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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm MSK

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ukraine is ready for negotiations with russia, the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry announced this in china, without going into details... details: moscow is waiting for clarification. iskander's precise strike. this is footage of the destruction of the command post of the ukrainian armed forces brigade in krasny estuary. the target has been eliminated. a car bombing in moscow, a married couple was injured, an investigation is underway. the alleged criminal was caught on cctv cameras. healthy lifestyle. at the forum in moscow , new approaches in medicine, the beauty industry and modern rehabilitation technologies are discussed. shares
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yandex, after dividing with its european division, was again traded on the stock exchange in the first minutes and sharply rushed upward. in russia, special conditions will be established for family mortgages for the purchase of housing or the construction of individual houses. support measures will be in effect in small towns in regions where construction rates are low. the interest rate for families meeting the necessary conditions will not exceed 6%. for the entire loan term. this is one of the instructions that vladimir putin approved following the results of the international economic forum in st. petersburg. the president also instructed to ensure the possibility of compensating regions for income lost when using the investment tax deduction. in addition, the head of state is waiting for proposals for the gratuitous transfer of land plots with unlimited circulation to persons who, at their own expense , will eliminate accumulated environmental damage. and plots of land that have turned out to be ownerless, abandoned... or
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used ineffectively should be returned to economic circulation. another instruction concerns changing the list of directions priority for technological sovereignty and structural adaptation of the country's economy. this will help banks finance investment projects. vladimir putin is also waiting for proposals to optimize the financial costs of russian organizations, including those arising when placing shares on the domestic market. as a result of the successful actions of the russian troops, the enemy lost over the past 24 hours.
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artillery groups of armed forces , aircraft, missile forces and the russian federation, within 24 hours destroyed, the control center of the warehouse of unmanned aerial vehicles of the sixty- third mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine, a low-altitude detector, a radar illumination station for targeting targets, a combat control cabin and two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. in addition, accumulations of manpower and military equipment in the ssu in 146 areas were hit by air defense means, two point-y tactical missiles, two guided humvee bombs made in france, a multiple launch rocket system were shot down haimar from usa production, and 61 unmanned aerial vehicles. russian troops destroyed the command post of the 603rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces with a precise missile strike. footage taken by a ministry of defense drone shows a powerful explosion in the village of krasny liman, followed by . thick clouds of smoke rose. a salvo
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of the iskander m complex made it possible to eliminate not only the command post itself, but also all-terrain vehicles, 10 aircraft-type drones, several hundred drones and personnel. kiev is ready for negotiations with moscow, the minister said foreign affairs of ukraine dmitry kuleba in a conversation with the head of the prc foreign ministry, wang yi. however, on what conditions, the representative of the kiev regime did not specify. he didn’t say a word about... the law prohibiting this kind of dialogue. official beijing, in turn , promised to continue searching for peaceful ways to resolve the ukrainian crisis. as the official representative of the chinese foreign ministry noted, the negotiations must correspond to the interests of each of the parties. the ukrainian side reported that it is willing and ready to conduct dialogue and negotiations with the russian side. of course, negotiations must be rational and practical, aimed at achieving a just and lasting peace. the kremlin called for
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clarification regarding the statement of the head of the ukrainian foreign ministry about negotiations with russia, as stated by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, kuleb’s words about his readiness to start negotiations, although they are going to...
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came to the yard to plant explosives. evgenia petrukhina is monitoring the progress of the investigation. these are the first seconds after the explosion of an suv in the north of moscow. cotton, sound broken glass, footage of eyewitnesses looking out of windows. a man and a woman were in the car at the time of detonation.
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telegram channels immediately began writing that the driver was an officer from the ministry of defense andrei torgashov. he himself called this information fake and said that he was at work at the time of the explosion. fake. i have never had a land cruiser in my life and never will, i probably don’t even live in that area, i live in a completely different place, here is the moment of planting an explosive device, recording from street surveillance cameras: a young man in a sweatshirt and the cap approaches the car and it is seen how he installs something under the bottom of the car, right under the driver’s seat, then disappears, the explosion, according to eyewitnesses, occurred at approximately 6:20 in the morning, when a man and a woman got into the car and the driver tried to start the car , man. i started my car, started it, inserted the key, started the boom, the man had burns on his legs, the identity of the suspect has already been established, the investigative committee reports, the car in which he arrived at the crime scene was also found, with it already investigators are working, they are still studying the detonated car in detail, here it is,
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pieces of metal are scattered on the asphalt, the explosion was so strong that the windows of cars standing nearby were knocked out, in some apartments of the neighboring high-rise building, a group of the most experienced forensic investigators is working at the scene carrying out additional inspections of the scene of the incident; prior to knowledge, an employee of the authorities gave instructions to carry out operational search activities. this photo shows the driver of a blown up land cruiser, conscious, but it is clear that he cannot get out of the car on his own. here is some more footage: the victim was pulled out of the car, and this, apparently, was a matter of minutes of waiting for an ambulance, and now the doctors were already taking the man away. there is information that passengers were detonated. botkin hospital. the injured were transported by ambulance to a medical facility. police officers are carrying out a set of operational search activities aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident, as well as detaining persons involved in the crime.
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crimes. some media are already reporting that the victim is the namesake of defense ministry officer andrei torgashov. both andrei, both torgashov, but different patronymics. in addition, there is information, which has not yet been confirmed by the investigative committee, that the tnt equivalent of the explosive device could be about 500 g. a criminal case has been opened. forensic investigators will conduct explosives and medical examinations. the head of the russian investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, has already requested a report on the incident in the north of moscow. evgenia petrukhina, daria bratukhin, news. harvesting was discussed in the stavropol territory. an important issue for the country became one of the topics at the meeting of the chairman of the federation council.
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just words of gratitude, of course, the conditions are necessary, you’re great for following, contacts with them, because well, they are very worried about this, because on the one hand they are given by the sanctions policy, because in fact it becomes more difficult with planting material, but again, the ministry of agriculture has a program in which we participate in all of the replacement parks, i am sure that here we are in in 1922 we were given an obligation to enter into russian selection within a five-year period, but we are just going down this path. russians began to drink less alcohol and... smoke by the year thirtieth, life expectancy in our country should reach 78 years,
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deputy prime minister tatyana gollikova spoke about this today in moscow at the healthy society forum. our correspondent, alexandra perfilyeva, works in the lamonosov cluster of moscow state university; she is in direct contact with the studio. alexandra, greetings, what other statements have been made? yes, roman, i welcome you, but of course, the program here is very rich, just like the statements that were made at the plenary. presented are the advanced developments of nuclear medicine, completely domestically produced, which we use in our
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center, but i also want to show you several developments that, for example, were brought by the university of nizhny novgorod, tell me, what are you showing? in fact, this is a unique development; in fact, we managed to transform psychiatry into digital, this is a development for the diagnosis and rehabilitation of people with post-traumatic stress disorder, this is especially true.
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five new medical institutions were opened via teleconference; to be more precise, these are a polyclinic in smolensk, an infectious diseases department in rostov-on-don, and a general practitioner center in kazan. the minister of health noted that in a rapidly developing world, it is necessary to think ahead. by developing infrastructure, developing new scientific knowledge, developing competencies among medical workers, introducing artificial programs. intelligence, information and much more. it is extremely important for us that partnership with the population, namely public
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health, be at a very high level. it is the approaches of modern medicine that allow people today to feel better looking than in previous years. as i already said, sessions are held here literally every hour, so with the support of the federal medical and biological agency we talked about rehabilitation. a center that provides all the necessary assistance to the working population. ifmba reports on a modern strategy to improve the health of working citizens, the matter is the fact that this is of particular interest is natural, because the health of workers is the guarantor of the health of all other groups
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of the population, children, older age groups, but in addition determines the development of the economy. also, within the framework of the forum , agreements will be signed between various funds, and we , roman, will appear in the next live broadcasts and tell you what else surprises and what innovative developments, including the forum, surprises. over to you. alexandra, thank you, alexandra perfilyeva is following in moscow at the healthy society forum. now it's time for economic news. china increased sharply in the first half of the year. imports of russian wheat exceeded $38 million, which is eight times more than last year’s values, according to chinese customs materials. supplies of buckwheat have more than doubled, while imports of corn, soybeans and rapeseed, on the contrary, have decreased. let me remind you that trade between russia and china last year reached a record high of almost $230 billion. in july, russian companies
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increased seaborne oil exports to the ssto to record volumes of 945. per day, this is 10% more than in june - said in the kepler report. the main share of supplies came from china - 83%. at the same time, india is also increasing its purchases. if in april three shipments of oil were sent to the country, then in may there were already four, and in june six. the russian container market grew by almost 10% in the first half of the year. its volumes exceeded 3,300,000 twenty-foot equivalent units. this was reported by the fez transport group. there notes. growth in all directions in foreign trade, transit according to the company's internal communications, container transportation will increase by 5-6% annually until 2027. rdif xy group corporation and the kama company will attract chinese investors to the russian atom electric car project. together they will promote the domestic electric car in the
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chinese market. companies will also search for industrial sites in china, where in the future they can... develop nuclear production. in addition, as part of the agreement, the country plans to create a joint research and development center. it was economic news. short. olaf scholz announced his intention to be re-elected as head of the german government next year. the chancellor announced this at the traditional summer press conference. we will find out which topics interested journalists most from our european correspondent regina sevastyanova. she's in direct contact. regina, greetings. what did they ask scholz? "hello, at his press conference olaf scholz appeared in a summer look, without a tie in a striped suit, smiling, a little late, and was greeted the journalist with his quite aggressive questions, which olaf scholz himself noted in the first comment, the press asked him a question in connection with the disastrous results of the last elections, does he plan to remain as federal chancellor, or how will joe biden
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leave the race? the dialogue with her went well; as for the republican candidate, olaf scholz did not contact donald trump after the attack on him, however, journalists were also unable to receive critical comments about donald trump’s work. us we should restrain ourselves a little in our comments, there is our interest here, because the united states is a superpower, so i proceed from the fact that
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we will continue to achieve our transatlantic goals, regardless of who becomes president of the united states. explained this at the munich security conference. this is to ensure that we will not be attacked and there will be no war. i really regret that russia ignores arms control so massively.
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germany will continue to support ukraine, and this is one of the elements of this strategy. scholz recalled that berlin agrees to the use of western weapons by ukraine on russian territory, but only in the border region of kharkov it wants to avoid escalation in this way. a clash between russia and nato, said the federal chancellor of germany. has the german federal chancellor accused moscow of avoiding compliance with agreements on long-term medium-range agreements? shortly before russia attacked ukraine, then at an extremely long table, i talked with putin, and i explained to him that germany is ready to talk about arms control, as well as the question of where which missiles are located, but putin was not interested in this. wanted to wage a long-prepared war, it’s depressing that russia is clearly concerned about expanding its territory. we need deterrence to restore arms control. the head of the german government
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rejected criticism that is heard in germany regarding the insufficient funding of its own army, he announced plans to increase the defense budget to 80 billion euros by 2028. to the corresponding question from the journalist, he stated that he considered the idea of ​​armament absurd. he heated up about issues of supporting the social and social situation in germany, about issues of money for family and children, saying
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that this is his personal favorite topic, and of course he talked about the situation in the middle east, in particular he said that this is at least and sounds inhumane, israel has the right to fight, while he condemns violence , including on the israeli side, advocates a two-state solution, here... a proposal to boycott israeli goods, he called it disgusting. roman, thank you, our european correspondent, regina sevastyanova, was in direct contact. yandex shares added more than 10% after the start of trading on the moscow exchange, then the price of the securities adjusted slightly. they are now trading under a new ticker. nika yankovaya will tell you how the company is developing after the separation from the dutch yandex. ydex is a new ticker under which mosbir. now yandex shares are traded, they are included in the first cataract list, which includes the most reliable and liquid assets. at the start of trading the securities immediately grew by 10%, but then
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corrected slightly. last week , the dutch yandex nv closed the deal to sell russian yandex and completely withdrew from the group’s shareholders. by the end of july , it will change its name and stop using brands as a domestic company, the new main owner of yandex, consortium one. she happens to be. monopolists in several areas at once, they occupy about 90% of the russian market, based on this, the company has quite a lot of potential, this is, of course, a machine that brings money, the beginning of trading within russia marks the fact that many people will invest in their savings, funds in the shares of this company, there should be no doubt about this, within russia the current state of yandex. more than good. yandex continues to develop search, urban, entertainment and educational services, as well as cloud technologies, autonomous cars,
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artificial intelligence technologies and other areas. the company retained businesses, services and assets with the exception of foreign startups and finnish data centers, plus rights to all technologies. as for the financial situation, in the twenty-third year, revenue increased by 53%. this is one of the highest indicators in the history of yandex.
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what remains are services that are in demand right now, the development of foreign assets under the nius group brand, this structure now operates separately from the russian one, will be handled by the former head and co-founder of yandex arkady volash. he has been living in israel for several years. in a recent interview with derspiegel, wolusz announced total and final corporate separation with a russian company. nebeus group plans to focus on artificial intelligence. yandex also provides services related to neural networks. well, yandex - the essence - is a business consisting of three parts, it is a search engine, uh, yandex itself is known to everyone, and its share is growing, because google's share is gradually declining for a number of reasons, and accordingly, another quarter of the business is online commerce, here yandex market, as well as also ridetech, the so -called, that is, yandex taxi, there is a rental of,
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i don’t know, scooters e.g. here's the fourth one a component is all sorts of services, for example, a film belt and so on. let me remind you that yandex is the only search engine in the world that competes on equal terms with the de facto global monopolist of the american company google. in china, for example, the leadership of the search engine baidu is explained by the fact that google is blocked in this country. according to estimates for february of this year, yandex’s share in the russian search market was 64% versus 35 for google. yandex mobile devices are preferred by 61% of russians. the updated state council commissions will focus on preparation of new national projects. this was discussed at the kick-off meeting with their chairmen. vladimir putin ordered the creation of 21 commissions by decree. some of them will be responsible for new areas, such as technological leadership, international cooperation and export, the arctic and the northern sea route. secretary of the state council alexey dyumin emphasized: it is necessary
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to take into account as much as possible. the specifics and interests of each region when developing the indicators of each national project, i know from myself that the combination of regional leadership and state council commissions, moreover, in such a difficult operational situation, it is not an easy task, and the chairman of the commission is obliged to disable the state not only for his region, but to express the consolidated opinion of all subjects. our common goal is to give the head of state a complete picture of what is happening on earth. let's give feedback on everyone. i see and set my personal task, colleagues, tasks of the new management, to help you defend the interests of the region, to provide the necessary support for the successful achievement of the goals set by the president, set government of the russian federation and other issues that concern individual
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subjects and individual governors. russian federation.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.


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