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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 3, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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who greeted me with the words: where is your revolution? in the usa, stetsko and his associates will also receive support at the highest level. this photo is nearby.
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in 2004, the presidential elections in ukraine were won by viktor yanukovych, a native of russian-speaking donetsk and a supporter of friendly relations with moscow. viktor fedrych was given for yanukovych. in response,
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the pro-western opposition brings thousands of its supporters to the streets of kiev, they demand to cancel the election results, dressed in the colors of their political leader viktor yushchenko. that's why this coup will be called the orange revolution. in those years, journalist ruslan katsaba was one of the protesters on kiev independence square. i was a participant in all the maidans that took place in ukraine. the orange revolution, then the so-called euromaidan, also a revolution of dignity, although there was no dignity there. the demands of the protesters , supported by european american ambassadors, were heard. there was a violation of the constitution in ukraine.
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his wife, ekaterina chumachenko, a us citizen , is a prime example of how americans spent years raising the future elite for the former soviet republics to understand the meaning of this.
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chumachenko was concluded for love or for convenience is now unprincipled, but it was with their coming to power in 2004 that
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the active nazification of ukraine began. katherine claire chumachenko participated in the activities of many non-profit organizations in ukraine in the early nineties, in russia. glory to ukraine. thus, a project begun by the third reich, continued by the united states, through the hands of ukrainian nationalists integrated into the us security apparatus, carried out through a decade of the cold war,
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ended in success in 2004. just 10 years later, the processes begun during yushchenko's presidency led to a new coup d'etat. the ensuing civil war in donbass. a former official of the government of the ousted yanukovych, rostislav ishchenko, recalls how after the coup d'etat in 2014, of all power structures , the security forces were the first to begin.
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and most importantly, to form personnel. in the winter of 2022, despite all diplomatic efforts and the reluctance of the ukrainian authorities to seek a compromise with the residents of the rebel regions led to the escalation of the conflict. zelensky provoked the war, he essentially acted as an instrument, as if a weapon, in this war against russia, that is, essentially america, the united states, where we are now and... in the century of ukraine, an anti-russian state and how can he create a project on the current territory end for all its inhabitants?
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throw it, throw it, bro, i’m in my field, i’m everything, bro, i’m everything.
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a subscription from berprai, plus two top categories of cashback, 1% on everything. twice as many bonuses every month, sberbank is more profitable with prime. this is russia 24 and we continue to talk about the main thing. today , victims in nizhny tagil are receiving all the necessary assistance. funds have been allocated. elimination of the consequences of a gas explosion in a residential building the governor of the sverdlovsk region reported to vladimir putin's house by phone. this was announced by presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. the rescue operation was completed, the head of the region, evgeny kuyvyshev , said that thanks to the coordinated work of rescuers , 16 people were rescued from the rubble. the examination of the partially collapsed house will be completed by august 11, then the question of the fate of the building will be decided. let me remind you that on august 1, a gas exploded in a five-story building, two entrances collapsed, and nine people were killed. today
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is grass day in nizhny tagil. iranian authorities claim that the head. hamas, ismail haniyeh, was killed by a short-range missile. the islamic revolutionary guard corps today refuted the western media's version of the explosion of a bomb planted inside a residence in tehran. let me remind you that one of the hamas leaders died on july 31 as a result of an assassination attempt. iran blames israel and the united states for the attack. the jewish state does not comment on the situation. the islamic revolutionary guard corps vowed to punish. iran refuses to negotiate with arab mediators, they are trying to prevent full-blown conflict. the united states is sending additional cruisers, spacecraft and air defense systems to the middle east.
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it is not prohibited from smira, no comments. why viktor mokhov may not be punished for concealing a murder in his house, and what is happening now with the bunker in which he spent his time starving and raping two captives. gray market of sim cards as a separate one. criminal industry, why are you running away, god, what are you looking at, how do you not want to pick it up, when a sim card becomes a tool for criminals and how is the new law adopted state duma will help in the fight against telephone scammers and terrorists? 3 million rub. for a place in the cemetery. everything went through the cash register, through the checking account. how did the former adviser to the mayor of sochi and his accomplices make a fortune from people’s grief and how did they expose the probable members of the funeral group? 250 million rubles. more than fifty real estate properties and twenty cars.
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the court seized the property of the deputy head of the main department of the ministry of emergency situations of russia for the krasnodar territory, sergei simonenko and his relatives. according to the information agency, employees of the prosecutor general's office intend to confiscate all these assets for state income, since the property allegedly could have been purchased with money received as bribes. family. owns not only apartments, but also offices; their fleet of vehicles includes many premium brands. according to media reports, simonenko was detained this week in a corruption case. and in another high-profile arrest of the week in moscow on thursday , the general director of the vaentork joint-stock company, vladimir pavlov, and his alleged accomplice timur isaakov were taken into custody. they are accused of stealing 400 million rubles when delivering to the ministry of defence. a defendant in a criminal case allegedly. at three roads they were selling hygiene kits for soldiers, how the deception was revealed, galina hungureeva found out. the construction is not finished yet, but it is already
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obvious: almost a palace should appear here, endless stairs leading up, in one of the rooms a frame for a swimming pool is ready. these shots are on screen for the first time; they were filmed in the future home of businessman timur isaakov. but the completion of a large-scale project is in jeopardy. businessman detained in multi-million dollar theft case upon deliveries. for the ministry of defense. the mansion under construction is located in the elite suburban complex kazenki near moscow. the area is closed, at the entrance of the checkpoint. mercedes and range rovers drive slowly around. at the entrance there is a two-level fountain. but even from behind the high fence, three-story palaces with columns are visible. strict security watches over everyone who appears on the horizon. is it possible to walk on the premises? only with permission. this week , searches took place at isakov’s place. the security forces granted general permission to the elite village on rublyovka director of the joint stock company vnto. vladimir pavlov, he is the main defendant in a criminal case of large-scale theft. according to investigators, pavlov and his accomplices purchased hygiene kits for military personnel of the nssr at one price, and
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sold them to the ministry of defense at several times the price. this is how pavlov himself used to talk about his work. when a person joins the army, he should receive the same conditions, well, in ordinary, at least peaceful life, yes, in the service, he should receive the same conditions that we have in civilian life. this is done by everyone, that is, you know, i would n’t even say the word team, i’ll say this, the army is more powerful, but behind every case there is an army of people, as reported by the russian ministry of internal affairs, vladimir pavlov and his accomplices from 2019 to 2022 concluded government contracts for the supply of hygiene kits, products were purchased from manufacturing companies through a controlled organization, initially the cost of all shipments amounted to 220 million rubles, but... funds in a particularly large amount
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from the budget of the russian federation in the execution of government contracts for needs of the ministry of defense of the russian federation. investigators of the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia have charged them with committing crimes under the fourth part of article 159. that is, fraud committed by an organized group on an especially large scale. the hygiene kits that appear in the criminal case are called nsssr officer kits and were introduced into the voentorg range in 2014. it includes the most necessary personal hygiene items, kits that were supplied at inflated prices and were intended for conscripts. struggle corruption and theft in the army continues. a new, yet another, extremely annoying and shameful fact. in no case do i want to cast a shadow on the entire general staff. we have a huge number of generals, the most honest ones, for whom... never
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during their 30 years of service has a speck of corruption, even a shadow of corruption fallen, but there are people, uh, who milk their position, that is, turn it into an income system. of course, this speaks of a decline in conscience; behind the black impenetrable fence behind which the main building of vaentorg is located, there is now a calm. about when it comes to arrests, people here prefer to speak in a low voice. during the search, amon’s fighters were met by taken aback employees; in one of the rooms there was a silent mannequin. in military uniform, here you could choose a special uniform, summer and winter options, and conclude a supply contract at a round table. the employees were asked to leave and all documentation was confiscated. we all go out into the corridor. by the way, the joint stock company voentorkh, where the investigative actions took place , has nothing to do with the stores of the same name, where they sell equipment for security forces. there is nothing in common with the famous building on the raised street in the capital, back at the beginning of the 20th century.
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the largest voentorg trading house was built on this site. afterwards , due to damage, the building was demolished and a new one was rebuilt. nowadays there is a shopping and office center here. and this building of the joint stock company veintor, a commercial organization, one of the largest suppliers to the ministry of defense, provides food to the military, sews uniforms, and provides household services. vladimir pavlov has headed voentork since 2012. the structure of the enterprise includes several subsidiaries. voentorg vostok, vointorg center, vointorg moscow. according to a number of media reports, last year they supplied products to the military for a total amount of more than 2 billion rubles, but in 2024 the number of orders decreased sharply, in the first half of the year the amount of contracts did not reach 100 million. it is quite possible that this is due to inspections. one of the accused was, respectively, the head of a state company, the joint-stock company voentork, at the same time he supported, as can be seen from the results of operational activities, maintained relations with the beneficiary
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of the companies that were based. delivered under escort in handcuffs, pavlov came in a glass box with his nssr, a bottle of water and a detective novel by the famous swedish writer stig larson. timur isakov, unlike a possible accomplice, did not hide his face and defiantly looked into the eyes of the participants in the process. in total, the ministry of internal affairs conducted more than 60 searches in different regions of the country. pavlov had to leave his cozy mansion. timur isakov will not finish finishing his palace soon. the court sent both of them to pre-trial detention until a criminal case is being investigated. galina khungureeva, vladimir bazov, dmitry kanovalov, alexey gorshkov, dinara isipova and andrey netreba, lead the duty unit. owners of blogs and telegram channels whose audience exceeds 10 thousand subscribers will be required to transfer data about themselves to rossomnadzor. the corresponding bill, state duma deputies adopted a speech on tuesday about
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the fight against the so-called crime. anonymity, when unknown authors hide behind fake accounts and publish unverified information, sometimes intentionally. now, if an anonymous blogger does not want to show his real face, then he will not be able to place advertising on his page to collect money. well, one of the most anticipated changes from next year will tighten the rules for the sale of sim cards, no more than twenty in one hand for russian citizens and no more than ten for foreigners. these measures, according to deputies,... by the way, the number of crimes using gray sim cards is growing by 40% per year, something needs to be done about this, as the gray market for sim cards has become...


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