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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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it flies, everything flies here, guys, the war is real, people live here completely differently, they didn’t hurt you here until our people came, don’t ask, i’ll be like a wolf hiding in the basement when it’s here outside the window, just like that you sit and think whether the next person is following you or not, during the last explosion there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you. that's it, we've come here forever.
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involvement in five more episodes. among the dead is a friend of the suspect. how did you manage to find the poisoners and what was the motive for his crime? alina skachkova sorted it out. bottle, no, his health worsened, a day later he went, well, he was taken to the hospital, they revived him and there he was. this unexpected confession of the so-called balashikha poisoner, now the basis for a new investigation, twenty-five-year-old artyom missyura, who had been pouring poison on his parents for six months, confessed to the murder of his own friend, he cold-bloodedly slipped the young man a fruit drink with poison and he took a fatal sip. the concentration of the content... of the substance was how dangerous, at a time, and then it will be medicinal. the operatives continue to follow the trail of the home-grown chemist to establish the entire a chain of victims, the investigators again had to return to the ill-fated apartment. was the salt that was explained also stored? they were in a brown rice-like box.
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missyura's weapon, among other things, was an ordinary stain remover. it is not difficult to imagine what this powerful chemical did, corroding pollution into the human body. misyura's parents were the first to sound the alarm, they complained of pain for months, but could not understand what was wrong, happy birthday, they contacted the police, the employees used a trick, the family installed a hidden camera in the kitchen, the footage was shocking, the beloved son added handfuls of poison to the food, did he really want to take over the apartment, where to sprinkle it for what purpose, why, then events developed rapidly, detention, arrest. only after a frank confession to the murder did the investigators seem to realize that they were dealing with a calculating serial poisoner. he told the investigator in detail about the circumstances of the crimes he committed. in addition, the man is being tested for involvement in five more episodes of poisoning. people from close circles, four of
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whom survived. misyura carefully developed his murderous recipes and calculated doses just like the notorious taganrok poisoner. our colleagues from eduard petrov's investigative program made a film. about the history of vladislav shulga. an inconspicuous design engineer added thallium, a poisonous heavy metal, to water coolers. it was like a ticking time bomb. people's hair fell out and their stomachs hurt. 34 employees of the enterprise were hospitalized, one more died. in as a result, svirepov and the engineer were sentenced to eight years in prison. but he didn’t even think about calming down and even began to threaten the judge. i think that something will happen to the judge kubantsev soon too. it turned out that shulga was simply offended. he was not paid a bonus, but in the end innocent people became victims of poisonous revenge. as for the missyura case, its motive still remains a mystery. in the case of poisoning of parents, the main version is still considered to be greed for profit. allegedly, the son wanted to get an apartment, and this despite the fact that
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mesyura himself had his own home, did not need money, and what other relatives and friends could give the poisoner so much. perhaps it’s a matter of personal trouble, or maybe the probable killer is simply crazy. every year they collect evidence bit by bit and solve tens of thousands of intricate crimes. investigative officers are celebrating their professional holiday; thanks to their painstaking work, even those who managed to evade justice for many years bear the deserved punishment. material by galina hungureeva. bathroom interior unusual blue lighting. so forensic investigators study the surface of sinks, tubes and other utensils centimeter by centimeter. traces of the killer, footage from the crime scene where the bodies of three friends, gemini sisters irina khanta, natalia kozylskaya and the mistress of the house svetlana felanovich were found in the winter of this year, are published for the first time by our program. the village of svitina near moscow is like an illustration to a provincial pastoral, full of two-story houses surrounded by greenery, garden paths made of stone and wood,
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and even its own pond. right next to him is the very house where the triple murder took place. it is not surprising that the inhabitants of this rural idyllic serenity were shocked by what happened here. the best investigators were sent to work. after studying the details , investigators quickly identified the suspect, former traffic police officer mikhail borzykh. investigators believe the motive was a monetary debt that he did not want to repay.
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with corruption, terrorism and extremism. the investigation of complex, intricate criminal cases requires special knowledge of experience, about this about your difficult everyday life, which is far from screen romance, the investigators themselves said. when he says that this is a miracle, this is a miracle, that you managed to reveal a miracle there, that you managed to bring it to trial, this is not a miracle, this is the result of long, painstaking work. alla morozenko is an investigator for particularly important cases of the investigative department for the eastern district of moscow. for practice. another third-year student joined the investigative committee and rose to the rank of captain of justice. an analytical mind, perseverance and erudition
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allowed her to solve a crime almost thirty years ago. then in the house on the bodies of a seven-year-old girl, her father and grandmother were found on third park street in the capital. in the case, handprints were seized and sewn into the case materials. we sent them for testing, and miraculously, we got a match with darsalia koto bogratovich, who was doctelloscopic in 1991. the suspect was then placed under arrest, but it is not enough to detain the criminal, his guilt must be proven. investigators conducted a genomic examination and turned to the help of a trosologist, an expert on footprints. he installed: prints on the parquet match the characteristic pattern on the suspect's socks, as a result, darsalia was found guilty without a single living witness. the investigators' knowledge played a key role. this material evidence from various criminal cases has already been returned from the examination. he showed what those physical evidences look like and where they are stored. senior investigator of the main investigation department in krasnoyarsk sergei kozhakar, investigated one of the most high-profile cases
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of the criminal authority of the nineties, velor struganov, known by the nickname pasha color music. for a series of contract killings, he received 9 years in prison. you understand why the police have detained you now. sergei joined the authorities in the footsteps of his parents. my dad was still working in the police, and my mom was working in the prosecutor’s office. it was they, sergei says, who instilled in him a sense of justice and duty. last year, sergei kozhakar joined the volunteers. zone of the northern military district, no matter how pretentious it may sound, but i was raised this way, in my family all the men served in the army, served, i was always ready for military service. this year, employees of the investigative committee sent about 50,000 criminal cases to court, solved more than 300 crimes of past years, investigated over 5,500 criminal cases of corruption crimes, and the head of the investigative committee of russia thanked their subordinates and colleagues for their work. and alexander bastrykin. thank you to all employees of the investigative committee of the russian federation for your work and active citizenship.
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thank you to our families for your patience, understanding and support. let our professional the holiday today will give us even more strength, optimism and joy. they have a single uniform - dark blue shoulder straps with a red stripe. but for the article and rigor. completely different experiences, their own, unique, they serve one thing, the truth. galina hungureeva, pyotr pankratov, lead the duty department. russians can limit the number of modules that can be issued for one passport to no more than twenty sim cards per person. let me remind you that back in june, the lower house of parliament in the first reading considered the initiative to limit the use of sim cards by foreigners. they will be able to purchase no more than ten such devices per person, only upon passing biometrics. for the second reading, operators. communications decided to supplement the bill with bans for russians; in july alone, roskomnadzor
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identified more than 250 residents with thousands of sim cards each. the introduction of restrictions was allowed in the ministry of digital development. another innovation may concern the verification of subscribers for the fact of using numbers. this procedure will probably be carried out through government services. the mechanisms of the initiatives are still being discussed. and people will learn about the legal news of their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists. the program to conduct the duty unit comes out. in many regions of the country, my colleague elena krylova will tell you what topics are of interest to our colleagues in the kirov region. hello, maxim, my colleagues and i have been paying attention all week. we followed the events of the region, here are just a few topics from the new issue of the program conducted by the duty department of the kirov region. a cancerous accident or malicious intent in the village of raduzhny , garage boxes for heavy trucks burned down, along with expensive equipment, almost happened yet great tragedy. inside the citizen boxes themselves there were cargo equipment and a supply
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of easily replenishable liquid and flammable gases. the ministry of emergency situations is investigating the circumstances of the emergency. 700 million rubles... in six months, residents of the kirov region, having believed remote scammers, about how kirov residents are deceived and whether it is possible to resist convincing criminals, we prepared a report. the statistics provided by the department of internal affairs are disappointing. over the 6 months of this year, 2,737 cases have already been registered, which is 17% more than in the same period. last year. on average , 15 remote crimes are recorded per day in the kirov region; in just six months, the damage to residents of the region amounted to about 700 rubles. this is one and a half times more than last year. and no matter how many people warn that a telephone conversation with a stranger, no matter who he introduces himself, can end in failure, people still fall for the tricks of scammers. the main way, of course, now is for the caller to introduce himself as a cell phone employee, anyone. naturally, he knows which mobile operator services this or that another subscriber, because all this can
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be found on the internet. and introducing himself as an employee of a cellular company, he says that with his subscriber contract, yes, it is necessary to carry out actions, since this contract is expiring. and here the most interesting thing begins, without suspecting anything, the subscriber agrees to renew the contract, but to do this, the pseudo-employee asks for the code that should soon arrive in sms. this is strictly forbidden; as a rule, at this time the caller or his accomplice is trying to hack into the account on public services, requesting a password change in the system. this is direct access to attackers to their accounts. it is important to remember that all information you convey. it is outside it will be used against the citizen. in general, once in the profile of government services, criminals will be faced with a wide range of actions on behalf of the victim. the attacker can request a certificate of income, thereby verifying the solvency of the person hacked, and, of course, take out a loan, issuing it in the name of the victim. to prevent this from happening, in the police are asked to generally try not to answer unknown numbers, and if a conversation starts, then soberly assess the situation and
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double-check by calling the office from where they are supposedly calling. special attention in the release. let’s pay attention to the situation on the region’s roads; experts are sounding the alarm due to the increasing frequency of road accidents, with the main danger coming from motorcyclists and cyclists. among this category of road users there are more and more people for whom the rules are not written; how to stop violators in time? you will learn about all this and much more from regional edition of the legal program vesti duty department kirov region. watch us live on friday at 17:45. colleagues, thank you, we are in'. back to federal news. now the news that our editors receive directly from the leningrad information agency, you can also see them on your screens. so, the court arrested the head of the military construction company andrei belkov in the case of abuse of power. this was reported by the press service of the tverskoy court of moscow. turkish security forces are preparing to extradite someone accused of bombing to russia
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car in moscow. as a result of the activation of a device embedded under the bottom of an suv, two people were injured. the alleged perpetrator of the crime himself had already passed a mandatory medical examination before flying to moscow, and investigators conducted a search in his apartment. olga zhurinkova will tell you where the saboteur was going to go after arriving in turkey. in this footage, probable saboteur yevgeny serebrikov is taken out of the building of a turkish hospital, security forces hold his head and hands, and seat him in a car. his face falls for a moment frame, outwardly a little distracted, a detached look. according to turkish news agencies, he has already passed medical control. russian. awaiting extradition proceedings. it was evgeny serebryakov, as investigators believe, who installed an explosive device in a car in a parking lot in moscow. as a result of the explosion, two people were injured; they are in hospital with serious injuries. evgeny serebryakov’s route was tracked via cctv cameras. after installing the explosive device, he made a video call and reported to the customers about the work done
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work. and then i called a taxi and went to vnukovo. the moscow bodrum ticket was purchased in advance, he arrived at the airport at the end of check-in, took only hand luggage with him, and at 5:37 am, about an hour before the explosive device detonated, he took off on a pegasus charter flight. at 9:40 evgeny serebryakov landed in bodrum. turkish media , citing their sources, reported that the security services here also identified him from surveillance cameras at the airport. serebryakov moved in a rented car with driver, he was followed for almost 50 km, choosing the most convenient moment, he was detained. experts. note that in the capture of a dangerous criminal , the high technology of savvy investigators played a crucial role. we have been working on human facial identification for a long time and we have found several. well, we roughly count about 48-50 points on the skull that do not change, these are the frontal parts, somewhere around the eyes,
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eyebrows, cheekbones, independently of them a person puts on a mask, grows a beard, regardless of this, we can still identify the person, apartment, where the last the probable perpetrator of the crime lived for months , it was sealed, the security forces confiscated important documents, the door peephole was knocked out through a hole, you can see the situation inside, an open closet with... things. yevgeny serebryakov rented a small two-room apartment in the prestinsky district of the capital; according to his neighbors, he led a reclusive lifestyle and hardly communicated with anyone. i live above him, i haven’t seen him in the house, and for a very long time. so he rented an apartment here. as i understand it, yes. evgeniy serebryakov is 29 years old, he comes from volgograd region, graduated from the faculty of economics of a moscow university. he worked in a bank for a short time. i quit my job 2 years ago due to health problems and had almost no contact with my parents and relatives. i last saw my family in may of last year, i often flew to tashkent and georgia, i had contact with my brother a day before the crime was committed, we discussed news from the internet and exchanged a few phrases:
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my brother didn’t notice anything strange. at the request of the investigation, a preventive measure in the form of detention was chosen in absentia for the defendant. in in the near future, the accused will be extradited to the capital region for investigative actions. the investigation is ongoing. according to turkish media, serebryakov was passing through bodrum, and he planned to go from there by boat. to greece. he has already been questioned by local law enforcement. the necessary documents are now being prepared. experts are sure that the extradition procedure from turkey will not be long in coming. the day before, the russian prosecutor general met with his turkish counterpart and noted that quote: effective work relationship. thanks to personal contacts at a high level, turkey began to actively extradite people wanted at the request of russian law enforcement agencies. ya. fully shares this practice-oriented, non-politicized approach, which emphasizes our commitment to observing the principles of the inevitability of punishment. turkish media
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, citing their sources in law enforcement agencies, report that the transfer of serebryakov could take place in the near future at bodrum airport from ankara, where already a representative of the turkish prosecutor general's office left. olga zhurinkova, valeria popova, anna makoveeva, olga sukharukova. vesti duty department. 25 criminal cases against. foreign mercenaries who took part in hostilities on the side of the ukrainian armed forces are preparing to approve their transfer to court, this was reported to the chairman of the investigative committee of russia, alexander bastrykin, at an operational meeting in mariupol. the talk there was about the investigation of crimes committed by ukrainian formations against civilians. among foreigners in which russian researchers, citizens of latvia, georgia, israel and france became interested, some have already been convicted. in addition, as part of archival and search work, the department establishes. circumstances and deaths of soviet citizens during the great patriotic war in the occupied territories. employees of the scarasiya investigative department in the kherson region discovered the bodies of fifty-nine
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civilians, including 11 children with bullet wounds. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. more just recently, convicted criminals endlessly called citizens under the guise of bank employees and defrauded them of money. who was behind the phone scam? unique footage in the investigation of eduard petrov - a call from the pre-trial detention center, watch. this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel. fake banking call centers have been operating in many russian prisons and pre-trial detention centers for many years. fraudsters lure gullible clients out of their card number and pin code, after which they empty the account. how do you get behind the barbed wire? wire phones? systematically received bribes from those under investigation to
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ensure the illegal movement of sim cards, phones, and alcoholic beverages into the territory of the detention center. it started there, they called a reinforced squad there, because they beat on the doors, the locks, everything there, and showed in every possible way. that they are against what is happening in their cell. 170 employees were laid off. someone came under investigation, of course, who covers up the prison swindlers? catching poachers in the astrakhan region, a landing force from security forces went on a raid regarding illegal fishermen, the problem is more than acute for the region, where large gangs ruled the reservoirs, which caused colossal damage to aquatic biological... about how those who set up the nets got caught in the net. dmitry dubrovsky. they go out on their hunt under cover of darkness, like
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real thieves. cold light. the shell greedily illuminates the still-hot prey, but today it is not the poachers themselves who are counting the catch, but employees of the fsb border department. four copies. and this is only in one bag: a total of 54 sturgeon with barbarically ripped open bellies, weighing almost 300 kg. for their acquisition, transportation and storage, the court sent two astrakhan residents to prison for 9 years. damage to aquatic biological resources (
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reaches significant values, which are comparable to the load of industrial fishing. fishers do not disdain biological resources that are not listed in the red book, as long as the consumer value is high. pike, pike perch, carp and bream often fall into the nets of poachers, their buyers often became yesterday legally, entrepreneurs, stolen fish are exported by fishermen from the regions. fishing on small vessels without delivering it to mobile fish collection points, as well as without properly executed documents. investigators seized more than 7 tons of bream from secret warehouses in one of the districts of the astrakhan region. 13,500 copies of the so -called particle of unknown origin were stored in freezers, in cardboard boxes directly on the floor in unsanitary conditions. so far
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it is leading in relation to the unfortunate entrepreneur. during the investigation , experts have already estimated the damage to biological resources at 6.5 million rubles. we go to the area of ​​the village of uvory, according to fisheries protection information, today there may be a large accumulation of fishing nets, possibly with a catch. during hot periods, the astrakhan fishery protection service conducts raids to seize prohibited fishing gear around the clock. now they are taking place under the auspices of the all-russian event day without networks. 5 minutes after the start of the raid, here is the first self-catching hook tackle. this is what poachers usually use to catch them.
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and fish of such younger age groups are caught, confiscated secrets, nets and nets, contrary to popular belief, are not destroyed on the spot inspectors, in addition to operational, a lot of paper work, draw up material, a seizure protocol, a numbered trolling report from the map of the scheme is submitted to the astrakhan fisheries protection department to make a legal decision, of course the main one... the load must be carried out in the spring to clear fish migration routes, so that it does not stagnate anywhere and does not become the prey of unscrupulous townspeople. over the past six months alone, the fisheries department has seized more than 2,500 illegal fishing gear, which is 30 km of nets alone. dmitriy dubrovsky, viktor novoseltsev, damir maykenov, lead, duty unit. in the united states , a woman who called the police died at
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her hands. another scandal surrounding the use of weapons by security forces is flaring up in the state of illinois, where a black lady called the police and reported suspicious people near her house. after combing the area, the officers came in to talk with the applicant, who at that time was boiling water in a saucepan, which apparently frightened the patrol officers. one of the bullets hit the owner of the house in the head, the woman died on the spot. shooting cop does not plead guilty. he claims that he acted according to instructions, and the woman provoked him to shoot with sudden movements. the officer has now been arrested and an investigation is underway. you can find out about the latest legal news around the clock in telegram channels conducted by the duty department and an honest detective. maxim ovchan was in the studio. see you at 21:30.


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