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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm MSK

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2014, an entrepreneur from severodonetsk went to fight with the nationalists who seized power in kiev, with those who considered the inhabitants of the eastern regions of ukraine to be second-class citizens. in 1914, a period had already arrived when we were divided, that is, nothing could be proven to them, that is, they were incapable of negotiations, that is, that’s all. you are muscovites, you need to be killed, the words of the nation, oh my, my people, deaths from kohl, harmata, division into west and east, and... and one might
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say, it began in the ninety-first year, then propaganda against russia began, it began it is the russian language that is oppressed, in ukraine is to blame for being one sovereign language, ukrainian, playing with the nationalists, who multiplied very strongly, namely... in western ukraine, by the fourteenth year it was already just the apogee of everything, that is, it all poured out into the masses, it all resulted in hatred, today, mariupol children are looking at the textbooks they use. until
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recently, they taught the history of ukraine, and almost every chapter contains lines about the need for confrontation with russia. i now hold in my hands the history of ukraine, the textbook for the eleventh grade that i studied with last year at school, and there is a rather interesting phrase that it was a mistake that was carried out during the communist regime, in the second half of the 20th century. the policy is aimed at alcoholization of the people, which led to physical and moral degradation of some ukrainians. alla gutnikova, a literature teacher at the university of mariupol, has preserved several ukrainian textbooks, which until recently were used to teach the rewritten history of the country. i understand perfectly well that if i open this chapter now, i will read some horrors that are being inspired fifth graders. right here.
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and not the second world war, that is, in this way, you see, children are torn away from their roots. history textbooks printed in kiev claim that ukrainian national identity goes back to the middle ages, and that ukrainians are the true descendants of the slavs, and even the ancient scythians, who once lived on these lands, were also supposedly ukrainians. books have appeared that prove our origins from the inhabitants of atlantis. from the etruscans, from the amazons and so on, i don’t mind our origins from the etruscans or sumerians, i like all peoples, including the berendeys and pechenegs, but there’s nothing to say about the amazons. leonid kuchma, book ukraine is not russia. at the very beginning of the existence of independent ukraine, its
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political elite determined for themselves the need to create a ukrainian historical myth, that is, where the ukrainian land came from. american scientists consider ukrainians to be the most ancient nation in the world, the ancient indian language sanskrit is close to ukrainian, as well as the geographical names of the western and southern countries of the peoples, probably indicate that the ancestors of modern french, spaniards, portuguese, jews and turks could have come to these lands from ukrainian golichy. here is the most famous textbook on the history of ukraine for the seventh grade, the oldest period in ukrainian history... but it lasted over 140,000 years. on the next page we literally read the appearance of homo sapiens, about 35-40 thousand years ago, that is, when the monkeys came down from the trees and were met by the ancient ukrainians. the ukrainian myth was built around this, and then,
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in fact, came the efforts of local historians, that jesus christ was a ukrainian, because he is galiyain, which means he is a golician, which means that ukrainians built the pyramids. they crushed with tanks and shot with grenades the mariupol residents who did not agree with the results of the coup. and after only 8 years of such training, young mariupol residents who came under the pressure of propaganda and went to serve in the nationalist azov battalion, without
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hesitation, covered themselves with local residents as a human shield and destroyed their hometown. but the most offensive thing is that these were all azov residents, they were all mariupol residents. as if you had said it on purpose, as if
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the production had worked, no one would have believed it, they recognized me, a famous ukrainian journalist...
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now katsaba lives in new york, where he was forced to flee from the new ukrainian authorities, and is already watching from abroad, how in his former country pressure is mounting on anyone who does not share their vision. this is the 10th article of the constitution, and it designates the ukrainian language as a single state,
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which guarantees the strong development of the russian and other languages. laws prohibiting teaching and the spread of the russian language were introduced in ukraine almost immediately after the 2014 coup. you are breaking the law. for 1 day you are guilty.
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polish historian jankowski takes us through the center of the former capital of the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, which controlled the western regions of ukraine almost until the end of the 16th century. it was here that the polish authorities began their ongoing irreconcilable war against orthodoxy and the russian language. it would not have been possible to lead to the current situation without the support of western intelligence services, since it was complex multi-stage operation. at first it was about the state independence of ukraine, then about changing identity, and also about promoting the ukrainian language. in any case, at each stage the range of what was supposed to distinguish ukrainians and russians increased. the plan to separate ukraine
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from russia could have been completed 200 years ago, but by the end of the 18th century, poland ceased to exist as an independent state. it was precisely the situation of the orthodox population in the polish-lithuanian state, the difficult situation that led to the fact that... in the end finally, in the 18th century, this issue was also resolved as a result of the partitions of poland ; the territory of almost all of ukraine then became part of the russian state; all attempts to forcibly instill catholicism were stopped. most of the territory of ukraine came under the control of the russian empire, only galicia, transcarpathia and bukavina, populated by russians, or as they said then, rusyns, went to austria-hungary.
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in 1848, the governor of galicia, count franz von stadion, ordered the inhabitants of galicia russian conditions. you can count on government support only if you want to be an independent people and refuse national unity with the people outside the state, namely in russia, that is, if you want to be ruthenians, not russians, it will not harm you. if you accept a new name in order to distinguish yourself from russians living outside austria, they promoted ukrainized personnel in...
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church slavic and russian influence is so great that it threatens to completely supplant the local language and local literature. but the inhabitants of galicia were in no hurry to switch to the latin alphabet, then the austrian authorities decided to form a new language spelling system based on the so-called kulesh alphabet, created in the mid-19th century for the little russian dialect. teachers at lvov university, who... were tasked with inventing a new language, complained about how difficult it was to invent it. each of the few professors at lviv university who occupy departments teaching in ukrainian has their own special, independent scientific terminology, its own special, independent and native language, the ukrainian language. in essence, not a language,
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only an artificial mixture of russian, polish , and arbitrarily invented ukrainian words and expressions. repressions against the rusyn population in austria-hungary were carried out on a systematic basis, the main goal of these repressions was to suppress their, let’s say, pro-russian identity. in those years, the austro-hungarian maximum program was to assimilate the rusins. the minimum program is to create from them an ethnos opposite to the russian people. to do this in the environment rusinov carried out propaganda of the greek catholic faith. various educational programs were also conducted for this purpose.
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the prosvit structure itself was created as a network of conspiratorial nationalist groups of the intelligentsia, which was supposed to chew on, as they say, the common people, the meaning, essence and prospects for creating a nationalist ukrainian state. peasants sent their children to the prosvita for education, and some went there themselves to learn the ukrainian language, austrian banks issued loans only to those who spoke the new language language. called himself ukrainian. it was difficult for the peasant to immediately cross himself from russin to ukrainian; it was difficult for him to trample on what was sacred and dear to him. it was even more difficult for him to understand why ukrainian professors somehow vaguely, cunningly prodigally change russia into ukraine and confuse one name with another. with all their being, the people realized that what was happening was untruth, falsehood, and treason. from the end of the 19th century to
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the already revolutionary event of this year. in this territory, 300 russian schools were closed and destroyed, that is, the war was literally with with all the sprouts and manifestations of russian. on july 28 , 1914, the first world war began. almost immediately, the austrian authorities declared the orthodox rusins, who then lived in galician russia, to be accomplices of the russian empire, which was at war with germany and austria-hungary, and began to say...
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“you must be hanged or shot.” this is how thousands of russians ended up in austrian prisons. the ukrainians, reformatted by the enlightened and greek catholic church, were engaged in the search for the destruction of the enemies of the austro-hungarian empire. everyone who spoke was arrested in russian, called himself russian and even simply read russian newspapers. austrian soldiers carry ready-made nooses in their knapsacks and anywhere, on trees, in huts, in barns, they hang all the peasants who are denounced by the ukrainian philos for considering themselves russian. gallic russia turned into a gigantic, terrible golgotha. tens of thousands of russians were locked up in the first concentration camps in european history, telergov and terezin. more than 60 thousand people died here from torture and starvation. part of the carpathian-russian people among the heavy
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suffered on the altar of her common homeland, native russia, her life, and the other did a shameful and crafty deed, the deed of the conscious fratricide cain. the role of these people's traitors, the so-called ukrainians, during the first world war is well known. the ethnic composition completely changed, that is, people became... some returned naked, they were undressed, some returned covered in blood, many disappeared without trace, at the mariupol airport i know there were two burial grounds where they
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threw the corpses, and then this whole territory was filled with concrete. mariupol resident kiril felichkin was arrested in 2014 for working in a company that broadcast russian television programs. for this , kirill spent almost 3 years in a secret prison created by the ukrainian special services. unlike hundreds of other prisoners of the secret prison, they did not kill, but they were brutally tortured, hung by their legs from the ceiling, hung on hooks
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like carcasses, kirill emerged from captivity disabled, the ukrainian military could not get him to confess to crimes he did not commit, but they seriously mutilated the prisoner, thumbs, they just broke me so that i would say the text, the text... which he needs, and he cut my tendons so that supposedly i wouldn’t pull the trigger, although we didn’t have weapons, just like today, helping ukraine with weapons and money, germany did not hide its goals in the first world war, to tear away its western territories from russia, to push moscow away from the black sea, to create a russophobic buffer state west of the dnieper.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open, look. russian channels - all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we look, look in the application or on the website. hit yourself on the head. you have a cell that goes where you need it, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, light, soon!
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there is mourning in nizhny tagil today, as a result of the collapse of two entrances, 10 people died, including five children, 11 people remain in hospitals, the search operation has been completed, residents will be paid half a million rubles for the loss of property, the amount of compensation was increased by the regional authorities. in addition, three independent experts will check the suitability of living in the house. the united states is transferring an aircraft carrier strike group and additional cruisers and air defense systems to the middle east. the american media claim that tehran is about to strike tel aviv. the wall street journal, citing its sources,
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writes that such an attack. the quote will be quick and tough. the islamic revolutionary guard corps released photographs of the missile, saying it would reach israel in 12 minutes. tsahal promise massive retaliatory strikes. new footage from the special operation zone showed our anti-aircraft gunners shooting down an american atak ms tactical missile. she was amazed by the calculation of the beech complex. other targets of the ukrainian armed forces are also destroyed, from combat aircraft to drones. buki strikes as soon as the all-round station detects enemy objects. the trump-hari debate will likely take place on september 4 in pennsylvania. at least this is what the republican agreed with the fox news channel. the broadcaster is now waiting consent from the vice president. the former owner of the white house also insisted that there be an audience in the hall, which is exactly what joe biden, who dropped out of the race, was afraid of. the june debate with trump took place with only two presenters.


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