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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 27, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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the path to business. sberbusiness. sansa. this is what asian tastes like. when you live at x2 speed, not sparing your stomach. duspatalin duo for pain and bloating. you are not alone, we are a duo. duspatalin duo. order from zdrav city. get money at least every day. become a courier with yandex food. at an excellent interest rate. in the branch and online. honor of the anniversary of russian lotto, more frequent drawings, more draws, more prizes, more chances of winning, buy tickets on the website, in stoloto brand stores, in mvidio eldorado, stunning benefits when purchasing equipment as a set, built-in hotpoint dishwasher for only 17,500 rubles when purchased as a set. syota, your money will not fly away. hurray, you’re catching up,
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discoveries the collapse of civilization and the decline of europe. the olympic games ceremony in paris drew the ire of spectators around the world. millions of people today are trying to digest what they saw. an unprecedented action worth one and a half billion euros, singing mary. with his severed head in his hands, a horseman over the hay, in which users of social networks recognized the horseman of the apocalypse, a disgusting parody of the last supper, a monumental painting work by leonard da vinci, which depicts the scene of the last meal of christ with the apostles, only here there is a naked man and a transvestite in the leading roles. in turn, the russian orthodox church expressed solidarity with the millions of christians who felt insulted yesterday.
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this was stated by the deputy chairman of the synodal department for relations between the church and society and the media, vakhtang-kipshidze. and while all over the world they are remembering the spectacular ceremonies of the olympics, in which, unlike this one, there was also sports culture. many in europe they are already seriously thinking about political asylum in russia. alexey konopko gathered worldwide reaction to the opening of the games in paris. they decided to make everything unusual in this ceremony. from the stadium, the boats for the parade athletes, the culmination is not at all in the lighting of the torch. if there were just transgender people, maybe there would be no scandal. in europe, there are generals in skirts with mustaches, but these borrowed body parts were arranged in the form of the last supper. this is the most important moment of christianity, when jesus gives his body blood on the eve of his resurrection to the cross. france. whose culture is
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human rights and freedom, based on christianity, she thought it was right to ridicule the christian faith, would they dare to ridicule islam, in islam there is no depiction of people otherwise like-minded. bdo would hardly have been stopped by anything, a saint, nothing, regardless of faith. even as a jew, i am furious at this outrageous insult to jesus and christianity. what do you think about this as christians? paris received angry comments even with the birthplace of the lgbt agenda. senator marco rubio quotes from the epistle of jude. in recent from time to time scoffers appear, walking according to their own ungodly lusts. elon musk, who lost his son due to aggressive trans propaganda , could not stay away. it was extremely disrespectful. i ask russia to give me asylum, i don’t want to be part of this shit show, why russia, it’s clear from the video next door, sochi and paris, only 10 years have passed, with a beard with a woman’s
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breasts and protruding genitals, this was also on the air, the action was just beginning; the child was seated at the same table. which is quite fits into the context, they accept at these games a convicted pedophile, dutch von develd, who will play beach volleyball and shake hands. we will remember these transgressions in 10 years, either they will become commonplace and will not shock anyone, or, on the contrary, they will be perceived as an indicator of decline in 2024, and that it was necessary to turn back the clock. against this general background, the french’s ridicule of their own history even somehow faded. the severed head of marie antoinette. broadcast from the windows of the conserverie, where the queen was in i was waiting for execution in due time. and the guards had to dance to techno. above all this, reminiscent of the revelation of john the theologian, a pale horse flew, directed by tama zhali. his life partner is also named tama. and
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the artist who follows the trend has many strange decisions. this is exactly how the british air force pilots lived during their time, not just a piano but a piano. world war ii in memory of his fallen comrades, the british lenon would hardly have understood the find, modern pilots were not included in the broadcast at all, the de france patrol tried only for the parisians, cameras and performances were missed tightrope walker, no one even thought of coping with the water on their lenses, the invited artists were soaked to the skin. next time it's better to use speed boats. such is the preparation, south korea was twice called the dprk, causing, of course, protest. ok, i had to apologize for that, france didn’t apologize for anything. bravo to the artists, organizers, police, officials, volunteers, huge congratulations to everyone, we are proud of what you have done for france. the mainstream european press also seemed to have not noticed anything, from liberción to
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el paiz, sheer admiration, orthodox the greeks just let us down. the olympics have been used for political messages because 8 billion people can watch them.
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to spoil a good idea, in general, after all , for the first time in modern history, an upside-down olympic flag was taken out of the stadium of the opening games of the games, only 32 russian and belarusian athletes, who not only had a flag, but even their presence was banned, missed the ceremony, almost snoopdog looked like the most adequate participant. alexey kanapko, anastasia serikova and andrey netreba, news! there are a lot of things that can be confused, but
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food, increase your income, this summer is with us, this summer will sparkle with new colors, buy a big combo, collect collections of glasses and summer impressions, only at a delicious point, this is summer with us. those who often walk along tverskaya will probably say that this building was not in the courtyards here, but recently it was the hallmark of the main street of the capital, savinskoe a courtyard, a house that...
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stood at the beginning of the 20th century, for example, now we see how
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a recreated window has already been temporarily installed and installed, because the original window was already in a state of disrepair and was kept literally on one ’s word of honor, a re-creation naturally, it is carried out within the framework of restoration canons, that is, it is the same type of materials, that is, if the window was made of oak, then accordingly the material must be a recreation, respectively, also oak. in the nineties everything was violated, but apparently there was a contract concluded with unscrupulous contractors and elements.
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those who have recently moved into the house say they can't wait to see the historical monument as it was 117 years ago. i really like how the front doors are made, how can i say, they, i can’t call them entrances, because they are just beautiful front doors, that’s why the windows are being replaced, the facade is being made and in general the historical appearance of a beautiful building is being created, because i only saw it in photographs, old photographs. when you arrive at the site, so i can say from myself, for about a week, probably, you just need to go and touch the object, start living with it, because they are all different, they are all different from different eras, they, let’s say, show the style of this or that architect, who thought completely, who thought completely differently,
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builders and restorers work every day to preserve and... create the historical appearance of the capital, they challenged the past, this is what happened now. over the past 10 years , more than 2,000 architectural monuments have been restored in moscow and objects of cultural heritage. more than 700 buildings and structures have been recognized as cultural heritage sites. more than 100,000 architectural finds were discovered during excavations, including elements of old buildings and fragments of household items.
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at work, we rarely come across so much brick decor, all sorts of them on the facade, because, for example, in our arches, eyebrows, kokoshniks, and we just first had to study what element is called what and how to identify it on the facade. the estate periodically changed its appearance, and now the task of the masters is to preserve up to 70% original parts. the brick columns are plastered and painted. the missing parts are completed, the workshop is right here, all the time you are in tension, well, concentrated, especially when you are drawing small details, so sometimes you have to take a walk, look away into the distance to unfocus your eyes, because then it is much easier to work. this is a marble staircase in the lobby, the steps have been preserved, but
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the accompanying elements have been lost, as well as one of the tables, here is one that has been preserved. archive, photographs, collections with descriptions, drawings and research, they will restore the garden around the palace, and go back 200 years. the princess brought in a book that told the gardener what to plant and where. from the trees we were also able to determine the direction of the main paths that were here; by the way, we restored them, that is, we planted linden trees that... fit into the composition of the already existing historical linden and larches, in order to preserve the antiquity, they are used here in the garden modern technologies, these paths are made of environmentally friendly material, which is capable of passing water like a sieve, the soil does not need to be sealed in order for moisture and air to pass to the plants. soon muscovites and guests will be shown the
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ostankin estate museum, a complex of the 14th-19th centuries, a unique work. and volumetric, now a careful approach makes it possible to return the theater building to its original appearance, not just beautiful facades, the foundation, sheremetyev’s secrets had to be unraveled, the designer who worked on his order destroyed the sketches, and now only photographs, paintings and numerous descriptions of the palace help restorers. treatment wooden structures that are being repaired now are made with old tools, are not... of an individual nature, that is , they figured out on the spot how and what to make from what, for example, this chandelier, which seems like a heavy bronze chandelier, is actually wooden, decorated with mastic,
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the columns that surround the beletage, at first glance, are marble, in fact they are also wooden, the soil was made specially using technology approved by the department of cultural heritage, we did not buy it, we even work with pieces... for this wallpaper we we are planning to recreate the decoration of the entire eastern gallery, which was not planned in the original project; now , today , these reliefs have already been completely cleared, and the finest elements, the finest details, faces, folds, hands of the figures, even with marigolds, have been revealed. the more modern moscow theater will also be transformed - the legendary snuffbox, modern sound, stage lighting, stage mechanization, the theater occupies the basement and first floor
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of an ancient building on chiplygino, a house built in 1900 , 40 years ago, oleg tabakov found for performances in a coal warehouse, since then the room has been transformed, the halls attracted full houses, and over time the walls were decorated with antique stucco from different eras. and styles, it is also being actively restored. this is very interesting in that it is art nouveau, but it is not very typical of moscow art nouveau, closer to the palace part, therefore, from the manner of sculpting, it is clear that it was most likely made in the northern capital, we are finalizing the precise detail of all the detailing and transferring it to finishing molds and make finishing castings, they will be the same as they were in the 19th century only... this is stucco from the 19th century, which was carefully removed using special technology on the territory of the tabakov theater, brought here in a deplorable state, like a puzzle from fragments,
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put together the overall picture, and then an exact copy was cast, which is ready to go back to the theater. the most high-tech apartment building in moscow, from the beginning of the 20th century, it is now rising. ore boulevard, soon the famous insurance house will shine with bright colors and interesting design, autonomous well, stove heating of the apartment from 200 to 400 m, above 4 m ceilings, meter walls, the house was autonomous from the city like a palace, like a castle, at the same time decorated on the outside like a real palace, there is a huge number of decorative elements that are intricately intertwined with non-renaissance elements. modern. but even with such powerful data from the insurance company russia, this is the name of the house. we have been talking about a major overhaul of this monument for a long time, especially since the residents
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of the house know its history well and want to preserve it. just imagine that every brick of this building, every brick has the personal mark of ivan pavlovich voronin. one of the largest, yes, the largest and the best, brick. clock, the clock, however, has not worked for a long time, and is purely decorative in nature, but nevertheless, there is a bell that has never rung in history, thereby surviving during the revolution, let me remind you that the building was built at the end of ... century at the beginning of the twentieth, 902, this is the house of the russian insurance company and at one time it was the most advanced, most expensive, most pompous
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apartment building. and of course, objects of shrine in moscow, which is not an ancient temple, it is a masterpiece; on the list for restoration is the church of peter and paul, a temple built according to the sketch of peter i. there were seven such sketches made here in soviet times. scientific institution, the walls were glued, painted over, deformed, then modern restorers began to reveal the secrets of this church, several layers of painting were redecorated, the rows of the iconostasis were determined by one single entry in the book of donations of merchants to the temple, there is a phrase that the merchant is such and such, a certain number donated gold for in order for the iconostasis to be gilded, they studied ancient documents, paintings by
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analogy... they concluded what the iconostasis is made of, how much wood was spent, in the near future it will be brought to the restored temple, it will be installed by the end of the year, then the work can be considered completed, the church will be the same as at the beginning of the 16th century, and there are hundreds of such objects.
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same thing work, the same tasks. deadlift, my record is 285. i couldn't sit up because i was in normal shape. 1:1, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction? come on. well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, soon it will be 2 years, here in avdeevka people were driven to death, there was terror, it’s flying, everything is flying here, guys,
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scammers, trying to get out of you money, hang up without talking, powerful streams of water demolished houses, cars, livestock and crops after a dam broke in the chelyabinsk region. presidential envoy to uralsky federal district vladimir yakushev instructed to provide the necessary assistance as quickly as possible to residents whose homes were damaged due to the destruction of platinum. the authorities of the chelyabinsk region promised financial assistance in the amount of 20,000 rubles per person. a report by kiril bortnikov about the consequences of a dam break. this is what the village looks like, which was flooded just a few hours ago. the level exceeded 100 cm, fast flows washed away crops, fences, and outbuildings.


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