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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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participants in information exchange. banks transmit information about all cases of attempted fraudulent transfers to the bank of russia. with this approach, the risk of an unjustified hit is minimized. respectable citizens and companies should not be afraid. so, let’s repeat the main thing: banks now monitor suspicious accounts and transactions and are responsible for this in rubles. and clients have the opportunity to think for a couple of days if they transfer money to a suspicious account. if the account is blacklisted by accident, then this can be challenged by appealing through the website the central bank or your bank. if you want to know more about what rights bank clients have, write to us on telegram, send your questions, we will ask experts about everything and tell you in the next editions of the instructions.
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beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without traveling, flint, he doesn’t need a feather, who has a hug in your pocket, soon.
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective.
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2 tons of gold in monetary equivalent is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it’s just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity urgently needs something to be reliable, that’s what - gold, fighting spirit... in the rear, how russian
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entrepreneurs help the military in the northern military district zone, in general i wanted to go to fight, but they didn’t understand me, they said: go home, mission, uniting the whole country, we send a humanitarian convoy almost every month, we’ve already sent 26, monuments to the sons of the fatherland as a business, it helps install sculptures of heroes of russia, in the north of the murmansk region in luostori, and there stands the very first monument to a northern military district soldier on... with care about those who fight at the front, faith is the only thing we have now, and we want to pass on all this faith to our boys, this is help to the homeland, at least our soldiers on the front line should know that they have a reliable rear behind them. modern technology for those in the dugouts in the trenches, they put on a bushelka, or they can put their pants here, we didn’t know about pants, this is...
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ssvo suggested. 300,000 companies of the russian organization have become a reliable rear. we can safely say that the whole country is included and a huge number, both business and simple. caring people in our country help the front every day. from the beginning, business owners began to independently look for ways to help and organized fundraisers on their own initiative. help is not only financial.
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then this is more than 300,000 transactions. our first parcel is stewed meat, because we are manufacturers of stewed meat, we also make it ourselves. i threw a cry into the conversation with my guys that if anyone has the desire , you can help in any way you can. we collected a whole gazelle, for all the teams that i have. thus began the humanitarian mission of cherepovets.
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will go, so that her child sleeps , they could say that no, i will not go, calmly, she will get up and go, so i think that i am not the only one, there are many of us, we are not to win, i can say this for sure, there are no such people who were born yet, and as they say, the one who can defeat us was not born, for 2 years without giving up, with bated breath and thoughts about the fighters, zalina’s team has been working, here in a small workshop they produce semi-finished products made from natural raw materials, products, you name it... this is how our day begins here every morning, when i go into the store, what are you doing today, sasha, now there are delicious treats, then i will, by the way, how many kilograms will we make, i'm doing 30, anton nefedovsky is here with his sons
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maxim and mark, now the boys help peel onions, but more often with volunteers they collect parcels for the military, load gazelles, write letters, it is of course very touching to watch how the children draw all this. they write words of support that we are waiting for you, waiting for you with victory, that come back, everything will be fine, this is of course the most touching, what i saw there, because we try to put in each parcel such a small postcard or something -a souvenir made by children, our children. having learned about the death of soldier alexander shostakov, a resident of cherepovets, zalina martynova decided to perpetuate his memory. in january of this year , on zalina’s initiative, they began to develop a model of a sculpture of the hero who gave his life for his homeland. the boy grew up, well, one might say, before our eyes, because we knew him, we saw his mother too, these are her elements, her pain, i accepted myself, so i decided, i asked
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her what i could do specifically for him, that it’s not just a portrait, it’s exactly him, that ’s how she gave me permission, so we started making this monument. she immediately began work, created a frame sketch, a small model of the future monument, paying special attention to details: eye shape, gaze, calm smile, position of hands and machine gun, military uniform. for marina, this is her third job and, as she says, it is important to recreate the image of the hero as natural as possible. it’s difficult, it’s always difficult to sculpt
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a portrait likeness, it’s studying the material, it’s studying a large number of photographs, it’s... days of a special operation, he went to the front to defend the country, died heroically.
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the entrepreneurs of cherepovets decided to perpetuate the memory of their hero and ordered this sculpture: life and a quarter, that is, it is a little larger than alexander himself. the perfect portrait likeness was copied from a photograph. that's exactly how sasha was. and now the sculpture is being sent to cherepovets, where it will stand in the park of the victory museum. now everyone will know about him. sculpture of alexander. the sixth, who died for the future fatherland, will become a symbol of all residents of cherepovets who heroically gave their lives at the front. the monument will be installed in the museum under victory park is open air, and the city helps those who are now on the front line with everything they can , says mayor vadim germanov. we send humanitarian convoys almost every month, we’ve already sent 26, and what’s encouraging is that more and more entrepreneurs from our cities are participating, someone is offering gas generators, lumber, something else, somehow more and more of this turn on. so every month one or two trucks go to our guys, yeah,
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a small business was born from baking a traditional homemade dessert, all thanks to the five-year sophia. the girl saw a terrible dream in which the city of russian sailors was attacked by enemies. sofia told her mother about this, and to calm her daughter down, elena sushkova made the first gingerbread with her. today sophia is 15 years old. well, we were really attacked by enemies in 2014, so she decided to send these gingerbread cookies to the guys at the front, she wrote a fairy tale, so she sent the gingerbread cookies to the front to the guys , uh, who fought there for russia, so it turns out we won, returned to russia, so the business began to grow even more, grow, grow, and now... it has already grown to such a social level, as it were, when many people know about
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us. the sevastopol gingerbread bakery opened more than 10 years ago, at a turning point for the entire peninsula and the country. in 2014, in honor of joining russia, masters baked products throughout the country and sent them to the regions as gratitude for their support. we realized that this is our mission, and we will all do this as a family. and at that difficult time, once a week we went with the whole family to checkpoints, baked gingerbread cookies and distributed them to the children, we supported them, i i cooked old russian sbiten, this is our real original russian drink of the 16th century, which consists of honey, ginger, cinnamon, my daughter described it. with a small hand, at that time she was only 5 years old, during a special military operation, the founder
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of the business, elena sushkova, and her team increased production volumes to 200 kg of baked goods per day, the bakery sent tens of thousands of gingerbread cookies to the front. i draw a bear with the flag of russia and sevastopol. i want to convey that our, our pride and that... our country wins, i would wish them good luck at the front and that they return as soon as possible. more than 3,000 russian companies and organizations across the country are helping soldiers at the front. representatives of small and medium-sized businesses supply products that they make themselves or transfer money to charitable foundations. entrepreneurs closely monitor what is happening in their zone and develop it.
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they order them from us, in the summer there seem to be fewer orders for this, we make them for free, we just supply them to the units that send a request, sometimes people come and say: we want help, please take it. in 2023, south ural entrepreneurs won the business success competition in the category of the best technological project. the manufacturers claim that the dryer heats up to 45-60° under a bushel, a few hours and the jacket is dry, the heater can be used as an electric heated floor or a heated ceiling. we can heat rooms, we can
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heat beds, now we’re having fun with electric ones. insoles, that is, this is exactly the option when people, when it’s cold, need their feet didn't freeze. igra panasyuk’s company has been engaged in electric heating for 15 years; its products have already replaced imported goods, for example, german heating systems for high-speed electric trains. recently, the company's designers have designed a new type of heater, an aluminum composite modular one, which can be used on the floor and other surfaces. we base all our devices on our own technologies. we do development at our own expense, so when a task comes to us, we immediately say that yes, we can do it or we can’t, to some extent at the moment we begin to try to make some models, we send them for testing, at
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some point we finalize them, and then very often it all comes to industrial use. the tundra is a modified model of the popular all-terrain vehicle, which is not afraid of off-roads, swamps, ponds, extreme class wheels allow you to pass any obstacles, the carrying capacity of the vehicle with the driver is 450 kg. such all-terrain vehicles are already used in oil and timber companies, enterprises laying power lines, and scientific ones.
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in 2016, a businessman from tyumen, dmitry ilyev , and a team of enthusiasts assembled the first all-terrain vehicle; they were satisfied with the result and decided to build a second one; gradually the garage workshop turned into a full-fledged production facility. the plant, therefore, began to work at full speed, they gave it a trade name, which means they called the all-terrain vehicle snow and swamp vehicle of the tundra brand, and they began to work. at the moment, the plant produces eight models. of this vehicle, we have two production facilities, one production in the city of krasnoyarsk, where larger machines are made, the second production is located in the city of kimena. now the plant produces eight models, the manufacturers are in constant contact with the fighters in the zone and take into account all their wishes. 90% of the components are domestic, so even at the front the all-terrain vehicle is easy
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to repair. low-pressure wheels can handle any off-road obstacles. the guys and i are fighters. that means we discuss what they need, what they need, and how we send these machines, of course, this is not a very good machine for the front line, it may be successful due to the fact that what kind of technologies even exist now, but somewhere near the front lines, as we call them, they can help very well, they can supply ammunition, they can supply water, they can supply firewood, in which case they can participate in the evacuation of the wounded. yes, in fact, to be in trend, you need to produce a lot of good quality products and one machine cannot do everything. the executive director of the company that produces dressings, alexander gershten, says that with the start of a special military operation, the plant became work for the needs of the front, every month donates
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products worth 2 million rubles to military personnel free of charge. more than 300 distributors help. to sell the plant's products, with the start of a special military operation, some medical products began to be sent to the front as humanitarian aid; last year alone , about 20 tons of goods were given to soldiers and in the hospital. the company's executive director , alexander gershtein, sent the first humanitarian cargo in march of twenty-two . then all types of products that they are manufactured at this plant, and about 200 goods were transferred to donetsk. since then , the team has been helping to equip combat first aid kits with medical backpacks. and there is no way to bandage it, we put our bandage on for 3 days, and it just takes them and the wound is cleaner, non-inflamed, it doesn’t stick, that’s it, we didn’t know that, that is
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, the popular front told us this, just by observing how this happens, we always perceive what they say from there, this is very important to us, first we take the filler of the wound, this sponge is the filler and cut it out. to the size of the wound. pavel fedorov is a former doctor, now the head of the company demonstrates the innovative development of a vacuum device for rapid wound healing. the sponge should cover the wound, but without touching the healthy skin in the area of ​​damage. we take the drainage port, remove the protective layer and install it on the hole. let’s say we will have this channel for collecting liquid.
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for the first time, a hospital approached us with a rather large order, and we then collected this large order, this was the first time doctors, we can say that it all started, that is, with the beginning of the svo, we have probably grown in terms of production capabilities by more than 200 or 300 times, that is, if before we could produce per month, well, probably. 30-50 devices, now we can quite freely produce 300 devices of each type,
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there were several of them. to save the lives of russian military personnel on the front line, front-line hospitals are equipped with such modern medical equipment; pavel fedorov’s team regularly supplies vacuum devices to new regions. russian business is actively involved in helping soldiers and volunteers working in the zone. in regional branches of the popular front and was delivered to soldiers on the front line and civilians in liberated cities. we have one company that regularly donates cars to us, and they have already donated more than 200 cars, well, these are new cars, foreign cars, popular pickup trucks, yes, that is, there is such a company, we don’t even count it. in money or there are our good friends and partners who endlessly for us, these vehicles are transported from regions,
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starting from the far east to rostov in order to bring them to the fighters, yes, that is , we can safely say that the whole country is included and a huge number of both business and simply caring people in our country they help the front every day. every month, business assistance to the front becomes more targeted and detailed. russian entrepreneurs maintain contact with units in the zone of a special military operation and are sensitive to everything new requests from military personnel taking part in hostilities. such powerful support helps soldier-officers maintain their morale and bring victory closer. it seems that we are nationalists.
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children who were zombified at school from the age of fourteen, this is a punishment for us for the fact that we have been engaged in cannibalism for the last century, we killed each other, looked for enemies among ourselves, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competition of ideas and money, there was a sensation, and what a sensation, they tensed up...
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figure skater vladislav tarasenko, starting in the fall twenty-second, performs combat missions here in the zaporozhye direction. we are all the same here, doing the same work, the same tasks. deadlift, my record is 285, i couldn’t sit because i was in normal shape, well, salomati, it happened that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, when i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leave, it will soon be 2 years.
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the russian army successfully repulsed all attacks in so, the center, west, east and south groups continued to occupy more advantageous positions positions, formation of zelensky. per day , another 2,130 soldiers and mercenary officers were lost, two tanks were destroyed, including a german leopard, five other armored vehicles, over thirty gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish made, were destroyed, air defense forces shot down 42 combat drones, two hymers guided missiles long-range missile neptum. meanwhile, ukraine received the first american shipment.


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