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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 28, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm MSK

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the battle for kiev, in fact, took the right side; the culmination of the grandiose archaeological expedition preceding the construction of the new khersanes was this unique find. the most interesting moments, of course, were when we discovered these unique burial structures, these are columbariums, we were the first to find heroon, it was generally for us, well, it was so amazing, unique, i said. the situation that this could even be one of the founders of hensades, that is, this often happened in the ancient in the ancient world, in the ancient greece, after the death of these people, they were elevated to the rank of heroes. this has to do with the political structure of the city, the social structure of the city, and the economic level of development of the city. we understand the structure, we understand that important citizens were in charge, we understand that they were respected, worshiped, and part of this is part of it. the nikropolis, where
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heroun stood, is such an iconic place, it is the most difficult work, because each object consists of thousands of parts, we had to take into account each of them, give it a number , and then assemble it safely on a new one place, this work is being carried out by the same team that was engaged in the restoration of the triumphal arch of palmyra, there are 4,627 stone parts, that is... we dismantled them and now we will assemble them in front of the building of the museum of antiquity and byzantium in the historical and archaeological park under construction, included in the black list sanctions from ukraine due to the fact that we work in crimea, yes, we have expeditions in crimea, but this is very funny, because we worked in crimea under the tsarist regime, under the soviet regime, under ukraine, before ukraine.
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after ukraine, during ukraine, so this our monument, and we feel family ties to it. when the museum began to have the high status of a federal museum, khersanes tauride, we saw a large number of monuments that had stood in the forests for decades, when...
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there, as far as i know, foreign foreign archaeological expeditions worked there on the territory of khersanes, everything that they found it there, everything was taken away, where it was taken, where they are, in what condition is still unknown, there are no catalogs, there are no documents that would have been confirmed one way or another, but the fact that this disgrace was happening, it is of course regrettable, colossal, maybe over time we will find out and... return to our historical homeland, this lack of attention to our shrine testified to inattention. this conditional untenable political structure, which was called ukraine for some time, inattention to its own essence, to its own roots, ukraine has neither a past nor a future, which is why it treated hersanes with consumerism.
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i don’t care, in order to create a state, you need to have historical wisdom, and of course, instead of attacking this empire, instead of humiliating the russian people, they should have , on the contrary, gone in this direction, go to the east, go to light, to go to chersonese, but the ukrainian authorities, under the influence of the west , the same dark forces that orthodoxy resisted for centuries under these influences, the ukrainians lost themselves. betrayal of your grand duke, your ruler, our common ruler, this is betrayal our, our entire history, our entire path, when the special military operation began, i had a chance to talk with vladimir vladimovich, i understood how difficult the situation in the country is, and i asked him what we have with chersonesos, are we suspending now?
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he says, no, everything continues, and this was very important, that is, it is extremely important for the whole country, for understanding. our past, present and future project, so the responsibility has increased even more, of course, with us, because the project is a preliminary design for the museum christianity in this territory, it was signed by nicholas ii in 913, but then the first world war began and it prevented it. to implement these plans, now that a special military operation has begun, vladyka tikhan, who, on your instructions, is implementing this project, asked you if we are suspending hersenez, or moving on, you said then, absolutely not, of course, we continue, why these are the patriotic problems
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that you think the new hersenez can solve, but because we always, especially in this period of our development, our history, we need success, we need... victory, and victory cannot be without a solid foundation, a moral, ethical, spiritual foundation, and this foundation is precisely created by our history, our traditions and pride in what our ancestors did to strengthen the fatherland is still, in a sense, our weapon today.
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you can believe it or not, but when you come to the territory of hersanes and see ancient temples in huge numbers. you understand what, what energy this is filled with place. chersonesus is such an assemblage point, but you can use this analogy. there russia was baptized, emerging from the darkness of paganism and moving into the light of orthodoxy. there we connect with the oldest, deepest and richest byzantine tradition, absorbing it into our culture as well. this, if we talk about chersonese in the past, is a symbol of what you would like chersonese to be for the future russia, for the present future. a symbol of one’s identity, a symbol of deep spiritual roots, a symbol of victory, a symbol of development, a symbol of the heyday of russia.
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of defense and the commander-in-chief of the navy, walked through the parade formation of ships in the roadstead, then congratulated the sailors on the holiday, the president said that the authorities will continue to equip ships with high-tech equipment of the new generation and hypersonic missile systems, the head of state said and about russia's response to us plans to deploy missiles in europe. serves him on ships and submarines, serves in the name of attention drawn to the statements of the american administration and the german government about plans to deploy american long-range precision missile weapons systems on the territory of the federal republic of germany from 2026. important russian government and military installations will be within its reach .
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we will take mirror measures to deploy them, taking into account the actions of the united states. satellites in europe in other regions of the world. after the completion of the parade, vladimir putin, together
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with patriarch kirill, visited the alexander nevsky lavra. they lit candles at the reliquary with the relics of the holy noble prince alexander nevsky. the main shrine of the lavra is still located in the annunciation church during the restoration of the holy cathedral, and there in the church the patriarch presented the president with the order of alexander nevsky. it is included in the list of highest awards. russian orthodox church, thank you very much for the high church award, i want to say that the russian orthodox church is certainly one of the most important moral, ethical foundation of the very existence of the russian people, together with traditional russian confessions, the russian orthodox church is also the basis of the russian one. today, on mayan navy day
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, new reliefs dedicated to outstanding events in the history of the russian fleet were traditionally unveiled in st. petersburg. defense minister andrei belousov came to the ceremony. one bas-relief is dedicated to the discovery of antarctica by russian sailors during an expedition in 1820, and the rest were created in memory of the great naval commanders: mikhail lazarev, foday blinshausen, gregory. the discovery of the sixth continent by russian explorers became the most important geographical event of the 19th century. and 200 years later, the russian presence in antarctica meets the scientific, economic and geopolitical interests of our country. we are proud of the names of outstanding naval explorers. we admire the strength of spirit,
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the willingness to serve the motherland and the determination to increase its greatness. it is gratifying that the current generation of military sailors and talented shipbuilders continues the tradition predecessors, to resolutely defend the interests of russia. now there is a short advertisement, and then our broadcast will continue with the documentary avdievka, this is what war looks like. our film crew visited the destroyed city and talked with local residents who survived all the horrors of the ukrainian occupation. enjoy rolls from the delicious point caesar roll with tender chicken in a crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at a tasty spot or go pick them up at your drive-thru. i am chef kote aganezov. in on my blog i share simple and quick
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just profitable, alpha profitable. enjoy your favorite dishes in style. classic provencal from the brand i love to cook, it will turn a good dish into a fantastic one, i love to cook. a hare, can you imagine, no, it’s a squirrel, it’s a tree, imagine, in avdeevka there is a squirrel, people survived the attack. “this is our people, we don’t need these lands without our people. ovdeevka, 10 km
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from donetsk. for 10 years the city was under the occupation of the kiev regime. ukrainian troops turned avdeevka into a powerful fortified city , all these years they shelled the peaceful neighborhoods of donetsk, makeevka, yasenovataya from here. most of the residents have left." city, many were forcibly taken away by the ukrainian military, but more than a thousand people remained, refusing to leave their homes. i am yura mezinov, in ninety-eight entered higher fire education, since then... my life is in one way or another connected with saving people, former rescuer yuri mezinov began taking residents of avdeevka
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to safe places almost from the first days after its liberation. now he delivers help and visits those in ovdeevka to whom he has become almost family. i have seen some people on the verge of madness. you understand that this person already needs very deep psychological help, and maybe even some strong medications, right now . you crawl towards a person, and he gives you says: this is horror, this is horror, this is horror, that ’s all, he’s just fixated on this, he’s fixated on this, he says, this is horror, the house collapsed, and not just under these ruins, that is, you look, there’s a nine-story building lying on your butt , in the basement of this nine-story building. on the edge of russia, in the avdeevsky basement
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, old man vasily lives, you can hardly find him, he doesn’t often come to the surface behind the sun, there is a pattern here and its name is danger, in his multi-story apartment in the avdeevsky basement , sigh. russia in this world lives old man vasily and 100 of his neighbors, and oh, how since the doctors are now, we’ll hand over the medicine. “hello, how is the treatment here, it seems to be going well, it’s going
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well, well, for your recovery, the basement of the microdistrict, which became a refuge for the residents of avdeevka for 2 long years, now serves as a hospital, well, that’s it for you, okay, this is me for the locals , i supplied them here, supplied them, i already gave away half of them, well, what was that typical.” military and civilian doctors from donetsk are monitoring the health of the inhabitants of the avdeevka basements who survived all this horror, you were not offended here until ours they came, who are the ukrainian soldiers, don’t ask, they’ll be like a wolf, i’ll hide them in the basement, they ran. guys, i told you what was reacting here, let’s go, people, the armies of the armed forces of ukraine were
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intimidated, well, they were just in the trash, here in avdeevka these nazis brought people down, they just brought people down, this is, well, not even for the svo, it just started 14 years, there was terror, terror of people, what a bunch of children disappeared without trace, their parents. they are still looking for them, taken out by these white angels. white angels - paramilitary units of ukrainian police, usually breed in front-line cities and are particularly cruel. in avdeevka they staged a real hunt for children. now we will try to talk - with the family where - the boy is. mother hid from the white angels, this resident of avdeevka was able to hide her twelve-year-old son, the former city authorities announced
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a reward for him. and i sat in one through the window, you look at the gate, the room arrives, that’s it, all these months, four of you are sitting stupidly, a minibus arrives, fallen angels, these are what they call them, three with machine guns, an alabaibu comes into this yard, there’s a chick over there here it is tied, the dog is a calf, really a calf, he rushes at them, they are standing here, one machine gun, i am holding the dog, they dialed.
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in short, we know that you are hiding him, they rustled my whole house, believe me, i was ready to hide him in such places, everything is 200% there, they would not have found him with thermal imagers and all sorts of things, i don’t know, they wouldn’t have found him, then a rumor came that they were supposedly preparing him for orna,
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“hello, hello, hello, i’ll just go, you ’ll give me tea, four-year-old dima’s parents hid him in the basement for 2 years, all this for a time they were afraid to let him out into the street so that the neighbors wouldn’t see him, no matter how terrible, but it was they who most often informed the kidnappers about children hidden in the city, he celebrated his fourth birthday in our car, he was just 4 years old and we took him out .
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we have a unique passenger today, look, what’s your name, you ’ve been sitting too long, you’re probably a poor fellow, as i understand it, you’ve been hiding him for a long time, yes , 2 years, 2 years, well, for about six months i only saw him on the street, then it’s already as they say, that's it, the beret slept in the house, on the street, white angels took children, took them for organs, i was especially very afraid that he would not be taken for organs or... and so on, but there were, he was looking for the basement, he asked, let's go in the first weeks, the first week here, when we were in the basement, there’s no need to take me away, there’s no need, so, god willing, you won’t get into such troubles again when the russians came, it’s a big, big relief, because you no longer had to think in your head where, where in case why run with him in your arms
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so as not to see him. during the fighting, priests the orthodox church of mary magdalene left the city, but the temple was not left unattended, local resident alexey became its permanent custodian, his house was destroyed and for 2 years alexey lived in the basement of the temple completely alone. i knew the priest before, so he asked, you can do it here. i
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say, i can do it, here.


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