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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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we look, look in the application or on the website.
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the main task, the president emphasizes, is to provide decent living conditions for residents of new regions; for this, it is necessary, among other things, to accelerate the pace of construction and restoration of housing, construction of roads and other important infrastructure. in terms of provision, new entities should not lag behind other regions of the country. and a special program will help with this. it is necessary to create conditions for the dynamic development of industry, agriculture, small medium-sized businesses, and the economy as a whole. let me remind you that we set set an integral goal by 2030, the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, zaporozhye and kherson regions must reach the all-russian level in key areas that determine the quality of life of people. for this purpose
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, a special comprehensive program for the socio-economic development of four regions is being implemented. the president notes that substantial amounts are planned for the program’s goals until 2025 and 2030; in the twenty-third , more than 1.260 billion rubles were allocated. and the result of joint work since 2022 was the construction restoration of more than 11 thousand objects. these include housing, plus 62 new apartment buildings.
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southern regions of our country, from the central ones , a land route from the regions along the northern sea of ​​azov to crimea and back has been fully formed. a year ago it was impossible to drive here at all, we drove along the side of the road, but today there are these 17 settlements, 11 schools, 10 medical institutions, especially three there. district hospitals today
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allow you to easily get from one place to another. modern comfortable life cannot be imagined without access to banking products. large russian financial organizations are actively entering into new entities. today their representative offices number more than 500 office branches. business opportunities are expanded through preferential programs and preferences. the created free economic entity offers favorable conditions to its residents.
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of each region, to more actively involve land and property into economic circulation on transparent, understandable rules, and income from rent for its use. should replenish regional and local budgets, and of course, it is necessary to fully integrate the tasks of restoration and development of the regions of donbass and novorussia into the system of updated national projects, to do this already this year, if it is necessary to provide for them simplified access to certain support tools. positive changes will be launched by the national project infrastructure for life, which involves the creation of growth points in priority settlements. there are more than 90 of them and these municipalities will be developed first. have you ever thought about what would happen to us if we wouldn't have bread. bread is the world. this is the most sacred thing a person has. something that every family has. bread created our
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civilization, contributed to our evolution, the technical revolution. this is both the future of humanity and the history of humanity. this is a universal language. we really hope that you think so too.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 25, 1593 , king henry iv of france renounced the protestant faith and became a convict. this event influenced the history of all of europe. in religious wars raged in france for more than 40 years, thousands of people left the country. henry had a privileged position. he
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was baptized catholic, but his mother, queen jeanne dalbret of navarre, raised him in the protestant faith; he considered himself a huguenot. to reconcile confessions, he agreed to marry a catholic princess. paris for the celebration. it happened on st. bartholomew's night. henry survived and began the fight for the throne. became the first ruler of france from the bourbon dynasty, but the majority of the population were catholics. and so then in the basilica of sendeny, in the suburbs of paris, he renounced his protestant faith. and according to legend, he uttered the now popular phrase: “paris is worth a month.” the edict of anana, which proclaimed religious tolerance, he was reputed to be a kind and wise ruler, died at the hands of a catholic fanatic. today marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of sergei lebedev, a russian and soviet chemist
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who gave the world synthetic rubber. at the beginning of the 20th century, rubber was expensive, and was increasingly used for the production of cars, airplanes and ships. couch. tears of the tree, as the indians of south america called the sap of the givea tree, which grows in southeast asia, but with the development of industry, an inexpensive artificial substitute was needed. the chemical composition of rubber is a combination of isoprene molecules. sergei lebedev chose another hydrocarbon, divinyl or butodiene, and figured out how to obtain it from alcohol using a polymerization method. he won the competition for the synthesis of kouchuk and in 1930 a pilot plant based on his technology was opened in leningrad. and in thirty-two they launched the first industrial production plants in yaroslavl and voronezh. rubber is already made from artificial kolchuk. lebedev also developed methods for producing lubricating oil thickeners for aircraft engines from petroleum fractions, conducted research on the hydrogenation of ethylene hydrocarbons, and
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studied many other areas of chemical science. on july 25, 1978, the world's first test tube baby, that is, a human, appeared. summer leslie brown. in november 1977, they carried out the necessary procedure, combining the sperm and egg in a petri dish. a woman and her husband were stalked paporation, the doctors frightened. the catholic church accused. quote: in attempts to play god and turn women into a factory for the production of artificial children. but the couple gave birth to a healthy girl, louise. then she had a sister, also as a result of eco, who in 1999 became a mother herself, dispelling another myth. they said that women born as a result of skillful conception are themselves infertile. and since then, the number of test tube babies
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has exceeded 10 million. today we celebrate 40 years since the woman astronaut went into outer space for the first time. on july 25 , 1984, svetlana sovetskaya did this from the salyut 7 onboard orbital station. she was a pilot and dreamed of space, but the women’s program was curtailed for a long time due to difficulties during valentina’s flight. the soviet showed persistence and was supported by the general designer of npo energy, academician valentin glushko. the soviet leadership agreed and did not want to cede primacy to the americans. sovitskaya, together with cosmonaut vladimir dzhenibekov, was tasked with testing a universal welding machine that welded steel and titanium. welding in outer space is dangerous. any tiny particle there flies at a speed 10 times higher than the speed of a bullet and can pierce a spacesuit. but svetlana sovetskaya had it.
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the only woman, twice hero of the soviet union, two minor planets are named after her. this is what this day in history was like. hersanez saw a lot and the courage of the ancients.
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second world, how chersonesus became a kind of assembly point for russian statehood, spirituality and unity. each entrepreneur interacts with regulatory authorities, to make the process more useful and take less time, it is transferred to digital format. we will tell you about the main electronic services in 5 minutes in this issue of the manual. so, in the control area. in recent years , mass digitalization has taken place, all events are now recorded in a single register, and
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information is also transferred to the personal account on the state services portal. this project was implemented jointly by the ministry of development and the ministry of digital development. that is, if a legal entity, individual entrepreneur, individual, registered on the government services portal, they have a confirmed account, then , firstly, such a check is displayed in their personal account, and secondly, which is also very... important, such a person is considered legally notified of the check using of the public services portal, in fact, this is a functionality with which we have been living for a long time, for example, similar to when we receive a notice of fines, you must agree , no one goes to the post office for a long time to receive these tickets about fines, everyone sees the fines on the public services portal and pays them there public services are not only displayed themselves. here you can appeal them in the pre-trial appeal service, to do this you can go into
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the max robot, type the words “appeal the inspection” or from the inspection itself click on the “submit a complaint” button, that is, you can make an appeal in literally three clicks. all complaints are processed centrally. control authorities are switching to a risk-based approach, that is, scheduled inspections are carried out at facilities with a high risk category. since last year, its assignment has been taking place in unified register of contra types. from it, all objects are transferred to a personal account on the government services portal; each entrepreneur or company can see their risk category. if you don’t agree with this category, right there. appeal using the same pre-trial appeal service. based on the results of the application, the risk category may be reduced. our task is to make sure that the state services portal becomes the only personal account of the controlled person in which he works, so that all information can be seen, so that all possible actions that as part of the inspection, this can
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be done remotely, which the controlled person could do using the government services portal. we also have a link. on - a page with information about the remote format of inspections with the ability to download the inspector mobile application. how does the inspector mobile app work? to use it, you need to register for government services; information about the implementation will be sent to the email address associated with the portal, legal entity or individual entrepreneur. control event. for its part, the regulatory authority creates control measures in the mobile application. with mandatory reference to the geolocation of the object being checked. the inspection report can be certified with an electronic signature by both the regulatory authority and the entrepreneur. using a remote format allows you to save a video recording of the inspection, which you can return to, including if you file a complaint. therefore this is very important evidence. plus , we hope that this
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will save your time and reduce the administrative burden, because, well, they will actually process the check. sheet that is scheduled for this check, and no other actions will be performed. if you are just opening your business, you no longer have to go to the mfc. since april of this year, you can submit a notification about starting a business activity using government services. now all notifications are stored in a single system, in ervka, are displayed in your personal account on the government services portal, and in ervk they will communicate with categorized.
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let us repeat the main thing: all control measures are now taken into account in a single register and are displayed on public services. the notification is sent to the individual entrepreneur or legal entity in their personal account. there, on the portal , you can appeal the results of the inspection or the risk category assigned to the business. you can also carry out the inspection itself remotely using the inspector mobile app. do you have any questions, do you want to know more about the services that help you manage your business safely? business, subscribe to our telegram channel, ask, we will find out from the experts and tell you everything in our next instructions.
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about 90% of the russian market, based on several areas at once, they occupy this, the company has quite a lot of potential, it is a cash machine that brings money for... businesses, services and assets with the exception of foreign startups and data centers in finland, plus rights to all technologies. as for the financial situation, in the twenty-third year, revenue increased by 53%. and
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this is one of the highest indicators in yandex history. since 2011, the average annual revenue growth rate has been 36%. if we take the company as a whole, then i think that the company is in a fairly good position in the market. there are a lot of services that take first place, this is yandex. c this is, so to speak , film search in the online cinema system and other services that allow us to be stably located - let's say, in the segment of providing various services and ensure further development. foreign assets are gone, this is artificial intelligence, unmanned escort, so to speak, so in this in context, we can say that the russian subsidiary still has... services that are in demand right now. the development of foreign assets under the nimbius group brand, this structure now operating separately from the russian one, will be handled by the former head and co-founder of yandex arkady volysh. he has been living
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in israel for several years. in a recent interview, derspiegel volush announced total and final corporate separation from the russian company. nebeus group plans to focus on artificial intelligence. provides services related to neural networks and yandex. well, yandex is essentially a business. here is the fourth component - these are all sorts of services, for example, movie search and so on. let me remind you that yandex is the only search engine in the world that
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competes on equal terms with the de facto global monopolist of the american company google. in china, for example, the leadership of the search engine baidu is explained by the fact that google is blocked in this country. according to estimates for february of this year, yandex's share in the russian search market was 64%, versus 35 for google. from mobile devices. preferred by 61% of russians.
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let's translate from clerical to... figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same
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work, the same tasks. get traction, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit because i was a normal reform, well, salomati, one alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there 5 -6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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a maternity hospital, a hospital, an educational center, a road and a branch of a military school, all this today from...


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