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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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a special military operation, so there is no sense in social guarantees and successfully progressing to monitor this and make any forecasts, i want no one to have excessive illusions, excessive expectations from the election results of the united states of america, believe me, no matter who is elected, who would n't become president?
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that attempts are being made on the life of a candidate for political reasons, well, this is already, i don’t know what century, this is already an incredible story, but at the same time we have declared, we declare, we are always ready for dialogue, we are always ready for global security negotiations.
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this time we raised a lot of relevant topics, openly, sharply, fundamentally, and we are grateful for the adequate reaction of the prime minister mikhail vladimirovich mishustin, for a very prompt reaction, after our meeting, some issues were resolved simply, well, instantly, so to speak, that the list of instructions that was published, i have already written it out to all committees, so that in interaction...
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if a person is corrosive, when he receives an unsubscribe, he returns it back, because we we know that we, he knows that we won’t get such an answer either, so i’m very glad that very serious questions have been reflected, and before the next meeting we will definitely work them all out , either decisions or laws will be adopted, so even at the end of the spring session , many issues were resolved that we raised at the previous meeting with the prime minister, thank you, let’s move on, kommersant, please, question, good afternoon, anastasia, kommersant newspaper, in early june, the first vice-speaker of the federation council, andrey turchak went to work at rio head of the altai republic, in this regard
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, the question is whether it is planned to appoint someone in his place, if the date may already be clear who, or the rate of one of the first, of the first two...
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and the fact that after each single voting day comes to the federation council, it
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is renewed by the federation council, fresh forces, new people come, with a new look, with new ideas, with new projects, this is very good, it is so enlivening. after each election the work of the federation council, updates it, so we will wait for the elections, we will wait to see who new senators will also come, some of the senators will confirm their powers, and after that we will make a decision, we will consult who to propose for the position of first deputy, chairman, since new senators come after the gubernatorial elections, they quickly... come immediately after the inauguration and parliaments at the second meeting of regional parliaments delegate their representative to the federation council, so as soon as the process before the formation of the federation council is completed, we will consult and immediately put one or another candidate to the vote
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for the position of first deputy. are you monitoring those regions where elections are currently taking place, where candidates are represented by trios, are you monitoring that?
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on people's issues, as they say, nabiuli came to you, and before that she raised
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the key rate to 18%, so she explains this by saying that this will allow a lot of good things to be done for the economy, including curbing, so to speak, inflation, in your opinion, she convinced you and the people with her arguments whether it is even possible to do this using such methods, as i understand it, the central bank may not stop, judging by the forecasts. experts, what to expect? colleagues, well, it’s clear that this topic is the most pressing, it is very widely discussed in society, in business, in the entire environment, of course, no one likes a high rate, it’s understandable, but the fact is that it is very important to ensure macroeconomic, macrofinancial stability and curb inflation, inflation is generally, well...
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they contribute together with the government, of course, they contribute to maintaining this financial stability, maintaining the exchange rate ruble, from the central bank, the central bank uses the tools that it has, just like other central banks of other states, but of course the measures of the central bank must be supplemented and... and executive authorities, and the government, and regional executive authorities,
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supplemented other tools, to develop the economy of supply there, and so on, i won’t list all this, so as not to end up in one direction, yes, in the right desire to contain inflation, so this is such, you know, our common task is not only the central bank is holding back inflation, but also the government and... business and the parliament of the federal assembly, and here there is something to work on, so that while still achieving a reduction in inflation, uh, stop the economy, uh, this. this was a live broadcast of a press conference by the speaker of the federation council, valentina matviyanko, following the results of the spring session. let's feast on advertising. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even
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, the preliminary cause was the explosion of a gas cylinder. in addition, there has been no information about casualties yet, which also speaks to this. in an emergency, residents are evacuated and the extent and nature of damage to the house is determined. we will, of course, continue to monitor incoming information and will tell you all the details in the next hour. in the meantime, the broadcast continues with footage from the government house. dear dmitry viktorovich, you have been heading the federal air transport agency for almost a year now, the most important agency on whose work it depends for sustainability and safety. the work of the entire air transport of the country, air traffic, air transport are of strategic importance for the russian federation, this increases the connectivity of the territory, which our president always talks about. operational issues are always the focus of attention of the government, the president especially emphasized that flights should be more accessible, and in 6 years, accordingly
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, we will have to increase their intensity by one and a half times, which is generally not easy task, this will require an integrated approach, coordinated actions not only by authorities, but also by private organizations, companies, science, industry, the digital industry, the construction complex, well, everything... funds were allocated from the federal budget for the restoration of our training fleet helicopters, maintaining the airworthiness of our aircraft, training facilities and increasing the
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salary level of instructors. currently, all contracts have been concluded, some of them have already been implemented, the rest will be implemented before the end of the year, i am sure that the support you provided will help improve the quality of graduation of our cadets, future pilots of the industry. regarding the first half of the year, dear... our main indicator remains our transportation activity, how airports and airlines operate; as of the first half of the year, more than 51 million passengers have already been transported, which is 7.6% more than in the same period in 2023 year, on domestic air routes - this is 38.7 million. i would like to especially note that our percentage of flights is growing, bypassing moscow, it is already 60... 3.3%, international flights are actively growing, an increase of 23.2%, currently we can carry out air communications with 36
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foreign countries, our airlines fly to 25 countries. of course, without the support provided by the government of the russian federation, the ministry of transport, it is impossible to achieve such indicators. first of all, this concerns subsidy programs. we have three traditional programs. this is a program for the accessibility of mainline transportation, development routes bypassing moscow, as well as social routes in the far east, by the end of the year we plan to transfer 4,150,000 passengers under these programs, this will be provided as part of 420 unique routes, discount tickets for which will be provided, and if we take the context of the period january june we have already transported 2.2 million passengers, the second support is the support of our...
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we expect this to be july-august this year. traditionally, in civil aviation, the summer schedule begins in april and ends in october. as of july already 40 million passengers were transported, we see strong growth in domestic traffic, this is 31 million. there is also active growth in international air lines and i would like to especially note our seat load in airlines, it reaches an average of 88%, and if we take individual... companies leaders, for example, pobeda airline, then seat load reaches 95%. siberian airline azimut also shows a high seat load of about 93%. this primarily
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indicates the high demand for air travel from our citizens. i also want to note high growth of individual groups of airlines, these are araflot and russia, traffic growth is about 21.5% in the summer and a group of airports, well, no surprises here. high growth is shown by vladivostok and krasnoyarsk 18% and kaliningrad and yekaterinburg by 13%. by the end of the season, by the end of the summer schedule, we plan to transfer 73.3 million passengers, which is 6.4% more than the summer schedule of the previous period, and i especially note that out of 73.369%. this is transportation to eighteen of our tourist regions, which are defined development, such work could certainly be
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achieved only with teamwork. at airlines, airports, all air traffic services, air traffic controllers, and maintenance and repair centers. i am confident that we will cope with all the assigned tasks. it is very important that today, despite unprecedented sanctions pressure, and domestic aviation continues to develop, it is not only aviation itself, it is infrastructure, airfields, control systems, new routes are opening, you they said this, that is , the need to make a transfer somewhere or fly is becoming less and less. moscow, in order to return back towards the same far east, this is all very important, but the most important thing is to fulfill the tasks that the president set for us, in 6 years we must actually repair and put in order 75 airports, this runways, these are buildings, you and i visited the far east last week, we were in magadan, we were in khabarovsk, novosibirsk, gornoaltaisk, where we looked,
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how is work going on... modernization of infrastructure, on the construction of runways, on the construction, by the way, of wonderful terminals, some time ago we were also in grozny, in the chechen republic, where construction of a large airport is also underway, what about all the other seventy-five, in currently, there are 228 civil aviation airfields in our country, taking into account the president’s instructions to increase aviation mobility, by 2030 there will be 242 civil aviation airfields together with the ministry of... transport rosaviatsia has formed a list of 129 airfields that are subject to further development; they are divided into two groups, the first of which is 76 airfields subject to reconstruction and new construction, we are implementing this as part of the president’s message to the federal assembly, currently, together with the ministry of development, we have selected these airfields, they are already included in the draft national project for an effective transport system, the selection was carried out
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according to... three main criteria, the first of which is the removal of restrictions on the regime operation, which will restrain the growth of passenger traffic at these airfields by 2030 . the second criterion is the technical condition, these are those airfields that have not been reconstructed for more than 20 years. the third block is new airfields as a driver for the development of aviation services, and the fourth direction is carryover activities from the last five-year plan. currently, there are seventy of these airfields. 35 will be implemented according to previously given instructions of the president, 29 airfields in the far eastern federal district, this is also important, because the president has set the task of ensuring transportation in the far east to 4 million by 2030. and the third thing i want to focus on is the implementation of reconstruction and construction within the framework of the state-private partnership mechanism, which will allow us to attract an additional 104 billion
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rubles for implementation. for reconstruction and new construction, currently a list of airports falling under the concession has been formed, last week vitaly gennadievich sovelev held a meeting with investors, 26 airports are already ready to begin implementation, investors have given the appropriate go-ahead, we are at the stage of negotiations on two airports and will complete them by september 1, you have been to the far east and siberia and have seen how projects are being implemented with the involvement. investments, investors, they count every ruble, they understand that it is their invested funds , they understand what kind of return they should have, and what will they achieve by the thirtieth year? i also want to note that starting next year we are ready to begin reconstruction at fourteen airfields, seven of which will be implemented within the framework of the ppp, we have already signed concessions for one airfield, this is omsk-fedorovka, for the second gorno-altaisk airfield we have given an order, we will sign it by the end of this year, these are
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the tasks you set. we will complete the implementation of the ppp within the specified time frame. the second block, also the most important, is carrying out major repairs. currently , 53 airfields have been formed that require these types of work; they will be implemented within the framework of the air transport infrastructure fund being created. but in addition to holding capital repairs, we also plan, within the framework of this fund, to purchase lighting equipment, which will allow aircraft to operate in difficult weather conditions. landing conditions, as well as the construction of easily erected, modular air terminal complexes at low-intensity airfields, this will certainly improve the quality of service for our passengers. i am sure that from 2025 to 1930, these 129 objects will be implemented. all the sites that we visited in the far east, to date day showed that the effectiveness of our efforts depends on how the dialogue with investors is structured and how attentive they are.


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