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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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which science is the most important, some will probably name medicine, some mathematics, some history, some physics or chemistry, but in our opinion, the most important science is the science related to agriculture. why? yes, because without it no other sciences would exist. the population of our planet would simply die of starvation if they did not regularly improve their farming skills. throughout history, the main threat to humanity has been hunger. it took the lives of not 1 million people, only a few decades ago we finally managed to overcome hunger, and even then not everywhere. in third world countries, people still regularly go hungry. with climate change and frequent droughts leading to crop losses, hunger may once again become the number one problem. are we ready to solve this problem and what contribution have russian scientists made and are making to its solution? about everything about this and more. you will find out in this
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series. bread. buying it today, hardly any of us think about how closely it is connected with our history. a lack of bread turned into the destruction of empires. crop failures caused by natural disasters or wars led to terrible famine. famine has always been around, even sumerian tablets written 3,500 bc mention cases of people selling their children into slavery to escape hunger. in the mid-19th century, mass famine was a common occurrence in most european countries. during the middle ages, britain experienced 95 mass famines. in the middle of the 14th century, the average life expectancy was england. in europe, the terrible famine of 1317 claimed
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the lives of several million; cannibalism was the order of the day in those days. from march 1730 to may 1731, according to various estimates, about 9,000 people died from famine in france. in the middle of the 19th century in ireland.
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read by the first russian agronomist in 1771 , he wrote his work on the division of fields; since then, right up to the present day, hundreds of russian scientists have strived to overcome the main enemy of humanity, hunger. i think that there are few people who do not know who dekuchaev is, the name dokuchaev is one of the bonds, as ours says. a native of a small village in the smolensk province , dakuchaev was supposed to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a priest; he graduated from the vyazim theological school, then from smolensk... then
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he was sent at public expense to the st. petersburg theological academy. after this, dukuchaev entered st. petersburg university, eventually receiving an excellent education. who is dokuchaev, first of all, of course, he is a great scientist, the founder of the ancient sciences, this is the only science with purely russian roots, there are no others like him, having graduated from st. petersburg university, dokuchaev remained within the walls of almamater as the custodian of the mineralogical collection, geology and minerals, what occupied him most at that time in the development of new methods for estimating age.
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the entire black earth strip of russia, the volga region, for a record short period, dakuchaev examined bessarabia, crimea, the caucasus, took a huge number of soil samples, developed the foundations and methods for compiling the first soil maps. only two maps have national significance, the geological and soil map of the russian federation and are not declassified. this subsoil is wealth, understanding from the point of view of economics and geopolitics. and our main wealth, well, not only oil and gas, and not oil and gas in general, it is our land. vasily dakuchaev was the first, long before the emergence of the modern environmental agenda and the green movement, to say that nature protection is the most important task of humanity. in soviet
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times, the so -called stalinist plan for the transformation of nature, launched in 1949, was also associated with the name of dakuchaev. it was then.
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dmitry and his colleagues from the soil informatics laboratory had thousands of soil images taken by space satellites. using modern neural network capabilities, dmitry and his colleagues managed to create a soil map of the task, which allows differentiating the application of fertilizers in the fields, which makes the life of an agronomist much easier. a task card is when we can say that this part of the field is worse.
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140 years have passed, during which time his talented students and followers have made dozens of scientific discoveries, and there is no doubt that in the future they will make at least as many. in terms of genius and phenomenal probably only one russian scientist, nikolai ivanovich vavilov, can compare with vasily dakuchaev’s efficiency. during his short life, vavilov discovered the law of homological series, the most important law of biology, and accomplished it. 80 expeditions, learned 15 languages, visited 65 countries on all continents,
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he set himself a grandiose task, to rid humanity of hunger, each of us sees the meaning of life in doing more, pave a deeper path, and what we have done has accumulated , to hand over to the country to which we are devoted. outstanding russian geneticist, biologist, breeder, whose name is known to every scientist on the planet, nikolai vavilov was born in moscow into a merchant family on november 25 , 1887, while still a student at the moscow agricultural institute, today it is the temeryazev academy, nikolai vavilov became interested in plant immunity and growing the most resistant varieties . he was looking for sustainable ones. to various diseases, especially primarily for grain crops,
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his most important object, which he dealt with all his life, was wheat, mainly soft wheat, which they give us, bread. vavilov dreamed of finding an ideal variety of wheat that would not be afraid of any diseases, such wheat would always produce a harvest, in other words, the main threat to humanity, hunger, would disappear, defeat it... was the main dream of nikolai vavilov, through immunity vavilov moves on to the problem diversity, and it was precisely the diversity of all agricultural crops that served him, which means that he formulated his law of homological series of hereditary variability. in 1920, at the all-russian at the congress of breeders in saratov, vavilov made a report, which he called the law of homological series of inheritance. variability. vavilov's law revealed an important pattern of evolution. hereditary
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variability of plants is similar in closely related species. it manifests itself in changes in the same characteristics so clearly that knowing the forms of plants in representatives of one species, one can predict the appearance of these forms in other related species. the law of homologous series has made it easier for breeders around the world to find new forms for selection crossing. he also put the beginning of the development of genetics in the soviet union. in russia, the most important task of biological science is the management of organisms, the remaking of existing species, and the radical improvement of plants and animals. in december 1920 , nikolai vavilov was elected head of the department of applied botany and selection of the agricultural scientific committee in petrograd. 4 years later, on his initiative , on the basis of this department, there arose... the all-union institute of botany and new crops, i really
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like the violation of newton’s basic law, the laws of inertia of rest, its transformation into inertia of movement, studying plants in laboratory conditions was not to the liking of the great scientist. vaillov wanted to observe them in the wild, where they grow. at the height of the first world war, he went on the first expedition to... modern iran to search for ancient varieties of wheat. over the next 24 years, vavilov made 180 expeditions. he was a truly large-scale man and a great scientist, he was able to discover fundamental patterns that helped him know exactly what to look for and where to look, this helped him, among the enormous many plants, very quickly find what you need in order to increase productivity, improve properties, improve disease resistance of main crops,
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expand the range, introduce new crops in our country. vavilov identified seven main geographical centers of origin of cultivated plants: south asian tropical center, east asian, south-west asian, mediterranean center, ethiopian, central american, andean center. all these centers are still called vavilov centers. in 1924.
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the geographical society of the ussr awarded the scientist a silver medal named after prozhevalsky for his geographical feat. thanks to nikolai vavilov, they managed to save an entire country from extinction. in 1927, vavilov went on an expedition to east africa to ethiopia, from where he brought unique specimens of local grain crops. half a century later, as a result of civil war and devastating drought, the country was on the brink of mass famine. sent an official letter to moscow with a request to share the material collected by nikolai vavilov. our scientists have gone met and prepared duplicates in the avilov collection and handed them over to the ethiopians. based on this material, varieties were created that are cultivated in ethiopia to this day. and the grateful residents of the country erected a monument to vavilov. you need to burden yourself as
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much as possible. this is the best way to get as much done as possible. vavilov created the largest and, during his lifetime, the only collection of seeds; all other collections were created later, following the example of vavilovskaya. this collection became the world's first important gene bank. the uniqueness of the vavilov collection is that most of the collections were carried out in the first half of the twentieth century, when there was a very large variety of landraces. this is the variety after. since mechanization and chemicalization of agriculture took place in the second half of the 20th century, and many single varieties began to occupy huge areas, all the diversity that was previously in the fields, it naturally left the fields, the diversity of wild relatives, which are very important, to introduce new genes associated with adaptability into cultivated varieties, also due to
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urbanization, expansion of cities, settlements, many also disappeared from the face of the earth. thanks to priceless specimens from the vavilov collection, russian scientists, if necessary, can restore any plant in the world, even those that have disappeared from the face of the earth. at the moment there are only two similar collections, one in st. petersburg, the other in the usa. before the outbreak of world war ii, there were similar collections in europe. europe lost this material during the war, and no one replanted it, it was lost. after the war in europe there was a plan marshal, who meant not only the development of industry, but also the development of agriculture, based on american varieties, new ones that finally replaced the local unique material from the european continent. vavilov’s priceless collection could have disappeared from the world if not
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for the courage and self-sacrifice of his employees. with the beginning of the great patriotic war , an evacuation order was issued. institute, the virovites began preparing the vovilov collection for evacuation, which they planned to transfer in special freight cars to the rear. to unfortunately, at the beginning of september, the railway near omga was already cut by the germans, the train did not pass this front line, it remained here, then the employees were returned to the institute, the boxes of grain were also returned to the lobby of our institute. during the first winter of the siege, many vir employees died of starvation right at their workplace. they died with supplies of seeds at hand that they could eat, grains, peas, potatoes.
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technical potential, this was done. just 16 years after the victory over hitler's germany, a russian first in the world to fly into space. cosmonaut nikolaev was heard. after the space flight, when he landed, he came out of this capsule, the first thing he did was he asked for a loaf of rye bread, broke it in half like this... he put it on and began to breathe this bread. bread is our most important favorite product, regardless of where
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we are, on earth or in low-earth orbit. for several decades now , the moscow research institute of the baking industry has been the world's only developer and manufacturer of space bread. these development began even before gagarin's flight in 1957. olga evgenievna, who came up with the idea of ​​sending bread to cosmonauts? was it a request from them or was it an initiative of your institute? this task was set before the scientists of the institute, engineers, designers, they understood that the exploration of space, yes, outer space, had begun, that a human flight into space would not be far away, this flight would, well, probably be quite long, and it was necessary to provide the astronauts with all food products so that they feel the warmth of the earth. and the warmth of one’s home, well, bread is just such a unique product that, well , a piece of one’s home, the scientists of the capital, not their bakers, had to create real
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bread, not a liquid concentrate or bread paste, that cleverly fits into a tube, how much does one loaf weigh for an astronaut , one loaf for the astronauts, we still have a loaf, we have molded products, yes, since we make them in shape, that’s why we still affectionately call them loaves. we make a test piece of dough 6 g, but the finished product is 6 g - these are these milli-pieces, we make such blanks, divide them, firstly, these shapes were also invented, and these are the unique shapes, because at first they tried to make round buns, but then they came to the conclusion that these are the most beautiful loaves , they will then be conveniently packaged, just small loaves, and then we will only weigh them, then no, we immediately weigh them, then we take each piece like this. and we round it to make a beautiful ball, and we have such a beautiful ball we place it in each mold, and why was it decided to bake just such small loaves
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for space? crumbs, but in zero gravity, this is very serious, in general, it poses a danger to people, so they came up with just such toy loaves for one bite, so that an astronaut could immediately put a whole loaf in his mouth; we simply didn’t have any crumbs. in addition to the fact that scientists needed to come up with a recipe for space bread, they had to solve one more problem: to increase its shelf life, first packaging, heat treatment, then secondary heat treatment, this is when these already formed packages are still heated in order to solve the problem of microbiological stability of bread, our bread, it can get sick, yes it can... mold and so that this problem did not arise in space, here is an additional technological operation that allows us to increase the shelf life of bread for astronauts, that is
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, here you completely bake the bread, package it, and then it is sent away from you on some spaceship flies directly into orbit, no, well, on ordinary road transport, the packaged one is already sent to the organization, where the formation is already underway, the entire diet of the astronaut, and you have some kind of feedback from the astronauts, maybe this is tasty, this not tasty, add something else there, well, of course we have feedback, because after the cosmonauts return to earth, meetings with the cosmonauts take place, our employees take part in these meetings, well, they ask about the quality of bread, about the quality of all products, what i liked, what i didn’t like, but i would like to brag that there have never been any complaints about our... from the astronauts, like ordinary people, astronauts have clearly defined norms for daily
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bread consumption. for one. for an astronaut, the norm for bread consumption is 200 g, but in one such package of bread we have 10 of these small tiny loaves, that’s 45 g, it turns out that if we are talking about canteen bread, we get about four packages like this, what about these packages , yes, for one astronaut, yes we already have an almost complete form, what will we do next? well, then our loaves will go into proofing, and they will rest a little before baking, they will increase a little in volume. then into the oven, olga, evgenevna, how nice they turned out, well , our loaves turned out so fabulous, beautiful, yes, even, well, then they need to be packaged, they need to be tried, well , let's try, let's try, yes, so i
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this. i want it, look how cool it is, it smells warm, this is the kind of bread that astronauts eat, it it really smells, i don’t know, of home, it smells, it smells of comfort, mm, and it’s very tasty, you can actually smell the rye flour, the wheat flour, yes, it’s traditional, despite the fact that it’s so small, miniature, a tiny loaf, a toy loaf, but he has both a loosened rebellion and a form. albeit small, but it reminds me, and my crust even cracked, just like that, it became so ruddy, beautiful, his crust is beautifully ruddy, when you look at the stars at night, you understand that somewhere there is flying among them, yours are flying loaves, yes, of course, khersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancient inhabitants who saved the city from scyvian raids, and the miracle of epiphany that happened here to prince vladimir,
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we are grateful to prince vladimir, namely. for the fact that he laid precisely this spiritual foundation for the future national construction, and it happened right here in chersonesia, the territory where the ancient greek and roman, the imperial closes with us, this is a unique union of peoples, times, cultures and civilizations. hersanez, returning to us, again christened russia with his grace. we very...
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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, everything is flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you weren’t offended here until our people came, don’t ask.


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