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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 7:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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the athlete was criticized by colleagues from the australian team. if our athlete or employee were found guilty of such a case, he would not be allowed to be a member of our team. we have a strict policy to ensure safety within the team. however, not all is well within the australian team itself. immediately five waterweed workers became infected with covid. and now their participation in the games, for which they were so prepared at home, posing with tickets to paris, is a big question. but no one is going to exclude a pedophile from the netherlands from the olympics. the head of mock thomas bach avoided answering the question. in order not to spoil the atmosphere of the holiday, but in advance, because there are no financial guarantees yet, france was given the right to host another olympics. the 2030 winter olympics will take place in the french alps. the 2034 games will be held in the american salt city, which already hosted the olympics in 2002, it was remembered for the deafening scandal with double awarding of gold medals to russian and... canadian figure skaters, but the competition in
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paris threatens to break the record for scandals yet before opening. boris ivanin, news. he imprisoned me in the fire pit. magic pen ink, can you get it? you are the main thing, van, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one. long ago, when there were no gadgets, people used magic, but beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where you need it, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, that’s not you need a feather, who has fire in his pocket, what started, fire? i can’t
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world, and neither the chinese, nor the indians, nor brix, nor the sco want this war, and in general the peoples of the planet do not want it, but president putin clearly formulated back in june, leave those subjects of the russian federation who have returned to their homeland, demilitarize your
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country, do not rush to join any nato, we will never agree with this, and there is a basis for serious negotiations, but ukraine itself... canceled these negotiations, and zelensky is essentially carrying out instructions from washington, well , the picture there is now changing dramatically, another election has already set the tone, after the assassination attempt on trump, biden was forced to leave the stage, or at least from a distance, and as for his successor as vice president, we still need to see what will happen next, therefore assessing the picture realistically.
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and here those who seized power in kiev by force realize that they will have to answer for these crimes, it’s better to try to negotiate. you have already touched on the topic of refusal. they are suing themselves, harvests, and there was an assassination attempt on trump, we were only 5 mm from
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a big fight and war, evidence of the ill health of american society, of the terrible crisis that gripped the western world, the very fact that the americans even sacrificed their own allies in europe, indicates that they will go to any lengths to fill their pockets as before... by volunteering for the army, and i listened to how he
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himself had a rather difficult life, went to speak, he expresses the interests of the deep america, and these two blue coasts, between the inner, deep america, are evidence that there are problems brewing there, splits that cannot be resolved in one day, so there is a new balance of power ahead in america and... “we need to make the most of this period in order to be strong, confident, successful, to defeat the nazis, the fascists who forcibly captured real ukraine. and yet , what are trump’s chances, in your opinion, are trump’s chances higher than this lady’s, but the poll? i read to america as a whole, neither one nor the other candidate had previously enjoyed the majority of the support of the americans." it split along substantive, deep-seated lines. previously , the two parties were like two factions of one
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capital, but globalist capital itself is already making sacrifices for america, look , what they are doing to human nature, how far they have gone to mock all the commandments that are embedded in all religions of the world, so the situation there is quite complex and dramatic, but we must remember that this is... violent, predatory and do not reduce their capabilities. as for our country, i think the deepest thoughts are that their sanctions for calling this war, which was not started, are not to completely destroy our country, but to weaken it, decompose it from within, then divide and park the rich resources, this is an old tradition and strategy which americans adhere to. let's talk a little about nicaragua, cuba and algeria, i know that
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the duma delegation recently visited these countries, in which ivan melnikov participated, tell us a little more about this, i would combine the trips that the president made to china, korea, north korea, conder, and vietnam, they were significant, we strengthened brix and the sco, this is a powerful counterbalance to the entire nato system, the american one. globalism, we are very pleased that almost all countries of africa and latin america responded to these initiatives, but latin america has personal experience of relations with the united states, i was amazed when in sao paulo, brazil, the entire continent, the people's patriotic forces, gathered they don’t like the yankees, they don’t like the americans, i was surprised when i helped chayus create a party in venezuela, a party. left wing, that would set aside the national state interest, sovereignty, they
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simply feel the aggressive policy of the united states, and i had to go to mexico, gather all the left forces, speak there at a major forum, approximately the same picture, so a trip to nicaragua for cuba would have a deep meaning, said duma chairman volodin; melnika coordinates and supervises international activities with us. together with novikov and kalashnikov, by the way, they were received magnificently in nicaragua, here are the 45th anniversary of the revolution, daniel ortega, an amazing man, brave.
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favorite forces on the planet, as for cuba, they were received at the highest level, bermudos, the successor of fedel castre and raul castre , is pursuing a very competent policy, but we are obliged to help cuba as energetically and quickly as possible, i once helped build the umo and nickel plants there. vlastunich and i must say that the cubans are the most courageous, the most sincere, the most honest, the brightest. people, traveling around latin america and central america, i suddenly saw how many talented teachers, doctors, specialists they had trained, and the cuban is respected in this regard throughout the world, the delegation worked there perfectly, returning, they also held extremely important meetings in algeria. today , a new international is being built on our planet,
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an international who is for peace, friendship, for test cooperation, that’s it. africa, latin america, all together gives chinese, indian, persian energy prospect, hope for a peaceful resolution.
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development budget, and a new program, and 12 laws, where large families, single mothers, pensioners, war children and hot meals for high school students are in the first line of assistance, our country is huge, gigantic, but it continues to die out, and the russian people in general i found myself in a very difficult situation in order to equip our open spaces and protect them with confidence. the future is to be safe, in these open spaces you need to have at least 200-250 million, but we are trampling, so by 150 and we’re not growing at all, so we need to start first of all with those who deserve to earn money, and these are primarily pensioners, i think
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a decision should have been made long ago, not only a small increase for those over 80 years old, it... the third international economic forum, in the history of preparation, our team and melnikov and kashin and afonin and novikov and kalashnikov and taisaev and sovitskaya ran away.
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by 18%, here are the minimum wages and so on, but this is not enough if we were accepted into the budget, but putin’s initiatives have already added 7 trillion from the expenditure side, the budget gave us 10, but then it was necessary to adopt a package of our laws, they are ready, i hope that now we are starting to develop a new budget, this idea will make its way, the spring session of the state duma, how do you evaluate its results?
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of our great soviet power, two modernizations of lenin-stalin, then brezhnev-kasyyan, gave a result that ensured our country first place
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in all main indicators and victory in the great patriotic war, and a breakthrough in space, and nuclear missile parity, and the best an education system, an excellent healthcare system, and guarantees for a young man and a job, everything else, this is the foundation... we need to lean on and move forward. the chinese repeated, under the slogan of marxism-leninism with the support of stalin, the first 156 factories, we built them. and now the country has become a great space power. look how cool the programs are. so they are now working with us to expand and help develop transport routes all the way to the arctic ocean. and a large plane, and the prospect of large space exploration. station for the exploration of the moon, this is the path that will allow us to move forward, we worked on this program for six months, we introduced laws, we
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insisted, we supported the army, we did everything to support the guys who are fighting at the front and new regions, we during these six months, in general, they were sent to the donbass from the beginning of the fourteenth year 126. forum on august 22, we invite you, come, show us, you will see what the present is, a breakthrough into the future, what the real
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socialization of life is, and the best production, and robotic farms, cool schools, and excellent kindergartens, and the best sports complex, and career guidance, and large families, every second large family all have apartments. we’ve been working on this for these six months and i think that this program is ours, now it’s becoming the most relevant, we recently discussed it in detail with the president, he supports many ideas, we discussed them with mishustin’s government, they were counted down by us and the government, and there were four parliamentary hours, starting with lavov, here is folkov, apparently the last day of the meeting will also be counted down, in my opinion, everything has matured.
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you see, if we do not understand the essence of the two great victories of our power, statehood, lenin-stalin, then the defeat of fascism, we will not find a way out of the difficult crisis, why lenin split the entente, 14 states have already divided the russian empire, already privatized in pieces, already captured all ports.
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we will spend in belarus, i sent a letter to lukashenko, may god grant him health and success, he has been working brilliantly in belarus for 30 years, i have always helped, we will spend in minsk, apparently, in the first half of november, a forum to which more than a hundred countries have already expressed a desire to come, and europe is also coming; at the forum that we held a year ago, germans, hungarians,
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and portugal participated in this forum. respects its history. gennady andreevich, i thank you for this conversation. thank you, good luck.
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the restoration of donbass and novoruzia needs to be accelerated, and conditions for a comfortable life must be created right now. big meeting of the president. development of new regions, what goals vladimir putin set governors? a large command post in krasny limaniya, a warehouse of hundreds of drones were destroyed in one blow. our iskanders achieve their intended goals. and at the fronts, our military is pushing back the enemy. let's talk about the situation in the special operation zone.


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