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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys, the war is real, people here will live completely differently, they didn’t hurt you here until our people came, don’t ask, you’ll see like a wolf. i’ll hide in the basement, when
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they’re blasting, then here outside the window, you’re sitting like this and thinking whether the next one is for you or not, at the last explosion there were 18 people left here under the slabs who are still lying, god help me, oh, thank you, it’s just that that's it, we came here forever. they don’t stop in chukotka. led to
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flooding of the city of belibino, almost two months of precipitation fell, the local river overflowed its banks in the water, roads, houses along the street can only be driven by suvs or special equipment. a temporary stay center has been opened at a local school, where hot meals and overnight accommodations are provided for city residents. from the region, reporting by veronica takmacheva. it rained heavily in belibino and its environs for almost a day; up to 25 mm of precipitation fell there, almost a two-month norm. for this relatively dry area, this led to the melting of snow in the mountainous areas and the water literally poured down, filling the small river with the king’s way, ah, it’s pulling down, or what? yes, i won't go here again. there were five houses in the flood zone in the old port area, two private and three two-story apartment buildings. in 2 hours, roughly speaking, it all flooded. youth street,
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semchanskaya, starting from the oldest port there. the first to come to the aid of residents were members of the local fire brigade . they woke people up and asked them to leave their apartments. the municipality has declared a state of high alert. promptly local authorities organized the evacuation of residents to a temporary accommodation center. it was deployed in one of the school buildings. 14 people and seven units of all-terrain vehicles were involved in the evacuation. at the moment we will deploy it.
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monitoring is carried out hourly; information on the level of water rise is provided to the regional ministry of emergency situations to our emergency safety commission. the rain is still continuing, but weather forecasters predict that it should end by nightfall. in any case, the water level is gradually falling, but the current is strong. autodogs for the movement of public and personal transport, including the route to kiperveem, where the airport is located, the district administration managed to deliver all passengers of flights to the district administration in columns of five rotational vehicles at the ural base, the damage caused by the elements will be calculated after the water recedes. veronica takmacheva, natalya shirokova, arseniy gusev, lead from chukotka. turkey is preparing for the possible extradition of a suspect in a car bombing in moscow. as reported. embassy in ankara, the issue
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is being discussed through law enforcement authorities of the two countries. the media write that the court hearing will be held tomorrow in bodrum. according to local laws, preliminary arrest can be imposed for up to. 40 days. during this time , the country requesting extradition must provide the relevant documents. according to press reports, another suspect was detained along with yevgeny serebryakov. this is the turkish driver who drove serebryakov from the airport. russian investigators also believe that the criminal did not act alone. law enforcement agencies reported that they are searching for the customer and organizer of the assassination attempt. let me remind you that the day before the morning when a japanese suv was blown up in moscow, two people were injured. they were injured and are in the hospital. the lipetsk court recognized the genocide of the people in the soviet union, a crime committed by the nazis on the territory of the region during the years of occupation. at four court hearings, they listened to witnesses, expert historians, and secretly reviewed archival
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documents. the application to the court was submitted to prosecutors of the lipetsk region on behalf of prosecutor general igor krasny. according to the data provided in the lawsuit, in the region there were about 3.00 people were killed. more than a thousand were deported to germany for forced labor; the total amount of damage caused to the economy and infrastructure of the region, translated into modern terms, amounts to more than 2 trillion rubles. i will add that previously similar claims from the prosecutor’s office were satisfied by the courts of another twenty russian regions. people died from enemy air raids, they were shot and burned, raped and starved, and the punitive forces were merciless. even to children, women, disabled people and the elderly. youth of the lipetsk region was forcibly sent by the nazis to hard labor in germany. in an effort to exterminate soviet citizens, to erase even the mention of them from the face of the earth, the occupiers destroyed medical, children's, cultural and
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educational institutions, industrial enterprises, transport hubs and other civilian infrastructure. now it's time for economic news. fich downgraded ukraine's long-term ratings to c. this suggests that the country is on the verge of default. the agency expects that the ukrainian authorities will not service the external debt, including payment of coupons on eurobonds maturing in the twenty-sixth year. it is scheduled for august 1st. fitch also expects the budget deficit this year to be high at 17% of gdp. and the continuation of hostilities will maintain the country's increased dependence on external financing. industrial production in russia according to... these are rosstat data. the main driver was processing, in particular industries related to the defense industry. the leaders in terms of growth rates were the production of finished metal products , plus 36%. computers here grew by 35, and also motor vehicles by 27%.
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the russians won the first clear stream class action lawsuit to unlock assets. in total, they wanted to recover 200 million rubles from the depositary. said the claim was partially for 3,300,000. it took 11 months to resolve the case. previously, arbitration courts satisfied only the demands of legal entities, and rejected private investors. let me remind you that russian assets have been frozen in european depositories since the spring of 22. and the revenue of the magnitogorsk iron and steel works in the first half of the year increased by 18%. she reached 417 billion rubles said in the report on international standards. the company's net profit. on the contrary , it decreased by 2.5% to 50 billion. today , the mmk board of directors recommended paying dividends for 6 months in the amount of almost 2.5 rubles per share. it was economic news. short. in the donetsk people's republic
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, successful military operations by russian troops forced a new group of ukrainian soldiers to surrender. those who lay down their arms say that initially they did not want to fight, but here they are. the russian army in various directions of the front breaks not not only the line of defense that has been strengthened over the years, but also the morale and fighting spirit of the neo-nazis. one of the examples is in the video, which was filmed the day before in the north of donbass. a group of units of the kiev regime surrenders . more, another one surrenders, two more, two climb out, surrender without weapons. more footage. chose life, surrendering near novoselovka, neo-nazis are looking for other ways to leave the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. viktor dermishin escaped from service in the ukrainian army several months ago, hid his military uniform, and holed up in the basement of his own house in the still occupied dzerzhinsk, under the guise of a civilian, decided to evacuate. well, i managed to take what i
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had saved, money, a phone and a military id and passport. and that’s it, then they brought it to my throat. before that, he served in a platoon for almost 2 years with... according to operational data, viktor ermishin took accelerated courses in programming radio stations, fought under the clock, received about hundreds of thousands of combat hryvnias, while the money was transferred to the card, everything was fine, but when he was taken out of the state and sent to the front line, i decided to run away. they took me out from the state, this means that in short, they pay you one and a half salaries.
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50 years old, he says that this is now the average age in the units of the ukrainian army, many were taken by force, they don’t want to fight, he doesn’t consider his experience of serving in the armed forces of ukraine as a betrayal, because according to him, he didn’t kill anyone. currently, this citizen will be delivered. military commandant of the city of gorlovka to clarify all the circumstances, as well as to check for involvement in committing crimes against civilians of the city of gorlovka. according to the ministry enemy defense losses last week amounted to more than 700 people, 19 ukrainian soldiers laid down their arms and surrendered. increasingly, the ukrainian military prefers captivity to senseless death to please the leadership of the kiev regime; there are many ways to stay alive, there is always a way out. vadim topalov, viktor voloshin, lead donetsk. gurlovka , the ecological capital of russia, altai is developing based on current
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business trends. the basic principles are care for nature, social responsibility and good management. what films are filmed in in the altai sirius center, what they learned to make from antlers to reindeer and how artificial intelligence monitors safety on the ski slopes. about this and more, see the special report, immediately after the short advertisement. you don't decide exactly how you will meet your first love, you don't decide where you will find friends for life. you don't decide which option you get, but only you decide what your future will be like. enroll wherever you want and don’t worry about tuition fees with an educator. matzbera with state support, calculate payments right now с enjoy rolls from tasty
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we open the way to business. sberbusiness. we arrived in the altai republic, this is the least urbanized region of russia, the proportion of the population is rural. 69%. gorny altai positions itself as the ecological capital of russia. the absorption capacity of local nature is higher than the emission. over time, the region can become a carbon donor and benefit economically from it. current strategy socio-economic development of the republic is based on the noospheric model, that is , the balanced co-development of techno and biosphere
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based on nature-like technologies. gorny altai takes first place in to learn more about what projects are being developed by local entrepreneurs, we will go to the agrotechnopark and meet the residents who produce goods from local products, then we will look at the altai sirius center, where gifted children study, then we will participate in an environmental project. ..
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altai was a donor of unique natural raw materials that were processed in neighboring regions after the construction of the first agro-industrial park, local entrepreneurs were able to produce finished products themselves, and more income began to flow into the regional treasury. there are two categories, we have residents who enter ready-made production premises with their equipment, connect to the infrastructure and use it at minimal cost, the second category.
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cooperate with a well-known marketplace, yes, we use only local products, berries, apples, we will produce all this, wild berries sell best, these are lingonberries, and blueberries, here are garden ones, strawberries, and sea buckthorn also sells well. the traditional type of agriculture in the republic is moral farming. every year, 50 tons of moral antlers are produced here, which are used for medicinal purposes. before the sanctions. almost 100% of the raw materials were exported abroad; now another resident of the agricultural park, ermen surkashev, is engaged in scientific developments in this area. here the deer antler, morality, is the fastest growing tissue of the animal, that is, per day they grow up to 4 cm. here in the antler there are stem cells, about 20
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amino acids, a lot of biologically active substances that chinese... oriental medicine has been using for about 2.0 years, we get this product, a concentrate of aqueous extract, this is for taking antler baths , very popular with us. residents have the opportunity not only to produce, but to promote products on the territory of the agricultural market. all the products that are produced in the agricultural park are presented here, as well as products that produced on the territory of the altai republic, well, in principle, from all over siberia. one of our most popular destinations is bar tea, that is, tourists take it very well because it is a new product. there are several buildings on the territory of the agricultural park. the venues hold conferences and exhibitions, and also organize excursions, possibly for future residents, among them students of the altai sirius center. in the twenty-third year
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, a regional center for gifted children, altai sirius, was opened in gornoaltaisk on the basis of the republican classical lyceum. here they teach in three areas: science, art and sports. classes are held in person, remotely, plus there are specialized, intensive shifts. well, you and i are in a video studio, and right now our student is demonstrating the capabilities of this video studio, it’s called jalinga, and by the way, it’s important, the software is russian. angelina koruskanova works at a film studio and is also studying graphic design and pottery art. we study acting with teachers who help us learn this subject in depth, select.
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having passed the competitive selection, they study intensively for a week, that is, classes, for example, preparation for olympiad physics, for the whole week, 8 hours of classes. now the center
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is developing a program for the new academic year, they plan to add an environmental direction. there are no large industrial enterprises on the territory of the republic, so the load on nature is quite low, after all, human activity. makes adjustments to the ecosphere of the region. the clean altai project started in 2019. it is dedicated to purity rocks of the most popular and picturesque places of the republic. more than 2.5 million tourists visit the altai republic every year. this places a very large anthropogenic burden on our nature. and tourists don’t just leave trash, they also write on rocks and road stones. over the course of 5 years of work, we have cleared more than 400 km. rocks, kilometers, hundreds of kilometers of road stones, cleared key legendary places for us, this is the seminsky pass, the red gate,
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the white bomb, we shoot video photos before after necessarily, in order to talk about project and promote it, and tell what the problem is in the altai republic, how we are fighting it, working, in altai they are doing a lot of work to improve the health of water bodies, they recently completed... the main work to improve the health of lake teletskoye, and now they are cleaning this, manzherok, the locals sometimes call it daingol, that is, the lake of princes, and a unique sea nut, chilim, grows here. the lake's ecosystem includes unique plants and animals, but due to human intervention they are under threat. in 2018, it was decided to clear the lake of blast furnace deposits, as a result the water quality has changed, and...
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therefore, the effects of cleaning are an increase in the volume of the area, an increase in inflow. the main work on cleaning the lake has been completed, thanks to this, the lake froze for the first time in winter, now they are waiting for the silt to finally settle to the bottom and the water will become clear again, at the same time they are strengthening the shore and developing the area around the lake, a promenade, plus they have begun to install an additional water filtration system, does all this. sber, which develops montzherok resort. the all-season resort of montzherok has actually become the calling card of the region and a point of attraction for travelers not only
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from russia, but from abroad. countries, largely thanks to the new infrastructure created by the savings banks in mancherok, the tourism potential of the region has increased significantly and continues to grow, having a positive impact on the economy of the entire republic. the largest employer of the altai republic, the seasonal resort of montzherok. since 2019, the project has been actively developing sber, constantly building new facilities, such as this hotel, for example, launched last year for the whole of 2023, the number of tourists exceeded 520 guests. valery efremov is responsible for the sports infrastructure of the resort. we implemented the kagrin concept at our resort, where we minimized the external influence there, including on the ski slopes. that is, if you look and pay attention in winter, we have snow generators, guns, they are all integrated, they are not visible. we have equipped our ski slopes with artificial intelligence,
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that is, this. from here it is from the top point that we use there are certain recharges on the cable cars, yes, that is, we again minimize electricity consumption and some of the equipment there runs on solar panels. from this top point begins the great altai parkland with eco-trails, where you can also find many red book plants. this location is called the valley of the spheres. there are 10 stone balls that
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tell about culture and history through runes and pitroglyphs. altai mountains, the drawings exactly replicate those found in the mounds and caves of the region. introducing guests with altai culture and through local cuisine. we prepare tartare from local altai products, add shallots, a little grainy mustard, and here we have freeze-dried cranberries, all meat products, a little butter, kemyan. and pine nuts, thank you, now the resort is building new facilities, hotels, a panoramic restaurant and an amusement park, the network of ski slopes and eco-trails is expanding, and at the same time even more trees and shrubs are being planted, all so that more guests can appreciate altai hospitality. in 2023. or
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more than 2.5 million tourists, according to forecasts, this flow will grow every year. gorny altai is ready to receive guests with an emphasis on preserving nature and its authentic culture. we will tell you in new issues what projects in the field of sustainable development exist in other regions of russia. next time we will go to karelia. in the belgorod region, the consequences of a new shelling by the troops of the kiev regime are being eliminated; the city of shibekina and nearby villages came under attack, a civilian was killed, and two more were wounded. correspondent alexander korobov
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will tell you all the details. after a short break of several days, the city of shibbekina is again under attack from neo-nazis. this time , the ukrainian armed forces fired from a 122 mm multiple launch rocket system, presumably it was a czech vampire. local residents counted at least four arrivals; all shells fell in dense residential areas. unfortunately, the irreparable happened, one civilian died, he received injuries incompatible with life. well, the shells had a high-explosive fragmentation part, these are the traces left after the fragments scattered, of course, the man was practically at the epicenter, so there was no way to survive. two more people were injured, they were taken to the hospital, they were given assistance, and were released for outpatient treatment. we are already used to it here; at the first whistle we try, of course, to hide and...


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