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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm MSK

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scheme number two: the fraudster reports that an illegal withdrawal of money has occurred. the criminal introduces himself to bank employees and reports that someone tried to debit money from the account, in order to stop a suspicious transaction, they ask for full card details. scheme number three. a fraudster wants to buy your product and asks for your card details. if you post something on a sales site, the attacker offers to buy it and asks for your card information. in order to allegedly transfer money to you, it lures not only the number, but the expiration date, as well as a three-digit code. scheme number 4. the fraudster asks to hand over the card data to law enforcement agencies. the swindler introduces himself as a bank employee and says that a criminal case of theft of money from accounts is being investigated, so tomorrow the police will call and ask for the card number to help the investigation. scheme number 5. the scammer asks to transfer money because he got it.
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provide your card number, because the security service there, including sberbank, takes care of the reliability of all transactions, there is a suspicion that this means this operation is illegitimate, and some scammers are trying to me to steal money, an analysis of the possible sources of these calls, which we actually make, shows us that approximately 40%, plus these are calls that are made from...
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we enlarge the map, we see what kind of correctional institutions are here, well, actually, the map is enlarged, everything is clear right in the city in the city center and then we will enter the list yes yes and now show the transactions they have a strip of waste. strip, here are the attempts, here is the amount of theft, please note, the amount of theft, krasnoyarsk region 2.291, here is the amount of theft that is being carried out of these turnens, this is for a day, for a day, so for a month, and this is for a month, yes, this is analytics for a month, and one at a time, one provider per month, one provider at a time, these are not all telephone channels, now transactions are taking place , now they are coming from the colony, from a specific colony, now i’ll tell you all about it, yes. that is, from colony to colony from
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colony to colony, and even this we see, we have now opened moscow, this is a colony, this is pre-trial detention center number two, this is butyrka, it says season number two, that’s right, season number two, at the current moment, i am correct, today is the eighth of october at 18:10, these are the ones that are coming and some transfers are coming from there. that is, now you can call and inform the employees there, the police and the authorities , that yes, yes, they showed us how they block fraudulent actions in real time, they decided to call a randomly selected client from whom they tried to steal money from her card a minute ago. hello, i am an employee of sberbank, my name is svetlana, according to your card. an attempt to write off funds
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via the internet, please tell me did you perform this operation? no, nothing, i ’m telling you, someone already called me, i was the girl there , call me, please. this girl's data was reported, card number, expiration date, security on the back, passwords that came from number 900, number, no, password, yes, daria nikolaevna, you communicated with scammers, scammers ask for this information in order to write off money funds from your accounts, there were no write-offs, there were no write-offs, please tell me if there are any questions still left regarding the information provided, that is, this is our rodmonitoring...
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ageenko, dmitry vannikov and pavel kavlegov, news from murmansk. our colleague, a correspondent for the rossiya tv channel in murmonsk, almost became a victim of a call from the pre-trial detention center. great, you’re like, well, hello, but i found out, naturally, every person who wants to be good, he’s like, well, seryoga, or is it anton, or what, yes, listen, it’s like this and like that, and the fraudster thus gains confidence, the conversation with the unknown igor was first recorded on a car recorder, and then on a smartphone camera, the journalist published a video of the negotiations on his blog, these are footage, the swindler is trying in every possible way to ingratiate himself into trust.
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well, come on over, i was lucky to have some fun, because i changed several regions in my life, when he’s like this, i say, are you going to murmansk, and he’s like, yes, and where are you passing now, well, this one, what’s his name, this one, it’s not far located, i say, belogorsk or something, and belogorsk is a city in the amur region, where i’m from, well, naturally murmansko and belogorsk - this distance there is incompatible, it’s 1.9 km, it’s like that, belogorsk, the so-called old friend called again, when igor had already arrived home and turned to the unexpected about
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they were set up, they are afraid to take the money, i say commander, well, i’m not a set-up , i’m not a set-up, i’m going to set him up, someone recently visited them, well, i say, don’t believe me , they’ll confirm the phone for you, i’m going to visit, not a set-up, let’s do something... then we’ll decide on the spot, naturally, the person starts passing the phone to this one. eh, hello, man, well , a good friend, he’s trying to get rid of his fictitious earring, traffic police officer, like, i don’t take money, actually, but you can get a card for you can send the card, yes senior nat alexey nikolaevich, savinov, my last name, i’m listening to you, hello, good evening, what’s up? this happened, so this citizen is your relative? no, not
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a relative, just a close friend, and you explain to your friend that under no circumstances would you ever behave like that, got into my car, started pushing money in his own way, i have a camera on my chest, a camera in the car, at my head his thoughts, although the person on the other end of the line spoke very convincingly, the journalist realized that a fraudster, a counterfeiter, was hanging on the phone imaginary friend. igor ogeenko decided to find out how it would all end and continued to play the role, maybe there is a chance to somehow come to an agreement, well, excuse me, idiot, but what is he? you can come to me, alexander vladimirovich, alexander vladimirovich, so the situation is as follows, i can’t take money for two reasons, firstly, i have everything recorded on camera, this time, it will have to be deleted.
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internal bank information leakage, you must not waste time, go through verification, otherwise the bank
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will block the card, you will need to tell card details, now name the sixteen-digit symbols on your credit card, what month and year is it valid for, you urgently need to cash out money from your card so that it doesn’t get stolen, why the hell did you decide to call or something, and this the best thing is when you give up, and i... i understand, let’s go back to the searches again. number one, also known as sailor silence, we recall that operatives raided the capital’s detention center in june 2020, after they received information that the institution’s employees turn a blind eye to calls from cells and even supply prisoners with mobile phones, sim cards, chargers and routers for
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distributing the internet, prison scammers work day and night, this was confirmed by the holes put on...
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the pre-trial detention centers and thus create an extensive network of passages connected burrows between each other, an excellent opportunity to exchange any small objects, for this the inmates sew covers and tie ropes to them, sometimes on such a cord there are several tripartite containers, a kind of a train of cases filled with phone chargers can move from cell to cell vertically and horizontally. in order to camouflage the secret labyrinth in... the walls of sailor silence, the prisoners block the entrances and exits from it with bricks, here they are on video, or they cover the holes with temporary wallpaper, all these tricks were discovered by the operatives, and everything leaves from there, everything is gone, everything, everything they threw it here, holy shit, yeah.
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the prisoners were always one step ahead, while the search was going on on one floor, cases with mobile phones were lowered down the stairs on ropes. mines. realizing this, the security forces rushed down to the first floor, blocked the outermost cells on the left and right along the corridor and began a search that finally brought results. yes, the road is hot, we’ll find it now, what kind of cameras is this? phones, chargers, wireless headphones, wireless headphones, holy crap, here's another headset, phones, cell phone, samsung, cell phone, and they're the same, obviously someone brought in the same batch, which wasn't found in the cells on the first floor, phones
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all kinds of brands. chargers for them, wired and wireless headphones, routers for the internet, smart watches, or a stationery knife. by the way, even during the search , the prisoners managed to destroy their mobile phones. telephones in the sailor's silence almost started a riot; prisoners on all floors began banging on doors, knocking on metal beds and shouting threats.
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it started there, they called in a reinforced squad there, because they beat on the doors, the locks, everything there, that is, such unpleasant enough things happened, they showed in every possible way that they were against what is happening in their... and now about what was found in the officers’ offices, searches began simultaneously with investigative actions in the prisoners’ cells, this completely excluded the possibility of hiding anything and getting rid of the evidence. the staff of the pre-trial detention center were very surprised when they saw people in civilian clothes on the doorstep. “the security forces were interested in the contents of boxes, desks and safes; from them they took out departmental documentation, official notepads and notebooks.
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the operatives paid special attention to a statement written by a certain”: under investigative navruzov addressed to the head of the detention center. the prisoner reports that his relatives met with the pre-trial detention center employees for six months and gave them money so that they could be imprisoned in good conditions. they also found cell-by-cell lists of inmates, who was in which block, when they were arrested, under what article, and so on. a kind of prison house book, actually hand-written by pretrial detainees, and then, in my opinion, yashchinka and well, there
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, accordingly, on our side, but i think, of course, they were looking for first of all telephones, at first the officers refused, saying that we don’t have any mobile phones, we have a telephone, what? mobile phones and expensive smartphones with large but soon phones were found with cheap push-button screens, as well as sim cards, electronic watches, cigarette packs, in short, everything that could be sold.
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it turns out that not only do the employees of the ministry of internal affairs know about this, they call them in every possible way, but they cannot defeat this disease in any way. two employees of sezo sailor silence were arrested. vladislav ostapenko and sergei vaitko were accused of receiving.
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the perpetrator of these criminal acts, the crimes they are charged with were committed with intent. they didn’t understand perfectly well what was allowed, what wasn’t, uh, what could be carried in, what couldn’t, with whom you could communicate, with whom you couldn’t, so they were quite conscientious adults. the exact amount of funds is being established, but we understand that it fluctuates around 5 million rubles. contrary to the interests of the service , they systematically received bribes from those arrested under investigation to ensure illegal movement into the territory under investigation. isolation ward, sim cards, phones, alcohol drinks and other prohibited items. in total, from january to june 2019, officials
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illegally transported people into the territory. from 80 to 100 smartphones. the presence of other prohibited items in pre-trial detention centers is a gross violation of the regime and can contribute to the commission of crimes by persons held in pre-trial detention centers, including remote theft of citizens' funds from bank cards. fixed prices were established for each illegally smuggled item; for example, the cost of bringing in a smartphone was 20,000 rubles. sim cards - 1.0 rub. alcohol - 3,000 rub. for the letter, many are interested in the numbers, and what is the reaction from the leadership of the penitentiary service in relation to those employees who committed this official misconduct, i want to say that this year about 99 criminal cases were initiated against 56 employees of the penal system, 170 employees it is for this reason that someone was dismissed from the ranks of the penitentiary and fell
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under the remedy. under investigation, of course, well, at the present time, together with state duma deputies, we are trying, so to speak, to introduce additional changes to the laws so that, well, in addition to administrative, there would also be criminal liability, probably only in this way we will get rid of the supply of a telephone, absolutely true, it would seem that
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there is generally a need to bring it there, that is , carry it, don’t carry it, they will are still blocked, that is, if there is no, yeah, there is no effect from the carry-through, then there will be no carry-through itself. the management is very aware of the situation, we, in fact, for more than 4 years have recorded a large number of operations that take place precisely from the colony, we we regularly inform law enforcement agencies, including the federal penitentiary service, about this ; i personally told one of the former heads of the penitentiary service about the details , but unfortunately, or for some reason unknown to me, our information was never implemented. deputies place great hopes on the current
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director of the armed forces of russia to restore order in pre-trial detention centers.


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