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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. almost everyone waits for the right moment to get down to business. glue the moment with you so that you are not afraid to start and finish what you started. look for inspiration and create. this will make a moment, a moment for those who get down to business, with yota your money won’t fly away, you catch up, there are gigs and minutes left, we return rubles for them, you can yota, how do you like it, cool, but for a subscription, save up a vtb savings account, open a vtb savings account with a rate of 19% vtb, together everything will work out, pairs of chicken premieres chickenhit with new curry sauce at a profitable price. price, the
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the red sun has risen, time for alpha bank, time for alpha gain. today the bank of russia will hold a regular meeting on the key rate, now it is 16%, and previously the central bank allowed it to be increased. konstantin churikov studied analysts' expectations. in the coming hours. it will become known under what macroeconomic conditions we will continue to live and develop our country. the board of directors of the central bank will meet for the next meeting on the key rate; it determines at what interest rates banks will give loans and place deposits and what prices will be. this time there is a special intrigue. at the previous meeting on the rate on june 7, the board of directors of the bank of russia gave a strong signal that it allows for the possibility of an increase in july, that is, right now. already. at a meeting last month
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, the mega-regulator considered the possibility of increasing the parameter either by 100 basis points to 17% or by 200 to 18%, but in the end i left everything unchanged. well, at the beginning of this month, deputy chairman of the central bank alexei zabotkin, in an interview with our tv channel , said that at the next meeting the board of directors will discuss increasing the key rate to 17-18%. according to him, the arguments in favor of an increase have become stronger, and those in favor of... maintaining it are weaker; the reason for concern for the central bank is actually the same as for the population, the dynamics of price growth. this topic was commented on the day before in the kremlin. as presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said, there are inflationary processes in the country, this causes concern for the government and the central bank, so various measures are being worked out. well, inflation targeting is one of the priorities. since the beginning of the month, prices in the country have risen by almost a percent. since the beginning of the year, about five, which is already higher. april
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forecasts of the bank of russia for this entire year, and the permissible interval was designated as 4.3, 4.8. and much higher than the forecast values, while annual inflation remains, if we count it week by week. as the mega-regulator does, now it is more than 9%, despite the fact that the central bank’s goal is the so-called target is the same 4%. the experts we interviewed agree that the rate will be increased today, the only question is by how much by 1% or by two at once? an increase in the key rate is inevitable, and the bank of russia is ready for this, and the market is ready for this, and over the past couple of months, we, like the consensus, expect a rate increase of 200 basis points. before 18%. the main reason for this step is the significant deviation of the current rates of economic growth and price increases from the forecast of the bank of russia, which it gave in april. let me remind you that at that time the regulator expected that end of the year - price growth will be about 4.5%.
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and just from the beginning of the year to date, prices have increased by almost 5%. analysts point out that if the central bank raises the rate today, it will have to seriously change its own forecasts. at the rate for the coming years, and this will be an important signal to the corporate sector from a lending point of view. if previously the central bank showed the key rate at 10-12% in the twenty-fifth year, then the new range may be 13-16. in the twenty-sixth year, the new range may become 10-12 instead of the previous six-7. and so in this part, precisely in the forecast part, something significant will happen. tightening of monetary policy and this, in our opinion, should primarily affect the dynamics of corporate lending. many have forgotten, but a year ago, in the first half of summer , the rate was more than two times lower, 7.5, then it was raised by a percentage, and in august
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it was sharply increased from 8.5 to 12%. at subsequent meetings it continued to be increased, and from the second half of december to this day it has remained stable at 16%. analysts say we have entered a period high rates, and one of the reasons is the rapidly growing economy. the economy really shows enviable resistance to external challenges, and therefore it is likely that signs of any significant slowdown will not appear soon, that is, in my opinion, the retention of high rates will last until the end of twenty-four and some possible signals that the bank of russia considers the completion of this cycle of tightening monetary conditions will arrive closer to the twenty-fifth year. what will happen in this time, will the central bank be able to keep the rate at the current level? this is a key question, and we will find out the answer to it
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today at 13:30 moscow time. in chekovsky beliben, the situation with flooding and flooding is stabilizing. the water began to decline and its level in the surrounding areas. at 40 cm, emergency restoration work is underway; according to forecasts, there will be no more such heavy rainfall, reporting by veronica takmacheva. yesterday the water in this yard reached a level, well, let’s say , up to the handle of this door. water today sleeping. the storm is retreating, a lot of water is leaving velibino, it came the day before along with heavy rain, which dumped two months' worth of precipitation on the city. for the first time in recent decades , the small river korolveem overflowed its banks and approached residential buildings, but today the rain stopped, the water level in flooded areas dropped by 40 cm. over the course of 24 hours, the water level dropped by 40 cm and is seven adjacent
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areas remain flooded. , the water level there reaches up to 7 cm. the crest of the wave has passed, the spill has stopped, the level is declining, that is, we expect that in the near future. day, the situation is returning to normal; during the disaster in belibino, 57 people were evacuated from residential buildings, including eight children and two people with limited mobility. evacuation of people, a call has just come from that house over there. a temporary accommodation center has been set up at a local school, but today it is empty, residents have gone to see relatives and friends, and city service specialists are actively eliminating the consequences of flooding. in the city as usual the water supply is already working, there is. communication, electricity is gradually being connected to the water-damaged microdistrict. as of today, three apartment buildings, five private ones, and one apartment building in the city center have been switched off; now specialists from the management company, administration and northern networks are making a round
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to determine the possibility of turning on the electricity in order to avoid the risk of a short circuit. every hour , the head of the district provides information about the situation in belibino to the district governor, vladislav kuznetsov. the situation is under control, i am informed about the situation every hour, the water level has almost dropped. before normal , there were no casualties, this is the main thing, the residents did not seek medical help. the main forces in belivino are now aimed at restoring the bridge across the river; it was damaged by a strong current that carried logs, iron structures, even cars. as soon as the work is completed, municipal equipment, garbage trucks, tank trucks will cross this bridge, special equipment is working on the izbelimina highway to the village of kiperveem, where is the regional airport? the length of the road is 32 km. today, according to the belibinsky road repair and construction department, about 10 km of the road are flooded,
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work is currently underway there, three dump trucks, an excavator, a bulldozer are working, if necessary, we will increase the number of cars to speed up the completion of this work, i hope , on monday we will already make some kind of road, well, at least for vehicles with high cross-country ability. operations at kiperway airport have been suspended for the next 3 days. three postponed until monday flights from magadan, which were supposed to arrive today, as the head of the region noted, the main thing is the safety of the residents. now in belibino they are already starting to assess the damage. all residents will be provided with the necessary support, and funds will be allocated from the district budget to compensate for the damage. we will work with each individual individually. on monday , a working group from the district government is scheduled to go to belibino to assess the situation on the ground. according to weather forecasters, rain is expected in the near future. there will be no libin, which means nature will give time to complete restoration work and analyze
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the causes of the emergency so that it does not happen again in the future. veronica takmacheva, arseniy gusev, maxim udavenko, leading chukotka. tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or mobile application. compare magnet plus makes shopping even more profitable, activate personal discounts and bonuses in the magnet application, magnet plus is personal to you, go to the sportsmaster application and register in the sports posters section events. alfabank is the best bank for business. open a free account with alfabank and get up to 10% cashback on your business card. at alfabank. future loyalty program for entrepreneurs. the loyalty program with berspasibo has been updated and has become
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11:44 am
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we continue the release: russia, china and mongolia are preparing to launch the tourism project “great tea ". path, he will repeat the route, who transported tea from china to russia back in the 15th century. along its entire length there will be special tourist sites related to tea culture and traditions. how similar they are in our countries, what connects chinese tea, for example, with kuban tea. our own correspondent, alexander baletsky, talks about this. every year china produces 3
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tons of tea, which is almost half of the world’s total, and the chinese not only produce the most, they themselves drink the most tea in the world, and export it as well. including russia, where the number of tea lovers from the middle kingdom is only growing, this is china with alexander baletsky, one of its main symbols is tea, early...
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throughout the village, but for jan qun it is also a family business, everything that is collected from these slopes, will go to her sons' factory. junior janeway joe shows how new technologies can speed up sheet drying without sacrificing quality. it’s like an artificial sun, and it also maintains the necessary humidity, temperature, light, you can, of course,
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dry it the old fashioned way, but it takes longer, otherwise essentially, everything is like in nature. 8 years ago they decided to turn the village area into a producer of the most environmentally friendly tea in the middle kingdom, everything worked out. then in 2016 we came to these slopes, all the tea trees were eaten away by insects and produced almost no harvest. we planted everything around with rapeseed and peach trees. it turned out that this is the best that nature has come up with for pest control. no fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides can compare with natural remedies that... even before our era, the oldest tea leaves were discovered in province of shaindong during the excavation of a burial place of the jou dynasty, then, however, it was more considered a medicine, an everyday drink, tea most likely began already during the han dynasty, but the final tea
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culture is considered to have taken shape closer to the seth centuries, it was then that the famous tea canon was written, the first treatise in history on tea and tea drinking. in general, of course, it’s a very monotonous job, and when you do it for several hours in a row, it’s very exhausting, so you just need to have tremendous patience, but in general it seemed it might be just a tiny leaf, but for the chinese it’s a whole world, it’s not just a desperate culture, it’s a whole tea philosophy. so, you definitely need to feel all the shades, a tall cup of wansyabei to catch all the subtleties of the aroma, a wide chabek to enjoy the color and taste, drinking like
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a high art, from chinese the tea ceremony gumfucha, that’s how it’s translated, for us it’s a search. harmonies, just as yin and yang complement each other, so here, taste, smell, atmosphere, this is how unity is created pacification. as with all ceremonies, the teahouse in china has a special attitude; it is not customary to rush; first you need to get acquainted with the tea, look carefully and smell it. the first brew is drained, the dust is washed off from the dry leaves, only then the tea drinking itself, one cup - the second, the third, the twentieth, the chinese drink every cup this way, yes, i probably do it very loudly, but that doesn’t mean...
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in this the tongue is involved in the process, all the taste buds are on it, when i suck in air along with the tea, it allows the receptors to feel everything much better, do you understand? 喝完之後我們這樣子, this way all the shades, all the notes of tea, its richness are revealed better. and this is a whole ritual, who, where and how will sit, in which direction the student’s nose is facing, in no case towards the guest, and pouring must be strictly counterclockwise. this art has been taught in china for years. sometimes the ceremony can be like this in sachuan province. or a circus performance?
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it all depends on the degree of subsequent fermentation of the leaf, although it happens that it does not ferment at all. many people associate chinese tea with pancakes like this: called bencha, they can be 400 or 500 g, but the traditional gold standard is exactly 357 g. chainoli are poured into a special mold, then steamed, pressed, and dried in special round bags. the most revered green in china is not fermented, and the most famous.
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yana, as she calls herself, has mastered the relationship with russian customers, the vast majority of them here, and thanks to yana, they already know that real longzin is always stored only in the refrigerator, it’s not changed or shared, it’s delicious, yes. and yana will arrange a tea ceremony no worse than in any famous tea house, at the same time she will tell you about milk oolong, which for some reason russian tourists always ask for first of all, the chinese themselves not only don’t drink, they don’t even consider it just tea. well , really, how can you buy tea and not try it, you can’t even imagine this in china, so try this, buying even a small bag can take a whole day. after the pandemic
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, trade went mainly online, while its volumes increased, entire tea compositions depart along the route, which is the name of the new tea route from the city, the name of which the whole world learned at the beginning of 2020. however, they learned about the russians in wuhan at the beginning. centuries, because it was from here that the famous tea route to europe began, which was 70% controlled by russian merchants, now on the bukhan embankment a monument to them has not taken root in russia, but black tea, which in china itself is actually called red, not only has it taken root, but is also growing beautifully in sochi. here it is, the homeland of the closest thing to russians chinese chaikimun, here it is called qimen huncha, that is, red tea, heroic gate, province. here, in general , it is considered almost the most, because three of the ten best chinese varieties are from here. keemun, also known as qimen, is the only red tea awarded
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imperial status in china.
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moon has an amazing ability to enhance the beneficial properties of other products, and also stimulate the nervous system, improve memory and increase performance, so the task that scientists have set for themselves quite practical, the genome of chinese-kuban tea they deciphered will help create new varieties, enhancing their beneficial properties. such spontaneous tea markets in fujian province near the slopes are organized everywhere, peasants hand over everything they collected to wholesalers and representatives of large tea companies, and here there are exclusively local varieties: leaf by leaf. weight in china is measured not in kilograms, but in dins, one ding is 500 g, half a kilo, and the price of tea per day varies from 10 yuan to several thousand and even tens thousand. the most expensive tea in the world is dahunpau,
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a fermented moon tea, price. per kilogram reaches one and a half million dollars, all because the petals are very rare, grow in a single place in the province of fujian, producers literally pray for them. zen yongzi, the owner of a large tea brand, also starts his morning with prayer. so, mr. zen believes, things will continue to go uphill. yes, hunpau, his factory, even if it doesn’t produce, but what is packaged here is sent... to north america, to southern america, to europe, it turns out that chinese tea is also something like the soft power of heaven. probably, if the west drinks more of our chinese tea, and at the same time immerses itself in our tea traditions, then it will understand china better. it is, of course, very difficult to understand completely, and some brand had to adapt it to the tea taste of foreigners, which is very
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different from the chinese one. zen yonzi does not despair and instills tea culture with modern means, experiments with flavors and aromas, so, in my opinion, we need to add more peach and milk, and expand the line the now popular bubble tea, cold fruit and milk tea with jelly balls from topioka, is also a chinese invention, and let young chinese increasingly prefer a transparent plastic glass to ceremonies while running... this has no effect on tea, it is in the middle kingdom, like the tea itself is just as strong,
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minister. at the training ground in the leningrad military district, andrei belousov checked how the training of svo soldiers was organized. flowers on the avenue of angels. in the donbass, children who were victims of shelling by ukrainian militants are remembered. u western embassies in moscow rallies. he contacted the ukrainian special services himself. a person accused of blowing up a car has been brought to moscow for questioning. what did he say? the main day of sergei lavrov's trip in laos, dozens of meetings and negotiations with countries. osian, what's the agenda? and this is the road near magnitogorsk, a real flood. local residents have been posting videos online in the southern urals for several days now, due to bad weather conditions. what does hay smell like? this is perhaps the main question of olympic athletes before the games in paris. why was it never possible to completely solve the problem of infrequencies? on
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fighters at the training ground in the leningrad military district.


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