina, greetings, what worries european politicians, especially against the backdrop of joe biden’s refusal to participate in the election race, and what are they even discussing now? hello, the european union will work. with whomever the americans choose, in a situation with a change of candidate from the democrats, the european union will remain an outside observer, the head of foreign diplomacy of the european union, jose borel, stated this before today's council of foreign ministers of the alliance countries, he was a planned statement that joe biden refuses to fight for a second presidential term, was voiced the night before, it seems that it was not stated as a separate
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point of discussion of the minister in brussels, however, it is absolutely obvious that it will one way or another affect... every discussion that is announced in the program today, especially moreover, as regards each point of discussion in one way or another, this was stated, in particular, by the head of the latvian ministry of foreign affairs, noting that, in her opinion, the cooperation of the european union with the administration of donald trump during his presidential term developed normally. we will all have the same approach, we will all work with any democratically elected president of the united states, that's obvious. i would like to remind you that the donald trump administration is in the past. has actually done a lot of good for european security and investment in it in the deployment of troops in europe, so i do not expect big changes for the baltic countries, but again, we will cooperate with the white house in any case. the opinion about donald trump's presidency is rather unpopular in the european union, at least in any case, relations between the alliance and the united states during that period deteriorated significantly,
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notes the german publication dpa, and the re-election of donald trump as president of the united states may be far off. my friend joe biden has achieved a lot for his country, for europe, for the world. thanks to him , transatlantic cooperation is strong, nato is strong, and the united states is a good reliable partner for us. his decision not to seek another term deserves respect. the head of the spanish government called joe biden's statement courageous and worthy prime minister
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czech republic, a responsible difficult step, and therefore more valuable, polish prime minister donald tusk publicly stated that thanks to many difficult decisions of the biden administration, the world as a whole has become safer. dear president joe biden, you have made many difficult decisions thanks to. in which poland, america and the whole world became safer and democracy stronger. i know that you were guided by the same motives when you announced your final decision, probably the most difficult in your life. at the same time, warsaw is also preparing for a change of power in the united states. at least today the head of the foreign ministry of this country brought to brussels for discussion a five-page document on strengthening the european point of view in the united states before the elections, regardless of who wins the elections in the united states. europe will have to take more responsibility for its own security, in particular, said the head of the department of this country. france. in this regard, today she announced the need to send a new signal of
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unity, which could become quite a serious problem. the point is that now particular attention, of course, is focused on hungary, which holds the presidency of the european union, and specifically on the prime minister of this country, who spoke with donald trump this month. in addition, he made a voyage to moscow, which caused dissatisfaction on the part of official brussels. the european union supports ukraine and is ready
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to end this war on the basis of the un charter. we intend to discuss how member states assess this position of hungary, which currently holds the presidency of the european union. in general, european means the prevailing opinion in the media today is that joe biden’s statement was nevertheless greeted in europe with obvious relief. but they also want to hear more about the kamela haris program in the near future. olga. yes, regina, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in touch with us. three victims of a gas explosion in the city of obshironsk, krasnodar territory, remain in hospital. doctors assess their condition as serious. these are residents who were waiting for the bus at the stop next to the shopping pavilions, where today in the morning the mixture detonated. he is monitoring the situation. lion of the ditches. in place of the shopping pavilions on voroshilov street there is now only a pile of twisted metal and bricks. looking at all this, you can
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imagine how strong the explosion was in a building with an area of ​​100 m. it collapsed like a house of cards, damaging the neighboring building; according to the preliminary version, gas exploded. after the explosion, another fire started, yes. the road near the central market of obshironsk was immediately blocked, police officers and an ambulance brigade from the ministry of emergency situations arrived at the scene. complicated actions extinguishing a fire means rescuing and dismantling primarily the victims. thanks to coordinated action, it was possible to localize and eliminate it. after extinguishing the fire, rescuers immediately began clearing the rubble, and from under it they managed to pull out a woman who worked in a pharmacy, which may have been the epicenter of the explosion. come on now. it is known for sure that there are four victims, one of them has already been sent home, two people with moderate injuries were sent for treatment to the first regional
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clinical hospital. another victim is in serious condition , a team of leading kuban doctors has moved to abshironsk to help. well, i know a woman from the pharmacy who was resuscitated, i want her to recover quickly. god apparently saved the fact that i slept for eight hours and... then i heard it and went to work just like that. according to witnesses, many of the people were at a nearby bus stop during the emergency. the moment of the explosion was caught on cctv cameras. the minibus managed to pass the fatal section a few seconds before the tragedy. now rescuers continue to clear the rubble, under which there may be more people, the shopping row seems to be completely destroyed. the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case regarding the provision of services that do not meet the requirements. security, the prosecutor's office also conducts its inspection. levka navalov, alexander zaitsev, lead. now it's time for economic news. sanctions
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against russia have failed. in the future they may cause damage to europe itself, the german handelсblad writes about this. the russian economy continues to develop actively, including due to the defense boom. the article says that in the long term, our country will one way or another participate in world trade, whether the west wants it or not. let me remind you that since february 22, the eu has introduced 14 packages of sanctions against russia. europe could not refuse to purchase russian titanium. for the first 5 months imports. this metal decreased by only 22% in annual terms to almost 2,500 tons; in may there was an increase of a third compared to april, eurostat reports. the world's major aircraft manufacturers have promised to completely stop purchases of titan back in 22. however, the eu has not yet found alternatives to russian supplies. experts believe that this will take up to 7 years. based on the results of the first half of the year, china increased its car supplies to russia by a third. total
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cars. dollars, this is data from the general administration of customs of the people's republic of china. on the contrary, chinese truck exports decreased by a quarter to 1,300 million. according to experts, almost 60 chinese automobile brands are now sold in russia, with havel, geely and cherry among the sales leaders. based on the results of the quarter, irusagra increased revenue and sales by 20% groups exceeded 72 billion rubles. this is stated in her countdown. such dynamics. the companies explain the growth of the oil and fat business; revenue in this sector immediately increased by 70%. at the same time, income from sugar production decreased by 39%, from agricultural production by a quarter, and from meat production increased by 1%. rusagro is one of the leading agricultural holdings in russia. the group ranks first in the production of sunflower oil and margarine. it was economic news. short. chairman of the state duma
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vyacheslav volodin arrived on a visit. algeria: the russian delegation was met at the airport by the chairman of the national people's assembly of algeria, brahim bougali. there are still full-format negotiations ahead, at which it is planned to discuss issues of developing inter-parliamentary cooperation, strengthening interaction in the economy, agriculture, trade and tourism. well, before algeria , vyacheslav volodin visited nicaragua and cuba. we watch to understand the world. educational programs and documentaries. look, look in the application or on the website.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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