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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm MSK

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the united states and japan held consultations at the level of foreign ministers of defense, in particular, they discussed the expansion of missile production under american license by the local military-industrial complex. for the first time, nuclear weapons were also discussed, although japanese diplomats and military personnel had previously refused to raise such a sensitive issue for tokyo. and now our own correspondent in the region, sergei mengazhev, sergei, is communicating directly from japan. hello, what theses
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were voiced during the negotiations in tokyo? yes, hello daria, anthony blinken and lloyd austin visited japan as part of their large-scale asian tour, they held talks with their japanese counterparts, held negotiations in a four-way format under the 2+2 formula as part of the strategic dialogue that president biden and prime minister fumio kishida agreed upon last year. in addition, meetings were held with the minister. defense and the minister of foreign affairs of south korea, who also arrived in tokyo. today, in addition, a quadripartite meeting was held within the framework of the quat association, with the participation of the foreign ministers usa, japan, usa, japan, australia and india. the main topics, as stated, the main goal of these meetings, declaratively, is to maintain peace and stability in the region, although in reality. this
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turns into an even greater increase in tension, because the actions and decisions that are made at such meetings clearly do not please neighboring countries, in particular china, there was a lot of talk about china during these meetings, of course, they touched upon topic and conflict in ukraine, nothing here, there was no surprise for us; japan and other countries, with the exception of india, follow. a pioneer of anti-russian american policy. perhaps an interesting topic for us is related to the joint production of missile defense systems. to begin with, i suggest listening to what the japanese minister of defense said on this matter. we have signed a contract to sell interceptors to the us japanese air self-defense force. this is due to changes
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to restrictions on fully licensed products, which were first discussed in national security council last december. i think the fact that the us and japan reached this agreement is important because it is a critical element of the japan-us alliance. the goal is to contribute to peace in the indo-pacific region, which we continue to work towards. it must be said that this decision does not add peace. in another region on our planet, because they hoped that this meant, that is, japan produces patriot anti-missile systems under an american license, sells them to the united states, and the united states, having released its systems in service with the united states, transfers them to ukraine, which uses them in armed confrontation with our country, but i repeat once again, most attention was paid to china during these negotiations, because china, from the point of view usa. is its main competitor, in
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recent years, especially after the start of a special military operation, the united states has been promoting the idea of ​​the so-called indo-pacific partnership, which in reality consists of creating such separate blocs military-political nature and build such a line, as the united states calls it, a line of extended containment of china, although in reality this leads to an even greater increase in tension and many... sheets are inclined to believe that the main goal of the united states is to provoke china in the end to obtain from him such actions in relation to taiwan that would lead to the creation of a situation of inevitable military conflict, the responsibility for which could be shifted to china and thus disgrace its competitor and be used in in particular, the resources of its allies here, just as the united states does with europe in relation to russia in ukraine. daria. thank you,
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our own correspondent in japan sergey amingazhev was in direct communication with the stokio studio. now again about the railway accident near volgograd, where a passenger train derailed. forty, a collision between a passenger train and a truck occurred in the kotelnikovsky district of the volgograd region, this is 200 km from the regional capital, it is known that the train followed the kazan-adler route on the spot in an emergency involving a passenger train
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, 22 medical teams are currently working on the gremyachee kotelnikov section, providing passengers with all the necessary medical care on the spot, according to preliminary data from twenty cars. nine carriages and an electric locomotive went off the rails, there were 813 passengers on the train, data on the victims is currently being clarified, but according to many media reports there are more than 100 of them, i would also like to note that emergency services personnel, about 300 specialists and more than 100 pieces of equipment are now working on site involved in eliminating the consequences of the emergency
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an operational headquarters has been created, colleagues, two helicopters of the russian ministry of emergency situations are also ready to take off , air ambulance helicopters are also ready , the head of the region has assigned tasks to provide the necessary assistance to train passengers and eliminate the consequences of the emergency. the investigative committee opened a case after a collision between a train and a kamaz truck. the volgograd region was informed by the transport department. colleagues, we continue to monitor developments. alexander, thank you from the volgograd region. my colleague was in direct contact with me, alexander kulishenko. well, further about the progress of the election campaign in the united states, see our joint project with the youtube channel carlson
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tv. it seems like we're at a point where suddenly very... quickly we've gone beyond words and rhetoric, beyond politics, beyond even rules, and we're dealing with people who are willing to kill other people for the sake of power, it's real, and are ready to stage coups against the elected president, who supposedly received 15 million more votes than any other president, why aren't all the biden voters protesting no one cares about these things at all, it was never real, now they admit it's all just decided by people with guns, it seems. “it’s absolutely true that the oligarchs have their backs against the wall, by the way, that’s the case now, and this is a dangerous moment, but they wouldn’t be doing this if they weren’t forced to oppose trump, if the killer’s bullet
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had missed half an inch, a quarter of an inch.” right, things would have been a little different on that stage in butler, pennsylvania, they wouldn't have had to " all these people are lying, they will say whatever needs to be said. the democratic party is not democratic at all, its voters are just puppets, like its politicians, it's all fake. and maybe we should just never forget this and talk about
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it out loud. you yap about democracy and the rule of law, law and order, but it's all fake. you are totalitarians, you will kill people who stand in your way, and we must be prepared to make real sacrifices to stop you from getting . power, otherwise we become a totalitarian state, these seem like obvious lessons to me, the end goal is to deconstruct the american elections, of course, and if...
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scenes, but at the same time you infiltrate his administration so that your people will at least screw up as much as possible, and so you get people like pompeo and bolton who try to do a couple of regime change operations, for example in venezuela, or do different things in the persian gulf, but it doesn't work because at the end of the day the president is not one of yours after all people, and so they get rid of him in 2020, they finally have a backup option, legal methods don't work. nothing works here, you always know that in such a situation you have a nuclear option, like in
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'63, just murder, but you wouldn't want to do that in the first place, and that's what they understood in east berlin, you can just destroy someone's personality, it's much easier than killing a person, you can turn him into a martyr, but it's better to break his spirit, if you're lucky, he'll commit suicide or at least will forever remain out of sight. that's what they did to the dissidents and the opposition in east germany for years, that's why they didn't have to do the big stalinist purges in the seventies, then the media comes along, television, all these tools, and you destroy someone's reputation, but then social media comes along, on social media you don't have those tools anymore suddenly you lose control of the agenda, through social media people can communicate, hey, did you notice that, i noticed that, did you notice? i noticed, but the media it doesn't seem to be talked about, yet you can say, wait, i'm here, i see it, it's
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happening before my eyes, here's the video, oh, by the way, i can show you what's happening in real time, and it's becoming problem, all you have left is, oligarchs are losing soft power, machines are losing soft power, so what's left, brute force, persuasion doesn't work, you use force, so you... you can break into someone's house and you can say that there are some documents there that they should not have, and then handcuffs, a verdict, but if it doesn't work, the nuclear option of november '63 is always in reserve, hypothetically tucker, hypothetically, i think we just saw it, but i don't want to think like that at all, that's the last thing i want to think about , but let's just go back, i 'll say this...
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so the working guess for people like me who are watching but don't know well enough what the democratic party actually is, they have to pick kamala because she's kind of black indian and woman because of the concept of di, diversity equality and inclusion so she is hard to ignore, in my mind she is dumbing down in a position she doesn't deserve, that's the whole point of dai, put people in positions of power who don't deserve it,
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you you describe the reason why she was chosen then, because at the moment of george floyd, during the racial rethinking, they, you know, wanted a club or even talked about gredchen whitmer, then in 2020, but then there was george floyd, blame went into full swing suddenly everything has changed. we need to choose someone who certainly meets the criteria, no news, nothing heard, think about it, delegates who legally swore allegiance to biden, who were.
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to answer your question about the biden presidency, but it doesn't make any sense if you 're not thinking clearly enough, what he hasn't stated, no one has stated it because, because it's all about the polls, that's why he's starting his address, not explaining the reasons for refusing to participate in the elections, it would be better for the party of the country, remember, and he mentioned party first or someone for him... it will be better for the party of the country if i stand down, stand down, if you are fighting for your country, if you can deny him re-election, you can deny him the presidency now, why don't they just whether they kill him or not, they are definitely capable of it, i think it's true, honestly, it will be good, you say they, the democratic
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party, its leader, the democrats, who have the money, they could, i don't want to advise them, but... don't you wish kamala haris had a platform, an opportunity, an opportunity to make a name for herself, because while her name is associated, in addition to these wild interviews, only with the border, and this small country in europe, which had some problems in 2000, and that’s right, ukraine, they entrusted her with ukraine and she flew at a conference in munich in february 2022. she said: without a doubt, ukraine will be a member of nato. she became the cause of the war, the next day putin leads the troops. and they trusted her to do this because there has been a shadow war between biden and kamala since day one of this administration. we report this on our website. i think everyone can see it now. conspiracy theory, right? but it's obvious that they hate each other. so, they gave her these
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clearly failed missions to pin them on her, but the problem is that they backfired. because now they want her to be the one who can be trusted, the one who will sign documents, but they know she's crazy and you put something like that in office, she's going to start a proxy war with russia, a proxy war with iran, perhaps a direct war with china, who knows what will happen next, she is completely unstable, this tells me that they do not have everything completely under control, but i can hear tucker. that there are people among the democratic donors who think there's no point in saying she should be president when she can be right now, a wonderful, wonderful president, why not run as an incumbent, i talked about this with very knowledgeable democrat, of course, remove biden, make her president, she
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is running from the oval office, why no matter what, my only explanation is maybe it was part of a deal with... which might take the assassination out of the news, out of the discussion, the downfall of the american president, so let's just chalk it up to... if you don't mind, i hope we we'll find out a lot more, but tell us about what we know now, so the senator's office. ron johnson from wisconsin kindly sent us an advance copy of the situation report. these are
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mainly investigative actions that were carried out by the local police. and this is alarming from the very beginning. johnson talking to local police. shouldn't a united states senator have direct access to the secret service? even and then the local police say hey wait a minute we'll tell you everything you want to know so why is the local police more outspoken than our government that 's why they disbanded the police in the first place not because they're against the police , they want a police state, they are against any person with a gun outside of their control, that's why they are trying to disarm. of course, guys with guns they control, sharpton said this, it's obviously true, but i keep interrupting you. so, number one, the secret service was not present at the security briefing
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that morning. wait, the secret service didn't even show up for the morning briefing on the day of the rally? yes, it says here, the secret service was not present at the security briefing for local swat sniper teams on the morning of july 13th. when you host an event like this, it comes back to ensuring safety.
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so who is this guy and how did he get there, what do we know about him? this person, let me skip some parts of the report because there is a lot here. local police were informed 8 days before the rally, 5 days before the rally, they meet with secret service representatives, they are informed that the rally will be held in butler's farm fields. 3 days before the rally, the secret service visits the site just 3 days before the rally. at this point , no anti-sniper teams. on the day of the rally at 9 am they hold a briefing,
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a forty-six page presentation from a local first responder only. local special forces units and snipers are present at the concentration areas already planned. according to participants in the briefing, representatives of the secret service or other federal law enforcement agencies are not present. the secret service did not initially intend to provide sniper units. 42 he leaves, they identify him, at 10:30 the snipers are in position, this is interesting, so that morning crooks bought a ladder, yes, that suggests that he is definitely
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knew what he would do. he has an idea, interesting, okay, so the stairs are in place, at 10:30, two local snipers take positions on the second floor of the american glass research building. so they're not going to the roof of this building. they go up to the second floor, they sit there, they look out the windows, but they don't go out to the roof or to the back of the building to see where this guy came from. at 5:10 p.m., crooks first. notices one of the snipers, the number one sniper in this building, and he takes a photo of crooks. soon after this the sniper number one takes a photo of a bicycle and two bags located outside a building, they take a photo of it and broadcast messages on the radio, and team trump, donald trump's immediate team, receives none of
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these messages. all it would have been to say, hey, let's check this guy out before we put the president on stage, they never got the message to trump, they never told his team, his immediate circle hasn't heard of this guy. so you said that if you are trying to take control of the us government and you think that trump wins, it will be too difficult to shoot him again, you will try to undermine the movement. from the inside, let's go back one step , if trump had been successfully assassinated, it would have made a lot of people happy, i hate to say it, but it's true, what do you think would have happened then, civil war, yes, i think, unfortunately, i mean, i think , you know, there was something at the convention that i didn't want, wasn't ready to say publicly yet, it's so terrible, i, you know, talked about it on the show, and it was a highlight, you were there, it was
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all. yes, it was fun, but at the same time, deep down i thought, this should not have happened, everything could have been different, if the bullet had gone two inches to the right, we would have witnessed mass uprisings, you know, that was my first reaction, but then i thought, to rebel against something you have to be organized to succeed, exactly right, and if you think about it... yeah, trump voters have a lot of guns, but they don't have the ability to communicate, that's what would happen , you would probably see hotbeds of uprisings around maralaga, and of course, in different parts of the country, we can all figure out these places, they are served, and these people, you know, you
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take. the operation that was carried out on people on january 6 and carry it out throughout the country. when a trump supporter becomes a member of the militia, he becomes a participant in the insurrection not because he went to january 6th, because he is a trump supporter. you are essentially an extremist in america suspects. then the elections are over, the elections are over. you don't vote, it's not a real choice. of course you perform actions as part of this the fake open process that obama talks about. but this is unrealistic. you. present a fait accompli: we are unlikely to see real civil wars, we will see events unfold in some aspects, but mainly online. jack, thanks, we 'll fix it, we'll do it. thanks buddy, thanks.
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the kazan-adler train crash near volgograd, up to 100 people could have been injured, an operational headquarters has been created, in place of an ambulance brigade, what is known about the wounded. the president of russia spoke with the head of the dpr pushilin in the center attention water supply emergency housing. what other topics were discussed? things are tense again in the middle east. airlines are canceling flights to beirut en masse. israel attacks lebanese cities in response to an attack on the dutch heights. what could escalation lead to? in the chelyabinsk region there is a flood, a dam was broken, a bridge was washed away, in karelia the floodgate
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on the belomor canal was washed away. the authorities are asking to refuse.


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