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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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what kind of person is this and is it a person? well , a patriot was found who liquidated it in one of the european capitals. the west handed over artyom and anna dultsev to russia; they got off the plane in kaliningrad. the couple were sentenced in slovenia to one year and 7 months in prison for espionage. they spent about the same amount of time in custody, have now been released and have been exchanged accordingly. western press. wrote about the spouses as russian spies under deep cover, the moldul people posed as citizens of argentina. according to slovenian data the media arrest was initiated in cooperation with foreign intelligence services. the criminal case was classified as secret, the process was closed, their children were almost sent to an orphanage. mikhail mikushin also returned, accused of espionage in norway. he worked at the arctic university of tramsø. the spanish
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journalist of russian origin, pavlo gonzalez, aka pavel rubtsov, who was arrested in poland in 2020, has been returned. roman seleznev, kidnapped in 2014 by american intelligence agencies in the maldives and sentenced in the united states to 27 years in prison for cyber fraud also returned home as part of the current exchange, as did russian it entrepreneur vladislav klyushin, who was detained 3 years ago in switzerland at the request of washington on suspicion of cyberattacks on american ones.
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on board to finally fly home, the main thing is that our people are returning, our heroes are returning, those who spent a lot, uh, a lot of time there are returning, and those, imagine what those people went through when they tell you, here you have a life sentence, yes, and what to do, it has finally come that moment, all their loved ones, mothers, loved ones prayed for this, so i join, again, and want to say that this is a great joy. but who we gave in return. american journalist evan gershkovich, sentenced in russia to sixteen years in prison for espionage. according to russian investigators, in march twenty -third, on instructions from the cia, he collected secret information about the activities of one of the russian defense enterprises for the production and repair of military equipment. let us again recall vladimir putin’s interview with journalist tucker.
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intelligence officers on the american side will also think about how to solve the problems that our intelligence services face, we are not closed to negotiations, moreover, these negotiations are underway, i hope that you will release it, thank you very much, mr. president, i would also like for him to leave, i would also like him to go home in the end, i say this sincerely, completely, well, i repeat, the dialogue is ongoing, another convict has returned to the states. visa espionage american
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former marine paul willan, by versions of the state prosecution, a career intelligence officer, he was detained in moscow after he received a flash drive at the metropol hotel with personal data of employees of one of the operational units of the fsb, and he also tried to recruit employees of the ministry of defense. german citizen rika krieger, who served time in belarus, was charged with six counts from terrorism of mercenaries to participation in an extremist group, he was sentenced to death... the other day he was pardoned, and now he has been released and extradited as part of the current prisoner exchange. also in list of exchanged foreigners, accused of smuggling, patrick schobel, as well as russian and german citizen kevin league, who collaborated with western intelligence services, he also went to the west, like a whole bunch of foreign agents and extremists close to the notorious supposedly liberal party, convicted mainly on symbolic grounds articles of treason and fake news about... the russian
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army, such as vladimir karamurza, a citizen of russia and great britain recognized in our country as an extremist, sentenced to 25 years in prison for treason or former deputy of the krasnoselsky district moskvygent. ilyi yashina. who else is on the list? convicted of fakes about the armed forces, journalist of the tatar-bashkir service and agent of radio liberty, alsou kurmasheva, foreigner oleg orlov, chairman of the board of memorial liquidated by the supreme court, foreign agent andrei pevovarov, ksenia fodeeva included in the list of extremists, as well as liliya chanysheva, hermann moizhes , sasha skochelenko, demuri voronin, vadim ostanin. behind each of these names. criminal cases and related biographies. we exchanged according to the formulation of the federal security service, a group of persons acting in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of russia. we returned our people to their homeland. 10 compatriots. this exchange is the
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largest in russian history since the cold war. in total, 26 people were on the lists. yes, anton, thank you, we don’t abandon our own. anton potkovenko from. in the prisoner exchange that took place today, as a result of which eight russians returned to their homeland, but joe biden welcomed the prisoner exchange between moscow and washington and added that the united states will continue to work to return home the remaining americans detained abroad. our own correspondent in the states, dmitry melnikov, will tell you the details. joe biden made a special statement about an hour and a half ago, he called this deal. in a diplomatic breakthrough, he said that today three american citizens are finally returning home, one holder of an american green card, he said that they are pool willen, evan gershkovich, alsul kurmasheva and vladimir karamurza. in his in a statement, biden also said that in total an agreement had been reached on the release of 16 people from russia,
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including five german citizens and seven russian citizens. at the same time, it’s really not in this statement separately, but before that , the biden administration reported and emphasized that this exchange does not mean anything. they were with us, they made bold decisions, freed prisoners who were legally held in their countries, and provided material technical support to bring americans home. in the united states calls this deal the largest exchange operation in recent years, some even claim that this may be the largest exchange of prisoners since
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the second world war, it is called historical in terms of the number of prisoners exchanged and the number of countries involved in this process, it is known that the deal included exchange of persons imprisoned in seven states. besides russia and the usa - these are germany, poland, slovenia, norway, belarus, and of course, turkey itself, which provided the platform, we saw how today the planes landed at ankara airport, there were seven planes in total, two from the united states, one from germany, poland, slovenia, norway and russia, but the wall street journal provides details of these negotiations, it is assured that representatives of the cia were most involved, also representatives of the white house, sir, participated in these negotiations and agreements. department, and president biden is said to have called several hours earlier on the same day that he withdrew from the july 21st race. to the prime minister of slovenia and personally asked him to release the two russians in order for this deal to take place. it is known that last week cia director william burns
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went to turkey to meet with his colleagues to discuss all the details, all the logistics. well, it is clear that now, during the pre-election period, every department is trying to pull what is called the blanket of merit. we are very grateful to the countless employees of our department and interdepartmental structures who worked tirelessly to achieve this result and have provided support in this endeavor for many years. i'm talking specifically about our employees at the embassy in moscow, about our consular affairs officers. today we celebrate that paul, evan, alsul, vladimir and others are free and reaffirm our efforts to free americans who. still illegally detained or held hostage. well, the cnn television channel, citing its sources , assures that, after all, the main agency that conducted the negotiations was the cia, its director william burts. negotiations were conducted with russian intelligence, with representatives of russian special services in personal meetings, as well as by telephone. as
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unnamed sources in the intelligence services tell the tv channel, in june of this year intelligence representatives met on the territory of a certain third country, there the united states put forward a proposal on the parameters of the exchange, which was completed a few hours ago, and a few days later russian representatives met with burns and confirmed their ability, their desire, russia’s desire, to carry out a deal precisely on these conditions is clear. that now both biden and the kharis will use this exchange as much as possible for their election purposes, as we saw, today biden stood surrounded by the families of american citizens who will return to their homeland in the coming hours, where, by the way, it is not known for sure whether it will be washington or some other city , well , it is also reported that kamala haris deliberately interrupted her election tour; now she is traveling around the states with election rallies to also meet with the liberated americans.
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well, as for the old world, european governments comment on the exchange of detainees between russia and the united states. british foreign secretary david lemme released an official statement welcoming the exchange. the president of the european council, charles michel, wrote approximately the same thing on social networks. the reaction of european media politicians is monitored by the head of the berlin news bureau, mikhail antonov. in the german media. there is a lot of discussion now about the technical details of the exchange, in particular the great attention to
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the role of the turkish special services in the organization this exchange. thomas jäger, a fairly well-known political scientist in germany, spoke on this matter. turkey has proven that it is capable of successfully negotiating such agreements. it undoubtedly required great services on her part to negotiate with different parties, because it is clear that with such an exchange. to the federal republic of germany, which held the key to organizing this exchange,
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did not want to put it into action for quite a long time, and the conversation was very much about the release of vadim krasikov, a man whom the german justice sentenced to life imprisonment for the liquidation of the chechen field commander zelemkhan khangashvili here in berlin on august 23, 9, he was shot in little thurgarton park, and for quite a long time the federal... the republic of germany withstood the pressure that was exerted from washington and did not include vadim krasikov to the list for exchange. well, finally, it happened, although it required some effort on the part of the federal government. there is a corresponding statement on this subject by stefan hebbestreit, official representative of chancellor scholz. the german government did not take this decision lightly. the state's interest in carrying out the sentence of a convicted criminal was negated by the need to preserve physical freedom. well-being in some cases, ultimately the lives of innocent people imprisoned in russia.
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our commitment to protecting german citizens and solidarity with the united states were important motivators. we hope that all those released will recover from physical psychological suffering in the company of their family and friends. well, this humanitarian component of the decision to exchange is very widely discussed here in the german media, in the western media, of course, the decisive factor that with... the cup of wits in favor of the exchange and forced the german authorities to somehow take a different look at this the process was the conviction in belarus of a certain rick krieger, a man accused of terrorism, let me remind you, he was sentenced to capital punishment, there were two factors that apparently influenced the position of the federal chancellery, the german prosecutor general's office, the ministry of justice, on the one hand, this is the need to help your citizen out of trouble, there is no escape, on the other hand... the approaching elections in the united states and the need to support the friendly administration of joseph
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is the best bank for business. we give the business 3 months of free acquiring, as well as a terminal and a cash desk. open a free business account in august. vladimir putin congratulated the liberated russians on their return to their homeland. the president arrived at vnukovo airport, where he landed. a plane with russians, here are the shots of this meeting, the honor guard of the presidential regiment and, of course, the red carpet, the head of the fsb alexander bortnikov and the head of the svr also arrived at the airport sergei naryshkin and defense minister andrei belouslov.
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well, i’ll add that this exchange is the largest in the entire history of russia since the cold war. vladimir putin expressed special gratitude to those involved in military service, thanked them for their loyalty to the oath to their duty and homeland, the president assured that their homeland did not forget about them for a minute. the head of state emphasized that all arrivals will be presented with state awards. well, vladimir.
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right now in the footage these are the spouses artyom and anna dultseva, they were sentenced to slovenia one year and seven months of imprisonment in
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the case of espionage, spent about the same amount of time in custody, and now they have been released, an important point is that they managed to return the minor children, otherwise they could have been handed over to social services and they could have lost their parents. a spanish journalist of russian origin, pablo gonzalez, also known as pavel rubtsov, who was arrested in poland, was returned, and among those who returned were mikhail mikushin, accused of espionage in norway, as well as roman seleznev, kidnapped... by american intelligence services. in the maldives and sentenced in the united states to 27 years in prison for operations in cyberspace. russian it entrepreneur
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vladislav klyushin, detained 3 years ago in switzerland at the request of washington on suspicion of cyber attacks on american companies. first of all, i want to congratulate you all on returning to your homeland. now i want to appeal to those of you who... are directly related to military service, i want to thank you for your loyalty, your oath, your duty and the ruby, which forgot you not for a minute, here you are, all of you will represented by the state nagra, and... we will see you again, we will talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on your return home, thank you very much,
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congratulations, thank you, so, the russians released as a result of the exchange will be presented.
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national stage this evening. the dulceva couple were arrested in slovenia at the end of 2022, the children were sent to foster families, if not for the current exchange with their mother and father, they might not have returned, so anna’s tears and artyom’s smile are like their embarrassment son and daughter, so easy to understand. vladislav
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klyushin, vadim konoshchenok, pavel rubtsov, by the way, the only one who goes down the ladder with things, mikhail makushin, roman seleznev, eight russians detained in prison in nato countries, all will be presented with state awards, the president emphasized, and specially thanked those who are related to military service. first of all, i want to congratulate you all on your return to your homeland. i want to appeal to those of you who are directly related to military service, i want to thank you for your loyalty to your oath duty and a hand that forgot about you not for a minute. and here you are, all of you will be represented
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by the state. we will see you again, talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on your return home, thank you very much, congratulations, this conversation continued right at the airport without the journalists’ cameras and of course without cuts, to everyone whose path home turned out to be so tortuous .
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i spent a lot of time with the families of evan, paul, alsou, most of the time, as you can imagine, these were difficult conversations, but not today. sorry, today was a very good day and we will build on it with inspiration and continued courage for all those who have been taken hostage or illegally detained around the world. well, now the stories of other high-profile exchanges are in our reference. let's take a look back at a few famous exchanges from past years. in december 2022, at abu dhabi airport, russian entrepreneur viktor but was exchanged for american basketball player britney greiner, convicted in russia of drug smuggling. bout was detained in thailand by us request. in 2012, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison on charges of illegal
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arms trafficking. another exchange took place in april 2022, as a result of which russian pilot konstantin eroshenko returned home; he was detained in 2010 in liberia and convicted in the united states for drug smuggling. in return, the united states received its own marine trevor reed, convicted of attacking russian police officers. in september 2019, moscow and kiev carried out an exchange using the 35 to 35 formula. in particular, journalist kirill vyshinsky returned to russia. among those transferred to ukraine. oleg sentsov, convicted of terrorism and espionage. in may 2016, russia returned yevgeny erofeev and alexander alexandrov, who were serving time in ukraine for participating in hostilities in the donbass. they were exchanged for ukrainian pilot nadezhda savchenko, who was sentenced in russia to 22 years for involvement in the death of our colleagues, journalists igor kornelyuk and anton voloshin in the lugansk region. in july 2010 , a prisoner exchange took place at vienna airport
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. russia and the usa, washington extradited ten russian agents to moscow, including anna chapman. russia pardoned and released four russian citizens, including those convicted of spying for western intelligence services, former gru colonel sergei skripal and scientist igor sutyagin. alfabank is the best bank for... we give businesses 3 months of free acquiring, as well as a terminal and cash desk, open a free account for business in august. click, push, click. delivery by click at the megamarket. your personal pick-up point. cry. and the order is placed. the goods go to the nearest dark stor.


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