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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am MSK

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a mesa that should attract people from different parts of the world, just as chersonese became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity. briefly about the main news of the middle. in
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the southwest of moscow , an eight-story residential building was extinguished tonight; a fire broke out on the upper floors and soon engulfed the attic roof. the total area of ​​the fire was 2,000 km, four people were rescued, no injuries were reported. by this time the open flame had already been extinguished. in the southern donetsk direction, russian motorized rifles improved their positions near the village old may. motorcycles are also used for attacks. this allows you to avoid being hit by the comedian's drones. for wsso. us presidential candidate donald trump wants to debate kamala haris. american media report that he requires several rounds of discussion. this can help you get ahead of your opponent in the ratings. now her popularity according to polls is 2% higher. at least eight sailors died in a shipwreck in the atlantic; a fishing boat sank during a storm near the falkland islands. among the crew members. there are russians, about them
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there is no information about their condition; out of twenty-seven fishermen, 12 were rescued, seven more disappeared . in buryat, forests damaged by fires are being restored. young pine trees were brought to the zaigraevsky district of the republic, and they were raised at the trans-baikal aviation security base. a special greenhouse has been created there that imitates.
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they planted it manually, the work is very painstaking, and then the employees will have equally hard work. hundreds of thousands of future trees grow on the territory of the base, all of them require care. features of these seedlings are closed root system, they are planted in a special peat substrate, which then takes the shape of a cup, this allows them to take root better when planted. for better growth of seedlings , an automated greenhouse has been created at the base, the only one of its kind in the republic: special panels on top imitate the shadow of large trees, and the irrigation system sprays. water, as if it were drizzling summer rain, the conditions here are as close as possible to real ones, when young pines are strong enough, they are planted in the forests of the republic, these particular ones went to the zaigraevsky region. nalesu the work begins with the hum of a tractor; before planting small pines, it is necessary to prepare the soil; when the ground is already plowed, the forest protection staff takes over the groundwork. in this place we are conducting a compensatory reforestation event. in
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zaigraysky forestry. we have already planted 10 hectares, and now we plan to plant another 14 hectares. in his hands is a special pipe, behind his back is a basket of seedlings. in such equipment , forest guards go out to the landing strip. everything on it is clearly calculated: every meter is a new tree. they work tirelessly here hands by the end of the week, 60,000 new trees will be planted. for now these are very small pines, but one day they will become a large and majestic forest. arina vinokurova, oleg onosov, host of buryatia. a russian parachutist with a victory banner jumped onto elbrus from a helicopter. the dangerous stunt was performed by vadim arlinartsev from sochi. he landed on the western peak plateau from a height of 7,200 m. the athlete set two records at once: the highest wing-type parachute jump on elbrus and the highest canopy opening over the western peak of the mountain.
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an orange level of weather danger is in effect in the krasnodar territory; heavy rain with thunderstorms, hail and wind are possible in the region until mid-morrow. a downpour hit sochi... the day before , some areas of the city were flooded, where extreme precipitation is still possible in the near future , we will tell you after the advertisement. thank you, the sber loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even the percentage on everything is more profitable with a sberim subscription. fairytale chicken is needed for sweet dreams,
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rubber chicken for distracting maneuvers, the most tender chicken for burgers at a delicious point, new sauce. what do we bring back from savito’s travels? cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito trip will go as planned with cashback and bonuses. honor of the anniversary of russian lotto, more frequent drawings. more draws, more prizes, more chances to win. buy tickets on the website of stoloto brand stores. enjoy your favorite dishes with the taste of classic provençal from. i love to cook, it will turn good dish in a fantastic one, i love to cook, burger king tastes better on fire, magnet
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or there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, people live here completely differently, you weren’t hurt here until ours came, don’t ask, i’ll see how the wolf will hide in the basement when they’re hammering , then here outside the window, you sit like this and think, the next one will hit you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying, help me, god, oh, thank you, it’s just that we came here forever, how much rainfall do typhoons, extreme rainfalls usually bring in the next few days will pass in the urals and the east of the russian plain, which regions will be at
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the epicenter of the disaster and how soon the rainfall in sochi will end. this is the weather, a joint project of the russia 24 tv channel and the fubus center, i’m olga mikhailova, hello, the megacyclone is coming. floods to the urals and the russian plain. the day before , the elements manifested themselves most clearly in the southern regions, as the heaviest rainfall since the beginning of summer hit sochi. roads and yards went under water literally in the blink of an eye. the autobus fell out. the room was completely flooded. fallen trees and landslides in lazarevsky district stucco supports were damaged. as a result, three villages were left without electricity. flood in the rivers also led to overflowing of bridges. all. due to debris brought in by stormy streams. in one of the episodes, car owners began to clear the resulting traffic jam even before the rescuers arrived. but the most impressive images of yesterday's bad weather are, of course, associated with
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the tornado. the giant crater was clearly visible from anywhere in the city. once on land, such vortices can cause serious destruction. fortunately, this tornado only strolled through. along the coast. european russia still remains an arena of confrontation between two atmospheric monsters - the kara anticyclone, which occupied the entire north of the russian plain and a huge cyclonic depression. stretching from taimyr through western siberia, the urals, between the volga and don to the black sea. all of its stormy fronts will soon be associated with the most dangerous weather phenomena. on this map there is a forecast for the accumulation of precipitation until the end of the working week, you see that in southern russia there will be heavy showers, but in the pre-urals and southern urals in some places within three days may receive over 100 mm of rain. usually this amount of precipitation is brought by pacific typhoons. for example, in... gorsk today we can still say the calm before the storm, but the coming night the showers will sharply intensify.
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nastya's peak will occur in the middle of thursday, when the intensity of precipitation will reach 25 mm in 6 hours. floods in such a situation are simply guaranteed. the city will continue to flood in the evening, as a result of the sum of two days , the entire july moisture norm will pour into magnitogorsk. and if the current atmospheric situation has made the precipitation regime extreme, then the temperature background, on the contrary, will continue to smooth out. the northeastern wind draft will not allow the air in the mid-latitudes in the south to warm up too much, while the polar regions will continue to receive heat from the baltic states, a paradox, but now the thermometer readings on the kola peninsula and kuban are almost equal. in murmansk, on monday the ninety-year-old heat record fell and today the meteorological statistics here can again be rewritten. afternoon in the city +29, this is half a degree higher than the previous maximum, which was fixed. in 1938. in sochi , the intensity of showers
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will be halved in the next 24 hours, to 15 mm. on thursday friday the weather will clear up in the resort capital. the thermometer will show +28:30, but another wave is expected over the weekend. nastya will receive another 26 mm of rain. in moscow, the rest of the week will be without extreme weather, the air will warm up to 25-27°. only thursday afternoon and saturday evening are possible in megapolis. rains, but they will be weak and patchy. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank. everything you need is here i need: high cashback, profitable deposits , a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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now the economic news of constantine in europe is discussing the timing of freezing russian assets. alexander, two options have been proposed, the second seems to be especially for trump. brussels offered the eu countries two options. long-term freezing of the assets of the bank of russia, bloomberg reports with reference to the draft document. the first scenario is an indefinite block with regular reviews. second - extension of restrictions for fixed terms of up to 18, 24 or 36 months. thus, long-term freezing may not be so long. brussels understands that a lot can change if donald trump comes to the white house. the republican, of course, is not known to sympathize with our country. but is interested in preserving the western financial system, which is based on trust in the dollar and euro.
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it will be seriously undermined in the event of, in fact, theft of assets in these currencies. container transportation by rail increased by almost 9% in the first half of the year. about it told in russian railways. in total, over 3,800 thousand twenty-foot containers were transported, both domestic and export, import and transit. if we talk about... district traffic, then their number increased by 7.5%, which is almost 72% of the total volume of traffic. the leaders are categories such as timber cargo, fertilizers, and cars. but most of all they transported khimprom products. the leaders are chemicals and soda. they correspond to almost 14.5%. and if in numerical terms there are more than 400,000 teu. timber cargo is in the lead - almost 10.5%. chemical and mineral fertilizers -
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almost 8.6%. cars 8.5%. well, onwards. we're already getting on with the little things, ubs bank predicts that oil prices will rise above $90 per barrel in the coming weeks. the main reason is the reduction in export volumes by participants in the opec plus deal. the current weather, abnormally hot even by middle east standards, is supporting domestic demand, causing opec to already cut supplies. the swiss bank claims that even china's relatively weak macroeconomic statistics are moving away to the background, and... a possible shortage of oil is becoming the main factor, while according to the results of the previous trading session, quotes for the brand variety fell to their lowest level since mid- june. commersbank believes that this phenomenon is temporary. analysts note a significant reduction in crude oil inventories in the united states and believe that prices will soon return to growth. next winter, ukrainians will have to rely
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only on themselves. that's exactly what the executive director of the national energy holding said. his words are published. local press, and the former minister of energy of ukraine advises citizens to look for friends and acquaintances in villages where houses are heated with wood. western media noted that the tactics of attacks on the energy infrastructure have exhausted the capabilities of the kiev regime; it is already on the verge of collapse. almost universal electricity is available only for 4-6 hours a day; by winter the situation will become completely critical. ukrainian energy workers reported a loss of about 86%.
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the number of fires in yakutia has grown to 88. rescuers are increasing their team to fight the fire; another plane has arrived in the republic amphibian. the be-200 will operate in hard-to-reach areas. donald trump wants to debate kamala haris, as reported by fox news, the ex-president is demanding several rounds at once. according to the latest polls , haris is ahead of trump by 2%. at a pre-election rally. defense ministers whistled, activists shouted anti-war slogans, calling boris pestorius a warmonger. the events were completed only after police intervention. conduct a business audit remotely, register an enterprise, find out the risk category of your companies. irina matyushenko will tell you how to do this in the program instructions immediately after
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the advertisement. hello, my name is cashboy, i help you buy with maximum profit at the megamarket, for example, locsitane shower oil for 2,690 rubles. find out your credit score on the compare website or in the apps, it's free. keep your credit history under control. compare, on your side. maybe?
7:50 am
august 14, build faster, savita for the house. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. choose up to five each month top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even a percentage on everything, are more profitable with a subscription to berlime. one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet. cool video. what is your speed anyway? you haven’t connected this yet with 5g, although you better not need it. megaphone number one in terms of speed coverage. alice, find a movie with light. excellent choice, alisa, a tip about investments, although who am i kidding, alisa, turn on the taganrok astrakhan match, turn it on, i’ve been waiting 20 years for it to
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happen like this, but don’t wait, well, it gives gpt, yandex tv station with alice, you can find everything, it tastes better on fire, burger king, burger king, what we... start your path to business with sber support, they will open an account in sber business, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register, everything it's free, we open the way to business, sberbusiness.
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we will tell you about the main electronic services in 5 minutes in this issue of the manual. so, massive digitalization has taken place in the field of control activities. all events are now
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recorded in a single register, and information is also transferred to your personal account on state services portal. this project was implemented jointly by the ministry of development and the ministry of digital development. that is, if a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, or individual is registered on the government services portal, they have confirmed credentials. record, then , firstly, such a check is displayed in their personal account, and secondly, which is also very important, such a person is considered notified, legally significant, about the check using the government services portal. in fact, this is functionality that we have been living with for a long time, for example, similar to when we we receive notification of fines, you must admit, no one has been going to the post office for a long time to receive these receipts. fines, everyone sees the fines on the government services portal and pays them there. state services not only display the inspections themselves, but here you can appeal them in the pre-trial appeal service. to do this
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, you can go into the max robot, type the words “complain against the inspection” or from the inspection itself click on the “submit a complaint” button, that is, you can make an appeal in literally three clicks. all complaints are processed centrally. control authorities are moving to a risk-based approach, that is, plan. inspections are carried out at facilities with a high risk category. since last year, its assignment takes place in a unified register of types of control, from which all objects are transferred to a personal account on the state services portal, each entrepreneur or company can see their risk category. if you do not agree with this category, immediately appeal using the same pre-trial appeal service. based on the results of the application , the risk category may be reduced. our task is to make sure that... portal state services has become the only personal account of the controlled person, in which he works, so that all information can be seen, so that all possible actions that
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can be taken remotely as part of an audit can be done by the controlled person using the government services portal, including our link. to the page with information about the remote format of inspections with the ability to download the inspector mobile application. how does it work? inspector app, to use it, you need to register for government services, information about the control event will be sent to the e-mail that is linked to the portal, legal entity or individual entrepreneur; for its part, the controlling body will create a control event in the mobile application with mandatory reference to the geolocation of the object being inspected. the inspection report can be certified with an electronic signature by both the regulatory authority and the entrepreneur. using a remote format allows you to save a video recording of the inspection, which you can return to, including in case you file a complaint,
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so this is a very important piece of evidence to add to that. we expect that this will save your time and reduce the administrative burden, because, in fact, they will go through the checklist that is planned for this inspection, and no other actions will be carried out. if you are just opening your business, you no longer have to go to the mfc. since april of this year, you can submit a notification about starting a business activity using government services. now all notifications stored in a single system c. vvk are displayed in your personal account on the state services portal in ervk , and they will be associated with categorized objects, so this work will bring real benefits. we tie every check, every preventative measure with real useful functions. for example, you can refuse an upcoming preventative visit. the past preventative visit can be assessed. in
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the near future, functionality will be available to sign up for a professional visit, sign up for a consultation, and send an objection to a warning. let us repeat the main thing: all control measures are now taken into account in a single register and are displayed on public services. the notification is sent to the individual entrepreneur or legal entity in their personal account. there, on the portal , you can appeal the results of the inspection or the risk category assigned to the business. you can also carry out the check itself remotely for this purpose. the inspector mobile app is working. if you have any questions, if you want to know more about services that help you run your business safely, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will find out from specialists and we’ll tell you everything in our next instructions.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, we do the same work, the same tasks, deadlifts, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit still because i was in normal shape, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well yes, the first time i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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maneuverability rapid jerks russian military units managed to carry out a successful assault using electric motorcycles, how did they deal with drones? for the enemy. donald trump proposed a debate with kamala haris. the politician requires several rounds of discussion. according to the latest polls, haris is already ahead. in yakutia , a group of rescuers is being strengthened to fight the fire. and in buryat, restoration work began in the forests. we will show how regions cope with natural fires and their consequences.


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