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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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that the first batch of 16 fighters has already appeared in ukraine, and supposedly they have already begun to carry out combat missions, while in the role of air defense systems, this is stated in ukraine, how will the new miracle weapon, as they call it, apparently affect the alignment forces at the front, we discussed today with the adviser to the head of the dpr igor kimakovsky. igor vladimirovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, i would like to discuss with you important things that happen when you are lazy.
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combat contact, well, simply put, on the front line, it will probably be more it’s correct to call it, and of course, the topic of f-16 worries everyone now, of course, the ukrainian authorities say, well, not even the authorities, more around the power circles, that supposedly they are already flying there and even performing some combat missions in the role of air defense and so on further, what do you know about this, and what do you expect from this new miracle weapon?
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marinka, and this significantly reduces konstantinovka, which is located not far from the enemy’s ability to deliver ammunition by maneuvering, we have had very serious success in krasnogorovka, already the enemy complains on their social and information platforms that they can no longer hold the city, they are retreating to the nearest forest belts, naturally, we are very seriously rejoicing at their success. our guys in the pokrovsk direction and especially in the toretsk direction, this is natserzhinsk, where they are already going into battle in the suburbs of toretsk itself, our derzhinsk, and in fact half of new york has already been occupied, well, not that new york that is still in the united states, yes we already understand, local new york, yes, our new york, and for us this is a very important success, why. that's why
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that this is a fairly large regional center of the donetsk people's republic, which is under occupation, this is such a serious transport hub, from where several roads depart, and if we now take control of these roads so seriously, and in principle it already exists, then this will be enough serious violations in the enemy’s communications are already within their own... as they also report that at this stage it will be enough for them to hold toretsk, well, how could they not be able to provide enough yes, that is , theoretically possible, but practically very difficult, well, yes, practically very difficult, the enemy is also complaining at chasovyar, i will say so carefully, complaining that sabotage reconnaissance groups of the armed forces of the russian federation have already crossed and moved to the western side of the seversky canal.
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i would even, you know, remember those times when the amagura brigade, armed in the formation of ukraine, remember, began to use leopard tanks and... just like that, do you remember what the challenge was, that there was a fight for the first knocked out tank, because there amounts of money, our entrepreneurs they laid out quite serious money and gave away apartments for damaged tanks, so i think that now among our soldiers there are guys whom i know and know a lot of. professionalism - they, of course, will now very seriously try to be the first to hit such an aircraft, and for this there are certain prerequisites, such as, this aircraft is not very maneuverable, i had a chance to see its flights back in
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2011 at the international show in zhukovsky at max 2011 , and since i am quite seriously interested in aviation, i talked with our pilots, from kubinka, from our other flight groups with combat officers, they say that this aircraft is not very maneuverable, because if you compare it with the nik-29, many experts compare it with this aircraft, it is inferior to it in terms of speed indicators and the most important thing is that it is inferior to it in terms of maneuverability, and this is due to the fact that it was still considered by western countries. the f-16 is like a light bomber, one that is an aircraft that carries heavy missiles, and it can really carry missiles into the air that operate at a distance of 110-120 km, this is probably where its main danger lies for now, that is, its main
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task will most likely be on the line of combat contact, to do everything so that our thirty-fourth esushkas do not could fly close and... will be practiced by these planes, and igorevich, well, it turns out that there is still no need to underestimate the enemy, that is , this weapon, of course, it is not a miracle there and so on, but nevertheless, as you stated these long-range anti-aircraft missiles, well, in fact, yes, that is, they are a threat
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to our aircraft, bombers, fighters, and so on, our air targets, and this must be taken into account, and nevertheless, there is now a lot of talk from... is that supposedly they will not be located all in -16 on the territory of ukraine, they will fly from poland to ukrainian airfields, land immediately and take off, and formally they seem to be located, that is, they are attacking our positions precisely from ukrainian territory, and not from polish, conditionally there or some kind of romanian one, but do you think it’s technically possible to do this quickly, i just read some estimates that it would be quite difficult to do, but because you still need maintenance there, and so on and so forth , is there any understanding of the situation here? there is an understanding that indeed they will try different tactics, and this once again confirms that ukraine for the west is not only an outpost of the fight against russia, it is also , you know, such an experimental laboratory site for testing not only various types of weapons, because the f-16 has long
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been understood, how to work with it, how it is shot down, how it flies, namely the use of new tactics, its application, what you just said is the use immediately... of airfields two states to carry out so -called combat missions, but i think that we also have against this, you know, as if there are such iskander tactics, so-called, within the framework of which these jump airfields will also, as i understand it, be covered precisely by our systems, which are fast enough will render airfields unusable, well , we have a fairly large number of means of delivering surface-to-air missiles that are shot down by planes, and i think that even in a zone of 50-60, maybe 70 km from the line of combat contact, these planes will feel far from comfortable, by and large all the ukrainian planes
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that were used as part of combat use on the line of contact, they were shot down precisely over their territory, quite a long distance away, well, it’s clear that rooks, they were shot down, well, actually on line of contact, and such aircraft as the mik-29 and su-27, which... were left to ukraine, unfortunately, as part of the collapse of the soviet union and the collapse of the warsaw pact, these aircraft were shot down, as a rule, in the depths of the enemy’s defense, so i think that at one time our formation unit received manuals on how to knock out leopard and abrams tanks, i read these kinds of manuals, i think that now, if i am visiting our valiant air defense officers. i think they already have such manuals, yes, but we, but we won’t tell anyone about them, of course, what they have written there, of course,
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igor vladimirovich, you know, i still have this question all the time, when reports appear that we shot down another mig-29, i keep wondering how many of them are left there, is there any understanding at all, it’s clear that we collected them from all over europe, scraped the bottom of the barrel somewhere else, there are a lot left in ukraine from the collapse of the ussr and so on, is there any understanding? how many mik-29 and su-27 are left - these were quite common and aircraft in demand not only within the framework of the warsaw pact, they were sold abroad quite actively in certain versions, and i think that they still continue to scrape around the world, the americans are doing this deliberately, why? because if, well , within the framework of sanctions against russia, if some state... loses this kind of aircraft like the mik-29, su-27, then naturally
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american sellers come after that and say: let us get it for you there, for example, f-22 or f35, which cost incredible amounts of money in relation to our aircraft, but does not have sufficient efficiency, only well , in principle, serious electronics, which, in principle, our kulibins do today, that is, upgrading various mik-29 aircraft... that from time to time our missiles fly to their airfields and damage even not only
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during combat missions, but also directly at the airfields such aircraft, yes igorevich, well, we will monitor the developments, we will see how events develop in this direction, you thank you for now, all the best, all the best, goodbye, today we will discuss other important international topics with a professor from...
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the democratic party in the elections in november, as a candidate , it is clear that this is an expected event, but nevertheless there were different rumors, and when i was also on vacation, i saw this news when biden renounced his claims to the american throne. the next day they did a public opinion poll, before that polls showed that kamala harris had some sort of sub-par rating there, what if she becomes the leader of the presidential race, i laughed for an hour, i think how cunningly these guys work because under the democrats all the media are all these agencies that count everything, and yet, do you think it’s possible for trump.
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now the entire powerful, i must say once again , effective propaganda machine of the democratic party has rallied and pushed her forward as a candidate of the party and the so-called democratic electorate heaved a sigh of relief, but do you think the situation in the twentieth year can be repeated, they will paint kamal harris as a victory do you think they will do this?
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will be constrained by means, the end in this case completely and absolutely justifies the means. yes, dmitrivich, well, when they published it, again, i was looking at the news on vacation, trump’s plan was published, well, again, this is, you know, the stuffing of the same pompeo, who now has a very complicated relationship with trump and so on, and so on. many say that this is not a plan at all, this is a stuffing, which, in fact, is simply reconnaissance; such an intelligence function is his. well, that's a bad plan, i don't like it, kamala haris, at least it’s clear from him that we should wait, as our president said, biden is better for us, we already know what kind of person he is, in this case, maybe we need to root for kamala haris, just like in football some kind, although of course, it is still clear that this or that administration does not bring us anything good, this is understandable, but nevertheless, i think what you just
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said is absolutely fair, neither one nor the other administration is not only...
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opponents, one opponent is more or less predictable, i mean biden is not, but kamala haris in this sense will completely replace him, because again it is not kamala haris who decides, as in principle it was not biden who decided, the most important issues, but those who decide, in general, more or less clear to us, the trump administration, if if she comes out win if she. if it takes place, yes, uh, for us it will be a less understandable partner, uh, it’s quite possible to throw from side to side, it’s quite possible to make sudden movements. and so on, so i think we need, generally speaking, to look at what's going on between us and the west, not like the ukrainian crisis, but
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like a long one, well, call it a war, call it, if the word is too scary, like a long confrontation that can and will probably continue, well, roughly speaking, a couple of decades, like this the way i would look at things.
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ready, today she says that she is ready to do something. the united states, the biden administration, well,
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there are probably different points of view here, but in principle, there is a point of view that it is better to agree on something now, to stop the war, uh, leave situation, freeze it approximately the same as it is on the battlefield today with...
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india, look, kuleba’s visit to beijing, mode’s planned visit to ukraine, these are all signals that india does not want to lag behind china, but china wants to secure a place in the first row of superpowers, that is, next to the united states of america, that’s what we’re talking about. in my opinion, well, and some large number of players, let’s say, of medium and small caliber, who also want to stake out some role for themselves, well,
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the laurels of a peacemaker, yes, that’s probably what it’s all about here there would be a big political gain, but for the country it is clear that any conflict ends in negotiations, the question is when, yes, and dmitrievich, but by the way, modi was the first to come to our country, he was true. at least for the presentation of india as he will be focused precisely on the search or as a peacemaker, here there is a big difference,
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a visit. moscow is a strategic visit, this is a visit about russian-indian relations and the world situation, a visit to kiev is, as i already said, an attempt to keep up with the beijing, because the rivalry between dally and beijing is becoming more intense, and the indians, of course, do not want to give all the laurels to china, yes, but i really have not seen the indian plan yet. china has a plan, it was published, in fact, there seem to be no secrets there, well, that official part, in case, there is no indian plan yet, but i think that yes, as you said, we will probably hear it, we will see, when will this visit take place, and dmitry vitalievich, just a few words about the missiles that are here, here i am i saw that in the german parliament, even some of the bundestag say, we don’t need
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missiles, but what do you think? will be posted after all , well, it’s difficult to predict, as they say, especially the future, yes, we are talking about the year 26, you never know, you never know what can happen between the current, current situation and the twenty- sixth year, but we must keep in mind that we we talked here for a few minutes about peace, in fact, in my opinion, the situation continues to worsen, the situation is not going to...
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he said how we will respond, if anything, so everything is fine with us in this regard. thank you thank you very much, let me remind you that we talked with professor, researcher at the higher school of economics, leading researcher at mmo run, dmitry trenin. well, dear friends, with this i say goodbye to you, alexander krievsky, all the best to you, and after a short advertisement, our program will continue to be broadcast by the duty department.
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