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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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gives super discounts and 500 bonuses to everyone , the inditnow refrigerator for only 30.999 is the main expert in technology, when you live at x2 speed without sparing your stomach, duuspatolen duo for pain and bloating, you are not alone, we are duuspalin duo, order on zdravcity. given the exchange of prisoners between russia and nato countries, special attention is paid to the security council. the meeting was chaired by the president and was devoted to international issues. here's the footage, let's start. today we have several issues on the international agenda that concern our side and our interests. speakers, accordingly, the minister of foreign affairs. department and
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director of the foreign intelligence service, but i would ask you, in addition to the planned issues, to discuss the most pressing recent events. the prisoner exchange deal between the united states and russia was clearly a victory for vladimir putin. the russians were able to wrest an excellent, phenomenal deal from biden - donald trump said this. today new details have become known: russia did not forget about its own for a minute, this is special. vladimir putin emphasized. with details, anton podkovenko. negotiation the exchange, which is already called historical , was carried out mainly through the fsb and the cia. the dialogue between russian and american intelligence services was not advertised, as it should be in such cases. exchange, especially at this level, is a very delicate matter. the release of the russians was made possible by the tough position of vladimir putin, namely to exchange, and not extradite , convicted americans as a gesture of goodwill, noted presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him, they tried
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to put pressure on our people there, according to one of the gru employees, the americans tried to influence this a gru employee who was in custody, they found the father of this employee here, and a telephone call was organized, and during the telephone call, the father, contrary to what was expected of him, said: “son, you are doing everything right, hang in there.” there was close interaction with the kgb and the ministry of foreign affairs of belarus, thanks to which, as well as the personal contribution of the president...
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i had a delegation of doctors come in the morning, about 10 people, probably wearing masks, yes, they woke us up at 8:00 in the morning, with a very dramatic kind of said what we got the results of your tests, we have the results of your blood tests, we found a deficiency of vitamin d in them, we only saw the sun through the bars of the windows, so, well, in general - we are actually fine, we did not know when the exchange would take place, but we worked above this. went to the state debt department, collected a package of documents about the client’s health, says igor litvak, lawyer of roman seleznev, who was detained by us secret service agents in the maldives at the age of 14, was found guilty of cyber fraud, and was sentenced to long-term imprisonment, the appeal was denied. he did not receive medical care in america in prisons, so we went to the state debate, we met with them, i sent them some documents and we put pressure on them, no one knew the specific date, but if roman had not returned to his homeland, he would have america...
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would have died in prison, they actually saved his life. tonight, after a ten-year separation, i met my son and, being in such a state of shock, he is in even more... such a state, he pinches his leg and says, dad, this not a dream, i say, not a dream, it brings me to tears, i just have to pay tribute to the special services who carried out this operation at the most complex level with the highest degree of preparation, so no one here, believe me, knew much except those directly involved, so i learned about the result of this operations with you all, lawyers...
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illegal immigrants anna graduated from nizhny novgorod university with a degree in philology, met her future husband at a disco, after the wedding she came to his garrison, they disappeared from the public space, as dultsevs, became argentinean antique dealers in slovenia, ludvik gisch and maria rosa mayermuños, this is called undercover work
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. their children, sofia and daniel, were born abroad after the dultsovs were detained in ljubljana last year, they hardly saw them, there was a real threat of deprivation of parental rights. children of illegal immigrants, intelligence officers, who arrived yesterday, found out that they were russian, only when the plane took off from inkara, they asked their parents yesterday who he was, who was meeting them, because they didn’t even know who putin was, they don’t speak russian they say, and putin greeted in spanish, he said “boynost”. greetings in spanish, and a bouquet from the hands of the head of state, red carpet. the honor guard, everyone who was able to be exchanged, was greeted as heroes who defended the interests of our country and did not break down in prison. the fate of all russians who are currently imprisoned abroad in the united states is a matter of constant concern for the relevant russian agencies, peskov emphasized. the work to
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return our citizens to their homeland will continue. anton topkovenko, lead. army over the course of a week, russia carried out 11 group strikes on military factories in ukraine. assembly shops and storage areas for combat drones, as well as ammunition depots, military echelons and militant deployment points. during this time , zelensky’s formation lost another 13,600 soldiers, mercenary officers, 14 tanks and 42 other armored vehicles destroyed, as well as almost 200 howitzers, self-propelled guns and missile systems, mainly produced by nato countries. air defense forces shot down a mik-29 fighter and a su-25 attack aircraft within a week. 87 attacks of the ukrainian armed forces were successfully repulsed. vladimir putin congratulated airborne forces, personnel and veterans on airborne forces day. a congratulatory telegram was published on the kremlin website. the president
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emphasized: patriotic traditions, loyalty to the oath and military brotherhood help paratroopers solve important tasks during a special military operation. the head of state is confident that vd. they will continue to reliably guard the independence and sovereignty of the country and ensure the defense capability and national security. paratroopers of the dnepr group of troops, who are serving in the special operation zone , deputy minister of defense enusbek yevkurov congratulated and presented state awards to the soldiers who showed courage, heroism and bravery. orders, medals and crosses of st. george, awarded to officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers. the general thanked the paratrooper. for his selfless service he wished him good health and success for the benefit of the fatherland. there are new unrest in britain. in sunderland , several hundred people gathered at a mosque. they are unhappy with the inaction of the police. after
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monday the seventeen year old an african american killed three girls and wounded 10 more people. well, the security forces tried to disperse the protesters and used gas. they fought back, including burning several cars. anti-migrant protests in britain continue throughout the week. on the stage of the bolshoi theater in moscow, the novosibirsk opera and ballet theater presented the most significant premieres. today is swan lake. the role of odette and odile is performed by the famous austrian ballerina prisca zeisel. she was a soloist of the bavarian ballet, but was forced to leave there after a performance in crimea. now zeisel - prima ballerina of the mikhailovsky theater. a wonderful year has passed. and i’m very glad, such, well, a completely new experience for me,
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we danced so much as never before in my life, and i met a lot of interesting people, and the work was very interesting, my training was like that, well, the teachers were russian, i was always very interested and for me, for me, ballet is, well , the russian and well, the smarinsky theater, the bolshoi theater. and it’s just very interesting and there are such wonderful dancers and teachers here and i wanted to teach more and i’m very, very grateful.
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sbermobile does this. humanity has lived on earth for 8 million years, all this time the world around us is constantly changing, regimes are born and die, states appear and disappear, introductions depreciate currency, but there is also something that will never
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change, this is gold, they say it is highly liquid. this means that no matter what happens, gold will always be expensive. liquid - from the latin word flowing liquid. for hundreds and thousands of years, it is gold, the most ductile metal, that has flowed through the arteries of our world, protecting us from a variety of troubles, from the consequences of financial crises, from radiation, even from dangerous diseases and extinction. and at all times, there was and is nothing more reliable than good old gold. gold is a stabilizer of the world economy and financial markets, because the amount of gold is stable. this is a tool of the last resort, the most reliable tool when there is absolutely nothing left. protection from shocks. the national
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currency may depreciate, foreign currency may be frozen. blocked, but it is very difficult to do such things with gold, as the refuge asset confirmed its status, the gold reserve is in the country, in vaults, and in the end no one could do anything with it. gold is one of the universal instruments that has passed test of time, one of the very effective tools for such long-term financial investments. with the exception of money itself , this is probably the second most liquid instrument. its price is quite stable, because the whole world recognizes it as
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an alternative to money, its absolute liquidity, the liquidity of the ability to exchange one thing for money, in any case. a global shutdown of all electricity and lack of payments, the gold is physically lying there. gold has won this status as a material, a commodity that can perform a function money, and any money should have exactly these properties, rare, difficult to counterfeit. at the same time, you can separate, divide the banknote into smaller denominations, at the same time you can combine, and so on. it’s surprising, but gold is precisely the very metal that had these properties and performs the same function of world money to this day. financial
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system, gold plays a fundamental role. gold as an equivalent of money has been used by humanity for thousands of years, the first gold coins were minted even before our era in ancient greece. for many centuries there has not been a more reliable, universally accepted way to pay for a product or service. when going abroad, we take foreign currency with us, what people did before, there was always a risk, the risk that on the way the traveler could be attacked, robbed, the same crusaders during the crusades used this method - to protect
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pilgrims when setting off european, french or english there. to jerusalem, to the holy land, they, in modern language, came to office of the crusaders in their city, they handed over these coins, in return they received, well, something similar to a piece of leather, fabric, where there was a certain imprint, the seal of the crusaders. and they already set off on a journey not with gold and silver coins, but with this tissue of skin. and used it as a payment instrument, that is, if they were attacked by robbers on the road, they could not take anything, because this piece of leather was of no value to them. i had no idea, and in modern terms, it could only be cashed in the office crusader, to some extent, these were the first analogues of our modern bank
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cards that we use today. gold has historically played the role of a reserve stock of funds. almost all government reserves are conventional. people and investors were stored in gold, a physical asset. returning to spain's conquest of the new world, which occurred in the 15th to 17th centuries, gold in continental europe at this time was the most important method of payment. it is clear that gold is changing its function, and its role there in the world economy. constantly fluctuates, let's say, in the 19th century gold in general was, one might say, a means of exchange between countries, used to pay for goods and services,
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then international currencies came, the dollar replaced gold in many ways, but nevertheless its value is still very high , many years. most developed countries of the world recognized the gold standard system. this system means that debts, the national currency, are backed by gold and can be exchanged for it on demand. gold standard protects against inflation, makes the economy stable, but does not allow it to grow. countries began to abandon this system with the outbreak of the first world war. the gold standard monetary system was adopted at the end.
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printing money, and also ensured that this prevented excessive banknotes printed by central banks could be trusted. countries could trust each other's currencies; they were confident that the foreign currency received for goods was backed by real gold bars. the exact dates when the gold standard was abandoned is not exists. why? because it was a process that lasted, i would say, probably throughout the entire 20th century; there were already prerequisites for the abolition of the gold standard.
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the third meeting of the heads of government of the allied powers took place under buildings near berlin. the conversation about the post-war financial system was introduced by three people: stalin, the head of the british ruler churchel and the president of the united kingdom rosvelt. rosvelt, and truman succeeded him, it was these three men who discussed the future of the world financial system. they set the rules according to which the price the dollar is pegged to the price of gold. to be more precise, the price is 35 us dollars per
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troy ounce of gold. the rest of the world's currencies also depend on the dollar, and therefore have an exchange rate set in relation to the price of gold. this system will be used for the next 30 years. in 1965, president of france. american banknotes are less reliable, which is why he appealed to the rules of the imf and, in general, the then american system,
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demanding exchange of money. states of america for gold, which was produced, that is back then, you can even find footage on the internet of how under french ships in american ports, where cash dollars were also loaded, because then there was no such thing, most of the tender mass was then in cash form, and physically and they loaded gold bars accordingly, i think that this was probably also one of the factors that the united states decided to abandon the exchange.
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the only countries that have such an impressive gold reserve are us, this is india and this china, that is, the largest and strongest economy outside the collective west. until recently , the united states of america had the largest gold reserves. in my memory, it was about 7,000 tons, a huge gold reserve, and then china began to increase it very quickly.


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