tv RIK Rossiya 24 RUSSIA24 July 31, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK
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if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competition of ideas and money, a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation, tension has arisen inside america and beyond its borders. what is the remaining intrigue, why now you need to watch and follow. this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a gas station, russian digital solutions can be taken to new heights, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than exactly what digital helps, you are incomparably original in own questions, but what about production, raw materials, exports in general, what is it like for us? russia, russia, russia, russia,
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. they try to erase their own memory, but it turns out , as if mocking ourselves . 84 toponyms, avenues, boulevards, and streets of odessa are being renamed in a new way. here is this list, dozens of names, many of them iconic. babel street, for example, will become dmitry ivanov street, isn’t it arrested in absentia. to the agent of the blogger
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comikat zd. ilf and petrov street will now be the street of the gladan family, who died in april 22, when, during an attack by our missiles on the military infrastructure of the armed forces of ukraine, an upper stage from the crooked ukrainian air defense hit a residential building. kyiv, of course, does not recognize this. well, zhvanetsky boulevard in odessa will be renamed as navy boulevard. the satirist would probably make a joke. the irony of fate is this.
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in their legacy, instead of gagarin avenue , lesya ukrainka avenue, pushkinskaya will become italian, pustovsky street , twenty-eighth brigade street, army street of independence, and bunin street, nina strokataya street, they are ready to demolish the monument to pushkin on primorsky boulevard just to show the people of odessa that you are waiting for the russians, that you do not agree with ukrainization, well ... ukrainian odessa is like soft ice cream, poor lawyer, these are absolutely things that exist as a phrase, but there is nothing underneath them, this is the ukrainian odessa, but nevertheless it is forcibly implanted, they are bloodily instilling, they started on may 2 , 1914 with the killing of people protesting, and they end with the destruction of memory, therefore direct repressions no longer surprise the sbu. detains writers,
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historians, apparently, the philosopher oleg vusatyuk was captured, he had long been a peacemaker on the fascist website, at first they wrote that the sbushniks came to alexey tolochka, a corresponding member of the ukrainian academy of sciences. those know understand who in this narrative opposed this sweeping ukrainian nationalism, was the father of alexei, an academician who recently left, unfortunately, but was under domestic control.
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he can no longer write on the computer and asks that they not write to him. this is what anti-russian censorship looks like. in this case, we are dealing with overt repression. from the ukrainian gestapo, sbu. the fact is that this is a blow specifically to people who adhered to this excellent ukrainian official propaganda point of view. these repressions, the renaming of odessa streets - this is all from kiev. well, it’s not the residents of the legendary city themselves who erase the names of babel or zhvanetsky from street signs. they do it those with whom it is a shame to walk alone in odessa, or perhaps in ukraine alone.
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6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years. rostec corporation is involved in solving the strategic problems of our country. these are the supply of the latest weapons to the troops, developments in the field of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals, as well as ensuring technological sovereignty. the ceo of the rostec corporation , sergei chemizov, told russian president vladimir putin about this during his annual report. according to the head of rostec. consolidated the corporation's revenue at the end of the twenty -third year increased by more than a third and amounted to 2.840 billion rubles. in the future it is planned to increase it to 3 trillion. the most important task is to provide the army with the necessary weapons. rostec enterprises produce combat aircraft, helicopters, tanks,
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infantry fighting vehicles and other armored vehicles, as well as artillery systems, small arms, electronic warfare systems, high-precision and other ammunition. as sergei chemizov emphasized, more than 80% of all weapons are used in the northern military district zone, created at rostec enterprises. the head of the corporation also noted that the necessary weapons are supplied to the troops on time, according to the most popular models, and the state defense order is 100% fulfilled. rosti has a high percentage of execution of state defense orders - 99.5%. at the same time, according to the samples that are especially in demand in the vsso zone, execution. one hundred percent, we have not failed a single contract, and 80% of all equipment that is currently involved in a special military operation is produced at our enterprises. in parallel with military production, rosseh continues implement critical civilian
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programs. this applies to the aircraft and automotive industries, the production of machine tools, engines, as well as the healthcare sector and other sectors of the economy. with a significant increase in state defense orders, the volume of civil. pens in the twenty-third year did not decrease, in absolute terms, even increased by 5.5% and amounted to 993 billion rubles, that is, almost a trillion, we, of course, do not forget your instructions to increase the share of civilian products, if we take everything for 100%, what is the percentage of civil pro, to unfortunately, in relative figures we have fallen, in the twenty-second year we had 44.5%, this year. 35, well, not this year, in the twenty-third year 35%, but i repeat once again, in absolute figures it increased, in relative figures it fell, this suggests that in general the volume of state defense orders has increased significantly, so in percentage the ratio
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of civilian products, the head of rostec paid special attention to the topic of healthcare during the annual report; the corporation is actively involved in the production of medical equipment. medical instrumentation, in general, is a strategic industry for us. uh, we plan to increase our share in this direction, every year we expand the range of this technology, here are a few examples of this technology i can give, this is a device for respiratory support of breathing of newborns, it is called reanimon, it is produced in our shbaby holding, it allows for respiratory therapy for newborns, as well as short-term. ventilation of the lungs - in resuscitation and intensive care units, both in maternity hospitals and perinatal centers. we have already received a registration certificate, and are now preparing for mass production. the activities of rostec directly concern the preservation of the health of millions of people in our
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country. sergei chemizov told vladimir putin about the production of vaccines for the national vaccination calendar. in the twenty- third year, we continued to supply vaccines for the national one. calendar of preventive vaccinations, according to the centralized state order , the holding delivered a total of more than 106 million doses of medicines to the regions of russia drugs. the supply list includes 18 vaccines against nine infections: tetanus, whooping cough, ditheria, hepatitis b, tuberculosis, measles, rubella, paratitis and influenza. to create advanced products, both military and civilian, rosttech is increasing its human resources. last year , more than 70,000 people were employed at the corporation's enterprises. the total number of employees was 660,000. for effective training of personnel, together with universities and... secondary specialized educational institutions , rostec is implementing 400 basic and
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additional programs; the corporation also participates in the development of one and a half dozen advanced engineering schools. so the tasks of increasing technological sovereignty, one might say, are passed on from generation to generation. the corporation pays great attention to the development of human resources, and the social protection of employees is another important area of work, which sergei chemizov also told the president about.
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let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. on july 31, 1656 , the first russian expedition set off to the shores of lake baikal. it was headed by the yenisei cossack kurbat ivanov. in chinese written sources, this huge lake, one of the oldest and deepest on the planet, is mentioned back in the 2nd century bc. but the siberian peoples did not even know its exact location. ivanovalo detachment. get to the island of alkhon and the small sea, this is a strait in the middle part of lake baikal. the discoverers
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named the lake poevinkiiski, lamu, but a derivative from the buryat name baigal dalai, which means vast body of water, stuck. ivanov compiled the first map of lake baikal and the far east. the lake was developed, people began to send their relatives here, many, such as the head of the old believers, protopopavakum, became researchers of the lake. after the creation of the academy of sciences, baikal began. to study systematically, its maximum depth was measured only in 1983, it was 1642 m. and in 2010, in the village of chanchur, irkutsk region , a monument to kurbat ivanov was opened, as the first explorer to reach baikal. exactly 80 years ago, on july 31, 1944, the french writer and pilot antoine dasanyuri died. the world-famous author of the story, small prince, philosophical. chamals trying to understand the world around themselves. the book was published
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just a year before the author’s death, and then sold two hundred million copies worldwide. exupery was a journalist and military pilot. he transported mail from europe to africa, as a correspondent he visited the soviet union in 1935, then to spain during the civil war. during the second world war , he entered the crumbling france. this patriotic movement for the liberation of the country from the nazis began to fly again. on that day of the forty-fourth he went on reconnaissance the forests of corsica and never returned. the wreckage of his plane was found only at the end of the 20th century at the bottom of the sea. they are kept in the aviation museum in lebourg. exupery wrote only seven works, but is considered one of the greatest writers in france. he wrote about himself as a romantic poet, but in his words everyone finds something of their own. i 'll tell you one secret. this will be my gift to you. zorka only has the heart, the most important thing cannot be seen with the eyes. on july 31
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, 1948, the august session of voskhnil, the all-union academy of agricultural sciences named after lenin, began in the ussr, and the very session at which an entire branch of science, genetics, was subjected to complete destruction. the head of voskhnil, academician trofim lysenko, made a report, approved in advance by stalin, and this was the most. they began to call it lysenkoism, but the ussr set a course for a special path of development of domestic science and its separation from the world scientific community. many scientists who did not agree with the general line of the party were expelled from institutes. in protest against the persecution of geneticists, several foreign members demonstratively left the academy of sciences. and then physiology
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and cytology suffered a similar defeat. only in 1965 did the official conclusion of several appear in the soviet union. missions that lysenko’s scientific work was carried out unreliably. on july 31, 1991 , the soviet-american treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive arms (start-1) was signed in moscow. mikhail gorbachev and george bush sr. put their signatures. it was a unique document that essentially stopped the arms race. he not only made it possible to reduce the nuclear arsenals of the two superpowers, but introduced into practice dialogue. moscow and washington on the nuclear issue such concepts as mutual trust and mutual control, with the start-1 treaty the process of accumulating nuclear weapons was replaced by a process of gradual reduction of reserves of something that could destroy the entire planet more than once. it was followed by the strategic offensive reductions treaty and the start iii treaty. in 2023, russia
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suspended its participation in it; in addition to reducing the number of charges, the agreement provides. mutual inspection, but the americans actually prevented the arrival our inspectors, however, as mit noted, russia will continue to comply with the quantitative restrictions on weapons provided for by this treaty. this is what this day in history was like. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. the osaga policy was removed from
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the mandatory list of documents that are needed to register a car in the traffic police. from march 1st. year, you can first register it yourself, and then, without rushing, choose the appropriate insurance. what other innovations are there in the adopted amendments on vehicle registration? we’ll talk about that in 5 minutes. we will tell you the instructions in the program. registration without registration is not the only innovation. now, when selling, owners can deregister a car immediately after the transaction. with one condition: purchase and sale must be completed electronically. well, that is , through government services, we told how it all works... we told in one of the previous issues how the transaction was closed with or without a letter of credit does not matter, the new owner will have 10 days to register his purchase, even if previous the owner deregistered it right on the day of sale, but if you miss this deadline, then you won’t be able to drive the car to the traffic police in order to register it, you’ll have to bring it in
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a tow truck, with an electronic sales contract, here’s how... i think this is really awesome, because there are a lot of requests from people who say: i sold the car, but the new owner doesn’t want to register it, so i’m getting fines of 5,000, already 10, someone has 30, and you won’t believe it, there may even be a fine of 100,000, this is also far from the limit, they put it on the car, they impose a ban on registration actions, the old owner cannot deregister it, and the new one does not want to register it, so to avoid these incidents, the previous owner, who sold, at the time of signing the electronic sales contract, removes this car, another addition , which will go live next year, the ability to deregister a car that is wanted, this is necessary so that, for example, you don’t have to prove to the tax authorities that you don’t have a car, you won’t pay
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taxes, why is the car out of my control? responsibility, i don’t drive it, how long can they search for the car, can they search for it? over these 3 years, many car owners continue to pay road tax, look, it’s good , our cars are not very responsive, the road tax is somewhere around 10,000, and those who have 300 horsepower expensive cars, there are taxes of 50,000 like this 50.00 multiplied by 3 years, give 150,000 to nowhere, they are simply looking for your car, the amendments also make life easier for residents of new regions, explanatory note. to the law it is noted that their cars the ukrainian side puts them on the international wanted list, without any reason, and the gai cannot register them, but now the contradiction will be removed. another. an addition to the osaga rules, which are already in force, disabled people for whom vehicles are medically necessary will be able to return half of the amount paid for the insurance policy.
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compensation will be calculated automatically if the system already has all the necessary information, that is, firstly, a valid card is linked to your personal government services account. secondly, there is an entry in the federal register of persons with disabilities that you need a car. and finally, the insurance company provided the social fund with information that you... bought a policy. payment is processed within a maximum of 10 working days after the purchase of osaga. if the deadline has passed and the money has not been returned, then you should write a statement on the government services portal. the form will be prompted by the electronic keyword assistant. compensation saga for disabled people. at the moment there is a discount of up to 50% of the cost of the osaga insurance policy, which can be returned either to the disabled person, or the legal representative of the disabled person. for this purpose now for now. you just need to leave applications in government services, recalculation will occur within five working days to the specified details and the insurance premium will be refunded. so, let's repeat the main thing, from
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the spring of 25 they will no longer require a saga policy in order to register a car, but the requirement to insure the car if you use it will not go away. the car can be deregistered immediately after you have signed the contract through government services, rather than waiting 10 days. it can also be removed from the register. in case of theft, disabled people can already get half the cost of the policy back if they need the car for medical reasons. do you want to know what other changes to laws that affect motorists are being prepared? write to us in telegram, ask your questions, we will ask the experts and tell you the instructions in the next issues of the program. but beat yourself over the head. the main thing is van, hurry up, what sparks interest? uh, uh, what started? and makes life brighter. into the flints i was imprisoned by him. of course, flint. ivan,
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oh, we're coming out soon. this is not conducted by philip trofemov studio. the real mass adoption of artificial intelligence in smartphones is delayed. apple does not have time to complete its set of services under a common name. apple intelligence for the release of the next generation of iphones. according to bloomberg, apple intelligence will become freely available no earlier than october of this year. this means that the full release of the new version of the mobile operating system and the announcement of new smartphones, which traditionally take place in early september, will do without the wonders of generative neural networks that apple showed at the beginning of summer. then we were talking about smartphones starting with the iphone 15 pro and 15 pro max, tablets and computers based on apple’s own processor. will be able to run large language models directly on the device, that is, no data will be sent to any cloud, users will receive an advanced version
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of the siri voice assistant, the ability to create and modify texts and images, and all this will be additionally trained on the data of the user and accordingly adapt to him, this will happen, but later than expected, however, globally, all this fits 100% into current trends, according to the head of the researcher. divisions of the analytical company idc, the introduction of the capabilities of generative neural networks is the most powerful factor in the smartphone market in history; in terms of its impact on the development of the industry, it surpasses even the emergence of fifth-generation cellular networks. according to him, by the end of this year, to one degree or another , artificial intelligence functions will support every fifth smartphone sold in absolute terms 234 million mobile devices with generative. these assessments were made in the comments to the publication of this preliminary analysis of the smartphone market for the second quarter of this year. in short, sales in general are not fast, but
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they are growing, which at the end of the year promises a recovery in the industry after several years of decline, and the market is growing to a noticeable extent due to the leading chinese brands, that is, samsung and apple. supplies increased slightly, but lost market share, here's xiaomi and vivo showed double-digit growth; oppo, however, closes the top 5. if you consider that oppo and viva are part of the same concern bbk electronics, then together they are second only to samsung, and even then only slightly. new accusations against tiktok. american authorities claim that the short video service still collected and sent information about users from the united states to their homeland, that is, china, despite all the assurances and measures taken. let me remind you that according to a law recently passed in the usa, tiktok will be completely prohibited in this country if the parent company. divisions, and the likelihood of a sale is assessed as low, not only because tiktok has about 170 million users in the united states, that is, it is a fairly
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solid business. also because, according to chinese laws, no one can simply sell an asset related to neural networks and artificial intelligence abroad; this is what the unique recommendation algorithm of the service is built on, which ensures it such popularity. as a result, the law against the potential ban on tiktok is trying to appeal in an american court, appealing to the fact that many years have passed since the time when they tried to close it or buy it back under president trump, from a service agreement with the american corporation oracle, which now concerns the safety of personal data of users from the united states, but the american ministry of justice considered this to be disingenuous and presented a document to the court according to which tiktok seems to be an internal service tool called lark for direct communication between employees and the main office of buydens in china, with the help of this tool sensitive data was allegedly sent, including those related to the attitude of individual users to controversial topics, such as the right to abortion, religion and the forbidden...
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gold contains so many unknowns, if we hide it, the story of his life is revealed, among millions of gold pieces no two are alike, they are all different, this is a golden room, two tons gold per day. our equivalent is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, state, people will always need, it’s just absolutely bare metal from medeleev’s table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity there is an urgent need for something to be reliable, that something is gold.
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the israeli army struck beirut, according to preliminary data, three people were killed and 17 were injured, including six children. russian citizens are among them. no, this was clarified at the embassy. our correspondent in the region, alexander belibov, has details. the sahal air force carried out an airstrike on the southern suburbs of beirut. it is known that in this part of the lebanese capital it was issued as at least four missiles were flown by air force aircraft. the blow hit a densely populated area where there were literally houses.
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