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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 24, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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right now there is a big meeting of the president on the development of new regions, what goals has vladimir putin set for the governors? a large command post in krasny limaniya, a warehouse of hundreds of drones were destroyed in one blow. our eskanders reach their intended targets, and at the fronts our military is pushing back the enemy. let's talk about the situation in the special operation zone. the criminal was detained and arrested in absentia. latest information about '. car in the capital, which
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is known about the motives of the crime. tourists are suspected of terrorism, athletes of pedophilia. paris olympics continues increase the level of scandalousness. but where to go next? he will finally appear. joe biden will address the nation this evening after abandoning his bid for a second term. what will they talk about? and most importantly, will you cope with your speech? experts place bets. promptly repair housing, build modern houses, social and transport facilities. donbass and novorossiya need to be restored at an accelerated pace. vladimir putin stated this today at a meeting on the socio-economic development of the regions. the president also recalled that by 2030 the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson.
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buildings and growth, to establish a peaceful, prosperous life on the land, which for centuries was an integral part of russia and has now been reunited with its homeland. now residential buildings, hospitals, schools, and utilities are being actively restored here. over the time that has passed since 2022, even the planned and above-plan tasks have already been achieved. houses, 2,140 apartment buildings were restored , including 62 apartment buildings, as well as 321 educational, healthcare, cultural, sports facilities, and so on further. by 2030, four new regions should reach the all-russian level.
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does not stop working and there is a very good well-coordinated team there, if we talk about the nakhimov school, but andrei remych and i discussed, you will see, it means that this is an object for me too. i will say, vladimirovich, world -class, a very good facility, very worthy in the most beautiful place, mariupol. the scope of work is, of course, enormous. however, the first significant results have already been achieved, and in different directions. in the kherson region, for example, they opened a section of the automobile the novotroidskaya chaplinka road, if you look at the map, is quite small, 71 km in total, but it connects 17 settlements. school buses will go along it, regular buses have already been launched, but the most important thing is the final part of the dry route. corridor from central russia along the shores of the azov sea to crimea and back. strategic route. a really small section of road 71 km. nevertheless, it solves the most important strategic problem. with the completion of this section , the land route from
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the southern regions of our country, from the central regions along the north of the azov sea to crimea and back. five bridges and overpasses. this road has already connected the sea of ​​azov with the black sea and will continue further. maternity hospital in krasnodoney, hospital in mariupol. healthcare is always an extremely sensitive area for people, but in conditions when hostilities are very close, it becomes critically important, so the opening of these facilities for the donetsk and
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lugansk people’s republics is a huge step into a new peaceful life. as well as the opening of a branch of the nakhimov school, on september 1 there study has already begun. mariupol. sea ​​city, so it’s natural that the nakhimov school appeared there, i want to note that my order on this matter was issued on march 30 , 2023, now it’s july, which means it’s been a year and 4 months, small, the school is already ready to develop a full-fledged school there work, except for mariupol residents, successfully came to us... guys from many, including new regions of russia, passed the tests, future nakhimov residents shared with teachers their dreams about the sea, about their readiness to defend their homeland, the townspeople are already considering our institution, symbols of the revival of the city of mariupol, as
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a city of sailors, a symbol of hope for the maritime future of the entire donetsk region. in general, you have a noble mission to help. to our young sailors to grow them into real replacements for the navy, the officers of the navy, i wish you all the best, success, thank you, thank you, thank you, however, the educational opportunities of the new regions are not limited to this. a year-round youth center mayak is opening in zaporozhye, a place where peace is created, so the creators speak about it ambitiously and set two fundamental tasks: to involve the country in revival...
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we plan to train thousands of young people a year, young people from all over the country and, above all, from historical regions will become participants in the programs. the work is really big and in high demand, bearing in mind that this is an educational center that will help young people throughout the entire region build related work. with entry into the cultural space, into the educational space of the russian federation, to feel like full-fledged citizens of our huge and great country. dpr and lpr, zaporozhye and kherson region are new regions, a familiar collective name. but in general, these are historical russian
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territories, and in matters of their integration, the president recalled, it is important not to slow down, to move on, step by step and not to go astray. russian families with children will be able to obtain a mortgage on special conditions, this is stated in the list of instructions of vladimir putin following the results of the st. petersburg international economic forum. loans on preferential terms. it is proposed to give families with minor children to buy housing in regions where housing construction is poorly developed, as well as in small towns; they should be given the same loan for the construction of individual houses, regardless of which subject of the country it will be carried out. another order of the president concerns compensation to regions for income lost when using investment tax deductions. the list of instructions also refers to the free transfer of plots lands to persons who, at their own expense , eliminate harm to the environment, and plots of land that have been abandoned or
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used ineffectively should be returned to economic circulation. in addition, the head of state instructed to make changes to the list of priority areas for technological sovereignty and structural adaptation of the country’s economy. this will expand the capabilities of banks to finance investment projects. vladimir putin is also waiting for proposals to optimize the financial costs of russian organizations. execution those already existing and operating in the regions will be updated before october 1, these issues were discussed at a meeting with the updated composition of the chairmen of the state council commissions, its secretary alexey dyumin noted that it is necessary to take into account the specifics and interests as much as possible.
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achieving the goals set by the president, the necessary support for the successful posed by the government of the russian federation and other issues that concern individual subjects, individual governors of the russian federation. deputy head of the presidential administration maxim oreshkin, in turn, emphasized the high
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importance of the work of the state council commissions, which , along with federal ministries, are responsible for the development and implementation of new national projects in the regions. orishkin also said that sociological indicators will be added to evaluate the work, which will be available to each deputy prime minister and governor. here, in fact, there are several points that i would draw attention to. content, that is, what we do, this is a mechanism for interaction with the regions, because the way subsidies will be issued, as in what proportion of funding will be socialized and so on, yes, we agreed on the basic principles when we had the previous council, yes, but now we will go into the framework of specific government documents on subsidies, this is actually very important, and here i also appeal to everyone the heads of the commission should closely monitor all this, and my opinion is the same. 60 regions, uh , to report, and for exactly this reason , the president decided to have you join
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the project committee. well, in ukraine, apparently , last night was the night of the iskanders. local publics report explosions in poltava, kharkov, nikolaev and krivoy rog. a powerful blow hit the port of izmail in odessa. this is the country's largest weapons hub, which is located right on the border with romania. it serves as a starting point for the transshipment of enemy military cargo afterwards. arrival, the repeated detonation continued there for several more hours. the topic will be continued by anastasia ivanova. a precise strike by russian missiles in the area of ​​port izmail in the odessa region on the border with romania. about the fact that a military object was hit, say the sounds of detonation. izmail, as a danube port, is used by ssu and european suppliers. used for a very long time, it is the third most important weapons hub after lublin.
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i bought it, but on the ukrainian telethon they happily say that the lights will be turned off only until 16 o’clock, but people talk about a chaotic blackout, diabetics’ lives are literally under threat, refrigerators do not have time to cool, refrigerators do not have time to take the temperature, i need to throw it all away buy all over again, but buy again there is no point, because i will also throw it out myself, in the territories of the zaporozhye region still occupied by the zelensky regime, the lights are on every day.
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again they extended their hand to the west, saying that more help is needed to defeat big russia, these are already theses from an interview with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky guardian, in the headline about victory, but in the article itself there is complete hatred. when it comes to technique, the ratio is one to two or one to three in their favor. since 2022 , the number of russian tanks has doubled from 1,700 to 3,500. number of artillery
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systems has tripled, and the number of armored personnel carriers has increased from 4500. fighters cannot get closer than 40 km, otherwise russian missiles will be shot down, but at syrsky, of course, it will help, but to the front line of this the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine cherishes dreams of crimea and the borders of the ninety-first year. the west has one information agenda, but our own people need to do everything necessary in order to form a certain information field and at least limit it. people from the desire to go to rallies to overthrow this regime, but the former commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, apparently, everything is fine, as long as syrsky takes the rap in the press, the lady's heart smiles against the backdrop of bigben, an introductory walk around london, he's had his fill of war. anastasia ivanova, anna pogonina, news. well, as for the situation on the fronts, the command post
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of the ukrainian armed forces was destroyed in krasny liman, along with three hundred fevidrons and 10 aircraft-type drones. accurate. operational-tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery of groupings of troops of the armed forces of the russian federation during the day the control center and warehouse of unmanned aerial vehicles of the three-animated brigade of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. detector, target illumination radar , combat control cabin and two launchers of the s-300 anti-aircraft missile system. in addition, accumulations of manpower and military equipment in the military forces in 146 districts were hit. two tactical missiles were shot down by air defense systems. u, two guided humvee bombs made in
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france, a haimar multiple launch rocket system made in the usa, and 61 unmanned aerial vehicles. parade. well, in the kherson region, the vsdf is shelling the left bank with incendiary shells, but our military has countermeasures. the situation in the report by alexander rogatkin. in the kherson region , the ukrainian army continues to burn forests along the dnieper. along with the main forest , the positions of the russian army should burn out, but the local residents suffer the most. in this heat, houses flare up like matches. incendiary ammunition undead.
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pays a bonus, this footage from a ukrainian armed forces drone shows a kamikaze drone flying straight into the fire truck, there is a hunt for our state equipment and they say there is a bonus for
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a destroyed tractor, well, look at the state equipment, according to our information, 100,000 hryvnia are given for a tractor there for fire, it doesn’t matter even the ambulance these forests were planted after the great patriotic war to stop the spread of the aleshkovsky sands , they are called the largest desert in europe, the oleshkivsky desert. kohans, our radian people will turn into native, high-yielding lands. surprisingly, even now in the forestry enterprises of the kherson region they continue to grow crimean pine, it grows best on sand and prevents their spread. now the forest rangers have helped us, they have provided us with bulletproof vests, well , it’s hot, you can see what the weather is like even in a bulletproof vest, running through a fire when it’s under your feet. ukraine is burning the kherson region with fire, last year it tried to flood it by blowing up the kokhov dam, the dried up canals,
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the north crimean and kokhovsky, are trying to fill the isortasian wells, but there is still not enough water for all the fields. in this regard, of course, grain yields fell, but nevertheless, almost under a million hectares are still sown and cultivated, agriculture is not dead. ukraine, there is amazing nature and several biosphere reserves, the famous kherson region - the most fertile region of scania nova with its african zebras and prozhevalsky's horses was just a few kilometers from the front line.
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we hope that with the transition to the federal level, we will have the opportunity to improve the supply of food to some extent, maybe build a new building for animals, update those that already exist, attract scientists here.
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for the program news from the kherson region. the russian su-27 fighter was scrambled over the black sea as a british reconnaissance aircraft and two fighters approached the state border. after this, the foreign planes made a turn, the ministry of defense reported, adding that the border was not violated. the department also noted that the flight of the russian fighter was carried out in strict accordance with international rules for the use of airspace above neutral inputs without crossing.
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a person put on the international wanted list , yevgeny serebryakov, was detained in turkey, but earlier fsb director alexander bortnikov had already reported that russian law enforcement agencies were working with turkish colleagues on the issue of extraditing the criminal. the motives are being clarified, but here’s an important detail: serebryakov indicated his personal information on his social networks in ukrainian. evgenia petrukhina will continue. he flew to bodrum as a tourist, and his name was not yet in the interpol database at that time. bombing suspect an suv in moscow was detained by turkish security forces in the province of mugla. here are the shots. the head of the turkish ministry of internal affairs, ali erlikaya, announced the successful joint special operation of the security forces on social networks and announced the name of the suspect. this is a certain evgeny serebryakov. today at 10:30 am , representatives of the russian division of interpol called the headquarters of our interpol department and reported that a man named evgeny serebryakov, a russian citizen, had committed a terrorist attack
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using explosives. reported a few hours after explosion, russia alexander bortnikov, russian special services lined up the clock for journalists, where the attacker fled, the head of the fsb is already in turkey, the criminal is working, this is the moment of planting an explosive device, recording from street cctv cameras, a young man in a sweatshirt and cap approaches the car,
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a minute of waiting ambulance, the doctors are already taking the man away. there is information that the passengers of the detonated land cruiser were hospitalized at the botkin hospital. the injured were transported by ambulance to a medical facility. police officers are carrying out a set of operational-search measures aimed at establishing all the circumstances of the incident. these are the first seconds after the explosion of an suv in the north of moscow. a bang, the sound of broken glass, footage of eyewitnesses looking out of the windows. at the time of the detonation there were a man and a woman in the car, telegram channels immediately began to write that the driver was an officer of the ministry of defense andrei torgashov, he himself called this information fake and said that at the time of this explosion he was at work, fake i have never had a land cruiser in my life and never will, i probably don’t even live in that area, i live in a completely different place, the land cruiser was driven by andrei torgashov’s mother, both andreis, both torgashovs, but
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different patronymics, his wife. the victim andrei torgashova has already confirmed that her husband was confused with the deputy head of the satellite communications radio center. here is her message: says her husband, mother of a defense ministry officer. the detonated foreign car has already been taken away for further investigation. forensic investigators will conduct explosives and medical examinations. serebryakov, a defendant in the case of a car bombing in moscow, was arrested in absentia by the court. he is accused of attempted murder and illegal weapons trafficking. evgenia petrukhina, daria bratukhina, lead. crimes were committed on the territory of various constituent entities of the russian federation, having worked so much in the internal affairs bodies, i have never seen this. iler, as a rule, is the person who can very easily come to terms with his conscience. his number one task was to evade responsibility or mitigate it. i was i am sure that sooner or later this crime will be solved. very intense work, very responsible, because the criminal
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traces his fingers twice. they won’t leave us at the scene of the crime, scientific and technological progress has a colossal impact on the development of criminology, everything coincides, the diligence of the investigator, the inevitability of punishment, we just have to ask the question, if not now, then when and if not us, then who?


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