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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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for children to make changes to the concept of development of youth sports until 2030 . vladimir putin also instructed the government to adjust federal standards for sports training next year. and new hydroelectric power stations will appear in the far east. the head of the rushydra holding spoke about plans and results of work at a meeting with vladimir putin, including the growth of financial indicators. and my colleague maria filippova has all the details.
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is by far the largest power generator in the country when it comes to types generation, in our holding we have all types of generation except nuclear, that is, we also have geothermal, solar, wind, and of course thermal generation, both gas and coal. in 2023, generation increased by almost 4%, resulting in more than 140 billion kw. revenue is growing. it exceeded 560 billion rubles. and in 2023 it increased by more than... 20% compared to the twenty-second year, net profit also went up and reached 32.1 billion rubles, which is 66% more than the results of 2022. roshydra is among the largest taxpayers in the country every year builds capacity. more than 108 billion rubles were allocated to the budget. this is a plus of 15% compared to the previous reporting period. the holding also has extensive functionality and geography. at the moment, ruzhydro holding works this way.
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general director viktor khmarin, including in difficult climatic conditions, we are talking about chakotka, where large investment projects commissioned the line, as he noted 110 kw power transmission. the new line , 490 km long, connected the northernmost city of russia, pivek, and the city of belibina. among the significant projects is the new block of vladivostok tets-2, as well as krasnogorskaya small gs1 in karachaevo -cherkessia. in 2023, investments in rushydra projects exceeded 220 billion rubles. in the plans.
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to increase the indicators significantly, if we talk about investment plans, by the twenty-eighth year this is more than 800 billion rubles, of which more than 70% will be developed in the far east, we plan to introduce about 2.5 gigawatts of electrical capacity, we plan to build more than 500 km of line . in the future , two new hydroelectric power stations will come into operation in the far east; today they are at the design stage, according to which the station will be located on the tributaries of the amur. the kremlin is not very surprised by biden’s withdrawal from the election race, since they have learned not to be surprised by anything in relation to the united states. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov spoke about this today. and in touch with us from new york is american political scientist john varela. john, i welcome you, thank you for taking the time to talk with us. so. good
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afternoon. john, tell me, how expected is biden’s decision? most likely it was expected, as for everyone, and can we believe that this was suggested to him after all? advisers or some fellow democrats, or what do you think, is this his decision, and did he really understand that he couldn’t cope? this was absolutely expected, i just think it would have been earlier and not so late, because as you know, in less than a month there will be a party congress and the candidate will be confirmed, officially confirmed there.
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the party is a very powerful machine, all the administrative resources of our country, well , almost everything is in the hands of the democratic elite , and don’t forget that over the last month, when i discussed this... the question: should joe biden leave or not to leave? i noticed one thing, our big media, but the big media, ours, are all liberal media, under the control of the democratic party and they all wrote the same thing, major donors of the democratic party want joe biden to leave the race, pay attention to this, they wanted a major sponsor, they didn’t write trade unions, teachers, housewives, they wrote precisely big sponsors, this confirms what i have been saying for many years, that democratic...
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years, this is really, this is, but this is the small guard, this is really small radical guard, and they have completely different programs than the old white man joe biden, so this will really be interesting, but here you still can’t say that everything will be the same as it was under biden, no, now
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a new young guard is coming to power, and this some things will be different in america, it won’t be like before, not even like it was not under joe biden. as under obama and other presidents, this will indeed be a very interesting and new era in american history, both internally and foreign policy. john, well now biden is saying, that he will be able to finish his powers as president and is not going to resign, but still, can he resign, what do you think, and are there any such expectations in the usa at all, or will he be president until the end of his term? most likely, he will be president until the end. but if he lives, i just don’t know, it’s very strange that he didn’t address the people with a video message, this is very strange, well, as you know, it was some kind of post on a social network, or maybe he’s very sick, maybe be, we are now, well we are we will see in the next week, but maybe he really is dying, they say that he has
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covid, maybe he is dying from covid, but if he is alive and more or less able to work and says, most likely he will serve his term to the end.
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with the help of big tech companies that know how they influence people's mood, but all big tech companies, they are also under the control of the democratic party, they also have liberal views, so ensuring victory in november is not as difficult as it seems when when we leave the party is all
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resources in their hands, they can make any person president in a short period of time, but i ’m exaggerating a little, just a little, but this... once again, they have huge resources in their hands, that is kamla haris, do you think this is a strong candidate, or maybe the democrats still have some other people who could be nominated or... she is the best option, yes, the democrats have absolutely no strong candidates, they don't have strong personalities, look, all the top democratic parties, they have everything weak personalities, very bad politicians, i ’m speaking objectively now, by the way, i’m not a republican, please, i’m not, i’m a former democrat myself, and that’s why i used to have a good attitude towards this party, today it’s no longer clear why they have weak candidates , in general, why do they have a weak policy, because it is so profitable, so beneficial to the people who really control. our government, they absolutely do not want a strong personality, who is a strong personality in our on our political olympia, who is only donald
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trump, and you see how they hate him, because what why, because he is a strong personality, once again, i am not a trump supporter, i am not a republican, but i can give, i give independent assessments, a man is a really strong, powerful personality who fights for the american people, while other politicians and like republicans and the democrats, they are basically in the hands...
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the countries under control is propaganda, i think there would be more, but many americans have retained their minds and they can more or less independently assess the situation, but once again in the end, they will get more votes, kamal haris will get more votes she will win, but regarding age, the issue of age is now being discussed, of course, donald trump is much older than kamil haris, almost 20 years older, this will be against. they will use this against him, this is also a very powerful goat in his hands, if before the republicans
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said that joe biden is too old, now kama hares will say that trump is too old. john, thank you, we literally have a few seconds left, well, let’s imagine that kamla haris won, tell me how it is will it affect relations with our country, with russia? as far as this is the young guard, this is the young guard, they are very angry at our elite, who are doing our external things.
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the unexpected visit of fsb officers took the residents of this apartment in st. petersburg by surprise; the man and woman were at a loss; they say they could not imagine what could be in the boxes that were sent to them from europe. here they are also lying, so i ask the guys to get them for me, because well, yeah, we’re tearing them apart, here’s the second one, maybe i didn’t open it, well, here we go yeah, they didn’t even take off the plastic, they put everything back, their faces were blurred out for security purposes, according to the woman, at the beginning of the summer , her transport company received two parcels that needed to be handed over to a certain person, she had all the contacts, but here it was not possible to reach the addressee. they temporarily decided to leave the cargo in the warehouse; it turned out that the person who
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was supposed to receive it was wanted; these boxes contained spare parts, shock absorbers, in which the explosive was packed. this is one of cunning schemes for the delivery of explosives to russian territory, which the federal security service managed to stop. according to the department, terror funds from italy and germany were transported in stages. people located in europe. or companies used mine, maybe other transport companies, in order to deliver explosives to russia in the dark, well, i would like to warn other transport... companies, probably, that be careful about the parcels you receive from europe maybe like this unpleasant surprises. in order to identify the organizers and accomplices of the sabotage and terrorist acts being prepared, the russian security authorities sent requests to the relevant european intelligence services, but so far no answers have been received, a criminal case has been opened
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under the article of smuggling of explosives, and this is not the first case, a similar scheme. the delivery of ieds to the territory of our country from europe was discovered in april 2023 in crimea. all persons who were involved in the preparation of the terrorist attack were identified and detained. their the activity, as we found out, was supervised by the deputy head of zelensky’s office, roman mashovets. he is wanted. maria valieva, ekaterina shevchenko, lead. one person was killed and four were wounded during the shelling of donetsk. this was announced by the head of the donetsk people's republic denis pushilin. according to him, the ukrainian armed forces launched attacks with haymars missiles on the kiev and kalinin regions. from the scene of the shelling, reporting by vadim topalov. those wounded as a result of a strike by ukrainian neo-nazis on the capital of the donetsk people's republic were taken to the hospital kalinina. these were two women who were injured as a result of the shelling of the ninety-sixth school
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in donetsk, at the moment of the attack they were literally caught in a riot; they were inside. educational institution, the glass there was almost completely taken out, they were, in fact, injured as a result of flying fragments, broken double-glazed windows, it must be said that this educational institution was recently renovated, and where the ukrainian neo-nazis saw some kind of then a military facility, one can only guess, it is necessary to say that about three multiple launch rocket systems were fired. the fire in the capital of the donetsk people's republic also affected the kiev region; according to preliminary information, a woman died there; information about the injured, dead, as well as destruction of infrastructure in the capital of the donetsk people's republic continues to arrive. vadim topalov, alexander uleschenko, vesti donetsk.
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agencies. our special correspondent evgeny nipot works in the capital of north korea. to north korea a little later, for now on to other news. three injured as a result of a gas explosion in the city of alshironsk. this is the krasnodar region, they remain in the hospital, their doctors assess their condition as serious; these are residents who were waiting for buses at a stop next to the shopping pavilions, where the mixture detonated this morning. and lev konovalov is monitoring the situation. in place of the shopping pavilions on varoshilov street, now only a pile of twisted metal bricks remains. looking at all this, you can imagine how strong the explosion was in the building, with an area of ​​100 m2, it was as if a house of cards had been damaged. and a neighboring building, according to a preliminary version, gas exploded. after
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the explosion another fire started, the road near the central market of obshironsk was immediately blocked. the police and the ministry of emergency situations ambulance arrived at the scene. what complicated the fire extinguishing efforts was the rescue and dismantling of the victims, first of all. thanks to coordinated actions. after extinguishing the fire , rescuers immediately began clearing the rubble; from under it they managed to pull out a woman who worked in a pharmacy, which may have been the epicenter of the explosion. it is known for sure that there are four victims, one of them has already been released home, two people with moderate injuries were sent to the first for treatment regional clinical hospital. another victim is in serious condition in abshironsky. a team of leading kuban doctors came forward to help, well, i know a woman from the pharmacy who was resuscitated, i want her to get well soon, god apparently saved the fact that i slept for eight hours
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, then i heard that i went to work like that according to witnesses, many of the people were at a stop nearby during the emergency; the moment of the explosion was caught on video surveillance cameras; the minibus managed to pass the fatal area in a few minutes. seconds before the tragedy, now save. they continue to clear the rubble, under which there may be more people, the shopping row seems to be completely destroyed. the investigative committee has already opened a criminal case regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the prosecutor's office is also conducting its own checks. slef kanavalov, alexander zaitsev, lead. in saratov, he was introduced to the new head of the military institute of the russian guard. according to the presidential decree, he became a hero of russia. commander of the legendary special forces center of the russian guard vite, alexander beloglazov. the ceremony took place today. representatives
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of interacting law enforcement agencies were the guests of honor at the event. beloglazov, a native of the saratov region. he knows first-hand about the work of the university. in 2000 , he graduated from the saratov military institute. alexander beloglazov noted the colossal experience of the educational institution and the success of its graduates. taking into account specially. operations, yes, of course, the institute probably needs to go one step forward, because the technologies that are used are very are very different from those military operations that took place before, yes, taking into account the use of unmanned aerial vehicles, then teachers need to prepare graduates of future lieutenants in such a way that he would join the troops, he already knew all this, all the conflicts that were inside ... of our state, ensuring all public events, all our graduates participated in all these events, so the institute has accumulated enormous experience here, and today we will summarize the experience that we receive
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