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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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sit down, because i was in normal shape, well, salamati, alone, it was the case that they recognized you, what was the reaction, oh well, i say, well, yes, the first time i arrived, i was there for 5-6 days, i didn’t want to leaving, soon it will be 2 years.
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and now it’s time for economic news: the ban on the import of fresh fish from russia, which is currently being discussed in europe, could deprive the eu of a quarter of pollock supplies, ria news writes about this with reference to eurostat. at the same time, pollock is especially popular among european buyers, in particular in in germany it accounts for 19% of fish consumption. last year, the european union purchased mentai for more than a billion euros, a quarter of the volume came from russian supplies. demand for excursion tours around russia has increased by 15-20% this summer. this was stated in the russian union of tourism industry. the reasons for the growth there are high prices for foreign holidays, high occupancy of black sea resorts in general , growing interest in traveling around the country. among the popular destinations for such tourism are solovki, dagestan and the golden ring. sales lada sales increased by a third in july to 37,500 vehicles. avtovaz announced this. most popular. granta became the model,
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accounting for half of the sales, followed by vesta, the niva family and largas. the company fulfilled the july plan by 94%. at the same time, avtovas notes the continuing price expansion of chinese manufacturers. now they control about 90% of the russian passenger car market in financial terms. and today several russian companies reported for the first half of the year. thus, surgut-neftegaz reduced its net profit six times. the company has earned about 140 miles.
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touch on a variety of spheres of life of russians, about the most high-profile initiatives that members of the federation council have noted over these six months. varvara nevskaya. the 574th final meeting of the spring session of the federation council is officially completed. speaker of the upper house of parliament valentina matvienko noted that, despite the extremely high pace of work and non-standard tasks, the federation council fully fulfilled all the plans.
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we worked in close cooperation with the constituent entities of the federation, with colleagues from the state duma, with the government russia. separately, i would like to note that a significant part of the laws considered were initiatives prepared by the senator, including jointly with other subjects of legislative initiative. there was a record number of senate bills this year.
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workers, the amendments also define new tools to counter the formation of overdue wages . this work will involve the social fund, the compulsory health insurance fund, trade unions, associations of employers to coordinate their activities in the regions will be created
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by an interdepartmental commission. senators approved laws banning trash streams and administrative liability up to 1 million.
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urgent news is coming in about a rescue operation in nizhny tagil, where, let me remind you, the day before the entrances of a residential building collapsed and collapsed, taz message: the number of deaths from the collapse of part of the house increased to 7 people, this was reported by the press service of the russian ministry of emergency situations. this brought the total number of deaths to seven people, four of them children, currently unknown the fate of two more people remains. deputy prime minister dmitry patrushev checked how reform in the field of municipal solid waste management is being implemented in the krasnodar territory. he is on a working trip to sochi. patrushev assessed the scale of the largest waste landfill in the region, belorechensky, where the bulk of waste is transported from sochi,
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sirius and several other areas, plastic, metal, paper and glass are sorted and sent for recycling. reconstruction began there this year. in addition, the deputy prime minister was shown a solid waste storage facility. watershed, this is an important object for the ecology of the region, because in the most popular russian resort city, during the high season, the volume of garbage can reach one and a half tons per day. according to the instructions of dmitry patrushev, the region should actively participate in the activities of the new national project. from the twenty-fifth year, on behalf of the president, the implementation of the national project for environmental well-being will begin. one of its directions is.
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russia exported a record volume of grain over the past agricultural year, while domestic the market is fully supplied; supplies abroad are subject to quotas. which countries are among the top buyers of russian grain and what about prices? - nika yankovaya found out. record 70 million tons. our country exported this volume of grain in the last agricultural season, the ministry of agriculture reported. at the same time , the department emphasized that the needs of domestic consumers are fully met thanks to the quota mechanism. this year, the grain export quota was 29 million tons. russia has been using this mechanism
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since 1920. quotas are valid from 15 february to june 30. their size is calculated annually based on the harvest volumes of domestic needs. it is important to note that this happened also taking into account the unfavorable climatic situation, including the return of may frosts. according to rosselkhoznadzor, russia. also supplied a record 55.3 million tons of wheat abroad, and it is important to note here that the needs of domestic consumers were satisfied in full, well, primarily due to the e-quotation mechanism. in the previous agricultural year, exports of russian grain amounted to 60 million tons, of which 47 million were wheat. deliveries increased by almost 17%. buying countries include turkey, iran, egypt, saudi arabia, bangladesh, libya, algeria, pakistan and china. in the twenty-third year, russia harvested the second
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largest grain harvest in history - 147 million tons, taking into account new regions. according to forecasts, this year, despite the frosts, the harvest will be at least 132 million tons, of which approximately 85 million will be wheat. such indicators will allow exporting up to 60 million tons of grain. the government has authorized the sale of up to 500,000 tons from the federal intervention fund. grains this year. the state purchases products into this fund when prices for them decrease, thereby removing surplus from the market and supporting agricultural producers. the decision to sell grain from the intervention fund is made when prices rise; market saturation helps maintain its stability. prices for most goods are falling, including the grain group. and we expect the biggest harvest this year. for grain production in the world, according to estimates expert opinion from a number of international organizations,
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and this, of course, affects prices. plus, we see that export duties have also been decreasing recently, and then they will begin to increase due to the fact that as prices fall, countries are beginning to intensively select grain from the world market and make appropriate food reserves. in the usa, meanwhile, they are afraid of our share growing. countries in global grain exports, as assistant secretary of state for european and eurasian affairs james oy bryan recently said, if allowed if russia takes control of the ukrainian grain markets, it will control more than 20% of the world market and will be able to influence prices, which means, according to the economic interests of the united states, we cannot allow our country to strengthen its position in this area. if we talk about ukrainian exports, they are very significant, because even with a decrease... grain production is somewhere up to 53 million tons, and their maximum was 80 and
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a kopeck, their domestic consumption is declining very sharply, so exports are growing potential, at least if we talk about it that last season they exported 18 million tons of wheat, this is also quite a decent amount, now their export potential for wheat is about 13 million tons, according to estimates of the international... grain council, russia’s share in world wheat exports has increased to a record 26% based on the results of the 23-24 agricultural season. the previous maximum was recorded in 2017-18, when the figure was almost 23.5%. in the united states, on the eve of the elections , the struggle between vice presidents of the current kamala-harris and perhaps the future jady vance is heating up, whom trump chose as his running mate. the candidacy turned out to be controversial because...
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in wisconsin named jady vance as his vice-presidential candidate; many thought that this choice, although somewhat radical, was still correct. the weeks that passed after the shootings in butler turned out to be an entire era for the presidential race in the united states. it's time to evaluate trump's choice with a cool head and evaluate its consequences. so who is he? mr. vance, at 39, it seems senator atagayu still doesn't have a definitive answer to that question. indeed, next to
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trump and his sons, he is not very confident. footage from the republican party convention, it is clear that vance is trying to joke and smile, but somehow it all turns out not very cleverly, and how could it be otherwise, they are really too different, a rich family of billionaires from new york, and a man with the very american bottom, poor ohio, rusty train, deindustrialized america, childhood in kintuka. then the marine corps, service in iraq and yale university, where vance ended up not because he had a lot of money for in order to pay for an ivy league university, in general, he achieved everything himself and he made his biography very popular in the united states, there is a book
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called the hillbilly elegy, or in translation we also call it the village legia. a very popular film in the usa, what is its popularity? yes, the fact is that vance’s fate, in a sense, is typical for representatives of that class, so to speak, not rich americans, but whites from the outback, in general, this is such a typical trump voter, this is the forgotten one, the abandoned electorate on which the republican relied in 2016, what is also
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important is that then at the very beginning of the journey. vance admitted that he was not even thinking about such a serious political career; then he was even asked about possible plans for the white house, that’s what he answered. everyone wants to know if jaydee is going to run for president? i think people who think that way think too highly of me, of course, never say never, but right now i'm not thinking about it. and vance certainly did not connect his political future with donald trump. in in 2016, he literally hated the republican, called him a populist, compared him to hitler, now all these epithets and quotes are raising it, they are again in the information field. eight years ago, during the 2016 presidential campaign, jaydee vance was an outspoken critic of donald trump. he publicly called the republican candidate
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an idiot and said he deserved censure. but gradually, as observers note.
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they remember that trump was criticized, especially by an aspiring girl, she, too, after the events associated with the storming of the capitol. she told friends she was furious that trump incited the attack on the capitol, and she lamented the social division that fueled support for trump, said friend yusha vance, speaking on condition of anonymity. so what changed vance, why did he suddenly turn to trump, republican senator john barassa, who... the usa from migrants, this is perhaps the main
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topic, very important for conservative voters, this is how vance comment on it. first, wall street harrows brought down the economy. and forced developers to leave the market, houses stopped being built, jobs became scarce, wages stopped growing, and after that the democrats. flooded the country with millions of illegal aliens, forcing citizens to compete for the precious housing market with those who should not have been here in the first place. there is still an important point to note here, the fact is that at one time the democrats were the defenders of, so to speak, blue collar workers in the united states, but with ideas like trump’s, the situation is changing, and now it is politicians like vance position themselves as defenders of the working class. we will no longer serve the wall street people, but devote ourselves to the working man. we will not import labor, but will fight for american citizens, give them good
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jobs and good wages. vance is a very religious person, family values ​​play a big role in his picture of the world, he often talks about this, he has a very tough attitude towards the issue of abortion, even tougher than trump. in this regard, vence’s statements, made not now, but several years ago ago, now they are turning against him, perhaps the most resonant interview was in 2021, in which vance said literally the following: this country is essentially ruled by democrats and oligarchs with the help of mountainous childless cat ladies, whose lives do not work out because of their own decisions, they are trying to do the same with the rest.
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technology, and the technology in america has long been tested, every word is, as a rule , miranda's rule, but only in politics, every word spoken by a politician several years ago can be used against him, so swenson did just that, but in any case , it was a statement on the edge, in conditions when the whole struggle is for the undecided voter, who may be impressed, any such flaw is probably not very good.
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for kiev, and for the united states itself, he draws attention, for example, to the very limited capabilities of the american military-industrial complex, into which billions of dollars have been poured, but nevertheless there are limitations, that’s what people from trump’s circle say, precisely his position on ... the ukrainian issue attracted the attention of trump jr., trump jr., trump’s son, was the person who strongly advised his father to pay
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attention to vance, here is one of the characteristic comments with vance’s assessment of what is happening in ukraine. everyone with a brain knows that this can only end in negotiations, the idea that ukraine will push russia back to the borders of 1991 is ridiculous, no one really believes in it... ukraine is functionally destroyed as a country, the average age of an armed forces officer - 43 years is a tragedy, it is in the interests of america to recognize that ukraine will have to cede part of the territory to the russians. we need to end this war and stop the bloodshed, and not pour more and more money into the war. vance has another strong side, he is involved in silicon valley, is connected with rich people from there, helped trump raise money, but there is also a downside . all this, his popularity among conservative people, narrows the electoral field for trump, who now needs to fight for swing states, that is, not
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only for... his native voter, whom trump himself can do quite well to motivate professionally, for undecided people, and they say that the main problem with the figure of vance, the figure of a man who is called a greater trump than trump himself, is that the electoral field for its leader, for that is, for trump himself, it doesn't expand and doesn't work. on that political technology is not part of the political strategy that republicans need to win. republicans, speaking on condition of anonymity, expressed concern about vence's foreign policy positions. his lack of experience and inability to expand the republican coalition beyond the trump base. he was the worst choice of all the options. he was so bad i didn't even think it was possible,” said one
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house republican. representatives, he inspires the same people who love trump, the prevailing opinion is that if trump loses, it will be because of this choice. well , on the contrary, who, of course, is happy about everything, who is happy about such limited tactical and technical characteristics of vance - these are the democrats, they are also fighting for the same swing voter, and if vance isn't helping trump, he's indirectly helping them. haris's ample political experience gives her a new opportunity to criticize trump. this will allow her to highlight trump's age and how close the young thirty-nine-year-old vance is to occupying the oval office if something happens to his seventy-eight-year-old boss. this leaves harris with more room to maneuver. not in vain, among the potential candidates for vice presidency from
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democrats. they name entirely white men, that is, precisely those who, unlike vance , can expand the electorate for the too liberal harris, but if vance is lucky and trump is lucky, he will become the youngest vice president in american history since nixon, november 5 2024, wentz will be only 40 years old, well, again, if trump has it. if everything turns out well, then vance will most likely be considered as the number one candidate for the next presidential election in 2028 from the republican party, this was america, all the best to you, then so-so hides so many unknowns, if we hide it,
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the story of his life is revealed. among the millions of gold coins, no two are the same, they are all different, this is a golden room, 2 tons of gold, in monetary terms it is 13 billion rubles. gold will remain the metal that the country, the state, the people will always need, it’s just an absolutely bare metal from the periodic table, four nines that begin to travel throughout the planet, humanity urgently needs something to be reliable, that’s what -that. gold.
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we were greeted like heroes, the largest exchange since the cold war, how it was prepared, touching footage from vnukov 2, to whom and why did the president address trump in spanish. let's talk about how the rubble is being cleared in nizhny tagil. there are already seven dead, 15 people were saved, what doctors say about the condition of the victims. the world is awaiting escalation in the middle east. the leadership of qatar, led by the emir, attended the funeral of the head of the hamas political guru. airlines are canceling flights to israel. than when - iran will answer. nobody but them, the paratroopers accept congratulations.


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