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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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at the beginning of the release, the latest information about the break of the dam on the kiolim reservoir in the chelyabinsk region, the village of kiolim was completely evacuated, residents of three more villages were being taken out. from the flooded area, there were about 200 people in total, an emergency situation was declared, local authorities said that there were no casualties due to the dam break. we will learn more details from the emergency zone from our correspondent alexey sanochkin, he is in direct contact with the studio by phone. alexey, greetings, known by this moment? good evening, dmitry, or rather, good night, here we are already in the chelyabinsk region, we are literally just a few kilometers away. and the place
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of the emergency that occurred today in the karabash urban district. so, today the southern urals, in principle, these last days, are in the epicenter of a large-scale tsitlon, which has not happened for many years, such an amount of water that falls. just the day before, on behalf of governor alexei tesker, the municipality created operational headquarters, which made it possible to quickly respond to emerging threat situations, but today due to a powerful downpour, still. the dam on the kiolinskoe reservoir in karabash was destroyed, the water very quickly began to drain out populated areas, the first to be affected were villages such as mukhametova, karaseva, baidashevo, kiolim, kasaeva, well , populated areas are located literally a few kilometers from the reservoir, in place now employees of the russian black sea fleet are currently working, they also help in the administration of the karabavsky urban district, the operational headquarters is working, in fact
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the situation is under personal control of the governor of the chelyabinsk region, i suggest listening to his commentary. now i held a meeting of the operational headquarters with all emergency services, with the leadership of the karabash urban district, this evening there was a dam break on the kiolim reservoir in karabash, the village of kiolim was flooded, then the water went towards other settlements, kiolim were evacuated and residents were housed in karabash, in temporary accommodation centers, some people were accommodated with relatives, also evacuation is underway. in other
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settlements where there is a threat of flooding, these are mukhametova, baidasheva, and karaseva; in karabash , temporary accommodation centers with food, drinking water, and operational services, the ministry of emergency situations, the ministry of internal affairs, and the municipal administration are working on site. there are no casualties at the moment, everyone worked quite quickly, i keep the situation under personal control, but i would like to continue, or rather complete my direct treatment, also confirming that there are no casualties at the moment, fortunately, in just a few in about 20 minutes we will reach a few hours later, where the staff of the ministry of emergency situations will be deployed. and further
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details will be included in the next broadcasts, yes alexey, thank you, alexey sanochkin told about the dam break at the kiolim reservoir in the chelyabinsk region. a person involved in the case of blowing up a russian officer's car was taken to the crime scene, where the accused evgeny serebryakov described his actions to investigators. the interrogation lasted about 20 minutes. on friday night, serebryakov was extradited from turkey to moscow. in the fsb video, he admitted that planted a bomb on... a car, which he assembled under the control of a curator from the sbu, it is already known that for the murder of our military man, he was promised from 10 to 20 thousand dollars a ukrainian passport. anton potkovenko studied the accused’s social networks. connections with foreign intelligence services, past on bolotny ukrainian nickname in social networks, an increasingly detailed and very characteristic portrait of evgeniy serebryakov is emerging. extradited from turkey, where he tried to hide, to moscow, serebryakov understands why he was detained. production
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of installation of an explosive device, as well as means of transportation, who asked you to install an explosive device? the person i met once, who imagined where he was from? i guess from ukraine. for the attempt on the life of a russian officer, the ukrainian special services promised serebryakov a ukrainian passport from 10 to 20 thousand dollars. where were you planning to kill? ukraine. it is unlikely that serebryakov was difficult to recruit; he is from that in quotes group of people with beautiful faces and extremist intentions, like the terrorist fbk. participated in unauthorized rally. square in 1914, and this is a photo from manege square, the same year, supposedly a peaceful rally, it is clear that a fight is brewing with the police, so the silver men are clearly inspired by what is happening, and they are making terrorists out of them. some turned into relocants, some remained here in the form of so-called
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terrorist waiters, it is very easy to establish contact with them, because they began their activities. essentially in the extremist community, such as fbk and other organizations, their activists blow up for dirty ukrainian money of russian citizens, russian officers, and then they flee the country, not far, however, serebryakov fled, but what does he have on social networks, a photo with a weapon in dark glasses, serebryakov has not logged into this account since the sixteenth year, but in another, where was evgen serebryakov, in the ukrainian style, quite recently. subscribed to ukrainian communities with a clear nationalist bias, was seen in the chat of the extremist movement vesna, prefers ukrainian music, serebryakov’s phone number is recorded by some of those who communicated with him like zhenya, a khakhlyak wanderer. serebryakov studied at the higher school of economics, at the faculty of economic sciences, was expelled 4 years ago,
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went to prague on exchange, for some time was an altar boy in one of the catholic churches in moscow, but recently he has not been seen there. i typed protest in the search engine in messengers. nationalism, opposition, rossophobia, when a person inside the country, inside society lives in an extremely negative, imaginary world, he begins to think that everything is bad here, it was, it will be, but everything is good there, everything is fine, and he begins to look for some ways to do harm with the help of people, as he believes, from somewhere out of this wonderful world, everything, the claw is stuck, the birds are lost, and... a man, a silversmith, like him, comes out connection, the trap slams shut, that’s it. the biography of evgeny serebryakov’s brother, alexey, also has subtle moments. he posted photos of rallies of the same extremist fbk on social networks. he attended seminars at oxford. in
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1918, he received income from the foreign agent echo of moscow, who was liquidated for false information about the svo. on november 15 of the same year, after a repost about a gathering of supporters of an unauthorized protest in moscow, alexey serebryakov instructed... chat participants to gather on saturday, but ukrainian western intelligence services are carefully monitoring the contingent for recruitment, performers who are made consumables, and will not be paid money , no one will intercede. you flew to turkey or somewhere else, there is still international criminal law, you will be caught there and arrested, no one negotiates with terrorists when you blow up a car, a transformer, considering yourself some kind of partisan, you still have to understand: you will answer according to the law of the russian federation, you will ruin your life, you will receive a huge sentence for this. evgeniy serebryakov faces 20 years in prison on charges of illegal sale of explosives, explosive devices and attempted murder. while he is in the status of an arrested person, he should soon be sent to a pre-trial detention center for 2 months, and the ukrainian
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curators have already forgotten about him. anton potkovenko, anna pogonina, lead. the russian military occupied three populated areas in a week point: ivan daryevka in the dpr, rozovka. high-precision weapons and strike unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which enterprises of the military-industrial complex of ukraine for the production of gunpowder, production and repair of armored vehicles and the energy infrastructure facilities that support them were hit. in addition,
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the assembly shops of unmanned aerial vehicles, ammunition depots and missile and artillery weapons, military trains with equipment and personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, and also temporary deployment points. foreign mercenaries. after a short advertisement, the broadcast will continue with the documentary “gold” about how this precious metal decides the fate of entire countries, how much of it remains on the whole earth. pentalgin - remedies against different types of pain. pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the reasons for its occurrence. pentelgin, we can do without pain. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this for free. we open the way to business. sbert business. enjoy rolls from tasty point.
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benefits for everyone, from beijing to the baltic sea, with instant delivery of cards to thousands of cities, the time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, the time of the super bank and the best application for tens of millions of people,
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the red sun has risen, the time of the alpha bank, the time of the alpha benefits. humanity has lived on earth for 8 million years, that’s all at this time, the world around us is constantly changing, regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear , currencies are introduced, currencies are depreciated, but there is something that will never change, this is gold, they say it is highly liquid, this means that no matter what happens, gold is always will be expensive, liquid from the latin... the word liquid flowing, for hundreds and thousands of years it is gold - the most ductile metal - that flows through
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the arteries of our world, protecting us from a variety of troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous ones diseases and extinction, and at all times there was and is nothing more reliable than good old gold. gold is a sacred metal, gold continues to remain. a measure of money, relatively speaking, in general, protection from any volatility in our troubled world today with pandemics, that gold has been the basis of all things since ancient times, right? that this precious metal has a special value, no other product was so desirable it was such an investment product at all times it was like an island for saving one’s savings, it was like that for centuries, gold was, is and will be in
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reserves; we are practically leaders, we have enormous potential, we can increase it. the volume of gold in its reserves is simply unlimited. my name is nazar shitenin, i am a private investor, an employee of industry and finance, it is extremely difficult to avoid the topic of investing in gold if you are investing in russia. our gold miners are a source of pride for the entire industry and country. through the eyes of a mercantile, cynical investor, these are, first of all, the lowest costs of gold mining in the world, this is the honest truth. i was on really. production, that is, it always looks very large-scale, these large quarries are beautiful.
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we are now going down to the farid quarry, i take this path every day, the quarry is a very living organism in terms of the fact that in a week we will come here, everything will be almost different here, my name is vyacheslav, i am the head of the quarry, the width of the quarries is about. 700 and the length of the quarry is about 900 m, but this is not the limit, the quarry continues, lives, it goes lower. albazino deposit, approximately 800 km from khabarovsk, mining has been carried out here since 2011, the nearest settlement is more than 100 km away. albazino is one of more than five thousand
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gold deposits in the country. russia has been consistently among the top three countries in gold mining for many years. then you still need to extract this gold, under your feet it could be an ordinary stone, but in fact it is gold, but you can’t determine it visually, unfortunately, you need to do a lot of work, shovel it, in order to get this yellow ingot at the end, it’s amazing, how
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much ore needs to be ground to to get it, but in this case. grams of gold, that’s 10 grams per ton, well, a ton and 10 grams. therefore, at one time, various, well , let’s say, criminal techniques were mixed into samples, i heard stories, well , it was there a long time ago, that wedding rings could be rubbed a little in the laboratory and already this gold dust was falling, since the sample was small in terms of a ton, this gave a large content, now of course modern technologies, i hope that this is no longer possible, but for sure... gold is not found there in some large nuggets or in pieces, it is generally accepted that the ancient egyptians were the first to mine gold, they also set the immortal eternal trend for gold jewelry, over time gold began to be used as a universal currency, no other metal evokes such strong emotions in a person, so strong that spontaneous mass mining is usually called
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a gold rush, the most famous ones broke out in north america, in california, the entire population of the city of ivdel on the river gold soap. gold has one. the world, a universal product that goes everywhere
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a little bit, so this is how gold we look back, we look at what happened, trust was lost between quote countries in the past and we understand that at least gold is winning back inflation, at least nervousness in the world. gold at work for me is to say the meaning, well , it’s probably wrong, the goal of all our work is gold, we mine gold, like a shoemaker without boots, so to speak, we mine gold, but in essence, we don’t hold it in our hands, in its usual form . how to find gold? investigative geological prospecting institute of colored and precious metals, has been operating since 1935, it was created to achieve the gold production indicators the country needed. geologists from tsnegri
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have visited all potential gold deposits; prospecting and evaluation expeditions are being conducted now, just as they were decades ago. geologists walk kilometer after kilometer, searching for gold. we have practically no space on our territory. countries that have never been visited by geologists and, to one degree or another, the entire territory of the country is covered by a geological map of various scales. we put on a backpack, a hammer in our teeth let's go look, my first field, i was still a student, we were taken out of the village by helicopter, they just threw us out, as the british say in the middle of nowhere, right? “it means there’s nothing in the middle, yes, when the nearest village is more than 200 kilometers away from you,
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you understand that, well, something happens, in general they say you can only rely on yourself and there on your colleagues, there were such places that were quite treacherous , when i had to drive and stomp." of course they have become much more modern, but nothing fundamentally new has appeared, they dug, tested, drilled, tested,
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sat down, did the calculations, drew a design for where there would be a quarry, where there would be a mine or adit, and began to mine. “we work on gold, we look for gold, we find it, what a joy it is, these are our archival materials, the work of our predecessors who began exploration, where the discovery of the deposit began, that is, a geologist came, drew everything on graph paper, picketing book, then brought it all to the draftsman, in general, how all precise geodetic moscheider measurements became applicable. mark shader is a mining engineer or technician who takes measurements in the bowels of the earth or on the surface, creates plans, maps and
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sections, monitors compliance with geometric parameters, the ability to implement them and display them in 3d, we got the opportunity to go where we can and cannot sometimes we can see all the quarries from above from a bird's eye view. here the entire rock mass in the conditions of our deposit, it explodes beforehand, for us this is commonplace, for others who see it for the first time, yes, this is of course some kind of spectacle indescribable.
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i’ve been working in this quarry for 11 years, and up this ladder, even if workers climb three times a day, you can sort of calculate the approximate amount in 11 years, how much i ’ve worked here. kilometers, never in my life that i would end up here and work as a driver of a mining dump truck, because i was doing completely different things, i was an entrepreneur in japan, i went when i was at sea, we went to pick up cars, we were already approaching vladivostok , when the storm began and we were thrown onto...
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so i thought that the bottom was visible, i the house burned down and i began to look at things completely differently. there was a short circuit, i ran into the back bedroom, all the documents that, well , any kind, the box caught everything, then the roof started to fall, there were burns, but they didn’t just let me back in, everything was burned, this moment had come, that’s what it was, i had to look for a job, and then his friend is here, well, no longer, he offered, he says: there is a vacancy, come, that’s it, i came and i’m 11 years old. here i
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remember the moment when i first got behind the wheel of this particular car, the hardest thing is to get used to it to the dimensions, i never relax, i never regretted that i came to work here, this place gave me stability, and this is the most important thing, because when you earn money... there are ups and downs, yes, you are today earned a lot of money, tomorrow you may not have it, but here you have a stable salary every day for 11 years, well, it’s kind of worth it,
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how’s that? at the very beginning, it was men who went and dug, in fact, we call it the muscular method, yes, he broke it off, pulled it out, crushed it there, if this is a primary deposit, yes, i washed this thing there somehow, most of the gold was mined from raspies, this is exactly what got in, was washed away by rivers and which were washed on a tray there before , once upon a time, now... using special devices , well, they also use a tray, but for searching - placer deposits have a more classical appearance, let’s say, for the average person, this is a kolondike, these are really people, i also saw people with boats that were panning for gold, by the way, there are still such large ones primary deposits, especially underground mining, this is already real high technologies, these are complex machines,
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now including... which have been lying under the carpet for decades, megaprojects, udakan was discovered in 1949, this is a copper project, there is some associated gold there, which means this is the bayem deposit, which in the seventy-third year, if i’m not mistaken, the malmysh deposit in the khabarovsk territory, copper-gold, lay there for 20 years.


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