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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm MSK

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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the international airport terminal in khabarovsk is planned to be put into operation in march next year; these dates were announced during an inspection of the construction site by a government delegation led by mikhail mishustin. he arrived in the region as part of his trip to the far east, but earlier the head of the cabinet of ministers visited magadan. the topic will be continued by anna voronina. there used to be a vacant lot with old garages, today there are children's playgrounds, a cafe, an exhibition a pavilion, and of course, a promenade overlooking the sea of ​​okhotsk, look how beautiful it is, well , it’s beautiful, and that these days people even sunbathe, why even, well, it seems cool, but they sunbathe, swim, the new look of the magadan embankment is being shown to mikhail mishustin today , the prime minister was here 4 years ago and this. notes
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colossal changes, and the idea of ​​​​reconstructing this part of the city belongs to architects from magadan. we came up with everything ourselves, starting from the idea , just the idea was to first restore the old lighthouse, then the first stage right up to those swings, yes, it was just a beautiful, so to speak, path, then they decided to strengthen the retaining wall, then they came up with, so to speak, these beautiful walking areas, then they made attractions, now the infrastructure is already being developed, here... for the construction of the park lighthouse, as mikhail mishustin noted , managed to attract about a billion rubles of private investment. in addition, magadan was provided with a set of support tools, these are infrastructure budget loans and grants. funds were allocated for the so-called general cleaning in nagaev bay, we are talking about the recovery of twenty sunken ships that have polluted the water area for 30 years. today the coastline is absolutely clean . an absolutely clean water area, which a
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is the safety of navigation, b is an environmentally friendly atmosphere, and of course, this is an opportunity to implement our big project to restore the work of a logistics center here, which will be able to serve the sea of ​​okhotsk mentai expedition as a whole to work, this is the only one we have now today the object is the northern coast of the sea of ​​okhotsk. the northernmost port. as mikhail mishustin emphasized, now the regional authorities need to create all the conditions to attract investors to restore the magadan sea fishing port. over the past 4 years, the region has been able to increase the number of attracted private investments by one and a half times for new projects, including a maritime tourism center and the construction of a new terminal complex for an international airport. changes the appearance of the air harbor in the neighboring khabarovsk territory on the basis of public-private partnership.
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the dry s100 is also being produced; these are the most important aircraft for long-haul aviation, which also develop our transport infrastructure. in turn, the amur shipbuilding plant is loaded with orders up to 200. in the twenty-eighth year, the regional leadership notes that in the future it is necessary to increase the production of civilian ships. anna voronina, news! and to the economic news: a private space company is entering the moscow stock exchange for the first time. this will be fundamental for the srspace holding a new way to raise capital. the funds received will make it possible to complete the work and launch key products. these are rocket engines, light and ultra-light launch vehicles, projects for the development of satellite communications and systems for protecting civilian infrastructure from drones. at the moment, if we are talking about today's placement, then we are talking about 1.5 billion rubles, that is, we will sell 10% of the company, a total of 555,555
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shares, the price of one ordinary share is 2,750 rubles. applications will be satisfied according to chronological order, that is, whoever submits an application faster will be able... to buy our shares, different brokers, as a rule, set different entry thresholds, that is, this is the minimum transaction size, for some it will be, for example, 10,000 rubles, for for some it is 100,000 rubles, but this is also not a very large amount. the sber thank you loyalty program has been updated, pay with any sber card and get twice as many bonuses as before. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants and others, and even a category for everything. transfer money to sberbank for free from other banks and receive cashback of up to 70% from partners, more profitable with
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sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis. and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. let's enjoy new opportunities together in honor of the anniversary. voloto draws twice a week, which means you have twice the chances of becoming a millionaire, twice the chances of winning a trip to russia, buy tickets on the website in branded stores stoloto, this is russia 24, we now continue to the news with lenformagent the ministry of internal affairs of russia has prepared a draft of a new strategy and counteraction to extremism in the country. the corresponding draft presidential decree was published on the federal portal of draft
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regulatory legal acts. well, now to the weather news, or rather not the weather. in rostov -on-don, the wind knocked down over twenty trees during a rainstorm. due to bad weather , roads in the city center are flooded, and downpours hit the city after a prolonged heat wave of 42°. and come to us right now. angelina galich joins from rostov. angelina, greetings, so, how is the situation in the city, what do the weather forecasters say? as far as i can judge from footage from social networks, you have real waterfalls on some streets there. first things first, let’s restore the chronology of the events of this day. so, at 8:00 in the morning, indeed, a crazy downpour began in rostov, it was accompanied by hail, gusty winds and literally a few moments later along the main highways. in the capital, the rain rivers were already flowing so full, soon
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the administration of rostovano spread the word that more than twenty trees fell, and these trees, one of them was neatly hit by a car, it was parked in nakhichevo, this is one from the area, here is another car, another car completely went under water, as it happened , the driver assumed that it was a puddle, off she went... utility workers were carrying out appropriate work there, the fence, as we all understand, was washed away by the rain, and the car completely went under water, fortunately the driver was not injured. it is important to note that in the very first minutes disaster broke out, now we see these shots, and the people who were getting to work, you know, 8:00 in the morning, just such a rush hour, the water reached at some bus stops, complexes, there was literally knee-deep water, and a few hours ago, the ministry of emergency situations issued a storm warning... that without such downpours it will remain until the end of this day tomorrow too,
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and the downpours can be accompanied by thunderstorms and squally winds up to 25 m/s, but despite all the trouble that the bad weather is trying to do, rostov residents i think i'm rather glad because you noted correctly olga, for more than a month in rostov-on-don there was not a drop from the sky, the heat was 40°. it has cooled down a little, but we will believe that if the showers return to us this evening and the next day, there will be no terrible consequences. well , most importantly, we will believe that city services will quickly cope with the consequences of such bad weather. angelina, thank you, our correspondent, angelina galich, was in touch from rostov, well , right now, let’s move to ulyanovsk, where, after a long, tiring heat the wind changed to the north, it got colder and a strong surge... the water is already beginning to flood the city roads, a similar situation to rostov, well,
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margarita matyushinskaya joins us from the scene. margarita, hello, how is the situation in the city? are city services prepared for such weather changes and such floods? yes, hello, i can say that the city is partially ready, well, as you can see, now we have no rain, in general the weather has been bad all day long. now there is a downpour, a thunderstorm , a strong wind, then there is such a calm, but just in case, i have an umbrella behind the scenes, so that if anything happens i’m ready, so are all the residents, but in ulyanovsk we are basically not ready for weather troubles; according to tradition, one of the streets in the zasliazhsky district, kamyshenskaya street and the central karlom street was flooded marx, sometimes when it rains, the water literally comes up to the waist of an adult, city services always work there, this time they also
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carried out their work there, as specialists from the local mayor’s office responded, to prepare rainwater drains, they began after the winter, before the rainy season itself, but now they do this regularly, because the lime grasses are clogged with garbage, leaves, and mown grass, but as a rule, the culprits of these clogged lovebirds themselves are... the townspeople, but now we don’t have any serious consequences of bad weather in our region, so far - to predict i can’t do anything, like our weather forecasters, they just... claim that throughout all these days, the showers will continue, as well as the wind, so we will be ready for anything, and i really hope that the city authorities will also accept the forecast, that's it for me that’s all olga, yes margarit, thank you, i hope you don’t need an umbrella behind the scenes, margarit
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matyushinskaya spoke about the rain and its consequences in ulyanovsk. in bashkiria , the level of the tuymazinka river rose sharply due to rain, as a result, water entered houses, flooded courtyards, garages, the local ministry of emergency situations reported this. the rescuers of the department who went to the scene of the incident are monitoring the situation, conducting door-to-door visits in order to quickly respond to any changes, but what is important is that the evacuation of residents has not yet been required. in the baikal dotsan of buryatia a large maleben was held in honor of the opening of the illumination of the statue of lusuud khan. this is the ruler of all the waters of the planet, from which, according to the teachings of buddhism, the world originated. believers from all over buryatia, as well as guests from mongolia, came to the festive maleben. for several hours , the believers immersed themselves in the texts of the sutras, and then brought treats to the gods, incense, sweets, and, of course, flowers. according to tradition, the ground was sprinkled with milk. we ask that
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there be peace and prosperity for everyone in the whole world, not only for me. we don’t have a monument to the lord crow in inner mongolia, but neither do we this topic is very close in spirit, we have special respect for the inhabitants of rivers, lakes and water in general, so we could not ignore such a significant event. only at alfabank. spin the reel in the app and get a super cake up to 100% every month, and up to 30% in categories guaranteed, if you don’t have a card, order a free debit alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable
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alpha card, it’s not just profitable, alpha profitable, units of the russian grouping north defeated several formations of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region,
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one of the main factors in the successful actions of the grouping of troops north here is slobozhanshchina, and now is the time... from the moment of detection of the target to the moment of its defeat has decreased to several minutes, that is, the enemy in fact, there is no chance at the moment when the formations of the kiev regime are discovered by our intelligence officers, now our reconnaissance drone is working in it over liptsy, which actually sees hits and explosions, and the scouts correct the actions of the artillerymen, give advice, and monitor where the enemy is moving in order to be guaranteed to destroy him. the enemy betrayed the location of his own forces in leptsy at the time of the supply
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of food. the vehicle of the formation of the kiev regime drove into the village at high speed. while driving, enemy fighters threw provisions out of the car. this is enough for our scouts to understand where to hit with artillery. now our soldiers are forced to pull up artillery directly to the front edge, in order to strike deeper, in order to conduct counter-battery combat. the enemy takes advantage of this, now, in fact, the main threat to our firing positions is fpv drones, large drones with drops. who are hunting for our artillery, now it’s always like this here, the latest military developments are next to the methods that were used during the great patriotic war, we put the
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same boxes around the wheels, so we throw earth in there, and we also make a fence from chain-links, we make pillars, we make a fence from ravitz, well they help effectively, the wheels are the most important thing, there are heavy battles in the kharkov direction. the front has practically frozen, but the fierce confrontation continues. at the cost of serious and sensitive losses, the enemy does not abandon attempts to maintain stability in defense. hundreds of killed and wounded every day, loss of western equipment. moreover, it is here, during the successful actions of units of the russian army, that the enemy loses the most trained personnel and the most modern western equipment. night character the threats and the general nature of the hostilities strongly affected me. there are fewer drones, more attack drones that drop shells, this is the base of our intelligence officers, from here experts monitor the movement
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of enemy personnel, rotations, transfer of equipment at night, naturally, from here they give coordinates to the calculations of fire weapons for striking, and from here they are monitoring the radio-electronic background, this layer of intelligence information now. well, probably the most informative, it allows to act proactively, this is what a closed reconnaissance and strike contour looks like, communication channels with units that are dispersed along the entire front, electronic reconnaissance equipment, drones, and most importantly, of course, specialists. the officer, call sign koluga, came to the northern military district during mobilization, now, as if he had been a scout all his life, as everyone says. they wake up only at night, now it’s hot everywhere, they wake up only at night, that’s what allows, doesn’t allow, rap, they turn it on, of course, everything
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disappears. well, let's get out of here situations, we go back, or we step aside, we try to look for loopholes and come closer to them, now there is another war, everyone says, now it is a war of planes, drones, and fpv, i agree, yes with this, 100%. the latest technologies of combat control, reconnaissance, are undergoing the main tests here in real combat conditions, in these conditions... useless, worthless, does not take root, what is the point in the forest of the night to collect electronic reconnaissance, collect optical reconnaissance and be in contact with fire damage, we just took it the classic layout of the reconnaissance and fire circuit was based on modern technical means, that is , the group’s subdivision has now implemented a secure mesh that connects terminals, a decision support system for spr, that is, people have a secure
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messenger, perhaps. are tied to a map service and can send coordinates to each other. next, we added integrated reconnaissance tools, that is, using the interface, they can automatically or manually send coordinates detected targets, and accordingly this speeds up the reaction time from reconnaissance to destruction. in this particular case, our primary reconnaissance tool is the rр complex, that is, electronic reconnaissance, it detects uav control points.
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the kyiv regime is hitting residential areas. evgeny poddobny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news. kharkov direction. changes in the field of individual housing construction and the development of children's and youth sports. vladimir putin signed a number of bills, they can already be seen on legal information portal. we'll tell you all the details in the release. in st. petersburg, the fsb closed down a channel for the delivery of explosives for terrorist attacks, where
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the explosion was hidden. one person was killed and four more were injured during the ukrainian armed forces’ attack on the kiev and kalinin districts of donetsk. and our correspondent will tell you everything in detail about the consequences of the strike. interaction of supervisory departments igor krasnov arrived today in phinyang, which officials the prosecutor general has already met with and how cooperation in the legal field will develop. north korea. the president of russia signed list of instructions on the development of children's and youth sports. the document was published on the kremlin's official website. vladimir putin ordered the creation of a fund to support sports. in addition, to increase the availability of sports for children, make changes to the concept of development of youth sports until 2030. also.
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vladimir putin instructed the government to adjust federal standards for sports training next year. and new hydroelectric power stations will appear in the far east. chapter about plans and results of work holding rushydra spoke at a meeting with vladimir putin. including the growth of financial indicators. and my colleague maria filippova has all the details. construction of new capacities and modernization of existing ones about the results of their work. the country's largest electricity supplier, roshydra, reported to the president. the company provides 16% of the total electrical power in the country, this is a large volume, it is one of the largest in the world in its profile, how do you assess the situation of the companies and the results of their work, at the moment the company rusgidro and it...


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