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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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more than a thousand people have been evacuated from flood zones in the chelyabinsk region, there have been heavy rains there since last week, a state of emergency has been declared in several areas, in chelyabinsk itself, the mias river flooded the city embankment, due to heavy rains the dam at kiolimsky... storage facility burst, the water
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overflowed its banks. my colleague, yana skonecznaya, is monitoring the development of the situation on the ground. a state of emergency has now been declared in five districts of the chelyabinsk region, including in the vamanzhelinsky district, where we are now we are here, three villages are suffering from disasters, the village of imanzhelinka, the village of pionersky, a worker, the day before, in total, more than 200 people were evacuated from here, all of them were placed in a temporary accommodation center in a neighboring city, and today in the village of pionersky, where we... we are at the moment, the situation is really critical, the houses are almost half flooded, according to people, the water came from a collapsed dam upstream of the river, the dam itself, of course, the whole reinforced concrete structure washed away only its coupling part, in over the past few days, the chelyabinsk region has received two months' worth of precipitation, and this has led to the flooding of a number of territories, well, by the way, residents have suffered due to a dam break...
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the moment has already been written more than 500, respectively , payments are coming, the second - this will be a payment for the damage incurred damage to property, and these payments and their possibility will be determined by a special commission, in the case of partial loss of property - this is 75,000 per person who lived in this house, and 150,000 in the case. complete loss
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of property, well, the furniture has deteriorated, there household appliances have deteriorated, this is the first, the second is the living quarters directly, a special commission consisting of specialists will determine the need and necessity for repairs, and accordingly, a separate payment will be made for the repairs of the living premises directly. houses. in karelia, after the erosion of a temporary dam on the white sea-baltic canal, water was released to prevent flooding of populated areas. the head of the republic, artur parfenchikov, announced this. the accident occurred early in the morning; between the tenth and eleventh locks the a jumper that was installed during the reconstruction of the canal. 10 people were injured, seven were rescued, and the search for three continues. the locks where the dam washed away are located in the village of nadvoitsa. about 6 people live there. a state of emergency has already been declared.
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earlier it was reported that 10 settlements could fall into the possible flooding zone , including the island part of the city of belomorsk. ukraine will not have a chance to realize the potential of the f-16 fighters. the new york times writes about this. according to experts, the publication of the armed forces of ukraine will interfere with the russian attacks on air bases and military shortages. so the fundamental situation at the end of the battle will not change in favor of kiev. this is perhaps why they are increasingly saying this in a number of eec countries. possibilities of negotiations with moscow. natalya goncharova will continue. do europeans support nato? an article with this title was published in the american national interest. according to the authors of the material, the possible return of donald trump to the white house risks becoming a cataclysm for the european union. a republican can take the country out of the bloc and completely change course in relation to russia. but europe will be left alone with its problems, and without washington’s money it will be difficult to build a defense. ex-senator.
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opinion about nato and that the us should just leave it, this caused a huge outcry because the alliance is the means by which the us controls all of europe. we thought that by pushing the war in ukraine we would do a lot of harm to russia, but it had a devastating effect on the european economy. in the meantime, european countries began to realize that it was a mistake to destroy all ties with moscow. head of the austrian ministry alexander schallenberg called on european countries.
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what choice does zelensky have: either this or death? yes, he will try to come to a political settlement, but i don’t think there is anything to discuss here, the settlement is simple, capitulation, and the russians will already deal with it, the russians do not suffer, they do not have political upheavals within the country, they do not suffer such huge losses like ukraine, and russia is advancing, every day it liberates more and more territories. which is conducted by former journalists of major media, exposed why nato is trying to lie to russian viewers. according to reporters, the same cnn is trying to control the opinion of the audience in order to justify conscription into the army. allegedly, moscow is preparing for an attack, so the military needs more manpower, but these
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stories have nothing to do with reality. lie number one: moscow is a threat to nato countries. this is wrong. no nato country is currently at war with russia. in addition, the alliance is lying about russia launching a full-scale invasion of ukraine in 2022 year. this did not happen. moscow sent forces there at the request of the luhansk and donetsk regions, which ukraine began attacking in 2014. the american national interest asked who will pay for the reconstruction of ukraine when the war ends. the publication notes that washington has already spent $175 billion on military assistance to kiev. and tax. at a time when prices and inflation are only rising, they no longer want to lend money to ukrainians. natalya goncharova, lead. about plans to open new lyceums in post-soviet countries in the image of soviet schools, announced the participants of the international pedagogical forum eurasian change. it took place in
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moscow over several days and ended the day before. more than a hundred teachers from the countries of the former ussr took part in it. one of the guests of the forum was a moldovan opposition politician and businessman. head of the pobeda bloc elon shor. and what goals in the field of education does he consider to be the main ones today? today we can state that 30 years of destruction were very good for the west, because for the west there was the task is to destroy the education of post-soviet countries so that there is no competition in human resources and brains. today, our common task is to combine and integrate processes in order to recreate what was good before. this is where the idea of ​​the eurasian lyceum came from.
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failed, investments in this technology do not pay off, investors are losing interest, including in zuckerberg’s own companies, especially since hype is a quick story; there are no quick processes in economics. are listening to talk in some wall street circles about that the artificial intelligence rally that fueled the bubble that added $9 trillion to the value of the s&p-500 last year is bound to burst. indeed, the reporting of the metto company, banned in russia , suggests that the costs of developing these technologies are high, the situation is frozen and investor optimism has decreased, but experts believe this is a temporary phenomenon. the same story happened with the use of internet technologies in the beginning.
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will not even happen with the advent of artificial intelligence agents everywhere, which mark zuckerberg extols, but when virtual reality helmets become cheap, then experts believe that real live communication will be available only to the rich, zenaida kurubatovy news. the eighth ruskeala symphony festival has ended in ruskeala. more than 6,500 people became its guests. over the course of two days, they were able to hear both famous performers and new talented artists. the brightest moments of the festival were collected by tatyana komenskaya.
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the ruskeala mountain park is once again filled with music, the picturesque marble canyon has become an open-air stage area where artists from different countries and musical styles perform. the current festival of music began under the sign of quatra. we will... the famous russian quartet brought to the festival a special program of hits from different years, an hour and a half of virtuoso performance, the soloists of the group kvator are perhaps the brightest representatives of such a popular genre now as classical crossover, this is when classical works are performed in a modern sound and modern arrangements, at night. the atmosphere is really something very unusual, because you are in a fantastic nature, there
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is an orchestra sitting here, a fantastic stage, the music is beautiful, well, i think it’s inspiring, the performance of the kvatra group was accompanied by karelian musicians, the pop-symphony composition of the philharmonic orchestra, applauding tirelessly. the head of karelia was also among the spectators. arthur parfenchikov traditionally greeted the guests of the festival participants before the start, because it was thanks to his initiative that the russian symphony is welcoming musicians for the eighth time and guests from all over the country. it is very important that each festival is unique, it is memorable, and it surprises. and today’s concert, i repeat once again, is also a very interesting, unique event. the festival organizers keep their standards and create a new program every year. this time
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, the performance of the leningrad military district orchestra was a real gift. moreover , the orchestra gave two concerts at once: one on the stage, where soviet hits coexisted with classical music by tchaikovsky and sviridov, the second - on an improvised parade ground. here the audience was able not only to appreciate the music and drill... but the entire park really became the stage, the audience waited for the artists to perform at the entrance, on the railway platform, traditionally one of the platforms was the surface of the lake. performers of gypsy melodies trioloika and the beloved jazzman in our republic, igor butman with
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his band, performed on the big stage, however, in karelia he reciprocates . you know, when i usually play... i close my eyes, but there is such beauty here that i just opened it, sometimes i open it, but when i opened it, i couldn’t close because i couldn’t enjoy the beauty of these picturesque stones of this nature, these pine trees, the sky. towards the evening of the second day, the weather also gave way to jazz, and the spectators had to change their sunglasses for umbrellas, but neither the midday heat nor the thunderstorm stopped the guests of ruskiala park. throughout the 2 days that the festival lasted, not one of the numerous performances went unnoticed by the public. amazing, absolutely, yes, we just really lifted our spirits, this is our first time here, yes, we will be sure to come every year, it ’s a wonderful festival and organized in such a wonderful place, well, it’s a dream to get to it, we came by accident while passing through, but we’re happy to watch, i really liked it, there’s a cool park here, we’ll come again, and of course, the russian
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symphony is impossible to imagine without a powerful final chord, the festival was concluded by the soloists of a large... grateful listeners, probably the picturesque views, wonderful performers and there should be an ideal festival of music. tatiana komenskaya, igor orekhovsky ilia rachkov. vesti karelia, international festival russian. now it's time for economic news. gazprom set a new historical daily record. pipeline gas to china. the company reported this. the manufacturer did not disclose specific volumes, but it is known that they significantly exceed the contract volumes. supplies are being made to siberia under a long-term agreement between gazprom and chinese cnpc. the expected volume for this year is 30 billion cubic meters, next - 38 billion. norilsk nickel increased by 7% in the first half of the year
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copper production to 219. tone, this is stated in the company's countdown. nickel output decreased slightly by 1% (90,000 tons) for palladium, the previous volumes (15 million) ounces, but in platinum there was a decrease of -3%, a total of 356 thousand troy ounces. as for the results of the year, norilsk nickel maintained its production forecast. they plan to release up to 194. tone of nickel. based on the results of the first half of the year, the central bank identified almost 3,500 companies with signs of illegal activity. most of them acted on social networks. and telegram, reports this press service of the regulator. almost half of all identified schemes are financial pyramids. a third came from illegal lenders, the rest from forex dealers. the central bank urged citizens to be careful and not trust tempting financial offers. and the brix countries account for 35% of global gdp, while the g7 countries account for only 30. this
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was stated by deputy head of the russian foreign ministry alexander pankin in the federation council. according to him. intra-south trade accounts for more volume than south-north trade. let me remind you, russia on january 1, she became the chairman of brix. at the beginning of the year , iran, egypt, ethiopia and the uae joined the association. it was economic news. short. well, now meteorologists have recorded one of the hottest days in the history of the earth. according to european experts and the copernicus service, on july 21, the average global temperature on the planet was n this has never happened before, however, such records raise questions among climate skeptics, what is the reason, dmitry naido will tell in the section question of science. the earth continues to overheat the average global temperature is about to surpass a critical level. for 12
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months, from july 23 to june 2024, it has exceeded pre-industrial levels. and last year generally became the hottest in history, yes, of course we are observing this, but we must remember that in order to talk about some kind of stable signal, it is not enough to take one year, to talk about a stable signal, we need to observe several more years, for let me first explain what is hidden behind the terms: the global temperature of our planet is the arithmetic mean between the indicators carefully selected weather stations from among the oldest with the longest series. therefore, the current global temperature is compared with the indicators of the pre-industrial era of the period from 1850 to 1900, when
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the weather had already begun to be professionally monitored, but there were not so many factories, factories, cars, airplanes yet. so, according to estimates by the world meteorological organization, in 2023 the difference between the climate of the two eras has reached 1.45°, plus or minus a few tenths. and this is a record. at all times we are rushing towards the 1.5° mark, one of red lines set by the paris climate agreement. the paris agreement stated that the planet should not warm more than 2° warmer before the industrial age. this is, so to speak, the maximum program. and the minimum program is just these one and a half years. where did these numbers come from, one and a half?
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this will be followed by irreversible changes in natural climate systems that will be impossible to reverse for centuries, thus, this will mean the failure of the parisian agreement, it would seem, everything is extremely clear. honor needs to act. global warming is changing our planet, and this is undeniable. waves of abnormal heat began to sweep across regions of the world much more frequently. the precipitation regime has changed. even central russia is already accustomed to tropical downpours. in our country, tornadoes are increasingly being recorded, which 10 years ago were considered an anomalous phenomenon. but if everything is so obvious, why are the voices of climate skeptics still strong? yes, because there are also plenty of counter-examples. for example, the famous frames. the minister of foreign affairs of tuva speaks via video link at the un climate summit in 2021. generations in the water. thus, simon cafe wanted to draw attention to
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the existential threat to his country. the archipelago is gradually sinking due to rising sea levels. the republic was even called the first state that will cease to exist due to climate change. however, experts studied the problem and came to the conclusion that during the period of global warming, the territory of tuvalu. did not decrease, on the contrary, it increased, and this is not the only thing the discrepancy between the apocalyptic forecasts of climatologists and reality. for example, over the past half century, the area of ​​antarctic ice has become larger, although logically it should have been melting. the number of tropical hurricanes did not increase, although an increase in their frequency was predicted. these one and a half degrees, just like 1.6, 1.7 and even 2°, have a certain cumulative inert effect in the climate system, which manifests itself. what can be measured, the consequences of this one and a half degrees are extreme precipitation, heat waves, some
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changes in chemical and biogeochemical processes in the ocean, reduction in ice extent, higher extremes of weather, and so on. moreover, the question increasingly arises as to whether we are generally assessing the rate of global warming correctly. take the same weather stations, a few years ago an international group of scientists paid attention. would be punished by an obvious problem, almost all of them are located in large cities, initially they were located, of course, on the outskirts, but the subsequent growth of agglomerations changed everything, now out of almost 1,100 key about 80% of weather stations ended up either directly in urban areas or on the territory of airports; according to researchers , the warming recorded in recent decades is almost half due to the effect of urban acute heat. that is, the numbers that we see do not reflect the rise in temperature on the entire planet, only in human megacities, the area of ​​which for a second is less than 3%
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of the land area. in moscow, the city border has advanced, moved apart, expanded by almost 40 km, and the vdnkh weather station, which, let's say, in the year forty-eight. was on the outskirts of the megalopolis, now it is practically in its center, and naturally, urban heat emissions, urban heat emissions, have a direct impact on the temperature dynamics - according to these measurements, only no one even listened to the scientists who noticed this , supporters of the anthropogenic theory of climate change, which now... for the most part have simply canceled their colleagues. in the western scientific world , scientific discussions about global warming are not welcome, clearly let's say the party line can be traced,
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let's just say. euros for broadcasting climate skepticism. for the west, the climate agenda has become a means of maintaining global leadership. using the guise of concern for nature, you can, for example, introduce a carbon tax on goods from africa. allegedly, they burned too much during their production...
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the most alarming thing is that the western information field does not even discuss any ways to combat climate change, other than the politically comfortable rejection of cheap energy resources, but the earth's atmosphere is a complex system that depends on many parameters at the peter shirshov institute of oceanology. a physical theory of the planet’s climate was developed, according to which the temperature of the surface troposphere depends on at least seven factors, these are the luminosity of the sun, atmospheric pressure, the reflectivity of the earth, the angle of priction of the earth’s axis, heat capacity , air humidity, as well as the absorption of thermal radiation by greenhouse gases, influence this the system can obviously be done in different ways, how exactly is a question of science, free from
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climate ideologies.
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latest data on the situation with the kazan adler train: the train derailed after a collision with a kamaz. 140 people were injured. providing medical care under the control of murashka. how do they help people and what about the movement? the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost 40%, the head of the region, denis pushilin, told vladimir putin. the focus is on water supply and emergency housing. have such topics been discussed yet? also in the dpr, our military took control of another settlement - volchiye. they break up the offensive into a major transport node. how does our artillery work? let's tell you the details. in the chelyabinsk region there is a flood, a dam has broken, a bridge has been washed away, in kareli the floodgate on the belomor canal has been washed away. the authorities are asking people to refrain from outdoor recreation, how long will the state of emergency last.


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