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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 10:00am-10:31am MSK

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37 forest fires were extinguished in russian regions over the past 24 hours; yakutia is burning the hardest, there are more than a hundred active fires there, 12 of them are raging near populated areas, the fire has already passed through over 1 million hectares of forest, almost 2,000 people and 200 pieces of equipment are involved in the extinguishing efforts. now our broadcast will be continued by the fifth studio program, anastasia efimova has already joined me. nastya, good morning, tell us what we’ll talk about. yes, good morning, alexander, and, of course, good morning to our tv viewers. today we will talk about the situation in the middle east, which escalated sharply last weekend. i welcome everyone who has joined us, and remind you that the fifth studio is on the air, a place where we traditionally have the opportunity to look at the events happening around us a little more closely than allows. short news format. last sunday, israeli air force planes carried out a series of raids on southern lebanon, bombing four lebanese cities. this was reported by the turkish
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news agency anadolu with links to the lebanese media. in turn, the newspaper the jerusalem post, citing lebanese sources, also reports that the israel defense forces carried out massive artillery shelling of targets in various areas of lebanon. let me remind you that the israeli attacks were a response to a missile strike on the village of majdal shams, on the dutch heights controlled by the israeli side, where a missile exploded on a football field and killed. at least 12 people, these are children aged 10 to 16 years. in touch with us is the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia to israel, anatoly viktorov, anatoly dmitrievich, hello. i know that you brought condolences from russia to all those killed, the families of those killed on the dutch heights last weekend, from your point of view, how much of what happened is regardless of who is responsible for it?
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of our ministry of foreign affairs, a very influential and authoritative leader, of course, this is a terrible tragedy, i expressed my condolences in connection with the death of druze children, teenagers and all the wounded, and emphasized that russia condemns any terrorist attacks committed citizens and invariably, traditionally, consistently advocates peace.
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uncontrolled, i hope this is controlled , because we are talking about some shelling that leads to the death of civilians, and the responsibility for this, as you correctly said, the israeli side places on the hezbollah movement, the lebanese authorities and the leaders of the fizbalah deny this, and lebanese. the authorities insist on
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an international investigation, but be that as it may, these are the strikes of the israeli, probably the israeli air force, on lebanon, which you they said, here, at least in the press, it is not considered as a response to the tragedy that occurred on the football field in the village, in gruzskaya in the dutch heights, and these are like regular actions, here... the answer, judging by what was leaked to the press, following a meeting of the so-called military-political cabinet of the israeli government, under the leadership of the prime minister, he, the prime minister and the minister of defense were also tasked with making a decision on the nature of the response to hezbolah, and its place in time, and observers comment that the response hit there will still be, so to speak, ahead,
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however, they say that it will be limited, but significant, this only confirms that indeed the incident is extremely dangerous for escalation, we are accustomed to this word escalation, escalation.
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hezbollah, hezbollah does not intentionally attack israeli civilians, so why is israel attacking, why is there no investigation, just from the first minute israel said that it was hezbollah. from your point of view, do you think such an investigation could still take place? or in general on emotions taking into account the intensity of the situation, now the parties are simply blaming each other, not really relying on the facts, and making rather hasty decisions, even sometimes, well , now, of course, is not the place or time for jokes, well, here an
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israeli i know tells me - remember, the east is a delicate matter, the middle east, a dark matter, this is his version, who attacked whom really only as a result. a serious investigation is possible, but it can hardly be carried out in conditions of what is essentially mutual shelling, but sooner or later, of course, it would be highly desirable to conduct such an investigation, to set the record straight, the main thing now is to show restraint, i understand that the israeli leadership rejects any calls for restraint, citing the fact that civilians are being attacked... israel, which really corresponds to the facts, but nevertheless, this circle must be broken, it must be broken, otherwise there will be a big disaster, much greater than what is happening now, a nightmare is happening in gaza, full of 40 thousand killed, 90,000 wounded, but this
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does not go anywhere at all, as they say, this is absolutely unacceptable, this is a violation of all conceivable norms of international humanitarian law, there is an urgent need to cease fire, these are the signals we are conveying. and to the israeli leadership, we convey our assessments not, the lack of intention on the part of the lebanese forces and other forces in the region, the lack of intention to enter into a large-scale war with israel, we convey and we believe such assessments, we hope that they will be heard, although i’ll tell you honestly , frankly, here are the prospects for now stopping these military actions of bloodshed among the civilian population. escalation of the truly nightmare that is happening in gas, a statement is made by turkish president erdogan, who reports
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that turkey can, quote: enter israel, just as it once did into libya and nagorno- karabakh, erdogan said this at a meeting of the branch of the ruling party in...
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yes, i agree with you, the situation is really at its knees to the limit, and the worst thing is that people really continue to die, it’s the civilian population, which is no has nothing to do with the conflict itself. russia, for its part, has repeatedly called for a ceasefire and , indeed, to sit down at the negotiating table to remember the decision to create two independent states of israel and palestine, but as we see, it is still quite far from this peaceful resolution of the situation. thank you very much, i remind you that the ambassador extraordinary plenipotentiary of russia was in touch with us. to israel anatoly viktorov, now, let's talk with andrey baklanov, andrey glebovich, can you hear me, hello, yes, now
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i can hear normally, yes, just in continuation of erdogan’s statements, in continuation of how the two states, in general, are now assessing each other’s possible contribution to the development of this situation, the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is responsible for the situation in the gas sector, may end his life the same way, quote, as nazi leader adolf hitler, this is meade's statement. turkey, i will quote this statement, it was published on social networks, the end of the genocidal netanyahu will be like this just like the genocidal hitler, those who are trying to destroy the palestinians will answer for their actions, just like the nazis who committed genocide, humanity will be on the side of the palestinians, you will not destroy them, and this is about what kind of rhetoric is being heard now on the part of the two countries, in turn the head of the turkish foreign ministry. commented on erdogan’s statement that turkey could enter israel, recalled that, and said that erdogan
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had become the voice of the conscience of humanity. and with yours points of view, these are the statements that are being made, do they remain just statements, do they provoke the state to more drastic actions, and what is the likelihood of a direct conflict in general, in this case involving lebanon?
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and what israel is doing in the gas sector, claiming that it is fighting terrorism, is also an obvious operation that is far from successful, apparently, we now have problems with communications, andrei glebovich and can you hear me, but the israelis were brewing this karsha, judging by the information available, i hear, yes, i i hear, yes, and we hear you, i hear, yes, yes.
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and then they began to develop certain plans for further very massive settlement, nothing came of this plan, because the egyptians, jordanians found out about this plan and...
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precisely attacks the local population, the more the wave of hatred increases, and this fuels radical counter, so to speak, mood and readiness to fight against israeli troops, so the israelis are stuck in terms of achieving goals, the goals have actually now changed, other countries also have no formulated goals; they are of such a rather vague nature. therefore , i predict that for a fairly long period of time the situation will continue to have the outlines that it has now, this is a very acute humanitarian situation, people will die, there will be a lot of talk , very little will be done in order to -
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well, somehow neutralize this situation and return everything to real negotiations. parameters, the only thing that can be allowed is some partial humanitarian aspects, partial exchange and so on, about the situation, the situation will be absolutely unhealthy and very alarming, and an element of possible escalation into larger clashes will take place further, thank you very much, thank you andrey glebovich for being in touch with us, we ... now we’ll take a short break, but after a while we’ll definitely return to studio five, just wait. bulgarian shturm 3990 for all tools. it tastes better on fire. burger king.
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now footage from the government house. last week we were on a working trip to the far eastern and siberian federal districts and visited a very large number of mean
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we will discuss in detail the plans for the development of settlements in the district in the fall at a strategic session in the government. the regions are actively working in many, many other areas. in the magadan region , the improvement of mayak park continues, which became one of the winners of the all-russian competition for the best projects to create a comfortable urban environment. were there 4 years ago, supported this initiative then, providing funding from the federal budget, during this period the entire territory was transformed, it became convenient
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for walks, changes for the better are visible, the improvement continues, the embankment has become a very popular place for walks for families with children, we also got acquainted with the results of clearing nogaevskaya bay of sunken ships, already raised from the water area on 20, by the end of december. three more are planned to be eliminated, this most important work is being carried out within the framework of the federal project general cleaning, it is aimed at eliminating the ship graveyard in the far east, and, what is very important, minimizing obstacles to navigation, improving environmental situation and bring the appearance of the embankments to normal condition. the nature there is very beautiful, and what we are doing, creating new infrastructure, helps bring back the same interest so that people come and stay there. work there. there is no doubt that such issues must continue to be given the most serious attention. back in magadan, we became acquainted with plans for the reconstruction of the fishing port. 4 years ago we
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discussed its fate and transferred the necessary hydraulic structures to regional ownership. of course, modernization of this infrastructure is a work that takes more than one year, but it is very important to implement the project and more actively involve business in it. we looked at how everything is organized at the fish oil processing and refining plant. there the most advanced techniques are applied, products are manufactured, by the way, they are in demand for the pharmaceutical industry both in russia and in many other countries, assistance to russian companies is provided through federal regional funds for supporting industry, in khabarovsk we visited a high-tech production facility, which uses their loans for development, this is the only power engineering plant in the far east, where gas turbines and centrifugal compressors are created...
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russia’s independence from foreign decisions, and of course, its support must continue with all available means and instruments, in including frp. in the khabarovsk territory, attention is paid to an improved healthcare system. and technology, and also visited the far eastern state university in railways , one of the largest transport universities country, he became a participant
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in the priority 2030 program, which makes it possible to develop promising areas of specialist training, improve the quality of training, in this case for the railway industry, this is especially important taking into account the orientation of logistics flows, increasing supplies through our far eastern ports, and the implementation of plans. to expand the eastern training ground. we discussed the topic of education in great detail in novosibirsk. during a visit to a specialized educational and scientific center. it helps support children who have special knowledge and abilities in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. since september, the institution begins to work in new editions, where there is the most modern school infrastructure, there are opportunities for classes, scientific research, and also recreation. pyat: such leisure educational buildings have been built, and the hostel has been renovated as part of the creation of a world-class campus in the capital of siberia, a network of which is being formed throughout the country on
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the initiative. president, in novosibirsk we also visited the industrial technology park academ town, its participants are engaged in the production of high-tech products and equipment, including for the it sector in the field of medicine, bio -nano-technologies, new materials, weapons construction, promotes the promotion of domestic goods and the speedy transition of our industries to russian solutions, both in the hardware sector, so in technology, in software. on behalf of the head of state, the government will continue to create similar industrial business technology parks throughout the country, at least a hundred by 2030, so that enterprises could more quickly implement their innovations, their development ideas. the president also noted that it is necessary to increase the aviation mobility of citizens in 6 years, to increase the intensity of air traffic by one and a half times in gornoaltaisk and in all other cities where we visited and
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got acquainted with improvement initiatives. airport infrastructure, here are the most important projects that will increase passenger flows, make transportation more comfortable for citizens, and naturally faster cargo delivery, and of course, which is very important, will help ensure connectedness of the country, it is necessary that all of them be implemented within the planned time frame, colleagues, the main thing is to continue to give priority attention to issues of improving the quality of life, economic development, social sphere, far eastern and siberian issues. regions, please, in the areas under your supervision, monitor how this work is progressing, taking into account the instructions that have been given and which will also be issued following the trip to these two districts. now about the signed documents, first of all about increasing the country’s transport connectivity. we we recently considered this issue at a specialized strategic session, including discussing in detail the development of high-speed communications between regions. the president noted
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that such dedicated routes. will help to significantly increase the capacity of railways and will contribute to the growth of domestic tourism and business activity. a concession agreement for the construction of the first high-speed line from moscow to st. petersburg was signed in early july. now it has been decided to include this project in the list of self-sustaining ones, which will make it possible to attract up to 300 billion rubles from the national welfare fund on a repayable basis. and the total volume of investments is estimated at more than 2 trillion. the new line will stretch for 680 km, thanks to which the travel time between moscow and st. petersburg will be almost halved. we hope that government support for the construction of the first high-speed railway will speed up the implementation of the project, which will open up additional opportunities for a number of people.
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economy will also contribute to the dynamic development of industrial, machine-building, processing and other enterprises, will give such an innovative impetus in this area, will naturally help increase cargo flow, orders will increase, new jobs will appear, and the areas along the high-speed line will be landscaped, which will improve the quality of life of people. one more question: the government has approved an updated strategy for the development of the mineral resource base, and has also extended the planning period in this important area. 15 years until 2050, in the face of modern challenges, russian industry is actively modernizing, factory capacity is being expanded in the regions, advanced technologies are being created, the production of a larger list of high-tech products that have not previously been produced in our country is being mastered, it is important to fully meet the current long-term needs of the economy for strategic types of solid minerals, while
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significantly . the strategy updated all forecast indicators and identified a number of main tasks in the target scenario, including the opening of new large deposits, for which we will increase efforts for a comprehensive study of territories, especially in the most inaccessible areas, including in the arctic and the far east, you, denis valentinovich, showed me a map, what has practically been done by our scientists, industrialists, everything that need to eat, need to.


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