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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 8:30am-9:00am MSK

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uzbekistan they are deciding what to do with the incredibly rich harvest of watermelons, these and other events in central asia in a review by robert frantsev. start your business journey with sber support. sber-business will open an account, help with accounting, legal issues and connect an online cash register. and all this is free. we open the way to business. sberbusiness. i’m chef kote aganezov, on my blog i share simple and quick recipes, and to make it even tastier, the right sauce is important, and story, now it’s definitely delicious, it’s a coffee machine, which you bought with the money you saved on renting an apartment from the owner on cian, rent an apartment at a profit for you.
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welcome to asia, here the heart of the continent beats, and we keep our finger on the pulse. today there is a new scandal about the hijab on the program. in kazakhstan, single men were given equal rights with single ladies, tragedy at a factory in karaganda, new destructive mudflows in kyrgyzstan, the melon harvest season has begun in turkmenistan, in uzbekistan they don’t know what to do with watermelons, there are so many of them. let's start today's program with stunningly beautiful photographs of khantengri peak. the footage was published by almaty photographer dmitry datsenko. huntengry height. kazakhstan and one of the most beautiful peaks in the world. most of the time, huntengry is hidden behind the clouds, only occasionally revealing itself to the eyes of a true ruler of the sky. it’s quite difficult to shoot, because
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the peak is very high, well, that’s the main time of the day, so to say, he is always in the clouds, i have been doing photography for quite a long time, i photographed khantengri,. i also already know approximately , yes, when it is necessary to take pictures, that is, it is either early morning, when there are least clouds, or it is sunset - you can also catch it, plus lighting is also important here, so that the light falls, as it were, at an angle, yes, when the sunset, dawn is such a soft light, it just emphasizes all the contrast of the peak, because even if the weather is good and there is daylight, usually during the day the haze still rises, well, in principle, it is a little light it kind of extinguishes this contrast, namely at dawn and sunset it works well, we generally spent 3 days in the area where the peak is visible, but specifically the filming that i did was 2 days, one day there, unfortunately, it was not visible because of the clouds , but in kyrgyzstan they are conquering their
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peaks, this is a radical measure to combat traffic jams, proposed by the bishkek mayor's office, it is assumed that the bill should limit... the movement of private cars around the city. depending on the license plate number, vehicles will not be allowed to drive onto city ​​roads on one of five working days. the scheme is as follows: if the number ends in one and two, you will not be able to travel on mondays, on three and four on tuesdays, and so on. with nines and zeros at the end, it will not be possible to travel on fridays; restrictions will apply from 7 am to 9:00 pm. that is, at least one day a week it will not be... it will not be possible to move around the city in your own car, it is reported that the idea was borrowed based on the best world practices, in particular, such a radical the method of dealing with congestion has long been successfully used in the capital of mongolia, ulaanbaatar. according to experts, such restrictions will help relieve road congestion by about 20%. but
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other measures are also being discussed, for example, introducing a tourist tax or making entry into the capital for non-resident cars, a fee, depending on the number. seats in the car from 100 soms to 500 to other events of emergency in kazakhstan incident on '. at a glorious plant in the karaganda region , a powerful emission occurred at one of the industrial furnaces. flames, eight workers received terrible burns, immediately after the tragedy russian doctors urgently arrived in karaganda, unfortunately, despite all the efforts of doctors, four people died. new mudflows occurred in kyrgyzstan in the jalalobat region, a powerful flow carried away two dozen cars, flooded a hospital, a shopping center, five bridges and 1 km of internal roads. meanwhile, a vice was detained in oshi. the mayor and three other officials who helped a local deputy buy a plot of land on a mudflow drainage
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canal. later it was covered with earth, sold and houses were built there. these houses were damaged during recent mudflows. in kyrgyzstan , preparations for the kokbar championship for the president's cup are in full swing. for teams from all over the country , this is the most prestigious tournament; one training session can last 4 hours. and it's not just about strength and dexterity. the rider must establish an exceptional one. this is a traditional game of asian nomads: riders must take possession of the carcass of a goat and bring it into the opponent’s cauldron. a dangerous and tough sport for real men. baby horned goats were captured on camera in the surkhan nature reserve. in uzbekistan these animals are protected; today there are about 600 of them. russian president vladimir putin congratulated uzbek leader shavkat mirziyoyev on his birthday and highly noted his personal contribution to
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strengthening the strategic partnership and alliance between the two states. shavkat mirziyoyev turned 67 years old. a congratulatory telegram was published on the kremlin website. putin noted that under the leadership of mirziyoyev, the republic has achieved significant success in the social and economic spheres. uzbekistan strengthened its position on the world stage. vladimir putin also congratulated his colleague over the phone. teplov with... recent fruitful negotiations in tashkent as part of a state visit to uzbekistan. during the conversation, the heads of state confirmed their mutual commitment to the future development of russian-uzbek relations. in recent years, relations between russia and uzbekistan have truly reached a qualitatively new level. russia accounts for more than 15% of the total foreign trade of uzbekistan, this is second place after china. in the twenty-third year, trade turnover between our countries increased by 11.5%. and reached more than 820 billion rubles. in the first quarter of this year, it already amounted to 207 billion,
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an increase of almost 20% compared to the same period last year. also this week, the birthday boy’s book was presented. shavkat mirziyoyev’s new work is called modernity and new uzbekistan. the book contains six chapters, in which shavkat mirziyoyev discusses the development of uzbekistan and global challenges. truth that has passed the test of history. is as follows: a nation capable of changing itself, transforming time into opportunity, opportunity into achievement, achievement into the basis of development - this is a great nation, such a nation is without a doubt capable of changing life, the social environment and will certainly achieve its intended goal. and in kazakhstan there is a scandal over the hijab, or rather because of the provocative statements about it by the singer ulangasyr kami. stated that the cause of domestic violence, it turns out, is not sadistic
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tendencies or other mental abnormalities, but the lack of a headscarf on a woman’s head. even if a conscientious girl gets her head cut off, she won’t take off her hijab, neither will i i don’t care if i force my wife to wear a hijab. if the girl does not agree to this, then let her leave; if a woman behaves indecently, then it is better not to marry her. husbands kill their wives because they... don't wear hijab. according to statistics, last year 108 murders in the domestic sphere were recorded in kazakhstan. this is every fifth murder in the country. the other day there was another tragedy in the kazalarda region. a man beat his twenty-one-year-old wife to death. tried to escape, was detained hot on our heels. however, it is not specified whether the girl was wearing a hijab. and another scandal with wearing religious clothing is already in uzbekistan in tashkent at the kuelyuk market. law enforcement officers detained a man who was walking around the bazaar in a hijab. first,
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passersby noticed the strange lady, and then the police asked the person to take off her medical mask to show her bearded face. and just a month ago, another cross-dressing enthusiast was detained in tashkent, also a man hiding under a hijab. and here it is worth recalling that the country has a law on concealing the face in public places, it prohibits clothing that does not... allow identification. about the existing norms for wearing religious clothing in our review. the most stringent legislation in this regard is in tajikistan. a whole range of measures have been taken there. aimed at eradicating ostentatious religiosity, in particular, back in 2018, the country’s government recommended that women refuse to wear religious clothing, including the hijab, niqab and other types of veils. in june of this year , president rahmon approved the recommendations legislatively. men in tajikistan , in turn, are prohibited from growing so -called wahhabi beards, when the hair on the cheeks and chins
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is preserved, and the mustache is carefully shaved. the parliamentarian proposes to introduce measures similar to those in tajikistan. kyrgyzstan, there in november last year a bill was brought up for public discussion to amend the code of offenses with two new articles: personal identification in public places and wearing voluminous beards in public places. in uzbekistan, wearing niqabs and any other religious attire that does not allow personal identification will be punishable by an administrative fine from 2023. in kazakhstan, the ban on wearing the hijab applies only to schools, as it violates internal regulations. establishments, while at the state level there is no ban on wearing religious clothing, although there are periodic conversations about this. in turkmenistan, prohibitions on wearing religious attributes are not reflected in the law. and in kazakhstan, new uranium deposits were discovered, the deposit is located in the south of the country in turkestan region. according to preliminary estimates, reserves reach approximately 30,000
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tons. the development will be carried out by the state-owned kasatamprom. it is worth recalling here that kazakhstan is global. for uranium mining. here are the data for the twenty-first year. the republic produces more than 40% of the total world volume. another central asian country in the top five largest producers is uzbekistan. russia is in sixth place. single men in kazakhstan were allowed to adopt children. previously, this was prohibited by law. in the family code it was said that adoptive parents. unmarried males cannot be intolerant; a certain man went to court, considering that the law in this formulation is an infringement of the rights of the stronger sex, strong but lonely, and the constitutional court of the republic met halfway. in general, it is logical, because
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no one prohibits single women from raising children, which results in gender inequality and the country’s constitutional court, a discriminatory norm. canceled, emphasizing that everything is done in the interests of children, of course. russia, turkmenistan, iran and kazakhstan signed a roadmap for the synchronous development of the north-south corridor. the trade and export forum was held in the city of oktao on the shores of the caspian sea. according to the document, it is planned to focus on the development of the eastern branch of the corridor. the direction is presented mainly to railway communications, if there is an agreement. completed by 2027, it will increase throughput capacity to 15 million tons per year, by 2030 to 20 million. the agreement on the international north-south transport corridor was signed back in 2000 india, iran and russia, initially the corridor was supposed to connect india with european countries and become a more profitable alternative to the soviet canal. today
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, 14 countries participate in the project in one form or another. in july of the twenty-second year , the first commercial cargo was dispatched. an important logistics hub within the north-south corridor is located in astrakhan; last year alone, over 100,000 tons of cargo from azerbaijan, iran, india, pakistan and turkey passed through it. on the territory of the center there are two terminals with temporary storage warehouses, fruit and vegetable products, refrigerators for meat, dairy and fish products. customs clearance takes place here, and from here the products are sent to the rosselkhoznadzor laboratories for examination. quantity. it is planned to increase the number of goods to russia through the astrakhan hub this year , more than 6.00 tons of cargo were received here from uzbekistan alone. rakhan region the republic of uzbekistan is the most important partner, we are developing cooperation in a variety of directions and of course, first of all we are interested in trade and economic cooperation. at the end of last year, we observed an increase in export supplies to us by
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10%. there is also an increase in import supplies. and in other news: the prosecutors general of the sco member countries gathered in bishkek last week, discussed strengthening cooperation in the context of developed digital technologies, exchanged experience in countering modern threats, talked about the protection of human rights in the digital space, and expressed confidence that such cooperation will strengthen law and order and justice in the sco states. governor of the tyumen region alexander mor and prime minister of kazakhstan oljaz biktenov discussed joint projects in estonia. the trade turnover of the republic and the russian region over the past year has increased by one and a half times, and so is trade. was just picking up pace, we agreed to improve the infrastructure at the border, so two new lanes for trucks and two more for cars will soon be introduced, and another important area
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of ​​cooperation is the oil and gas sector, from the exchange of technologies to the training of specialists. we have defined in our interuniversity campus, key areas of work, which also include the oil and gas sector, these are new materials, engineering, and we also, well, firstly, present this project, and secondly, we offer it to partners from kazakhstan, oil and gas companies of kazakhstan, ae, to act with partners, with our russian companies, because the main task of the campus is not only to provide and improve the educational process, but to become a research platform, a platform for creating scientific and technological startups. in the melon harvest season has begun in turkmenistan, the main plantations are located in the south of the country, local... farmers mainly grow the vaharman variety, also known as sugar melon. according to the turkmen proverb, a melon has 100 days, then pick it. and this rule is respected:
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up to 25 tons of harvest are obtained per hectare; melons are sent to the domestic market for export to the cis countries, including russia. but uzbek farmers don’t know what to do with their watermelons. there is a lot of harvest this year, but there is no corresponding demand and the result is a sweet berry. goes to feed livestock or the sun is just rotting. some experts propose to solve the problem this way: launch factories for the preparation of watermelon juice. but there is good news: kittens were born to a snow leopard from tajikistan at the perm zoo. these are the first aksu cubs to be rescued from a poacher's trap in the tajik mountains. the birth of snow leopards in captivity is unique. event for russia, the zoo’s press service reported; in 2019 , a red book cat was rescued as part of an international experiment on the translocation of snow leopards from tajikistan to russia. among the pervm
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zoologists have a lot of experience in captive breeding from a gentle leopard, and that’s how the aksu came to us. oksu was a fairly young cat who came to us, well, since she is a cat, after all, fallen from nature, and with such a difficult fate, but when she arrived, she was quite aggressive, but it was quick. now she’s even more than a snowball, she’s probably people-oriented, she communicates well with the keepers who look after her, and well, she got used to it pretty quickly and, by the way, she got along with the snowball pretty quickly, of course, it’s not easy the process of obtaining offspring from leopards, especially since it requires a suitable enclosure, and suitable conditions, food content, ensuring the process of pairing, bringing together a male and a female, the first time is also quite... a long, complicated process, but fortunately the pair worked out us, the kittens are developing well, according to their age, they are in weight, they are actively growing, they are starting to play, soon, i think, the mother will start
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taking them outside for walks. in kazakhstan, scientists from the institute of genetics and physiology compiled a genetic portrait breeds of taz dogs, studies that have been carried out since 2021 have shown the uniqueness of this ancient breed, tazis or otherwise, the skye barzai breed of dogs for horse hunting in desert areas, in kazakhstan they have long been recognized as a national treasure, but at the international level the breed is still not registered, genetically pure livestock is required for international recognition. first of all, research has confirmed that taza is a unique breed, that is, the breed is genetically different from other externally similar breeds, greyhounds, such like salukis, for example. so the research results showed that these are completely different dogs. also, knowing genetics, we will be able to ensure purity and maintain the health of the breed, and by preventing its crossbreeding, uh,
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we will also be able to control inbreeding, that is, inbreeding. also , the presence of such studies is a mandatory requirement for the official recognition of the breed in the international canine federation. we are just passing through now. this procedure, the distinguishing feature of the pelvis from other greyhounds is his incredible endurance is his sense of smell; the dog can pursue prey for a long time, even if he has lost sight of it. since ancient times, taza lived with the kazakhs, was adapted to the nomadic way of life, and was always revered as a model of fidelity and an assistant in the hunt. during difficult periods, several basins could feed a small olon. the breed is aboriginal, that is, it arose through, let’s say ,
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the pelvis and lives in austria, hungary, italy, estonia, great britain, the usa, turkey and other countries. that's all for us, we'll definitely see you in the center of asia, take care myself.
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let's translate from clerical to understandable, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
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the chelebinsk village of kiolim was completely freed of water after a dam broke; due to prolonged rainfall, the protective structure could not withstand it, residential buildings fell into the flood zone, and people were evacuated. now rescuers have begun restoration work, we’ll find out more details from our correspondent yana skonechnaya, she’s live on the phone, hello, what ’s happening on site now, colleagues, good morning. i’ll tell you a little about the restoration work later, as for the residents of the flooded village, now we are in the administration of the city of karabash, and people are just coming here, writing an application for financial assistance, that is, there will be two types of material assistance, the first, something like for moral damage will be paid to those , who were in their homes at the time of flooding, the second type is loss of property, that is, partial loss.
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bring out those whose animals survived, in the village itself the picture is now depressing, and the houses are partially, some of the houses are destroyed, some are completely they floated away, like transport, like heavy equipment, the footage showed that a heavy tractor, for example, was lying on its side, in general, while the people themselves were exactly...


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