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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 2:00am-2:30am MSK

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the russians released as a result of the exchange will be presented with state awards, vladimir putin said.
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collected, restrained, the same patriot that, apparently, vladimir putin spoke about in february in an interview with tucker carlson , whom he shook hands with and hugged today. following hand in hand are four people at once, the dultsev family, anna and artyom and their two minor children, and this, of course, is the most emotional scene of the evening. the dulcevo couple were arrested in slovenia at the end of 2022, and their children were sent to foster care. families. if it weren’t for the current exchange with their mother and father, they might not have returned, so anna’s tears and artyom’s smile, like the embarrassment of their son and daughter, are so easy to understand. pavel
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rubtsov, by the way, is the only one who goes down the ladder with things, mikhail makushin, roman seleznev, eight russians who were detained and imprisoned in nato countries. everyone will be presented with state awards, the president emphasized, and specially thanked those involved in military service. first of all, i want to congratulate you all on your return people. now i want to appeal to those of you who... are directly related to the military hearings, i want to thank you for your loyalty in the oath to your duty and the hands that forgot you not for a minute, here you are, all of you will be represented by the state, we ...
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we'll see you again, we'll talk about your future, now i just want to congratulate you on returning home, thank you very much, congratulations, thank you, thank you, this conversation continued right at the airport, without the journalists' cameras, and of course, without banknotes, to everyone whose the path home turned out to be so winding, as if there was something to tell the head of state about. so, a historical event took place, an exchange of prisoners from seven countries, anton podkovenko knows all the details, a really large exchange of prisoners between russia and belarus and the west, coordinated by the turkish intelligence service. this is how the american, evan gershkovich, along with other exchange prisoners, went to the airport in moscow before flying to turkey. here is the german rika krieger, who brings out foreign agent vladimir karamurza nearby.
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tom gershkovich, here is will's former us marine. and this is footage from ankara airport, where planes from the countries participating in the exchange arrived. the entire world media watched the broadcast. the numerous parties involved in organizing the exchange fully complied with the agreements. this was stated by a credible source in one of the russian competent departments. so, which of ours returned to their homeland? vadim krasikov, sentenced by the court in. this character was involved in preparing an attack on a school in beslan, and was involved in preparing a train explosion in the moscow metro in 2004, and also participated in attacks on russian soldiers. in an interview with vladimir putin and tucker carlson this winter, this was clearly discussed. sitting
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in the states, a man who, out of patriotic considerations in one country, an ally of the united states... eliminated a bandit in one of the european capitals, during an event in the caucasus, do you know what he did? i don’t want to say it, but i’ll say it anyway, he laid out our captured soldiers on the road, and then drove his car along their heads, what is this? a person and is it a person? well, a patriot was found who liquidated one of his european capitals. the west extradited artyom and anna dultsev to russia. they got off the plane in kaliningrad. the couple were sentenced in slovenia to one year and seven months in prison for espionage;
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they spent about the same amount of time in custody; now they have been released and exchanged. the western press wrote about the dultsevs as russian spies under deep cover, saying they pretended to be citizens. argentina. according to slovenian media, the arrest was initiated in collaboration with foreign intelligence services. the criminal case was classified as secret, the process was closed, their children were almost sent to an orphanage. mikhail mikushin also returned, accused of espionage in norway. he worked at the arctic university of tramsø. the spanish journalist of russian origin, pavlo gonzalez, who was arrested in poland in 1922, has been returned. he is pavel rubtsov. roman seleznev, kidnapped. in 2014 , american intelligence agencies in the maldives and sentenced in the united states to 27 years in prison for cyber fraud, also returned to their homeland as part of the current exchange, as did russian it entrepreneur vladislav klyushin, detained 3 years ago in switzerland at the request of washington, on suspicion of
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cyber attacks on american companies. vadim kanashchenok, accused of illegally purchasing electronics for the russian defense sector, was also returned. this is how they were put on a plane in turkey. vadim krasikov was brought to the plane wearing a motorcycle helmet. these are special measures, as if for dangerous criminals. the first to board the plane were artyom and anna dultsevy with their children, who would have been sent to an orphanage a little longer if the exchange had not taken place. but now everyone is on board to finally fly home. the main thing is that our people are returning, our heroes are returning, those who spent a lot , a lot, a lot of time there are returning, and those, can you imagine what those people went through when they tell you, you have a life sentence, and so what? do, finally the moment has come, all their relatives, mothers, loved ones prayed for this,
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therefore, i join, again, and i want to say that this is a great joy, this is who we gave in response, the american journalist evan gershkovich, sentenced in russia. the cia was collecting secret information about the activities of one of the russian defense enterprises for the production and repair of military equipment. let us again recall vladimir putin’s interview with journalist tucker. is he just a journalist? yes, he is not just a journalist, i repeat again, he is a journalist who received secret information on a secret basis. well, yes, this is another one history, at all, i do not exclude that...
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i hope that you will release him, thank you very much, mr. president, i would also like him to leave, i would also like him to go home in the end , i say sincerely, well, i repeat, the dialogue is ongoing, another person convicted in russia for espionage has returned to the states, an american, a former marine, paul willan, according to the state prosecution, a career intelligence officer, was detained in moscow after he received a flash drive with personal information at the metropol hotel data from employees of one of operational units. sat, and he also tried to recruit employees of the ministry of defense. german citizen rika krieger, who was imprisoned in belarus, was charged with six counts, ranging from terrorism to mercenaries to participation in an extremist group, was sentenced to death, was recently pardoned, and has now been released and extradited as part of the current
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prisoner exchange. also on the list of exchanged foreigners is patrick schobel, accused of smuggling, as well as russian and german citizen kevin leak, who is collaborating. with intelligence services of nato countries. foreign agents and extremists of all kinds also went to the west. russian citizen of great britain agent vladimir karamurza, sentenced to 25 years in prison for high treason. former deputy of the krasnoselsky district of moscow, foreign agent ilya yashin, who else is on the list, convicted of fakes about the armed forces, journalist of the tatar-bashkir service of radio liberty agent alsu kurmashova, foreign agent oleg orlov, chairman of the board of memorial liquidated by the supreme court, foreign agent andrei pevovarov, included on the list of extremists is ksenia fodeeva, as well as liliya chanysheva, hermann moizhes, sasha skochelenko, dimury voronin, vadim ostanin, for each. of these names are criminal cases and corresponding biographies. we exchanged, according to the wording of the fsb, a group of individuals
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who acted in the interests of foreign states to the detriment of the security of russia. we returned 10 of our compatriots to their homeland. this exchange is the largest in the history of our country since the cold war. in total , 26 people were on the lists. so, based on the results of the exchange, russia is completely. satisfied, that's in that case, when the west fulfilled all its obligations, the returning russians in the west were charged with cooperation with intelligence, although in a number of cases their guilt was never proven. in exchange, russia released those who were accused in our country of espionage and treason. vitaly karmazin, more details. this is the first footage of our compatriots boarding a russian plane. they are finally free and ready to fly home. it is obvious that this most complex exchange has been prepared for a long time. and in these footage published by the russian fsb, those whom
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vladimir putin pardoned. citizens, including foreigners, who were serving sentences for committing crimes on the territory of our country. they are taken to the airport to be taken to ankara. at ankara airport there is a board of a special detachment from russia. the russian flag can be seen even from several kilometers away. they don't let journalists get any closer. but from afar, through the melting air, you can see the scale of what is happening. a white bus with dozens of people around it, another silver side taxis into the parking lot. within a minute, his door swings open, several people come out, and so begins an exchange of equals, which has never been possible, and at least seven countries participate in it. russia, usa, germany, slovenia, belarus, poland, norway. turkish intelligence acted as mediators, which is why the exchange took place in ankara. 26 people. people come out of two planes one by one, and three buses are waiting for them. the first ones with green stickers on the windows and doors obviously seat those who will fly to germany. for example, they are leading rick
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krieger. the second bus with blue stickers is apparently intended for those waiting in the usa. here come eion gershkovitch and paul willan. it is curious that our special services employees helped foreigners carry their heavy things. and now the farthest bus with red stickers, most likely intended for russians, was taken to the most prominent participant in this exchange. a stocky man in red pants, a blue jacket with his hands cuffed and opaque to light.
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no visitors, 75 minutes, access to the yard, no contact with other prisoners, surrounded by barbed wire, communication only through bullets, impenetrable glass, minimum contacts, the russians considered the german authorities to be especially dangerous, but khengashvili was especially dangerous, here is a unique chronicle in the footage, the same one, as he was called in germany, peaceful. and the friendly zelimkhan khangashvili hugs the terrorists, listens to the orders of abukuteib, ali taziev, abudzeid, who were involved in the seizure of the school in beslan, and here is shamil basayev, the fanatic who organized the hostage-taking at dubrovka. in may and august 2003 zelimkhan khangashvili personally shot the amonovites, and in june 2004, with basayev, attacked the city of nazran. according to russian intelligence services, he was involved in the murder of more than 200 people. vladimir also spoke about the fact that khengashvili was a cruel executioner.
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i don’t want to say it, but i’ll say it anyway, he put our soldiers in this damn thing on the road, and then... cars drove over their heads, what kind of person is this and is he a person? well, there was a patriot who liquidated one of his european capitals, but whether he did it on his own initiative or not, that’s different question, yes, but ivan kershkovich
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did not do anything like that, this is a completely different story, he did something else, he is just a journalist. he is not just a journalist, i repeat again, this is a journalist who received secret information on a secret basis, obtaining secret information on a secret basis is called espionage, evan gershkovich, a reporter for the wall street journal, was detained in march 2023 in the sverdlovsk region, he collected classified information on instructions from the cia in march 2023 in the sverdlovsk region collected secret information about the activities of the undp defense enterprise. state plant for the production and repair of military equipment. gershkovich claimed that he was preparing a report, but was more interested in defense enterprises, including in nizhny tagil. i know that he got out of the car that drove him there, so he was absent for 2-3 hours, where he was, who he met with. it is clear, either to remove the camera traps that were placed there, or some other devices that interested him, about the production of our
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industrial, certain industrial products in the same nizhny tagel. they started talking about the upcoming exchange when from... and therefore not america, their trial took place only yesterday, it is impossible that the decision in their case was awaited for the exchange. their children arrived with them and were taken away from their family during the arrest. the return of children to russia was one of the conditions of the exchange. a spanish journalist with russian roots, pavel rubtsov, was detained in poland and accused of spying for russia. roman seleznev was kidnapped in the maldives and transported to the united states on charges of cybercrimes. then seleznev was barely over 30, but he was already seriously ill on a third of his skull - a metal plate, the consequences of a terrorist attack in morocco, but not a single court took into account his state of health. do you
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want to go home? of course, i want to go home to russia. in an american prison, seleznev noted every 2 hours, even at night. smuggling into russia items used for the manufacture of weapons. vadim konoshchonok, detained in tallinn in the united states, was called the organizer of a channel for circumventing sanctions, allegedly by his order in america alexey brayman, under the guise of inflatable snowmen santa claus and christmas reindeer. near the facade of this house, he organized a den of smugglers. but the americans brought vladislav klyushin from switzerland. at first they wanted to accuse him of interfering in the 2016 american presidential election, but these charges completely fell apart. then he was charged with illegal enrichment on the stock exchange. mikhail mikushin, who was detained in norway in 2023, also returns to russia.
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those convicted under articles or were released from russian prisons. he was a great friend of senator mccain, then he came to his funeral and stood in line behind joe biden. later he received british citizenship. another dual citizen, kevin lake, according to investigators , worked for the german intelligence services for a future career in berlin. another german was literally saved from death as part of the exchange. rick krieger was sentenced to death in belarus
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. he worked in the security service of the us embassy in berlin, where, as belarusian investigators are sure, he learned the skill. arrived in belarus, took the bomb from the cache and took it to the station. then they write: put backpack on the railway, next to the rails at the platform. miraculously, no one was injured during the explosion; krieger was detained and sentenced to capital punishment in accordance with belarusian laws. krieger asked the german government for help, and lukashenko pardoned him. the terrorist could not hold back his tears when he learned about this, by the decision of the head of state, by his decree, you have been pardoned, thank you. many of those who were extradited by russia today were detained. investigators proved their guilt with collected evidence, including studying correspondence, found seals and weapons of crime. the court established
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the involvement of these people in the committed acts. among those released from a russian prison is another foreigner, marine paul willan, who was sentenced to 16 years for espionage. he served time in the mordovian colony and waited a long time for an exchange, but apparently, america no longer needed the soldier, basketball player, lesbian britney greiner, who was convicted. in russia for smuggling marijuana, it was she who was exchanged for our pilot viktor but. willen and his family were angry. according to russian laws , he would have been released from prison only in 2036, but was released today. this exchange is already being called the largest since the cold war. obviously, in order to carry out such an operation, it was necessary to obtain the consent of the leaders of the countries and coordinate many departments, although this was extremely difficult. it is curious that as part of the exchange, the foreign party showed interest in the inclusion.
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cannot separate myth and reality, but the most offensive thing is that all these azov residents were all mariupol residents, those children who were zombied at school from the age of fourteen, this is
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a punishment for us for being the last century we were engaged in cannibalism, we killed each other, we looked for enemies among ourselves.
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we’ll tell you about them right now. from august 1 , the russian social fund will reduce the insurance pensions of pensioners who worked in 2023. the adjustment will affect all recipients of old-age and disability pensions for whom the employer paid insurance contributions. what the increase will be depends on the salary. the higher it is, the more the pension will increase. as noted on the social fund website, the maximum increase is three pension coefficients. its cost depends on. year in which the citizen received a pension, well, for example, this year it is 133 rubles 5 kopecks. the social fund website states that you can view the accumulated coefficient using an extract from your personal account,
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which must be requested in your personal account on the government services portal. what is important is that the recalculation takes place without a statement, that is, pensioners do not need to apply anywhere. the new pension amount will be transferred in august according to the standard schedule. also, an increase in payments awaits those who receive a salary in july.
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october inclusive, similar measures on diesel fuel was not accepted, according to the first deputy head of the ministry of energy pavel sorokin, the government made such a decision in order to stabilize the market, saturate it with supply and prevent sharp price increases, including in wholesale. this week, starting from tuesday, stock prices for gasoline in russia are rising, these graphs show the cost of ninety-second and ninety- five gasoline for the european part of russia in rubles per ton including vat. action must be taken today. conditions, which are characterized on the one hand by planned repairs, on the other hand, all sorts of emergency situations, the government’s task is to prevent prices from rising, primarily due to inflation, but they are not growing today, and prevents the creation of a situation where car prices will rise so much that they will have to
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fontanel prices also react to this. the changes also affected the sugar market. by order of the ministry of agriculture , restrictions on the export of sugar under export agreements are extended from august 1 to april 28 next year. the export of only one ton of this product is allowed. by in fact, it's almost a ban. but there are a few exceptions that concern ias countries. for example, 28,000 tons of sugar are allowed to be exported to armenia, to belarus - 5,00 tons, to kazakhstan - 120,000 tons, to kyrgyzstan - 28.5. and all volumes are distributed among exporters by the ministry of agriculture, and export licenses are issued by the ministry of industry and trade. the situation on the sugar market remains quite stable, we expect the harvest to be close to average, wholesale prices for sugar are now gradually decreasing, in anticipation of the start of the light season, and there will even be some surplus that is needed
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it will be and will be possible... to be exported, i think that the government, within the framework of other decisions, will allow this to be done. and, of course, these are not all the changes coming into force this month. on august 1 , a law came into effect according to which the digital ruble is considered an object of civil rights and can be inherited. from august 2, if a bank goes bankrupt, its creditors will be able to receive their money faster. this will happen thanks to the introduction of an accelerated procedure for the sale of bankrupt assets. well, from august 5th, banks and microfinance. organizations must keep a record of all messages they send to debtors with overdue loans, this will protect people from possible violations, insults, threats, and this is just a small part of the innovations this month.
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who are you? i am a traveler. beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, where it goes, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need to, i can’t live without travel, flint, he doesn’t need a pen, who has flint in your pocket, coming soon!
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welcome to asia, this is where the heart beats continent. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.


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