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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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the first time i arrived, i stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. interrogations collection of evidence yevgeny serebryakov, accused of blowing up an suv, was taken from turkey to moscow, he will be in custody for at least 2 months. drones with artificial intelligence. a new generation of drones is helping our military on the front lines. how do they work? what are their advantages? chukotka was covered by a flood wave. a state of emergency was introduced in one of the areas, residential buildings were flooded, and the local airport was closed. the bank
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of russia will make a decision today on key rate, how the central bank will react to increased price pressure, analyst forecasts on our air. a major fire at a pyrotechnics warehouse in bulgaria, 2 tons of fireworks exploded, and there were casualties. evgeny serebryakov, accused of blowing up an suv in the north of moscow, was taken from turkey to russia. capital , the ministry of internal affairs reports, this became possible thanks to joint work with the fsb investigative committee, as well as in cooperation with interpol and law enforcement agencies of the republic of turkey. these images show how the defendants in the case are taken out of the plane landing in moscow, after which he is sent for interrogation. he has already told investigators how and under whose leadership he assembled the explosive device. on july 24 , serebryakov was arrested in absentia for moskvoretsky.
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we talked with him in vayr, there was also one meeting in istanbul, after that i took the components for assembling an improvised explosive device in the russian region. ilya proposed to eliminate the officer, i assembled the explosive under control with instructions from ilya.
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device, pawned it under the car, and ilya also promised me ukrainian citizenship reward ranging from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. my colleagues, in collaboration with operatives of the fsb of russia and researchers of the investigative committee of the russian federation , quickly established the identity of the attacker who blew up a car in the north of moscow. it turned out to be evgeniy nikolaevich serebryakov. born in 1995, native of the volgograd region. information was received that on the morning of july 24 he flew to turkey. in this regard , serebryakov was put on the international wanted list. interpol employees of the ministry of internal affairs of russia sent turkish partners information about the identity of the suspect, his signs and possible whereabouts. as a result of law enforcement efforts coordinated through interpol channels. two countries, on the same day
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he was detained by officers of the turkish ministry of internal affairs in the city of bodrum. the explosion occurred early in the morning of july 24 on sinyavinskaya street. a homemade bomb was installed under the bottom of a japanese suv near the driver's seat. two people, a man and a woman, were seriously injured. according to one version, the assassination attempt is connected with the victim's work. a criminal case has been opened for attempted murder, as well as for the illegal acquisition of weapons and ammunition. the roar of explosions was heard late in the evening by residents of several cities in those territories of the russian regions that are now under the control of the kiev regime. local publications reported cases of powerful detonation in kramatorsk, donetsk people's republic. immediately after the impact , a strong fire broke out. explosions also occurred in zaporozhye and kherson, and from the city of nizhyn in the chernihiv region and from nikopol district of the dnepropetrovsk region received reports of damage. the air raid warning in
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ukraine was announced several times over the past evening and night, and eventually sirens were heard in all regions of the country. in the south-donetsk direction. the military successfully tested the latest attack drone called molniya. the aircraft design has dramatically improved the aerodynamics of the drone compared to quadcopters. this gives a big gain in flight range, but there are also more serious advantages. there is artificial intelligence on board, against which the systems the ukrainian armed forces' electronic warfare systems are powerless. our war correspondent sergei samokha will explain why. each assault unit has its own squads. protected by fpv drones, they work from afar, several kilometers away from the contact line, and soon this machine will be equipped with a special charge and go into battle. the layout, which has already become classic, is a quadcopter with four rotors and ammunition in the form of a suspension. an almost ideal
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design, with the exception of not the best aerodynamics, so the fortieth brigade marines of the pacific fleet began to receive new types of vehicles. this is the next step in the... strike drones, our lightning flies 30 km behind enemy lines, so he uses little batteries with the help of what he plans, so we flew in time, well, 32-35 minutes calmly, lightning alone aircraft-type attack drone, almost weightless design, four aluminum tubes, wooden slats, plastic wing, can be compared to a lancet in power and range. approximately, well, much cheaper than lansat, despite the ugly appearance look, this is not only a high-precision, but also a high-tech weapon, the firmware already contains artificial intelligence, which helps to overcome radio interference, it turns out to be on autopilot, the operator
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switches when he gets into the reb zone, he switches to autopilot, with the help of the autopilot he starts to go through the rap , he just goes straight in the opposite direction, everything, when he passes the reb zone, he again... switches on to another mode and begins to maneuver. lightning is a new item that has only been in combat for a few weeks. behind this is the time to count the crew of attack drones, a self-propelled trihowitzer from a dozen cars in iisu. due to the fact that the drone appears deep in the rear, where the enemy is not expecting it, the strike is always unexpected and accurate. at first we sent him out as a foolish scout, well, we went out on a free hunt, spotted the car, and everything started. the wingspan and gliding ability allows the vehicle to rise to a height of up to a kilometer, here the drone is not afraid of either air defense or rap, the new product is controlled by one of the most experienced drone crews in the southern donetsk direction,
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which has a lot of damaged nato equipment, according to the platoon commander, it is many times easier to control lightning than ordinary drones, auto take-off, and during take-off it gains high speed.
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an explosion occurred at a gas production plant in the yamalo-ninets district, a fire started, eight people were injured, one of them died, the rest were taken to hospital. the investigative committee opened a criminal case. about violation of industrial safety requirements. emergency services are working at the scene of the emergency; the fire has been localized. the company has created commission to find out the causes of the incident. in st. petersburg at this moment a large fire is being put out; the three-story building of the palace of princess olga polya is on fire. this is a cultural heritage site of regional significance. 40 rescuers and 10 pieces of equipment are working on site. fire area - 1.0 m2. as reported. 100 m of main lines were laid to supply water. according to the latest data, the fire was localized, no casualties were reported. in the belibinsky district of chukotka , a state of emergency was introduced due to floods, after extremely heavy rains,
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the water level in the river near the city of belibino increased sharply. there are six houses in the flood zone, three of them apartment buildings, 57 people were evacuated, some of them in a temporary accommodation center. race took donald trump's headquarters by surprise, reports the information portal axias. according to journalists, the republican leader's team was sincerely surprised by how quickly they dealt with biden, about alec komarov's election race. kamala haris is ready for a televised debate with trump. according to preliminary information, they will take place on september 10 on abc. at the moment, politicians have almost equal levels of support, according to the publication.
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on american television they remember biden’s former greatness and add that lately there has been nothing left of his reputation. i have personally known joe biden for 40 years and i have the highest regard and respect for the 50 years he has served his country. but i think over the past year he has tarnished his reputation and career by refusing to give up power. i think part of the american tradition is that ours. leaders have graciously ceded power throughout our history, but in my opinion, neither trump nor biden did so
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in an appropriate manner. meanwhile, on social networks there is a new conspiracy theory. the footage shows biden speaking to reporters after a five-day illness and subsequent renunciation. they note that in the video the american leader is noticeably taller than he was before the coronavirus. at the same time, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is visiting washington. he even met kamala haris. about the results of the conversation, the candidate the presidents reported from the rostrum. i expressed to the prime minister my serious concerns about the scale of human suffering in the gas sector. i also expressed my concern about the appalling humanitarian situation there. but i have said it many times and i will say it again: israel has the right to defend itself. on october 7, it was hamas that started this horrific war. on the eve of netanyahu's arrival in washington, things are calmer.
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only donald trump holds it. he said that in a telephone conversation with zelensky he indicated the need to immediately stop conflict. the press interprets the republican’s words unambiguously as a desire to change the american course in eastern europe and ukraine. however, the current authorities are beginning to think about this. the states recognized the excessiveness of anti-russian sanctions. representatives of the biden administration told the publication that restrictions are used too often, and their effectiveness is becoming less and less effective.
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alika komarova, lead. the united states does not plan to refuse assistance to ukraine for the sake of dialogue with russia, the american state department said. according to the us assistant secretary of state the russian side allegedly received demands from washington to stop supporting kiev in order to continue the dialogue on reducing strategic risks. wherein. noted that the states are open to discussions with russia and china on arms control issues. now footage from the usa in california, a forest fire has spread to more than 500 m2. it was recognized as the largest in the country in recent times. fire rescue teams are working on the spot, trying to extinguish the fire from the air using special equipment. this is exactly what you can see clearly on in these images, the flames have already spread to... residential areas have been declared an emergency evacuation by the authorities. the prosecutor's office is investigating the cause of the fire. the police have already detained
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a man who, shortly before the fire, threw a burning car into the enemy. the man is accused of arson. the co-founder of mexico's largest drug cartel has surrendered to us authorities. ismail sambada was arrested at a private airport in texas. he created a cartel with haaquin "shorty" guzman. who is already serving a life sentence in an american prison, along with sambada guzman's son was also detained. the us attorney general noted that in recent years both of them led one of the most brutal and... usa. sambada eluded american authorities for decades, but apparently flew to texas on his own. the details of his detention and subsequent arrest have not yet been disclosed. in bulgaria, a pyrotechnics factory caught fire, 2 tons of fireworks exploded, two
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people were injured, they had burns on 85% of their bodies, and now people’s lives are at risk. a partial state of emergency has been declared in the region. the country's minister of internal affairs went to the scene. with emergency services and the military have been fighting the fire for several hours. now economic news. konstantin the central bank will make a decision on the key rate today. what is the probability that it will be raised? large, since annual inflation turned out to be higher than the mega-regulator’s expectations. so, at today’s meeting, the bank of russia can immediately raise the key rate by 200 basis points to 18%. this is the market consensus forecast. annual inflation according to rosstat exceeded 9%. and the head of the central bank, ilvira nabeulina, previously spoke not only about a significant deviation of the indicator from
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the base scenario, but that pro-inflationary risks have already materialized. the bank of russia will be forced to respond to increased price pressure, but most experts consider a step of more than 2% inappropriate. let me remind you that today’s meeting of the board of directors of the central bank is pivotal, that is, the press release will be accompanied by the publication of a new medium-term forecast for inflation and gdp dynamics. these parameters are interconnected. acceleration of prices is the price to pay for rapid economic growth; it results in overheats, which analysts pay attention to. the economy is truly enviable. resistance to external challenges, so it is likely that signs of any significant slowdown will not appear soon, that is, in my opinion , the retention of high rates will last until the end of 24, and some possible signals that the bank of russia is considering ending this tightening cycle monetary
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conditions will arrive closer to the twenty-fifth year. net profit gas. kromneft increased by 21% in the first half of the year. this is reflected in accounting reports. revenue reached almost two trillion rubles. 36% more than in the same period last year. the company's cost increased by almost 60% and exceeded one and a half trillion. the company also indicated in the report that during these six months it discovered new deposits in the tomsk region, began developing the chonsky cluster, this is on the border of the irkutsk region and yakutia, and also carried out. the first domestic fleet for hydraulic fracturing. international features agency downgrades long-term rating ukraine to a level that means that default is inevitable. interestingly, the revision happened significantly ahead of schedule, in july instead of december. the reason was the recent agreement between the kiev regime and some eurobond holders. they were persuaded
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to reduce principal and interest and extend repayment terms. now they believe that in ukraine. whole quote: a process similar to default. at the same time, insiders claim that next year large american funds, including black rock and pimka, will begin to strictly demand that kiev repay its debts. black rock helps washington sweep all modern financial crises under the carpet; taking into account the fund’s connections, ukraine will not be able to ignore its demands. the kiev regime itself, meanwhile, against the background of the emerging energy shortage, announced the suspension of one of the main types of economic activity.
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we know what kind of transport he used. i believe that the evidence base will be fully collected for further prosecution. ukrainian journalists
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have already established that the detainee’s name is vyacheslav zinchenko. he played sports. here's the card on the website of the local football association. he played for the dnepropetrovsk team just a month before the murder, farion participated in a junior tournament. we have been playing on the same team since we were 5 years old. he was born in 2006. and i know that his dad is fighting now, he lives with his mother, he’s a very decent kid, we were good friends with him when we were involved in court here, what else can i say, that he’s a good student, i would never have thought that he could do such a thing , i am sure that he did not do such a thing, and indeed, at first glance, there are many inconsistencies in this detention, as they write in the local press, vyacheslav arrived in lviv by train on the eve of the murder, and then also returned, but this does not fit with the information voiced by the head of the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs. “i’m at the front now, i haven’t seen my son in person for a long time, we talked
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regularly on the phone, my wife called me today and said that my son was detained, whether it was a detention or an arrest, not everything is clear here either, not everything was so smooth, my wife was kept outside the premises , they took away the equipment, tied up his son, there were no motives for the murder of farion, he did not have any ukrainian-phobic views, he is a patriot, on the contrary, he completed management courses. fla played football to join the ukrainian army. the notorious panama hat is also confusing; these images from cctv cameras were distributed almost immediately after the tragedy. the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs claims that the teenager bought the headdress back in may, and from that time he allegedly prepared for the assassination attempt, if not earlier, but if you look closely at the now published videos, it does not seem that this young man wandering through the streets is going out to kill purposefully. his neighbors in dnepropetrovsk don’t believe it either. i'm i say, this can’t happen, in general, i’m not...
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in the area, i know, since i live there, the attempt on irina furion happened on the evening of july 19, she was shot in the head when she left the house, from the wounds of the ex- detat died in the hospital. she built her political career on unnatural russophobia, advocated a complete rejection of the russian language in ukraine, and recently even took up arms against ukrainian armed forces fighters who do not speak the language. it is possible that the suspect from dnepropetrovsk, where many people communicate in russian, could take revenge for father, who is now at the front. we are considering those versions as we...
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the french judo federation reproached the olympic committee for the poor condition of the arena. what didn't he like? and stefan namis said that firstly, the carpets were changed at the last minute due to the fact that they were too elastic, but the big problem, according to him , is that the whole arena is dusty and no one is in a hurry to clean it. and at the tennis tournament in romania there will be a russian final, where mira andreeva and elina avanesyan will meet. for both athletes, it will be first final at wt level. on the way to him, hovhannisya played two matches in one day due to bad weather conditions earlier. in the quarterfinals , ilina was stronger than romanian jacqueline christian 7-5-6-4. 5 hours later, avanisyan again entered
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kord in the semi-finals; her opponent was frenchwoman chloe paquet. and here the russian woman also needed two sets to win. 6:2-6-3. seventeen-year-old mira andreeva defeated the representative of serbia, olga danilovic, in her semi-final match. the meeting turned out to be stubborn and lasted 2 hours and... gave the opponent only one point. in croatia in the end, it came to a tiebreaker, where the russian tennis player andrei rublev continues to move through the tournament bracket, he reached the semifinals, and on the way there he beat the hungarian fabian marazan. to do this, the russian needed three sets: he gave the first with a score of 5:7, then... he confidently took the second and third games 6:3, 6:2. the meeting lasted 1 hour and 55 minutes. in the semifinals , rublev will play with the argentinean franziska serundula. frenchman. opening of the olympics in
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paris in hijab, in france this is prohibited at the legislative level. the athlete will appear at the ceremony wearing a specially made cap. meanwhile, british athletes refused to eat in the olympic village. they complain about the shortage of products and their low quality. according to the head of the british olympic association, andy anson, athletes lack eggs, chicken and certain carbohydrates. the olympic village restaurant also serves raw meat. athletes prefer to eat at the british association house in the clichy area, so another chef was invited there, since demand far exceeds the original supply, and that’s the biggest problem,” anson said. moscow spartak officially announced the transfer of argentine striker esiquel barca from riverplate. the contract with the twenty-five-year-old player was concluded until 2027, the financial terms of the deal were not
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disclosed. according to. in which he scored two goals and seven assists, and also became the seventh football player in the world over 23 years old in terms of the number of successful dribbles. players, coaching staff, management of the capital spartak laid flowers at the grave of the legendary football player fedor cherenkov on troekurov. since the birth of the famous soviet and russian player, who holds the record for the number of matches played for spartak. he played for the club from 1977 to 93, during which time he became the champion of the soviet union three times. fyodor cherenkov passed away 10 years ago, his memory was also honored by those who played with him on the same team. i worked with fedor on the field,
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played with him... fans will be able to learn more about the life of one of the most popular spartak moscow players in history. these were the most notable news in the sports world up to this minute.
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here in avdeevka they brought people down, there was terror, it keeps flying, guys, the war is real, here people live completely differently, you weren’t hurt here until ours came, don’t ask, you’ll see a wolf in the basement hiding while they're blasting, here outside the window, you sit like this and think, who's next for you, no, at the last explosion, there were 18 people left under the slabs who are still lying there, god help me, oh, thank you, that's just all , we came here forever.


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