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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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with biden leaving the race, for some time, it means they will be able to keep it, apparently, at the top of the information agenda, but i believe that somewhere by the end of august these waves will subside, but in fact the ratings are more likely in total they will be equal, but most likely it can even be assumed that trump will come out ahead by 1-2%, but thank you, yes, thank you very much, kirill stanislavich, for such a detailed analysis, writer, political historian, americanist, kirill. benediktov had connections with the fifth studio, they discussed the election vicissitudes in the united states america. now let's continue advertising.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the fifth studio is on the air, we continue to discuss the presidential campaign in the united states of america, now in the international context, in the context of foreign policy, the states themselves, as well as the european union, including ukraine. vladimir lukin, research professor at the faculty of world economy and international politics, higher school of economics, russian ambassador to the usa in 1993-2003, is now... in touch with us in the fifth studio, vladimir petrovich, i greet you, good afternoon, so, everything that is happening now during the election campaign in the united states, all these turns, perturbations and turns, please tell me how they can affect, maybe already influence the american foreign policy, for example, in relation to kiev, to ukraine, can it change or continue to be maintained.
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arms supply maybe in this context? well, america’s foreign policy towards europe and towards ukraine has been determined, and i don’t think that radical changes may occur in this course. opinion polls show that this policy generally has the support of a majority of the american population,
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but fundamental issues will not change depending on which party remains in power after january next year. vladimirovich, if we talk about europe and the eu’s attitude towards joe biden’s withdrawal from the election race, the reaction there is varied and the palette is very wide due to some surprise, if not bewilderment of critics, for example, there is a rightist.
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she paid, the main costs of maintaining the military machine and military policy were borne by herself, in the most acute moments, when weapons were used or there was, so to speak, the edge
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of the use of weapons, usually the americans were in the foreground, they bore the costs financially and militarily, in in terms of human lives, and europeans are... used to this, a stereotype has already developed, we support, you pay, we participate, but in this way, as painlessly as possible to solve more important us europeans, internal and other tasks. this is how it was for many years, until the isolationist tendency, personified by energetic activity, intensified in america. trump and the trumpists, who said why are we paying for europe, it is mature, it is strong, it is rich, let them pay for their security, and we will set a price and actively participate and
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act in accordance with this price. i think that this policy was supported by a significant part of americans who, for whom the wallet and the head and ... consciousness, they very closely connected, especially closely, they are all closely connected, but they, well, the americans, i would say, have a legendary test, that’s why, in fact, this explains a lot in the relationship, now europe is going through, so to speak, as they say, in our old books, embarrassment, confusion, so to speak, because in words, already in deeds, because trump reigned.
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moreover, including the financially expendable position of europe's autonomy, germany fluctuates somewhere, depending on which... of the rather weak governments will come there, in general, this line will be preserved to what extent, in what form, with what degree of unity, we’ll see, but this line is objective, about ukraine, i want to talk, of course, in the context of the american election campaign, there’s also throwing around, so to speak, you can probably say, what do you think kiev fears most, time writes with reference to an unnamed ukrainian official, that if
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trump, the republican party candidate, wins the us presidential election 2025 will be a very difficult year, well, we don’t know how everything will be, of course, from the point of view of the election results, but that’s why they are afraid of trump, well, in this case the situation is more, i would say, dramatic and convex, but about the same , as in europe, naturally, the leadership of ukraine, official kiev, wants to be paid as much as possible, the desire, so to speak, to support those in a very difficult situation, so to speak, economic, social and generally state, so to speak, structures ukraine, depending on this, of course, their sympathy and antipathy are determined, they... almost do not hide their sympathies in favor of the democrats, i believe that on this path they
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will achieve more, i don’t know whether this is true or not, only the future can show, but of course historically their position can be understood, they want more, they want will always want more, because more means, firstly, well, there are simply more of them... strength, more opportunities, and secondly, and in -secondly, more means, or rather, the tendency to ask and demand more means their internal conversation, because it is necessary, it is necessary to explain the difficulties that they are experiencing everywhere in military and economic terms, these difficulties, of course, as befits, like everyone else, should be classified as enemies, so
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to speak, and not friends. vladimir petrovich, moving from the topic of the american elections to the attitude of the west towards our country, directly, about assets, about our assets in the west, i would like to talk, the presidential press secretary, dmitry peskov , said that russia will respond to the theft of assets. in europe, the quote is this, this money not only are they essentially stealing, but they are also spending it on the purchase of weapons, it’s probably difficult to come up with something worse, of course, one way or another the answer will be: such thieving actions cannot remain without reciprocity, end of quote, and it is also noted that it is possible that legal prosecution of european officials who are involved in the adoption and implementation of these plans and decisions on the theft of russian assets cannot be called otherwise, please comment: this is the firmness of our position and, accordingly, what actions what could be the prospects and answers here?
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well, dmitry peskov said what he had to say, so there’s practically nothing to comment here, besides, i ’m not an economist and uh i can’t assume who will win and who will lose, but as a person... s historical-political, so to speak, education inclination, i can say that experience shows that playing with sacred private property, with obligations in this area, is not only a matter of opportunistic gain and economic benefit of some kind, this is one of the groaning ridges, if you like, of european civilization, the sanctity of private property,
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the sanctity of obligations, the solution of the largest problems of billions by shaking hands with each other, was a symbol, so to speak, of capitalist europe of modern modernist europe, europe, which became what it is, is therefore europe. in the big sense of the word, european civilization, including america, of course, so playing these games has never led anyone to anything good, quite remember the 20th century.
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this is a successful direction of the policy of those who proclaim it, and i don’t think that it will be very widespread, and what to answer, this should be thought by those in power who stand there, stand there and deal with this matter, if you allow me to return to the european union, i want it in the sense that it’s ursulovlein. promised to turn the eec into a defense union, these were the initiatives and even to introduce the development of pan-european defense programs and even introduce the post of european commissioner for defense, so how can one comment on such a proposal, it’s like europe, the european union wants some kind of greater independence, in the context of what we talked
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about above, and somehow dissociate itself from the united states, or is this, well, or is this a game simple and rhetoric? i think that these are nothing more than words, because what is nato? what is nato? nato has always called itself a defense alliance; since the times of the state of urartu, no one has called itself an offensive alliance. nato is a defensive alliance, there have been several attempts during the post-war period to create european defense forces, but all these attempts. europe wants to pay as little as possible and receive as much as possible from the united states in terms of security guarantees. but if they are not satisfied with what the united states is offering them, the chances of
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creating some kind of european forces will probably increase. but i don’t think things will happen anytime soon. to such an extent that the americans would allow, by means of a sharp reduction in the ceiling of military cooperation with europe, to cross a line that would jeopardize nato would make european cooperation, the european union, its main european concern. well, france is trying to talk about this topic, but so far it seems to me that every now and then it’s somehow not very convincing and little is being achieved there.
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45 million dollars a month to the new politician who wrote about his intentions to provide to the committee that supports, respectively, donald trump within the framework of the presidential campaign, the presidential campaign is directly related to the foreign policy, naturally, this is also what we talked about, most likely it will remain unchanged , but these internal disturbances, some kind of...
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one candidate, as some say, laughs too much, another candidate claps his hands too much, you know, they have to show themselves every day, in fact, one of the essences politics, open, public, this is politics like this, musk, he has been involved in politics for a long time, he has long stunned the world with some things. different things, i’m even surprised why he hasn’t been nominated for president yet, but maybe the future will tell, so... his speeches made me they are not surprised at all, but, so to speak, it surprises me now, or i would say so, i
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am expecting something else with interest, here is the search for a vice president for a newly minted democratic candidate, because it is very interesting how the election campaign will turn out from that point of view , that... so trump chose as his candidate a person who, well, to some extent, so to speak, in attitude alone adds continuity to him from his youth, so to speak, but does not add anything else, just so to speak , as if repeats himself, this is, i would say, the american dream of the traditional rags to riches, so to speak, who was nominated as a running mate, so to speak - to such a dark-skinned asian-african smiling woman, this is a very interesting story from the point of view of the course of the election campaign, i think , that it must be some
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pale-faced, very handsome guy like young svarzneger, who means he can speak and appear to that audience of women and rainbow, so to speak, from words of a rainbow, so to speak, multi-layered... a democratic history, which, so to speak, dreams of a traditional american prince, so to speak, and who closes this side, so there are still a lot of bright things waiting for us, bright balls in this company, but the essence the company, it seems to me, is that the democrats chose a candidate poorly, but their positions in domestic politics, domestic politics are the main thing, of course, in elections.
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united states of america in connection with the election race. now a little advertising and we will continue further. thank you loyalty program has been updated! every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others, and even interest on everything, are more profitable with a subscription from berprime. what we bring from our travels with avito. cashback bonuses for your next trip. the avito journey will pass. booked with cashback, bonuses, we don’t know exactly what is behind your request: for training or to turn off the water, for flowers or to cool off, to the dacha, oh,
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we continue the broadcast and move on to the topic of the russian-chinese economic business forum in moscow, at which the head of rosneft, executive secretary of the presidential commission on the strategy for the development of the fuel and energy complex, igor zechin noted that over the past year russia exported 107 million tons of oil in eurasia, this has no analogues at all; china is currently larger. buyer of russian oil, was heard on the forum, still under heaven imported 34 billion cubic meters of natural gas and more than 100 million tons of coal from russia. such figures were announced, the figures are indeed very impressive, the interaction is close and growing. we will talk about the details of interaction between moscow and beijing in the economic sphere, in particular, with alexander lomanov, doctor of historical
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sciences, professor of russian studies. imeran research, now connections with the fifth studio alexander vladimirovich, hello, good afternoon, so, in sechin’s report, there was also something about the fact that trade turnover between russia and china in last year reached 240 billion billion dollars, this despite the fact that 200 billion dollars was planned, that is , it turned out even higher than planned, please tell us why such a pace is even possible, of course i’m interested in the prospects, here on the forum.
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why is it important? china has faced very strong pressure from the west. these are not only sanctions, they are not only restrictions, they are an attempt to impose a change in the economic trajectory. relatively speaking, the west demands that china consume more and produce less. accordingly, if china chooses the western trajectory, begins to consume and reduces production, then the prospects for russian-chinese partnership.


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