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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 23, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. july 23, 1380 moscow prince dmitry. received alarming news: the mongols-tatars crossed the voronezh river and are heading towards moscow. they decided to punish the russians who refused to pay tribute to the khan. the horde was commanded by mamai, he ruled the golden horde on behalf of the young khan muhammad bulak. dmitry sent gontsov to other princes to go to kolomna to help, and from there fight back together, so as not to let the enemy approach moscow. he crossed the oka and the don, and at night he secretly and unexpectedly appeared before the invaders. there were more of everyone. but the russians were better armed
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with crossbows, every 8-10 seconds they fired thousands of iron arrows that literally mowed down the enemy, and the outcome of the battle was decided by an ambush regiment that struck mamaia in the rear, the horde were driven to the river by red swords and there they completed the rout. khan bulak died, and mamai fled and was killed their rivals are already in the horde. prince dmitry received the nickname donskoy and went down in history as one of the most famous warriors and rulers of the russian land. exactly 150 years ago, on july 23, 1874, russian electrical engineer alexander ladygin received a patent, or as they said then, a privilege for an electric lamp. he experimented for a long time, selected material for the filament, and settled on carbon rods, which he placed in a glass container with the air pumped out. ladygin’s lamps were installed in the admiralty and on the streets petersburg, it was improving. his invention,
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filled the flask with inert gas, and began using tungsten for the filament. because of the repressions against the populists, ladygin was close to them. the scientist left russia, worked in europe and the usa, built an electric lamp plant for the westinghouse company, designed electric furnaces, electric cars, and welding machines. ladygin's patent, poor in america, was bought by thomas edison and, having modified the switch, demonstrated the incandescent lamp 5 years later as his invention. the truth is that eddie. was the first to produce incandescent lamps on an industrial scale and sold them on all continents, but the inventor of the lamp, which works on the principle of incandescent filament and illuminated our world throughout the 20th century, is the russian scientist alexander ladygin. on july 23 , 1974, the regime of black colonels collapsed in greece, this term was coined in the ussr, because the greek military had a black uniform, their rule became a symbol of black power. shares, but in general it was an ultra-right
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junta that carried out a coup back in 1967 with the approval of the united states. greece was considered a nato outpost in the southeast europe, the americans feared that the left might win there. mass arrests and executions began, thousands of people were sent to concentration camps, tortured, and the famous composer mikis theodorakis was thrown into prison. formally, greece was considered a monarchy, but the king left the country. the military replaced each other in power, the economy stalled, and the population was in poverty. decided to improve the situation by annexing cyprus, organizing a coup already on the island, but it was condemned by the world community, and turkey sent troops to cyprus, and then against the regime was attacked by part of the army and the president, brigadier general feden gizikis had to restore civilian rule. that same year, greece abandoned the monarchy, becoming a parliamentary republic. on july 23, 1985 , the first mobile ground-based missile system top entered combat duty. it was
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a new strategic weapon that closed the weak points in the strategic defense. previously, it was provided by heavy silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles. their location could become known. the enemy, and this reduced the effectiveness of the retaliatory strike. the problem was solved by scientists from the moscow institute of thermal engineering under the leadership of general designers, first alexander naderadze, then boris lagutin. various units were developed at enterprises in leningrad, kiev, volgograd, kovrov and votkinsk. and a three-stage monoblock rocket appeared. range up to 11.00 km, warhead power 550 kilotons, less than that of stationary icbms, but simultaneous firing. dispersed mobile systems would cause irreparable damage to the aggressor damage. poplars were improved, a modification, poplar m, was produced. and today they are completing their service, they were replaced by the more modern yars complex. attention, start. this is what
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this day in history was like. july 23 is a memorable date in the military history of russia. july 23, 1240, battle of the neva. the vedas were defeated by the army of alexander yaroslavich in the battle on the niva river. alexander himself, according to the chronicles, wounded the swedish military leader jarl birger and put a seal on his face with his sharp spear. for the military leadership demonstrated in the battle art and courage, prince alexander was nicknamed nevsky. joe biden withdrew his candidacy from the presidential race and invited the democrats to nominate kamala harres as their candidate. vice president of the usa. agreed to fight for the nomination, within 24 hours on the platform for small donors, the democratic party has already collected more than $55 million, with $27.5 million in the first 5 hours. george soros and his son alex have also already supported the candidacy of us vice president.
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i bet kamla haris will raise tens of millions in the next couple of days. already now voices are rising in support of it, and it seems to me that the flow of funds will begin. fast. however, opponents have already appeared. one of biden's largest donors, john morgan, said he has no plans to share funds in support of the us vice president. there is another important nuance: since april of this year, the republicans have collected about $100 million more from the democrats - 333 million. then we were talking about candidate joe biden. can kharis get access to these funds? about $333 million raised for... purposes election company, and these funds are located both directly in the account of the elected committee, and in the accounts of the so-called packs, and biden had direct access to cash at the moment until the removal of his race, and amounted to
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about $ 96 million, all these funds will be inherited vice president - camille haris, because her... name is already on the ballot along with biden, and republican lawyers considered the transfer of funds from the biden campaign to camille haris illegitimate, as explained by yourshated press, in order manage the money, harris must officially receive the nomination, option one: she is approved as a candidate bypassing the primaries, this is a violation of all traditions and is legally very difficult to implement, that is, the republicans will most likely drown... in the courts, ah, for trampling on democracy, option two, they somehow need to conduct an express primaries now, this is even more difficult, but if biden, suppose, resigns, and kamalo haris automatically
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becomes the president of the united states, she goes to re-election as an incumbent, and in this case, she will have the opportunity to use the funds allocated by donors for... biden's election campaign. meanwhile, the new york times has already studied all of kamela haris' economic policy proposals that were made previously. the former california senator has pushed for tax increases in the past, including raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 35%. for comparison, joe bidon proposed an increase to 28. in addition, haris’s previous ideas may not be to the liking of industry enterprises. we see five times higher costs for - maintaining alternative energy sources, in particular, we see harsh statements by harris herself and her team regarding the technology
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of hydraulic fracturing, which is important for the us economy, the opportunity to supply gas to foreign markets, to cover their needs, appeared only after successful implementation of this technology, and it would be logical to reduce the supply of liquid fuel... a cent duty on all imports into the united states. another direction she has previously supported is a focus on investing in more affordable housing. haris even proposed legislation to reduce rents. we're talking about refunding part of the taxes to those who earn less than $100,000 to offset housing costs. in principle, kamala haris’s economic policy fits into the general platform of the democratic party, which is to increase the role of the state in the economy, in the social sphere of life, and to increase taxes. years and its
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economic policy is quite centrist, such a democratic platform of the democratic party and from the president for biden, it will not be significantly different, but the important question is how feasible are all harris’s economic proposals in a country where it is necessary to fight inflation; in the battle for the us presidency, experts call the new candidate weak and vulnerable; this castling will most likely not change the situation. meanwhile, interlocutors of the british publication the guardian called president biden, who withdrew his candidacy, a lame duck, that is , a leader without real influence, in their opinion, now they should decide some important things with him the questions don't make sense. here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything flies here , guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently. they didn’t offend you until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when
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they’re hammering, here outside the window, we’re sitting here and thinking whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs , which are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that’s just it, we came here forever. hip-hop, acrobats, trapeze artists and even trained canadian bison. moscow is hosting the world festival of circus art idol for the eighth time. the artists came from different countries of the world. we also attended rehearsals, one of which is currently being performed, and also learned how the circus industry is developing in the capital in general. year,
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until 2019 the forum was annual, then the pandemic, the pause stretched for 5 years, and now the big moscow circus on vernatsky avenue has again brought together the best artists on the planet. this is one of the largest festivals in the world. cultures of all countries intersect here, everyone looks at each other and learns from experience. it's like... scenes of the world. if we consider all eight festivals, more than one and a half thousand artists from 50 countries took part in them . this year, despite the international situation, the line-up is also impressive. 200 people from seventeen countries, including the usa and europe, came to the forum. it's not just a show, it's a competition. to eliminate any bias, participants are assessed by three jury panels. the first jury is a professional jury, the second jury is representatives of the media, all of this also in an international composition, and
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a third jury, for many artists the most important thing is the audience, each viewer will have the opportunity to leave their voice. now there are chinese acrobats in the arena, performing a performance with traditional chun-gunfa shistas. the shells appear to be suspended somewhere under the dome; in ancient times, similar objects were used in the imperial palace to celebrate military achievements. previously, chungunfa was made from bamboo, they were very heavy, now for the circus they make shistas from the same composite material, like ducks, the weight of each pole is from 3 and a half to 6 kg. speed ​​juggling master nilson escabar represents peru, and this is the mongolian team, a plastic acrobatics act, fantastic exercises performed on moving platforms. rock, passion and no insurance,
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aerialists in the arena, the bozhenovs. this is an international duet. juliana is from los angeles, denis was born in crimea. 2 months ago we won the international circus festival in the usa, and now we want to win here, because this is my homeland. for circus artists festival idol, like the olympics or the world cup. this is a very prestigious event. animals also take part in the festival: elephants, tigers, and trained bison. scientists assure that it is impossible to teach them to do tricks, but rustam gazaev did it, the artist is already working with bison. 6 years, the first 2 years we didn’t even rehearse, we just got used to each other. i even grew a beard so that i would look like them, i tell you, i mean it to you, i took all this so seriously, that’s what you see, without any sticks, without anything, as if they trust me, this is the most important thing, when an animal trusts you, this is already half
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the success, behind the scenes the artist is preparing for his performance... which represent three countries at once: germany, italy and spain. they perform their tricks on roller skates, fitting on a platform with a diameter of less than 2 m. at first we did this trick with my two sisters. we are the fifth generation of circus performers in our family. we had a huge passion for roller skating. then the sisters left the department, and lana and alina began performing with me. alina, by the way, my wife. what it's like to perform such mind-blowing stunts. instead of explaining, the artists invited me to participate in their warm-up, frankly speaking, from the outside the act seems much more dangerous than when it is in action. moscow circuses are impressive with their technical equipment,
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for example, the large moscow circus on vernadsky avenue has five interchangeable arenas. there is nothing like this anywhere else in the world. to understand how this mechanism works, we went down into the playpen space, or as it is called here, into the hold. now competition numbers during the idol festival, they go to the arena, which is called equestrian, it is convenient for both acrobats and animals to work on it, there is an ice arena, a swimming pool, an led screen, and also an illusionary arena, thanks to the high-speed lifts built into it, tricks with the disappearance of people and objects are possible. each playpen has its own.
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the light is controlled using modern digital remote controls, the scenery is changed and the curtain is closed only by pressing buttons, we press buttons and monitor on the monitor what is happening on stage, here let’s say, at the moment we see that our curtain is falling, and it’s blocking exactly half of the stage of the arena shooting gallery for us, that is, at
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this moment we have some kind of action taking place on the front stage, we can perform it behind the curtain. but some are such hidden actions. the stage here is in the form of an arena, 13 m in diameter. the performances are clearly visible from any place. with the help of a collapsible partition , the auditorium can be transformed from a circus to a theater. have you thought about the comfort of the artists here? new holding facilities were built on the new stage animals such as elephants, monkeys, swimming pools for hippopotamus and sea lions were also built, as well as a new stable. this summer you can see pantamimu tricks right on the streets of moscow, the theater boulevard festival is going on in the capital, seven venues have been organized, from apereta to experimental theaters, circus performers perform in color, it’s impossible to leave here without a smile, and now everyone has stood up like this and pointed their nose to the sky we looked
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, let's go, let's go, no stage or arena, the artists show their performances in an unusual format, the state with the viewer is reduced as much as possible, the tasks are still the same, to amuse and surprise. i start from games with ropes, juggling, with balls, with frying pans, even any props that fall into the hands of the actors turn into fun games, well, now, for example, children and artists are catching fish in a friendly chorus. we also have jumping games, they not only entertain and amuse, but also cool down such hot weather ; side by side with the jokers, art of a much more serious genre performs. for example, circus school student evgeny samasudov surprises the audience with tricks on a metal hoop. this is a car wheel, an acrobatic prop, a rather complex genre. at first it was scary, it was inconvenient to work on asphalt, on all kinds of tiles, now it doesn’t matter where you work, the wheel is made of
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quality duralumin, it is very light, the wheel consists of five parts, very simple, that is, it is easy to disassemble, easy to assemble, easy to transport, is preparing for the upcoming performance on the boulevard at the koshek theater near klachev, the nuance is that mustachioed artists do not perform in the open... air, for the collective is a challenge, an opportunity for experimentation, and for the viewer - intrigue, how is this a cat theater without cats? the performance that we plan to hold as part of this festival will naturally be continued by our theater indoors, that is , the viewer can really see this format here in the theater, because now we are introducing this very interesting excursion, like a journey. world of cats. training circus performers is a meticulous matter. future gymnasts and jugglers usually begin training even before how they go to first grade.
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several dozen sections operate in moscow. here, for example, is the studio of the balakirev children's art school. we have about 70 children in our studio. what age is this? age from 6.5 to 15 years. what are you teaching here anyway? are we teaching here? we have juggling, on tuesday and friday we have balance exercises, that is, i practice on canes, also on tuesday we have gymnastics, on wednesday, on saturday we have acrobatics, as soon as
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you get up, we start throwing, and don’t get distracted, i didn’t find it, seryozha , don't get distracted, team the jugglers are practicing a new trick, when in the middle the gymnast is even more difficult to work with, every millimeter matters. up, handsome, first hand, open hand on the palm, then lower it, and follow the opposite side, yes, yes, one club, just in one turn, from one hand to the other, yes, excellent, and the same with that hand , oh, but there is a difference between left-handed and right-handed, it seems to me that i had students who were left-handed children, this does not affect, the juggler does not have a right-left hand, the juggler must juggle with both hands for these...
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the capital's circus space will soon be even wider. next year a large museum will open in moscow, and in an immersive format. there are no similar exhibitions in the world. visitors will not only be able to learn about the history of the russian circus, but also feel like a star of the arena. let’s say, walk virtually along the rope to see what the same tightrope walker feels, who walks under his foot, under his feet there’s a small thin ruler that sometimes isn’t even... visible, try himself as a horseman, let’s say, sit on an interactive horse learn what it means when you crawl under the horse's belly around.
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russians' interest in the circus is growing, so in 2023 citizens went to performances twice as often as a year earlier, while moscow accounts for approximately half of all tickets purchased in the country. festivals, educational programs, new spaces, the city is trying to create all the conditions. to develop the industry of laughter tricks.
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to be clear, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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one dead, six injured today during shelling in donetsk, he reported this. according to him, the ukrainian armed forces used drones, khaimars missiles and artillery, including cluster munitions. gorlovka and several districts of donetsk turned out to be the target. and vadim topalov has all the details. plumes of smoke rising over donetsk as a result of the shelling. several rockets hit different parts of the city at noon. in kievskoye , a burned-out car, a destroyed store, and damaged infrastructure. they say the victims were taken to the hospital.


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