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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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maxim shevchenko, dmitry manyshev, vesti, duty department. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is run by the duty department and the honest detective, subscribe, also our investigation, we watch daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on the honest detective, this is the end of our episode, maxim movchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30, we are monitoring the situation with the kazan adler train, the train will follow. kamaz accident: 140 people were injured, at least 20 children in hospital, how is the work of doctors organized, what is in place? the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost 40%, denis pushiliin reports to the president of russia. the focus is on water supply to emergency housing. what other topics were discussed? in france, there is an interruption in mobile communications, sabotage in several parts of the country, which is recovering from a transport collapse. on the opening day
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of the olympics. the cabinet of ministers suspects the extreme left, but traditionally there are accusations against russia. why? and they returned victorious. at the international physics olympiad, russian the schoolchildren won four gold medals at once. what did they tell our maria valieva at the airport? so, more than 50 people are hospitalized. after the carriages of a passenger train derailed near volgograd, at least 20 children were in the hospital; in total, more than 140 people were injured, three in serious condition. let me remind you that the kazan-adler train derailed after a collision with a kamaz truck. emercom psychologists are now working on the spot with the victims; passengers have been placed in temporary centers ; additional trains are already being prepared for those who can continue the trip. from place events, our correspondent, artyom yamshchikov. we are located in the kotelnikovsky district of volgograd. region is approximately 180 km
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from volgograd. it was here on perevon between the gremyachi and kotelnikova stations that a disaster occurred with train number 491 kazan-panda. at the moment, an operational headquarters has been set up here; more than 300 specialists from various services work here, rescuers, emergency services, firefighters, officials, that is, all those people who are involved in the operational headquarters today help people. at this moment , those cars have already been unhooked from the train. who remained standing on wheels, the passengers of these cars went to the kotelnikovo station, where they will be able to decide whether to continue traveling further to the sea or return home. those cars that left the reals and overturned now continue to be, as we see here at the scene of the accident, but a locomotive has already arrived there, which will now tow the damaged locomotive, and the lifting of the fallen cars will also begin. at the moment, there is no longer a single train passenger at the scene of the emergency. let me remind you that there are more than
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800 people in total, more than 300 people now placed in temporary accommodation in the city of koternikov, these are precisely the passengers of those cars that will not be able to continue further movement, the rest of the passengers, as i said earlier, went to the kotelnikovo station in that part of the train that was damaged to a lesser extent, and is working on site here governor of the volgograd region, administration of the volgograd region, all victims were immediately provided with assistance and delivered. according to updated information , 30 people were hospitalized, including 12 children, also among the victims who the driver's assistant, two student conductors and the car driver were taken to the hospital. about 100 people with bruises and abrasions received medical treatment on the spot. in total , there were 803 passengers, 31 train crew members, and an assistant driver on the train at the time of the accident . all the victims are now in kotelnikov. central district hospital,
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psychologists work with them, everyone is provided with communication so that they can contact home and reassure their relatives, after the passengers have been examined, they also will be able to decide whether they will continue moving towards the sea or still return home, they are now working with people - psychologists on a permanent basis, well, there are no complaints from passengers, we managed to talk to some, of course people are shocked, but strangely enough everyone wants continue your long-awaited work. travel, work on this site will continue all night, now trains do not run on this section, it is double-track, but both tracks are damaged, work will last all night, perhaps by morning it will be possible to resume train traffic on this direction. artyom yamshchukov, vladislav kulakov, lead volgograd from the kotelnikovsky district. immediately after the collision, passengers helped each other out of the carriages. ambulance crews immediately rushed to the scene . about the first minutes after the emergency. my
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colleague evgenia petrukhina. the driver applied the emergency brake, but the truck that had flown onto the rails was too close. here he is, his face was blown off, where? kotelnikov , volgograd region, this is the first comment from eyewitnesses, drivers who, at the time of the accident let the train pass at the railway crossing, girls, look what a nightmare, this is our crossing, kotelnikovo morning, look, a train, they lay down in the carriages, here are the passengers, whoever they are, trying to get out of the train carriages, those who managed to help the others get out through the windows, we got off the flight, nine cars, the first one, here the kamaz just drove in. we were in this one, but it turned over, we were already knocking it out of the window from above. ambulance teams are working quickly in the field. on the kazan-adler train , 813 people, many children, were traveling south. some, judging by these cups, they were returning from competitions. on their own and even pulled out
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their suitcases, these are passengers who, by a lucky coincidence, were not traveling in the first nine carriages along... to kazan-adler: the guys arrived, our train overturned, we are alive and well, our lucky carriage remained unoverturned. passengers trapped in overturned carriages are evacuated by emergency situations ministry employees. footage of emergency rescue operations, here is the situation inside the train. things and food are scattered. those who do not require hospitalization, but are invited to the points temporary accommodation. counter-distribution, go to the buses. several people are trying to overturn the cab of the truck. probably to help the driver get out, who, apparently, miraculously survived. in these frames, the one who, apparently, was driving that same truck. the man was hospitalized; russian railways stated that the train was moving at a speed of 65 km/h at the time of the accident. the kamaz driver grossly violated traffic rules and drove onto
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a railway crossing during a prohibited signal in front of a nearby train. investigators of the volgograd investigation department for transport, western interregional investigation department for transport, investigative committee. russia and belarus will sign an agreement on the creation of a unified electricity market of the union state; the presidential order has already appeared on the official legal portal of the country. let me remind you that the creation of a common... was expected during vladimir putin’s visit to belarus in may of this year. it is planned that the unified energy market will begin work on january 1 next year, in the twenty-seventh year a single energy market eac will appear. the average salary in the dpr has increased by almost
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40% since the beginning of the year. now it’s close to 50,000 rubles. the head of the republic, denis pushilin, reported this to vladimir putin. restoring the development of cities and small towns of the dpr became the main topic of their meeting. discuss at recent meetings, that is, in more detail, but most importantly, we still
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focus on the construction of commercial housing, and well, let’s just say, for extra-budgetary funds, accordingly, here is your decision.
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pay special attention to this, well populated the volchi point in the donetsk people's republic was liberated by a group of troops center, this was reported in the russian defense department. control over this and neighboring settlements allows the russian military to develop an offensive against one of the major transport hubs of the ukrainian armed forces. with the latest data on the progress of the special military operation, egor grigoriev. the crew of the self-propelled artillery mount has already entered the coordinates into the automated fire guidance control system. because almost. without preparing the weapon for battle. revenge s shells will reach the enemy
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even from the most fortified positions. the militants in the ssu dig real holes and combine them with the basements of buildings. high-precision ammunition krasnopol hits an american-made abrams tank. the ukrainian armed forces vehicle was destroyed. artillery and troop groups at the center help advance infantry in the donetsk people's republic. the village of vols was liberated by our fighters. and this is already the fourth village in 3 days; before that , the center group took control of lazovac, evgenovka and progress. the ukrainian armed forces are withdrawing from the first line of their fortifications in the metropolitan area slavyansk-k kramatorsk in the dpr, data from special forces commander akhmat abtialaa. today our troops have the opportunity to maneuver in different directions, pulling apart the enemy and knocking him out of all positions where he has been sitting for a long time. almost. 30 km to the enemy, a fiery hurricane is approaching his position.
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the uragan rszzo package consists of 16 shells; the crew of the launcher of the north group of forces sent them to the temporary deployment points of the armed forces of ukraine in the kharkov region. we hit hard, we hit specifically, it won’t be good for the enemy. during the day in the zone of responsibility of the north group of forces, the enemy lost over 220 military personnel, two tanks, and an armored vehicle.
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we swarm 15-20 pieces, false interference, such as balls, fly at an altitude of about 4 km. with the forces of the west group, the enemy lost up to 480 troops in just one day. the vostok group inflicted 130 casualties in the ssu. eyug up to 570 militants without return and sanitary losses dnepr up to 85 military personnel of the armed forces of ukraine lost infantry fighting vehicles, howubs, self-propelled guns, including american and european production. on a mission, our supersonic fighter-bombers send warm greetings to the kharkov airfield. reconnaissance immediately discovered two radar stations, which the armed forces of ukraine clearly tried to camouflage, and destroyed the guided missiles.
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and urgent messages with the information agent tape. vladimir putin awarded natalya solzhenitsina the order of merit to the fatherland, third degree, for her contribution to the development of national culture. the united states has allocated a new package of weapons to ukraine worth 200 million dollars, white house spokesman john kirby said. according to him, the next batch of weapons will include air defense systems, ammunition for... at the same time, the german government updated the official list of its weapons transferred to the kiev regime. the list is posted on the german government website, from which it follows that over the past 3 weeks , eight leopard tanks, more than 20 thousand shells for gepard anti-aircraft guns and 10 surface drones have been prepared for shipment to ukraine. let me remind you, mit russia
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has repeatedly noted that the supply of western weapons to ukraine only prolongs the conflict. slovakia will be forced to stop supplies of diesel fuel to ukraine if kiev does not unblock the transit of russian oil for bratislavia through ukrainian territory. this was stated by the prime minister of slovakia robert fica. according to him, this position has already been transferred to the ukrainian authorities through diplomatic channels. he also called on brussels to abandon the policy of a new iron curtain between the european union and russia. oil through ukraine in the near future time will not resume, slovnaft will not continue to supply diesel fuel to ukraine, which covers a tenth of ukrainian consumption. unlike politicians of opposition parties, who always give preference to foreign interests, for us slovakia and the interests of its people come first. even the problem with the transit of russian oil through ukraine cannot change our position on the conflict in
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ukraine. it needs to be completed with an early truce, and not artificially extended with an unrealistic goal. suggested by joe biden's reform of the us supreme court will upset the balance of power in the country and undermine the american people's faith in the justice system. speaker of the us house of representatives mike johnson wrote about this on social networks. he called the initiative of the american president an attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the supreme court. let me remind you that biden, shortly after announcing his refusal to participate in the election race, proposed changing the country’s constitution in particular. members of the supreme court serve for life, but biden proposes limiting this term to 18 years, as well as introduce a code of ethics for judges. the new democratic presidential candidate,
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incumbent vice president kamala haris, has already supported these initiatives. swimming training for triathletes was canceled at the paris olympics. the reason is that the water is still too dirty, and this despite the fact that they spent money on honest buildings. euros, but they do not help cope with the runoff that enters the river after rains. the organizers of the games assure that tomorrow's open water competitions will take place, however, just in case, the schedule tournament already scheduled reserve days for the swim. about how france lives during the olympic days. elizaveta khramtsova. having barely recovered from the fact that the train schedule no longer reflected reality, the french were faced with a new problem. it is not a fact that you will be able to warn your loved ones by phone about a change in your plans. three mobile operators at once, fri, sfr and buik, reported that
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sabotage occurred in six departments of france on the night from sunday to monday. the head of the relevant department says that the lines were damaged fiber optics, fixed and mobile telephony, the french defense electronic communications center was involved in eliminating the consequences. the number of subscribers affected by the attack is still unknown. cabinets damaged. in which there were cables, in particular fiber optics, and these cables were cut, landline telephone lines were damaged, but emergency numbers were not affected, an investigation has begun to identify the persons behind these coordinated actions, it is important to understand that the incidents occurred in departments located far from each other, it was possible to correct the consequences of the first sabotage on the railway only now, after 3 days, the transport collapse was severe. which changed the plans of 800,000 passengers, began on friday. on the opening day of the olympic games , cables that control communications, traffic lights and switches were damaged. there were also arson attacks on relay cabinets near the tracks, and
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the government that has not resigned is suspected of involvement of far-left activists in sabotage. this is the traditional way of doing things the far left, we've seen this before. i don't want to get too far ahead of myself because the question arises: were these people manipulated by other people, or did they do it on their own. the recent elections to the national assembly have only exacerbated the contradictions that have been building up in french society for years. the left and right, although they won a majority of votes, did not gain access to governing the country, because the defeated macron played off the opposition until he managed to retain power in his hands. in this situation, the left, by the way, is the same as the on the right, there is a feeling of a missed victory, this is on the one hand, on the other hand, of course. they consider the olympics, on which huge amounts of money have been spent, as completely unnecessary expenses given the huge
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number of problems that exist in france. and the fact that mass sabotage occurred during major international competitions was taken advantage of by those wishing to earn political points. thus, the head of the israeli foreign ministry said that the saboteurs were allegedly influenced by iranian forces; on the eve of the start of the games in paris , a russian chef was detained, who... allegedly preparing some destabilizing measures, and the biased foreign press once again tried to blame everything on moscow, another canard, another unsubstantiated accusations, the fact is that there are a lot of such unscrupulous media outlets, and even respected ones, they have not disdained either moreover, literally blaming russia for everything that happens, well, this does not add to the image of reliable sources of information for these media. ministry of internal affairs states that the identities of several left-wing activists involved in sabotage on railways have been identified and one of the suspects has been detained. in addition, on monday the republican authorities reported that
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they were able to prevent a new emergency on the railways . izeta khramtsova olga alvukhina. news. today , russian schoolchildren, winners of the international physics olympiad, returned home to moscow. the competition took place in iran and our guys won four gold medals there. i met the winners at the airport. medal following the results of the international physics olympiad, which took place in iran, none of russian schoolchildren were not left without a reward. our team has once again confirmed its right to be considered one of the best in the world. russia. we were returning to moscow via istanbul, after a long flight, they admit that the guys were tired, but still couldn’t contain their emotions. a wonderful olympics took place, we prepared for a very long time, very well. we performed, we were very happy, we were in a great mood, i definitely really liked the olympics, i liked how it was held, i’m very happy to return home, because everywhere is good, but
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at home it’s better. people's olympiad in physics has been held since 1967, these are prestigious competitions that schoolchildren from all over the world strive to attend. tests in two stages: first theoretical, then practical. the theoretical part was more difficult than the practical part. we had three problems in theory and two in experiment. in the experiment, accordingly, everything worked out quite well for us; in theory, we had to allocate time correctly and not make stupid mistakes anywhere. for the olympics guys.
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at first they wanted to let us fly under the olympic flag, like last year in japan, but iran insisted that we perform under, here i have a badge, it says russia, that is, we performed as russia at the closing ceremony with russian flags. representatives from more than forty countries took part in the competition, but there was still politics; the us authorities did not allow american schoolchildren to participate in the international physics olympiad. they stated that... it is dangerous, why? well, it’s especially dangerous for the states, you can understand them, they have the worst relations with iran, everyone should come, the more countries, the better, here’s the squeeze some countries - this is simply not suitable, so they all said that it was security. maybe the real reason was the low level of the americans, but the rest of the teams were well prepared and it was very difficult to win. our main competitor china
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was present at the olympics. a new building will be built in moscow for the hostel of the tchaikovsky conservatory, this is the third building of a modern multifunctional complex, the first was erected in the eighteenth, the second last year, but the new building is designed for 300 places. for many years, the guys, of course, lived in situations rather contrary to those that interfered with the educational process, creativity, and rather difficult
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living conditions. it is very important that now a whole block of buildings of the moscow conservatory is already working, but they study in absolutely amazing conditions, with thirty rehearsal, separate spaces, in addition to rooms, here we are talking about a slightly different type of hostel in general, if we are talking about the moscow conservatory, this is a hostel where there are swimming pools, where there is a dormitory where there is a gym, a dormitory where there are 30 rehearsal...
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already before the general final project, and there will still be two concert halls for students, for their skills, which they will hone, already gaining experience in communication from the audience, who themselves will attract their subscription cycles. a maritime board will be created in russia to protect national interests in world waters, the assistant said. russian president nikolai patrushev at a meeting in rybensk, where the molniya missile boat was launched today. the vessel was manufactured at the vympil plant, it is equipped with the most modern weapons, navigation and communications equipment. this is a high-speed missile boat, which, in addition, has artillery weapons, has actually already proven itself positively in many decisions.


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