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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall of twenty-two, has been performing combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction, we are all the same here, doing the same work. oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, i came, stayed there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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now, breaking news coming from the israel-lebanon border. in recent hours , the idf has launched several powerful attacks on hezbollah positions. for their part, the fighters of this shiite movement fired at a number of settlements in israel. a number of european countries have called on their citizens to leave lebanon. many airlines have already canceled flights to beirut. the reason for...
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i don’t welcome it, but indeed, the situation in the middle east has now become worse than ever in the last few months, and the spark that could ignite the flame of a full-scale war between israel and hezbollah could be the attack that took place on the dutch heights the previous evening. let me remind you that on saturday the village of majdal shams was hit by a rocket impact, the ammunition fell directly onto the local football field, where at that moment a match of a local youth amateur team was taking place. 12 children aged
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a the luwan chechen party of hazbala itself stated that they had nothing to do with this attack, and meanwhile this video, dated march of this year, is spreading across the arabic-language segments of social networks, it shows missiles, anti-aircraft missiles of the israeli iron system baths that go astray fall in the immediate vicinity of that very village. shams. something something similar happened the day before - they say in hesbal and claim that the rocket that exploded on the football field was precisely israeli. but this video did not receive wide attention anywhere in the west, just like the following shots, they were taken directly in the gaza sector, where the day before
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, just a few hours before the attack on galany , the israeli air force had already carried out another attack on a temporary hospital. the attack reportedly killed about 30 people. majority. which are children, and more suffered 100. it must be said that over the past 24 hours in the gaza strip, more than 60 people have been killed and more than 250 injured, but the casualties among palestinians in the gaza strip have never particularly worried the israeli leadership; now they have completely faded into the tenth place, because everyone eyes are turned precisely to the north, towards lebanon, in israel they are already promising khosbole for the attack on galany, a harsh and disproportionate response, that’s what the israeli said. hezbollah is iran's proxy in the region, hezbollah will not be acquitted for this event, even though to her absurd denial, they fired, they will pay a heavy price for their actions.
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thank you very much, alexander, the latest news about the growing conflict between israel and lebanon is from our own correspondent in the middle east, alexander belibov. informal friendly communication in the unique atmosphere of a holy place for orthodox christians. this is precisely the program of alexander lukashenko’s current visit to russia. together with vladimir putin, the president of belarus visited the island of valaam. already in for the third time, the leaders came to the spasopreobrazhensky monastery.
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the leningrad siege, there are some familiar names here, yes, my brother, the three-year-old is 2 and a half, thank you. the next day
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, vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko headed to the island of light, where they talked in a gazebo overlooking ladoga. if it weren't hot, of course, everything would be fine.
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according to tradition, 12 guns are installed at the peter and paul fortress; salvoes are fired by a salute division consisting of officers and cadets of the mikhailovsky military academy. total more than 70 types of fireworks will be used, the fireworks will last 10 minutes, watch.
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once again, happy navy day to all our viewers. today venezuela is choosing who will lead the country for the next 6 years. there are 10 candidates participating in the presidential race, but... all attention is focused on the current head of state, nicolas maduro. washington has already threatened that if he remains in power, sanctions against venezuela will be tightened. the us confrontation has already cost the country almost $700 billion in losses, but sovereignty has always been more important for caracas. just today the country remembers ugachavez, the legendary comandante who defended the independence of his country, today would have turned 70 years old. sergei
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brilev's report on whether venezuela will tilt towards the united states or continue the work of chavez. everything that is not done in today's venezuela is done with chavis, the denominator, here is a monument to him in the city of coro in the province of falcon. inscription, to our commandant, the supreme eternal. chavitsa's grave, that's where current president nicolas maduro stopped today on his way to part. the everlasting sky above the dunes in the venezuelan
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state of falcon, today, as every weekend , dozens of kites soared, but today the whole country catches the wind. this peace-loving kiss with the wife of current president nicolas maduro did not cancel what he also said at the same rally. if you don't want venezuela to plunge into a cow bath, fratricide. the western press, which was favorable to them, did not allow her winner of the opposition primaries to participate in the elections. in fact,
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she, contrary to the letter of agreements with authorities, the primary was organized not internally by the party, but openly, despite the fact that her party was not included in the united platform of the opposition. signora maria, of course, cites polls that give her camp a lead of 30-40 points, although maduro’s camp believes that he will get a million more votes than her. russia wiped away maduro's tears after the premiere of a film about his young self, like all venezuelans, maduro played baseball in his youth, but by the way, even by the standards of this ethnically very diverse country, he is an unusual venezuelan, a catholic, but a safart jew, so his career for the time being is really the most standard one, a bus driver, his enemies say about him, fi is a bus driver, well, yes, only then he... headed the drivers' union, then the mit, and 12 years ago he became a candidate for vice president,
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they said different things about maduro, they say he won’t last long, well , indeed, the former bus driver will not cope with venezuela, but he has been ruling almost as long as chavis, and his autograph adorns, please, an infrastructure object, about the political infrastructure of the chavistas, i i was in prison for 5 years, i was under... a communist partisan, he studied in moscow, our conversation could not help but take such a turn. oil has been extracted here in venezuela for many decades, but venezuelans are poor. never received anything, witnesses to this area of ​​the poor, these terrible areas have not gone away, but under chavis and maduro, venezuelan petrodollars, which previously went more and more to the mansions in miami, went here too, for electricity, running water, for outpatient clinics with cuban doctors and to protect all this when to venezuela in 2008 and the eighteenth
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russian white swans flew in, ships had just entered the russian navy again, then chavismo had a completely different one. external contour, our next interlocutor is certainly not a marxist, but a venezuelan ex-secretary of opek, we have a military situation, yes, usually it is believed about war that it is when they are bombed, and tanks are coming across the border, but how do you like a statement similar to that obama made a statement regarding venezuela that we are a direct threat to us national security, that he has the right to attack, attacked, including through citgo. so, sidgo is a company in the usa, which was once bought by the venezuelan oil corporation and juan guaido, remember this, an oppositionist, he lost the last elections to nicolaso ​​maduro, but was recognized as his head of state by the west, and accordingly received control over the assets of pdva outside venezuela , and what can change under
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the opposition, the judge’s verdict, even in the usa, in the state of delaware, in order for the guaidó government to finance itself directly... funds from the commercial subsidiaries of pdves in the usa. now those about whom are potentially approaching the bloomberg agency writes this: the government formed by the opposition would be geopolitically connected with washington, as a result of which military, financial and trade cooperation with russia would end. at the same time, of course, there was a lot of hesitation in economics. if you read sources hostile to venezuela, well, for example, on the internet, then... it turns out that everything here is standing still and not working, as you can see, everything is fine, another thing is that the venezuelans themselves remember with horror the period when they the great leftist country, quite recently, was is forced to import gasoline from iran, there are many reasons for this: first, outright sabotage of chavis by the old
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management, then the massive dismissal of old personnel, then the illiterate dissipation of oil revenues, and under trump... sanctions, all this led to the fact that, according to calculations, the un fled 7 million economic migrants from venezuela, mainly to colombia and brazil, and its president lula, now reacted to maduro’s words about the civil war: her assustado, i was frightened by madura’s statement that if he if he loses the elections, there will be a bloodbath, maduro must learn that when you win, you stay, when you lose, you leave, to these words, because lula is also a leftist, maduro replied that the quote: anyone who is scared, let him drink chamomile tea. i decided not to send my venezuelan observers to the brazilian central committee tomorrow. at the same time , maduro’s son, nicolasito, nicolas jr., in an interview in madrid, said the following verbatim. if edmunda gonzales wins, we will hand over power and be the opposition. it remains to be seen whether he agreed on this with my father, because he is like that. i guarantee
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peace of mind because i am the only candidate who relies. on the people, on the military, i am their commander in chief, whom they support and love, and i also have the support of the venezuelan police family. observers from russia see problems at the polling stations, also queues, but something different. here, all the polling stations opened on time, as we see, there is a long line on the streets, but everyone goes through and votes. and behind all this, of course, is oil. what are the preconditions for maduro to leave? then they will invest. 190 billion dollars, but it seems to me that mr. maduro is not going to leave, no, the question is who will catch the wind? well, you understand, here they know how to catch the right wind, sergey brilev, alexey kalach and evgeny makarov, news from latin america.
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the alpha group, the legendary special forces unit that performs complex tasks that are often beyond the capabilities of non-law enforcement agencies, has turned exactly half a century old. army. they freed hostages, eliminated terrorists, went through all the hot spots, saved people everywhere, even at the cost own life. heroic veterans and alpha fighters told sergei zenin about the unique operations included in the history textbook. 50 years ago, in this office, at that table over there, a signature was placed on a document of special importance. it's classified now, i can't show it. by order 2089 ov signed by the chairman of the kgb of the ussr yuri vladimirovich andropov , a new unit was created. officially anti-terrorism, unofficially the andropovo or alpha group. the idea for the creation came two years before this historical day, during the twenties
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olympic games in munich. in september 1972, the terrorist group black september captured 11 members of the israeli olympic team. liberation operation. alpha’s baptism of fire was the storming of the tachbek palace in kabul, better known as amin’s palace. under heavy fire, fighters from several
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units, including group a, managed to capture the impregnable fortress. this is truly an operation that has no analogues, and i am convinced that many special forces.
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take the dead budenovsk, in budenovsk people were going to death, frankly, they were openly told: you are going to death, storm the building without armored support, the commandment of the special forces, you yourself can die as a hostage of ottomania. this is what happened in tbilis in 1983: terrorists hijacked a plane, the assault lasted less than a minute, during which none of the hostages were injured, then we stood up. between the rows, the main passage was cleared, people began to leave, here, of course, i felt what we are working for, that is, everyone passing by tried to touch you,
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to thank you, it means that somehow someone tried to hug you, someone lean out the window, the lieutenant colonel of the alpha group will talk to you. until now, my favorite gathering place is where it smells of gunpowder, an indoor shooting range, the only one in moscow where you can’t come from the street to shoot. an exception was made. he'll shoot off trump's ear. there are no atheists in a foxhole. i have seen confirmation of these words many times. and now it turned out that in soviet times, young communists,
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employees of the elite unit of the kgb, the ussr, before each assault they remembered the creator and they prayed as best they could. where do you think alpha employees end up? alpha employees always go to the army of archangel michael. why? because alpha employees carry out a global task of saving people’s lives, this is the most basic task of alpha employees, their friends, it’s not scary to shoot a person for the first time, it’s scary, i have a specialization, of course it’s scary. scary, god forbid, how it was the first time, what the sensations were, no need, no need to talk about it, the alpha veterans now have one enemy, age, legend
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group a, commander. gennady zaitsev turns 90 this year. i am still working, my work experience last year was 75 years. i arrive at work and have to go up to the fourth floor without stopping. i started from the bottom and went to the front door, without stopping. 50 years without stopping, without guaranteed vacations and days off. control a works 24x7, if you were standing in front of the hall where there were guys from alpha and veterans, this is what you would tell them, dear comrades, we are the happiest people, the fact that we served in this unit, if we participated with you, at least one of us there participated in at least one operation, and we each have behind us both afghanistan, and two chechen and from syria, at least in after one operation, do you think that you did
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n’t waste your life in vain? sergey zenin, oleg dubinin, dmitry malyshev and andrey ganykin, broadcast live big sunday news and further in our program, the splendor of the new hersanes, what is unique today? temple park in a sacred place for russia. how the writer radzinsky was cheated out of 45 million. and what is the cooling-off period? a unique report by alexander ragatkin on how swimmer nets are used at the front.
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the one who doesn’t need a pen, who has fire in his pocket, what started? ogniva, i can’t live without traveling, soon, i got used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install, open, watch, russian channels, all
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series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website.
2:00 am
this is great sunday news and we continue for the first time in the zone. our military has begun to use the latest molniya 1 drone. it is controlled not only by an operator, but by an artificial intelligence system. this allows molniya to independently overcome enemy radio interference and fly to the rear of the ukrainian armed forces at a distance of 30 km. the strike on ukrainian armored vehicles and artillery installations turns out to be unexpectedly accurate. following lightning one , dozens of other new ones are preparing to take on combat missions.


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