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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  July 30, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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and clashes with the police, the opposition is not happy with the election results in venezuela, should we expect a repetition of the scenario of the nineteenth year, when the opposition leader declared himself president contrary to the official data of the electoral commission. new hersanez opens its doors to its first visitors. from today , the museum and temple complex is open to the general public. our correspondent in crimea has already talked to the guests, we are waiting for the live broadcast. most of the passengers on the train, which had derailed near volgograd the day before, continued their journey to adler, they were sent reserve trains. traffic on the section of the railway where the emergency occurred the day before has already been partially restored. however, 11 trains are delayed. more than twenty people remain in hospitals, three in serious condition, including the driver of the kamaz, whose fault it was. presumably
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an accident occurred. alexander kulishenko has all the details. work to eliminate the consequences of the emergency continues; heavy equipment, recovery trains, and dozens of specialists are involved. traffic, as reported by the volga railway, is already late at night was partially restored. as for the passengers, as we know, there were more than 800 people on the train traveling along the kazan-adler route, the data on the victims was being clarified all night, now, according to information from the operational headquarters, which was formed by... on behalf of the governor of the volgograd region andrei bocherov, as a result of an accident with a train, 52 people were injured. currently , 21 people receive medical care at the kotelnikovskaya central district hospital, 10 of them are children. fortunately for the guys who remained under observation in the hospital, their injuries were minor. 28 people are observed on an outpatient basis. three people are in serious condition, including the truck driver; two were taken to the twenty-fifth hospital in volgograd. the driver will undergo treatment at a departmental facility. providing medical care.
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russian health minister mikhail murashka took personal control of the victims. of course, it is worth noting the efficiency of all emergency services; rescuers from the russian ministry of emergency situations and ambulance doctors arrived at the scene of the passenger train crash within 5 minutes after the emergency. tas reported this passengers. more than thirty medical teams worked on the spot, and aviation was brought in. neurosurgeons, resuscitators, and anesthesiologists were delivered to the site by three helicopters. more than 300 emergency services specialists and more than 100 pieces of equipment. worked on site. the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident was coordinated by the governor of the volgograd region, andrey bocherov. he also visited the victims in the hospital and wished them a speedy recovery. at the same time, the question of where to accommodate passengers was being resolved. specialists organized several temporary temporary accommodation centers, where they received help. more than 400 people. already at 20:45. yesterday , 10 carriages with passengers from the kazan adler train departed from the gremyachie station. a total of 311 people. the rest will proceed to the black sea coast in additional reserve personnel on purpose. arrived from volgograd.
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returning to the cause of the accident, experts report that the driver of the kamaz, who collided with the train, drove onto the railway crossing with a properly functioning alarm system, the investigative committee opened a criminal case, and created a hotline for issues related to incident. employees of the ministry of internal affairs, together with colleagues from the fsb, identified an illegal communication center for servicing telephone scammers from abroad. members of the criminal group were detained, two defendants are in custody, another is under house arrest.
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in the avdeevsky direction , the snipers of the advanced group of the attack aircraft unit of the central military district, as they say, are no strangers to such terrain ; the ukrainian military left this village under pressure from russian artillery. snipers choose the most convenient firing line is less than a kilometer from the line of combat contact. the target has already been determined in the group , the gunner is always working, as professionals say, number two. it is his... the center always precedes the action of assault units, standard 308 caliber rifles,
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the task is 9000 further, i observe corrections. i'm correcting, derivation, reading everything, without a silencer everything is visible, there is no sniper fire, svd, svdm, now orsis, a good rifle, the infantrymen went on the assault, and we are like snipers, we are covering, in front they stumbled upon enemy, they cannot pass the forest regiment, from this forest regiment to the next one, there is a machine gunner working there, they approached secretly, waited, spotted him, quickly took him down. those territories near the line of combat contact, which until recently were occupied by units of the ukrainian armed forces, are now being examined by sappers. a continuous passage more than 3 m wide or two tracks, the space between them remains
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uncleared. the commander of a mine-clearing vehicle, created on the basis of the t-90 tank, talks about his impressions after colliding with several that had not previously exploded. "alexey baranov, yuri marchenko, alexander malyshev and natalya afanasyeva. vesti, lugansk and donetsk people's republics, line of military contact. the west promises
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kiev a new package of military assistance amounting to $200 million. it will include leopard tanks and ammunition. but american financiers have already warned that further " what we want to save our shipyards for 5 years. workers to stay afloat, but the house, the titanic is sinking, the british authorities are no longer able to help the oldest business in a crisis, and such a protracted there has not been a period of economic hopelessness in the united kingdom for the last 200 years, newspapers write, more and more experts assure that
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aid to ukraine is death for europe. russians do not suffer, they do not have political upheavals within the country, and russia is advancing, every day it liberates more and more territory. we need to negotiate with moscow, but those who now live in europe and the usa are tiny people with tiny brains, but they are very cruel, very malicious and very dangerous. they are bound by debts with the united states and are forced to fulfill any orders. german chancellor olaf scholz , in just a couple and a half years, was able to squander the entire level of wealth that everyone who came before him had collected in grains. i personally don’t care who started this conflict. but the important thing is that it needs to be completed, but let’s admit it, the eu countries, and most importantly the usa, have their own interests in ukraine, it’s full of black soil, titanium, lithium, that no one needs these riches, and washington has long owned germany, they state journalists showed an investigation in which the us military
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they openly admit that american cluster munitions are stored in the german town of miesau, from where they go through poland to ukraine, all this bypassing the convention prohibiting them. let's return to germany, which supposedly has nothing to do with american cluster munitions. during our investigation , we find an old us army document dating back to the year eighty-three. we carry on a long correspondence with the pentagon and...
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the walls of the temple where prince vladimir was baptized, the byzantine quarter and the only museum of crimea and novorossiya in russia. the first guests today are received by the new khersanez, a unique museum and temple complex in sevastopol, on the shores of the black sea. for 10 years in his thousands of specialists took part in its creation. and one of the first, our correspondent, yana shcherbata, saw it, she joins the broadcast. jaana, greetings. entrance to the park is already open from 8 am. are there many tourists today? what are their impressions? yes, yes, welcome, well, the impressions are certainly incredible, the new hersones is a truly grandiose complex, which has no analogues anywhere else in the world or in russia. we will now try to give you a short tour of the main objects of new hersenes. so, what about the visit? people start with this building. a grandiose, magnificent, beautiful building -
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this is the only museum of christianity in the world. its dome is 31 m, exactly the same. at the hagia sophia in constantinople, now the city of istanbul. further after the museum of christianity there is the next unique object, this is what we are walking through now, this is the first and only unusual temple in russia, not like all the others, the fact is that this is a temple, a park, there are no walls here, instead of them these are light, beautiful, almost weightless structures, worth it should be noted that this temple is already operational; the first service was held here on the eve of the day of baptism. everything is understood that services here will take place mainly at night and in the evening, that is, under the open starry sky, it certainly looks incredibly beautiful. a huge number of people are here in hersanes today, many, these are not only sevastopol residents, these are not only kremlin residents, many came here from different parts of our country, and people say that specifically today on the opening day they wanted to be one of the first,
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who visited the new khersanez complex, i suggest listening to their impressions. the openers are also all working, so they brought the children early, it’s not hot, the weather is wonderful, it’s just something incredible, such power, scale, it’s amazing, although we haven’t been everywhere yet, but it’s easy, we’re certainly impressed, very impressed, right there scale, well, if you don’t see it, it’s gigantic in scale, gigantic work, amazing work, amazing beauty, this is a historical event, the opening of such a wonderful complex. our hersenes, came early, because in order to be in time for everything, to be the first, so to speak, to see, the scale is simply amazing, powerful, very beautiful, well, next to the museum of christianity and the temple park, the view opens up to almost the entire new chersonese, on the right side of me
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is the building, a large building, this is the museum of crimea and novorossiya, a museum that tells the history of these lands itself. also about the heroic defense of sevastopol, and of course, there are halls dedicated to the modern history of crimea and novorossiya, the history that is being written today, our days. opposite the museum. the first spectators were children from all over the country, these are children who are relaxing at the international children's center artek. a little further down the block there is a reconstruction - these are four buildings that are designed to show visitors to hersanes what the ancient ancient city looked like in the 10th century, when
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prince vladimir arrived here, followed by another unique building, by the way, i will say that the word is unique. well, literally, without exaggeration , one can say about every building, every object of the new hersanes. so, further, this is the museum of antiquity and byzantium, the largest in russia, it is there that the exhibits that were found here during excavations will be exhibited. and i note that the excavations in new khersanes were absolutely unprecedented. 6.5 million finds were found here by archaeologists and almost half a million of them will become exhibits in this museum of antiquity and byzantium. well, then exactly opposite the museum of christianity and exactly opposite the temple park is the pearl of the entire complex, this is st. vladimir’s cathedral, which was restored, today inside it is all covered with mosaics and just like the entire... complex is open to tourists and parishioners today. at the moment , the entire territory of the complex is open, this is a temple park, this is a sculpture park, a landscape
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park, the museum of crimea and novorossiya is operating in test mode, and these days there is also a large festival of reenactors, who are present here throughout the entire territory of new khersanes and offer our visitors fascinating reprises. yana, thank you, the new complex is truly impressive. yana shcherbaty was in direct contact from novo hersanes. today is the first day of work this unique museum and temple
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complex. an employee of the czech embassy in moscow was detained at vnukovo airport. he was found to have a potent poison that can be fatal. to whom did the diplomat transport the dangerous cargo and will it be possible to bring the diplomatic mission employee to justice? about this in the exclusive material of anton podkovenko. bartholomew sharman, an employee of the czech embassy in russia, flew from prague to moscow in the green customs corridor in vnukovo; 12 boxes of a powerful drug containing clasopin. russian federation - this substance is classified as a highly toxic substance, that is, this means that its uncontrolled spread of use is prohibited by law, an ordinary doctor cannot even prescribe such a drug, it is recommended for... well, let's just say, the main nosology is schizophrenia. with the appropriate dosage of clazapine , a person can be quickly put to sleep.
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bartolomei did not have any supporting documents about the name and quantity of the drug. in he wrote in an explanatory note that he was flying home on vacation and there he was given the pills. why would anyone at the czech embassy need so much clazapine, and even smuggled one? long-term administration of the drug can lead to the development of addiction syndrome. the resolute czech republic in russia, jan andrzejka, has already expressed a protest to the charge d'affaires of the russian foreign ministry. bartholomew sharman is listed among the administrative and technical staff at the embassy, ​​but works as a courier. in detail to check whether this was an attempt to transfer poisons in order to carry out a terrorist act, western intelligence services are making efforts to
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intensify the activities of various cells on russian territory, which should carry out terrorist attacks, including against individuals who can also be poisoned, bartholomew works at the embassy, ​​which means he has diplomatic immunity, from which the czech side was offered... activists are burning tires, demolishing monuments to former president ogachavis, smashing shop windows,
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reports of armed clashes with the police, attacks on patrol cars, they are set on fire and pelted with stones, law enforcement officers respond by firing tear gas, eyewitnesses say that the sounds of shooting are also heard in caracos, due to the unrest, security has been strengthened at the national assembly and the electoral commission, part streets... the capital is blocked by armored vehicles. nicolas maduro emphasized that they are trying to organize in the country - quote "fascist coup d'état" and promised to ensure the peace and security of the people of venezuela. meanwhile caracos has already recalled diplomats from argentina, chile, peru, costa rica, panama, the dominican republic and uruguay. due to the refusal of the governments of these countries to recognize the election results. the venezuelan foreign ministry demanded that a number of countries recall their employees. they emphasized that... they must
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leave the country within 72 hours, so the argentine authorities tried to smooth out the conflict, clarifying that they did not intend to sever diplomatic contacts. the newly elected president of iran, masoud pezashkian, will take office today. the inauguration will take guests from more than eighty countries participated. russia, on behalf of the president , will be represented by state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin. pazashkiana has already been officially approved by the head of the republic. let me remind you that after the death of the previous iranian president ibrahim resi , early elections were held in the islamic republic, the reformer pezashkian won, he received more than 16 million votes. auditors of the brix countries met today in ufa. russia is now the chairman of the association. the key topic of the fourth meeting in this format is audit sustainable development.
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event organizer. russia, its chairman boris kovalchuk had already talked with colleagues from brazil and egypt the day before. the focus is on the further development of cooperation, including on issues of increasing the accountability of public administration, combating corruption and the laundering of illegally obtained funds . we provide timely and high-quality assessment of the effectiveness of measures aimed at implementing the sustainable development agenda. at the same time, a set of goals and tasks are shown.
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all levels of government and full-fledged it is impossible without close collaboration on national goals, solving these problems taking into account the characteristics of all regions of our states.
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we open it, the story of his life opens, among the millions of gold coins no two are the same, they are all different, this is a golden room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion rubles, gold will remain the metal that the country, the state will always need, people, this is just absolutely bare metal from the tables, four nines, which begins to travel around the entire planet, humanity. needs
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something to be reliable, that something is gold. and now it’s time for economic news: demand for far eastern hectares has increased sharply in russia. in the first half of the year, the number of applications under the program increased by a third to 16,500, rbc writes about this. liquid lands around large cities are gradually being put into circulation and plots are being returned.


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