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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 22, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm MSK

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the joints of the spine. real hunting is when the prey is almost in your hands. when the main trophy of 20 million is right in front of you. every 15 minutes. on the yandex market: from small things to significant things. buy on yandex market midea dishwasher, which does not require a water connection. joe biden promised to continue working as
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president of the united states, he wrote about this on the social network x. amid rumors of his alleged resignation and pressure from opponents, including donald trump, vice president kamala haris made a statement. biden is feeling well and is recovering quickly from the coronavirus. she made another statement, quite bold. they say joe biden managed to do more in one presidential term than many others did in two, and his a legacy unparalleled in modern history. this is a quote: what exactly kamala haris meant, what exactly were biden’s successes, she never explained. by the way, not all of her comrades in the democratic party share this admiration for her.
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the only message from america at the moment from biden. even on saturday, his headquarters stated that the president was not giving up re-election and intended to continue the election campaign, but the clouds over delaware, where the president is now ill with covid, have been rapidly gathering in recent days and have erupted into political storm in conditions of information vacuum. and journalists rushed for answers even to biden’s younger brother frank, who suffered from alcoholism, he suggested that his older brother joe still had health problems, they did not ask the opinion of biden’s son hunter, who was already being treated for drug addiction, but took a photograph of him on the weekend next to him with
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a house in los angeles. president biden's decision ends a five-decade political career. immediately after the announcement of withdrawal from the election, biden announced. that he supports his vice president kamala haris as the new candidate from the democratic party, the democrats have been considering the possibility of such a technical replacement for a long time, but it was haris who has been the loudest friend in recent months... they were assured that president biden is in excellent physical shape and will not withdraw from the elections going. in a statement issued immediately after biden's decision, haris announced the start of the election campaign. i am honored to receive the president's endorsement, and i intend to earn victory in these elections. despite the support of the current head of the white house, haris is not formally a presidential candidate yet. first, she will have to get the approval of party delegates to the congress.
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as a replacement for biden is due not only to a mathematical calculation, but a relatively low anti-rating, so the main, if not the only advantage of kharis is that she is the first woman, and even a person of color, to run for the highest office in the united states. since 1789 , we have only had two women nominated for vice president, geraldine ferrara and sarah palin. like these women, haris's career is in many ways. career of a pioneer, but even despite the time pressure, when there are
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3 months left before the presidential election, there is no unity among the democratic establishment in washington regarding haris’s candidacy; the clinton family was one of the first to announce her support. in a joint address, bill and hillary say that they approve of biden’s choice, because only haris , in their opinion, is capable of stopping donald trump. it's time to support kamala haris and make every effort to get her elected, from the future depends on it. america. several prominent democratic governors have already announced their support for haris as a possible presidential candidate. but what was unexpected was the reaction of president biden’s closest allies. thus, the democratic leaders in both houses of congress, chuck schumer and hakim jeffries , believe that the democratic party should choose a presidential candidate based on an open expression of will, and not during behind-the-scenes negotiations. they voiced their opinion immediately after biden’s former boss made a statement. and the main ideologist of the democrats, barack obama, in in it, he calls biden one of the most
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influential us presidents, but does not openly support haris. we will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead, but i am extremely confident that our party's leaders can orchestrate a process that will produce an outstanding candidate. kamela haris's political inexperience and general incompetence are cited as the main reason for doubts in the democratic camp. as an assistant. i am kamala haris, my pronouns are she and her, i am
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a woman sitting at a table in a blue jacket, from the first days of her stay in the white house, her public appearances were dubbed word salad; no matter how hard they tried, even the most loyal journalists could not understand the meaning of harris’s statements. what exactly is the united states going to do and are they ready to allocate specific funds for ukrainian refugees? friend is known in trouble. we will help jamaica recover from covid by helping jamaica recover. before joining the white house, haris was a prosecutor in san francisco, where a share of her convictions increased from 52 to 67%. at the same time, haris refused to bring harsh charges against the police killers. but she opposed school truancy, which sent many parents to jail, and also did not want
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to release those convicted of non-violent crimes from prison, because in her opinion, prisons would lose workers. and now kharis has to urgently get involved in the election campaign and, before the congress, try to convince democratic voters and the party elite of his pro-worth. today in his first performance in bely home after the big news, kamala harris refrained from making election statements. but urged americans to give biden credit for his work. our president joe biden would like to be here with us today. he feels much better and is recovering quickly. america will sum up the results of biden's presidency and the attempt at such a sudden reshuffle in the elections in november. and joe biden plans to serve out his term as president until january 20 next year, when he will hand over powers
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to the winner of the november elections. complete your he no longer had a career without losses; biden was removed. added fog and uncertainty to the entire political life of america. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the republicans began to strike iron without leaving the white house at lightning speed, leaving, leaving, donald trump is already demanding from his rival, not recognizing half measures. he has been calling joe biden dishonest lately, and finz skamaal and haris have completely turned the democrat into a complete liar in the eyes of a republican. imaginary president, imaginary patient, he is unfit for work, and i ask who will govern the country for the next five months, he is the worst president in the history of our country, another six months of biden’s administration is a very real prospect, the inauguration of a replacement is only on january 20, 2025, said a, let b speak too, demands republicans, there is not
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a single photo of biden, nothing. i hope he's okay, but people can be forgiven for asking that question, proof of life please. if biden is unable to cope with difficulties company, which almost all democrats admit, then he is definitely not capable of serving as the president of our country, which means biden should resign as soon as possible and take his family of scammers back to business. if he had any dignity, he would have left. white house this week and never returned. but sending the american president out with his things is not so easy; they tried it twice with trump. the sluggish impeachment of republicans has been dragging on for months, but biden is still there, despite to all the dissatisfaction of congressmen. we
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saw its decline over the course of a year. things are getting worse and worse. we cannot afford such a president. however, there are those among republicans who believe that haris herself is just a trial balloon. it was biden who had 3,900 electoral votes in his pocket; will kamali still have to fight for these votes at the dim party congress in chicago? they may be pushing her early now to see if she fails quickly so they can then push another democrat. statement that democracy is in danger will now be complete. hypocrisy, and the first question kamala must answer is why did she lie to the american people? all this time she was biden's main defender. didn't you choose harris because of a good life? i'm sure with harris taking over the democrats will have a short-term positive boost due to the fact that they finally found a replacement for biden, they will get support from the media, but
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the trump campaign will quickly focus on the fact that harris is a liberal from san francisco who failed the country let me in. tens of millions of illegal immigrants across the southern border, which supported biden's inflation-inducing bills, which are very soft on crime. migration, which biden once threw at haris, she was even called the migration czar, the weakest point, almost 2.5 million illegal immigrants last year, an absolute anti-record for america, but kamala was always appreciated for pretending that everything in order. kamela haris was involved in a massive cover-up. in order to silence and deny the fact that joe biden is incapable of fulfilling the duties of his office. she she was also the immigration czar during the worst border crisis in american history. the democrats are simply rearranging the deck chairs on the titanics. that is, kharis’s inheritance will definitely go to the compartments that were flooded under biden. she
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can’t just wash herself away from his anti-rating. by the way, the republicans started working right away. the first videos are already. on air, one of the illegal migrants, who was released from prison thanks to kharis, stole an suv and hit a young woman with it, she was seriously injured. with a dark past, however, you should be careful, you can find yourself. newsweek unearthed a copy of a check for $6,000 that trump, who had not yet thought about the presidency, transferred to harris' prosecutorial election campaigns in 2011 and 2000. his daughter ivanka transferred it, any transfer to personalities here has consequences, it is better to argue about values. "we are not against a candidate, we are fighting a machine. this machine has suppressed the will of ordinary citizens in both parties, including democrats. the machine is powerful, but it is not a driverless
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vehicle at all, those who have been behind it for generations driving, already actively waving their hands from the windows, on the page of soros the younger, all the familiar faces. it's time to unite around kamala harris, defeat donald trump, she is the best and most qualified candidate we have." long live the american dream. dreaming the american way is not harmful, it is harmful when they try to transplant one dream to everyone at once, without being interested in anyone's opinion, but simply pulling the strings that a change of props is coming in the american political theater, elon musk, as he himself claims, knew in advance. i'd like to thank alexander sores for not keeping everyone in suspense as to who the next puppet will be. from the name. soros is often associated with the concepts of the deep state, the deep state, many in the ranks of republicans and those who are sure that the shots in butler were new shots in
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dallas, and thomas crooks with the new lee harvey oswald, behind whom much more powerful forces actually lurk, but even no conspiracy questions in the head of the screwed up us secret service kimberly cheatle via edge, today they are asked at congressional hearings, chittle, which is, as it were,
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a calculation. so, we are forced to spend time and money fighting the crooked joe biden. he performs poorly, after a terrible debate, he goes out of the race. now we have to start all over again. shouldn't the gop be compensated for the fraud. after all, everyone around joe, including his doctors, the lying news media, knew that he was not capable of running or being president, just asking. outwardly everything is in trump style, but some are heard. the nervous notes are quite understandable, harris is an inverted chessboard, even if it plays with the same pieces, but the game is completely different.
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trump's entire campaign was built on the fight against eighty-one-year-old joe biden, they tried to keep biden in the race. kamela haris is an unpredictable factor, so i think it will be very difficult for them to fight her. the contrast with the lethargic biden was clearly beneficial for trump, but what about harris, who is doing well with his energy? the result is about the same as biden's, but
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in the swing states she feels much more confident, plus there is room to grow, such is the current election race in the united states, time after time, it seems to be starting anew. valentin bogdanov, ivan utkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. the sberspasibo loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a subscription from berp. magnet! ice cream russian cold 79,999 magnet - the price is what you need! pair of chicken premium chicken hit with new curri sauce at a great price! grandfather
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new hydroelectric power plants will appear in the far east, the head of rushydro told vladimir putin about the results and future plans of the company, what kind of growth in financial indicators is expected? in st. petersburg, the fsb closed down a channel for the delivery of explosives to carry out terrorist attacks, and where the explosive devices were hidden and how the arrest operation went. we'll tell the release. one person died and four more were injured during an attack by the ukrainian armed forces on the kiev and kalinin districts of donetsk. our cresman will tell you everything in detail about the consequences of the blow. biden's decision to withdraw from the presidential race is allegedly not related to medical problems. how did the kremlin react to the change of candidate from the democratic party? almost 250.


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